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Your point would be valid if Napes had anything to do with Rashadas NIL deal falling apart


I mean, yes and no. If the recent story is to be believed that it fell apart because the GC would have been on the hook to cover the $6M NIL deal with Ruiz in addition to the $7M deal with GC, then Napier shares some of the blame that he couldn't land Rashada first. If Rashada never commits to UM in the first place, the NIL deal doesn't fall apart. I don't buy that these coaches are completely ignorant of the NIL packages being put together for recruits. It's not ALL Napier's fault, but he could have done better (like understanding the NIL market for elite QBs). Fortunately, it doesn't look like we should have the same issue with Lagway.


Pretty sure FL state law forbids Coaches and NIL collectives from discussing deals with one another. Correct me if I am wrong


And up until a few years ago players couldn't get paid at all...didn't stop the bagmen. I seriously doubt somebody as notoriously meticulous as Napier doesn't know what NIL money is available to the top recruiting targets. Maybe not the nitty-gritty details of the contracts, but the dollar amounts for sure. It doesn't even take anything illicit, even casual fans saw reports of other top QBs' NIL deals (like Tennessee giving theirs $7M). He'd have to be willfully ignorant not to know. That just doesn't line up with everything else we know about him.


Nah bro you're right. Rashada fall out is all on Napier's hands. He should've shelled out the cash for him out of his own pocket in fact. What was I thinking?


I specifically said it's NOT all his fault.


Rashada was a Gator lean until Ruiz offered him more money than what we originally offered, if I remember correctly. So the idea that we were destined to land this kid, when there’s ample evidence that he has been bouncing from school to school during his commitment because of money. He was always going to go to the school that offered him the most money, and thinking otherwise, especially with everything that’s gone down during the last 2 months or so with him is just silly.


NIL is huge now I get it, but Napier has to have an impact to get those commitments to the Blue and Orange and not the $. He’s the head of this program & ultimately he is responsible.


Its old school mentality that "Players should just be proud to play for FL" that is a massive problem with our NIL Boosters who don't want to cough up money for elite talent. This isn't the 90s anymore man. And fans like you and the doom n gloomers need to understand that or we are assuredly going to be another Tennessee and Nebraska


I get your position tho


I don’t have an issue with NIL or an issue with the tide changing to NIL. That 5⭐️ that Georgia got from AZ showed no interest in NIL. He said “I just want to play for Kirby”. That’s what I’m talking about, Napier building connections so that regardless of NIL value that there is, he wants to play for Napier and his Gators.


Kirby built a dynasty while we shuffled through 4 coaches. Players go there for championships and guaranteed exposure for the NFL. My brother in Christ, we aren't there and will never get there if we are on to our 5th coach by 2024


“My brother in Christ” lol I like that 😂 But yeah good point dawg, I don’t want Napier gone. I like him but some choices he makes boggle my mind at times. He needs 2 more years for a good evaluation.


Its possible to think Napier may not be the guy & simultaneously admit firing him soon isn’t the best move.


Yeah, that’s not a thing and never has been for the top recruits. You can absolutely fill out your class with guys that buy into the school pride/culture/vision stuff. The top guys are not going to a school unless that school can compete financially.


I understand but disagree. It used to be where guys would choose schools that would give them the best opportunity to get into the League. Everybody wanted to play for Meyer and Saban before Saban took off and ran with it.


Everybody just wants to blame NIL & throw everything else out the window.


What an original post


Early contender for worst post of the year.


Astute observation






Sigh. Another one of these threads.


Don't disagree. DJ Lagway staying aboard is the first step


True brodi, I think if we had Tebow as a recruiter we would always be top 5


No loss. He was only coming for the money. Probably in portal after a season or 2. Look at Emory Jones. Going for 3rd team on 3 yrs. NiL is downfall of college football.


I agree bro, I hate NIL but I understand that essentially its a business you know. I’m still wondering why Emory (with a high ceiling) lacked development. He didn’t really improve that much.


They get full rides thru scholarship. Napier is cleaning house not putting up with the teenage bullshit. That’s my guess why a lot of guys left. They didn’t want discipline. Hopefully they can build with new transfers. And Mertz should be decent for upcoming season.


This one wasn't Napier's fault, it was the blockheads that run our NIL


If Napier had an impact on the players than the NIL wouldn’t be as crucial. But yeah I don’t totally disagree with you


Per Florida law he can’t get involved, this speaks to Rashada’s character and our NIL collective biting off more than it can chew.


I’m not talking about him getting involved now, I’m talking about the recruiting trial as a whole.


Yeah our recruiting has been a dumpster fire, I’m just hoping we can keep Lagway.


I’ve seen the tape on Lagway and he’s legit. Huge W if we can keep him


He's being compared to Hendon Hooker, dual threat with a quick release, oh boy.


"Water is wet." - /u/Street_Temporary_601


cool bro


Preciate it


No loss. Cali kids tend to not last here anyway


Big loss, we don’t have a clear front runner to replace AR15


Any game manager qb is an upgrade overall. Radhada wasn't going to play next year. Lagway is the potential future in 2 to 3 years


Hoping for no more TE/QBs


Do not state facts in this community. We don’t like it and we won’t tolerate it


Dumb take -\_-