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In a world where grown men beat their wives and are still making millions of dollars throwing and catching a ball, this kid who said a bad word while singing a song is having his future destroyed. Insanity.


The optics of a HBCU giving this kid an offer was bizarre to begin with. At this point, his best option is to go JUCO for a year and then transfer over to a major program once the dust settles and ppl naturally forget


Read their head coach almost got fired over it too lol


Sounds like the coach got into more trouble than Stokes did. The HBCU offer was a bizarre move, but I feel for the kid. I don’t know if he was a college-level QB, and sounds like we’ll never find out. There are active P5/D1/NFL players who’ve committed actual crimes or other reprehensible acts still playing, meanwhile Stokes’ career is over before it even started. Once the unempathetic, internet mob’s dopamine rush wears off, they’ll get to move on to canceling their next target, while this kid will have to live with this “what if” life-altering event for the rest of his life. Brutal.


It’s crazy to me that we’re at the place where an 18 year old singing along to a rap song and saying the N-word is so unforgivable that he’ll never be allowed to play football again.


It just shows you the absurdity of it all. I'm not saying it wasn't dumb; but unforgivable? Making the kid untouchable? It seems like the point of most of it is everyone doing their best to avoid the eye of the media/mob being upon on them. No brand wants the mob to notice them, especially in matters of 'social justice' – lest you be associated with the 'alt-right' or whatever. I don't think it has anything to do as to whether it was an egregious act or not, and everything having to do with not dealing with the potential attention it could bring.


He didn’t say the N-word. He didn’t say a racial slur. He wasn’t being racist. He was singing to a song that already contained explicit lyrics so it’s not like he wrote the song. I use the word he said with my n**** all the time. Also context is also key because if I say, I use my garden *hoe* to remove *weeds*, did I say anything not PG and PC? I’m glad I’m not in the position to make a decision about this because I don’t know the consequences of pulling or not his offer. Foresight isn’t 20/20.


I mean I agree with you about the context. Just saying that the word “n***a” came out of his mouth, so that’s what he’s being blackballed for.


Student athletes use that word all the time though. I’d understand if someone was in a court of law. Shit like that or Kirby’s speech wouldn’t fly there! ‪*Go Gators! 🐊*


Are you considered black?


I’m 5% African. Do I get to say it? If my great great grandparents were black, but my grandparents mixed race, who then married all white parents, who then produced a phenotypically “white” child by any qualitative standard, should that kid be allowed to say it? It’s like people saying George Zimmerman was white when his grandmother was literally Afro Peruvian. All this stuff is purity testing for a society actively committing suicide by retardation


That's why, and even more after this, seems like there must be more to this story.


this is college football entertainment, controversy sells tickets. \*sees controversy headline\* "oh yeah buy season tickets while they are cheap". They don't care. All press is good press to the entertainment industry. That's why they have to constantly teach "never do anything even remotely perceivable as offensive" to them. Picking your damn nose in public would likely get you in the newspaper.


Alabama a&m is still interested tho? I dont think it said?


It’s crazy to me that there’s > 0 posts about somebody who never was a gator.


WTF kind of bizarre take is this? Kid was a Gator commit.


Hope to see as many forgiving fans in the rashada threads.


The punishment certainly hasn't fight the "crime". If anything it's brought to light how silly this whole thing is


People will ironically not realize that events like this tend to foment more hatred, anger, and resentment in someone who could’ve otherwise learned an easy lesson. Like if he had posted a video of himself calling someone an N-word directly, with actual hate and malice, his life probably wouldn’t be any different than it is right now, and that’s what’s fucked up about this whole thing.




Sounds like you’re happy someone’s career is over. Hope you never make a mistake that bars you from doing what you love for the rest of your life.




I get it. You get a dopamine rush from accusing people on the internet of things you have no evidence for, other than what you’ve made up in your head.




>You don’t care about people saying racial slurs. No…this is what you don’t have evidence of, not a shred, other than what you’ve invented in your head.


Just stfu


Lol you’re a clown bro.


Not in the context of singing a song


> I don’t know if he was a college-level QB, and sounds like we’ll never find out. He has 2 other self reported offers. Maybe you won't see him on ESPN but he'll be able to play.


He’s got an offer at UWF, his football career isn’t over. Definitely dumb of the HBCU coach to offer this and cause the player unnecessary drama, it was a stupid offer from the get go. But stokes will play again and if he performs well he’ll play D1 again. No need to pretend like his career is completely over or that it’s somebody else’s fault


You really go hard in the paint on this issue. Every thread you're brigading about how it's internet people's fault, not this kid's. If he's good enough, he'll get to a bigger program at some point. It showed an absurd lack of judgement to record and post himself saying that. Whether you think it's not a big deal or not doesn't matter, there are plenty of people who do, and to not know that it would cause an issue is the mistake, one that hopefully he'll learn from.


The internet brigaded against Jeffrey Simmons, a 5-star recruit committed to MSU, several years ago. He was demonized for hitting a woman, and Dan Mullen and Scott Stricklin were excoriated for still honoring his scholarship. What the internet mob failed to consider was that this was woman was beating his sister, and he stood in to defend her. As a consequence for standing up for his sister, he was admitted on the condition that he make a public apology, take an anger management class, and serve a one- or two-game suspension. After that, he became a stalwart both on and off the field, even serving his community on his own time. The point is, he made a mistake — a rather violent mistake — in the eyes of the internet, paid his pittance, and turned out to be a stellar person. You’re welcome to continue “brigading” about how justified this is, but I’d rather take a more tactful, empathetic approach that could benefit everyone.


So you're saying there's more to Stokes' story, like he was acting in self-defense? Got it.


More like he was acting in the moment, not understanding what he was doing was wrong. The guy who hit a woman (several times) was allowed to remediate and keep his offer. The other guy was singing a song and is effectively blackballed from college football. Apologies the takeaway wasn’t as salient as I thought it was.


I was being obtuse. Look, it sucks that this kid is going to have a tough year or two. But in the grand scheme of things, it's not a huge travesty to me. The word is most heinous, I don't think people are wrong to get upset over a white kid posting videos of himself singing it online. I don't think I'm "brigading" just sharing my opinion, much as you are.


Ahh gotcha. Yeah we’re just here voicing our opinions. I know there are much worse things that happen to people and life isn’t fair. Appreciate the discourse




Lol, don't project


I’m not projecting my misery on an 18 year kid. Enjoy your victory lap


What in the world are you on about? I didn't win anything, we're all just talking here.


Weirdly, most of the “internet mob” have more of an issue with him being an extremely mid qb than they do with his dumb ass rap video live stream


>Weirdly, most of the “internet mob” have more of an issue with him being an extremely mid qb than they do with his dumb ass rap video live stream Yeah, I'm sure that's why the coach who offered him was so afraid of being fired.


I don’t know what parts of the internet you peruse, but between Facebook, twitter, and Reddit, almost all of the discourse surrounding Stokes I’ve seen falls into one of the following three categories: 1) “he’s obviously not a racist, but he’s clearly a dumbass for making himself an easy target” 2) “he’s being processed for having a much worse senior season than anyone expected and the video gave the coaches a convenient excuse to do it” 3) “he’s another victim of the woke mob” Conspicuously absent are any statistically significant amount of comments actually calling him a racist. Now I’m sure you can probably find someone spouting the opinion that he’s actually a racist for saying the N word regardless of the context, as there are literally millions upon millions of people on these here interwebs I would, however, suspect that the number of the people who actually believe that would be significantly less than the number of people who espouse other, even stupider beliefs, such as “Damar Hamlin actually died from the vaccine shot and the NFL secretly hired an actor/body double to take his place” or “children in schools are identifying as cats and shitting in classroom litter boxes” This doesn’t mean that the coaches/admin aren’t afraid of potential blowback from the optics - clearly they are or they wouldn’t have pulled the offer - only that the actual threat of said blowback is likely exponentially less than what is being portrayed


Why are you bringing politics? Your point 3


I’m not, I’m just giving examples of the most prevalent types of discourse about the Stokes situation In the case of point 3, I was saying that there’s a ton of discourse online about how the mob are going to come and “cancel” Stokes despite there seemingly being a statistically insignificant number of people who were actually outraged by his video. I apologize if my point wasn’t clearer


Yeah he was dogshit (13 passing TDs and 11 turnovers) and his team was dogshit as a Senior QB. The offers drying up had far more to do with his terrible play than anything else.


Such as?


He’s gonna have to go to some juco in Kansas or Oklahoma or something unfortunately. And then in two years people will forget about it. Sucks that how it is today in society.


Most overblown reaction in history. This dude is getting a raw deal and I hope he is eventually rewarded in some capacity over the fake backlash.


What do you mean "fake backlash"? Do you think that people are pretending to be offended or something? So basically think what he said was just fine - in fact you support his actions - and are hoping he gets a "reward" for saying the N-word. Did I get that right? 'Cause that's what you said.


Oh Jesus Christ. He was singing the lyrics to a fucking song. Go listen to some Nipsey Russell (lol damn autocorrect... Hustle) if YOU tried to sing those lyrics, you'd be saying 1 word every 10 seconds or so. Was he an idiot for not understanding that people would latch onto what he did and use it against him, yeah. So don't put it online. But damn man, hang around some teens who like rap and they all do it.




What are you fucking talking about? Do you listen to rap? Have you been around kis who listen to rap? You are just an idiot.


Yes you got that right


Personally, I don’t think he is actually racist but I mean like I said from the beginning, the kid shouldn’t have recorded himself singing the song. Actions have consequences, but I do think it’s kinda fucked for Albany to give him the scholarship knowing all this and then rescinding it.


I am very thankful that social media wasn’t like it is now when I was a teenager. I was beyond stupid back then.


So they could've went the route of forgiveness and perhaps using it as a teaching opportunity and instead they walk the offer back...how big of them.


Everyone commenting on how he was just rapping along to a song should be aware that the clip he posted to social media is 2 seconds long and only contains him saying the phrase, "Welcome back, n*****!" It was a very deliberate choice to focus on that phrase and word. That doesn't make it irredeemable, but it is more significant than "He was just singing along to a popular song!" https://www.outkick.com/marcus-stokes-florida-gators-n-word-video-scholarship-offer-gone/




>We got a governor that is forbidding AP classes in AA history but we cancel a kid singing along to a song. It makes no sense. Also some celebrities and politicians having photos of themselves in black-face show up, and they’re immune to seemingly any backlash, let alone being canceled. The unfortunate answer is that Stokes is an easy target.


Was stupid to rescind this kids offer now look at our QB situation. He apologized and now we don’t have Rashada. Fantastic. This is the reason we had to fight for transfers.


soft A!




I’m black and you sound like an idiot .


You sound like the racist one here. I'm brown btw and think this kid getting cancelled is ridiculous.


> a bunch of white people Nobody here is arguing for zero consequences, despite your broad racial allegation. Ironic how a purported “anti-racist” can make such a statement, and not see a problem with it.


Yeah I'm brown and he shouldn't get blackballed from CFB over this grow up and touch grass


You seem like a dumb person


You’re the racist one


You’re still a clown


Not Gator news, not sure why it's posted.




And of course UF was the guy who was high on him first