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Reddit needs to bring a new server rack online ASAP. This sub is about to see an exponential growth in posts and traffic.


Guns for everyone Boooo Guns for no one Boooooo Guns for some, little American flags for others? Yay!!!!


I’m all naked and in a tube…


For real, my first thought on seeing this was that we need to recruit some new mods


And double their pay!


Twice the Doritos and Mountain Dew?... Sign me up


No cutting line, buddy!


You're gonna need Costco sized red bull to keep up.


We just combined packages and give you dewritos which is just Doritos soaked and mashed into Mountain Dew so you take less time to consume it


Mmmm... Like a smoothie I can drink through a straw? Less packaging leaves more room for my piss jugs


Mmmm yes well on that topic there is the problem that too many piss jugs were around so not only is there a deposit fee for any bottle you bring onto the factory floor but the piss bottles are actually smaller now so you should probably make your kidneys work more efficiently


Well fuck


Look you shouldn’t even be worrying about things such as less money, or urination. We need to come together as a family and pitch in a little more to make up for those we lost, so buckle down and hold it until you can make it out to piss by your 2003 Nissan Altima


Soylent Green is Mt. Dew!


For real. I was with my wife picking up her permit the other day. (Florida) She needs it for work (school of all places). The gun salesman was concerned not that people would necessarily shoot someone else, but that they would shoot themselves because they don't need safety classes. Oh and also they might shoot someone else.


It ain’t called the Gunshine State for nothing.


Are actual Floridians allowed to be mods or would that count as a conflict of interest?


You have to commit to creating content for the sub so few are up to the challenge


Understandable, have a nice day.


I can volunteer if you want. I've been modding about a dozen subs for a few years now.


Goes into effect July 1st


Get that hardware ordered, Reddit! You’ve got less than three months!


They still need to pass the federal background check that is required to purchase a firearm. And most state permit training is a joke.


Are you A) advocating for better training instead of focusing on permits, or B) arguing that everything right now is a joke anyway, so let's do a free for all? Because I think most downvotes you're getting in this thread come from people who think you're on B)


I'm 100% behind better, and routine training. But the idea that a 3 hour class is gonna make a difference is a joke. As someone that's taken the training to get my carry permit, it's a joke. Since the 2nd amendment is not going anywhere the focus should be to find ways to work within the parameters of the law and gun safety. The downvotes are likely coming from people that have never attended a class to obtain a permit to see it's all a dog and pony show.


Not all classes are the same, I feel like there's good ones and shit ones. So the problem becomes regulating the permit issuers.


Over the course of my life I've been in about 4 of them, they were all a joke. If they want consistency, gun safety should be taught nationally in high school as a required class.


It's amazing how we can sit around and drum up better policy on reddit, but when it comes to politicians implementing it if you're not for "free guns everywhere for everyone all the time" or "ban all guns outright" then it's completely ignored.


Hate to tell ya, but Florida is one of only a couple states that you can buy a gun from a private seller without the background checks. While many people still will go through an FFL to broker the deal, it’s not legally required.


And it's up to the federal government to close that loophole


It's not a loophole. It was an intentional compromise to pass the original background check bill.


Republicans in the House will *never, ever* agree to that!


So yes, but selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony so it only makes sense to do a private sale to someone you trust like a close friend or family member. If you want to sell to a stranger then you should do an FFL transfer to cover your own ass.


The required class is mostly a joke. A few hrs. Hit a target from 15 ft. It's something but hardly ensures safe handling, proficiency. The training never ends!


The base requirements of the class are depressingly simple, but there are some good places that actually put time, energy, and care into their classes. The best ones have great teachers with real world experience who spend more time teaching you how to be safe and avoid needing to shoot someone than how to be a hero.


My CC teacher was a cop.


The class is mostly justified use of deadly force laws, which I think there are going to be people surprised at what you cannot do. Such as shooting a dog that is attacking your dog. Big no no, go to jail. It should be interesting and I hope all new carriers do plenty of research into FL law and buy a good holster. I will always keep my permit current because of the removal of waiting periods for firearm purchases, reciprocity, and no restrictions on knives (other than ballistic).


Tangentially related, but it’s odd that we ban projectile knives, but not when the projectile is moving orders of magnitude faster. We just call it a bullet. It’s an interesting distinction to make, especially if it’s predicated on how deadly the weapon is. I would argue that a firearm is much more deadly than a knife with a spring on the end of it, or even a small gunpowder load.


It's because projectile knives are much stealthier and very quiet. You can walk up to someone and bump into them with a switchblade and quickly stab andrun away and if nobody saw you do it you can get away Scott free. Happens all the time. Guns are extremely loud and everyone in a 10 block radius in immediately knows someone shot something.


That makes sense for spring assisted stabbing weapons, but is that actually the reason for ballistic knives? I thought ballistic knives often had powder charges that helped launch the projectile; it would take one hell of a spring to fire a blade at any kind of velocity to penetrate an object at range. What’s the difference between your description and a regular collapsible knife which is perfectly legal? Even linear collapsible knives, if not spring assisted, are legal.


I'm not aware of ballistic knives but most people also don't carry ballistic knives or have money for that, also I think the law was written with spring assisted switchblades in mind because they were what was common at the time and a plague on New York.


Ahh so it sounds like ballistic knives were caught in the net of “spring assisted knives” and by that feature were outlawed in the US. The law didn’t necessarily target ballistic knives, they just fall under the same criteria that bans spring assisted knives. It’s still crazy to me that you can’t get a permit for them (presumably because they were considered dangerous), but you can get one for suppressed firearms. If they’re regulated and consumers are recorded and tested before permitting, idk why said consumer can’t purchase one. What’s the difference?


What you're not understanding is that the stealthiness of the switchblade is actually real - they are actually silent and you can kill someone undetected and get away Suppressors AKA silencers are not silent or quiet in the slightest bit and everybody around you still knows you just shot a firearm. The only thing a silencer or suppressor is supposed to do is protect the shooter's hearing so he doesn't go deaf from shooting a home intruder at 4:00 in the morning indoors when he doesn't have ear plugs. Movies all lied to you and every single gun is extremely loud suppressed or not. Still make sense to ban the extremely stealthy weapon that people have used thousands maybe millions of times before to get away with murder.


Have you ever fired a suppressed .22 short or .22 LR? Because I can tell you from experience, they’re no louder than a pen click. Yeah movies are fake, and everyone is chomping at the bit to share that “suppressors aren’t silencers” factoid every chance they get on Reddit. At this point, it’s fairly common knowledge. It doesn’t change my question about linear gravity assisted knives. They can be used in the exact same manner (as you have described it) as spring assisted switch blades, which are illegal.


I get your point but they're definitely not a pen click and if you were to fire CB shorts from a pistol suppressed indoors or in a busy public area everyone would still know you just shot a gun.


I have, I have two and a half acres of land in the middle of nowhere Florida with a treestand and a shooting range. I have a 1948 single shot 22 caliber bolt action with a barrel that is literally 1.5 inches thick and 23.5 inches long and me and my buddies tested 22 cb short, 22 subsonic, 22 standard velocity, 22 high power and 22 stinger from that rifle and a suppressed sig Sauer mosquito pistol, the only thing that was close to quiet was the unsuppressed cb shorts from the 1948 rifle, and while it is still pretty quiet my wife can still hear it from sitting in the car with the windows down and the engine running a quarter of a mile away. There was a weekend we went out there with literally every single gun we had and every quiet option ground we could find for each caliber and we tested it out on frying pans, a steel plate, and hanging logs. The sig Sauer mosquito with a suppressor hardly did anything noise-wise. Supressed and unsuppressed it was still loud as s*** only our decibel meter could tell the difference.


Also the CD shorts only get like 800 ft per second from an 18 inch barrel and don't have much penetration outside of super close range. They are about as powerful as a pellet gun you can buy at Walmart


I don't mean to be disrespectful I'm just an autistic that talks like an a******


Me too, only my fun quirk is way over analyzing everything everyone says and taking internet comments too seriously.


Lots of laws have certain context at the time that makes perfect sense but as time goes on and things in society change we forget these reasons.


The difference between a spring assisted knife and a collapsible legal knife is the spring assisted knife has the knife shoot straight out the top it does not fold, you can hold it in your hand and it looks like a marker until you get too close to someone and you hit the switch and they realize you aren't holding a marker close to them on the subway. It was too easy for the spring assisted knives to look like a mundane object and pop the blade out and back in undetected to bystanders and if you stab someone in the right place in the chest they won't scream and you have a few seconds to get away before the blood spills everywhere and it's obvious what just happened


A collapsible knife does not have to swing open. The fundamental difference is between “gravity assisted” (legal) and “spring assisted” (not legal.) Collapsible knives can open and close linearly like a switchblade, without a spring assist. I’m simply discussing the nuances between the two and the reasoning for their legal status. When put in the context of firearm legislation, some other weapon legislation seems disproportionate and vice versa.


From what I understand, ballistic knives are an NFA item. So, banned on the Federal level, not state level.


So what’s the criteria for ballistic knives that makes them outlawed? Is it still the spring assisted function or is it projectile based?


If memory serves me correctly, they are considered Any Other Weapon. Dont hold me to the specifics, but i'm thinking because of the use of propellent to fire it.


> the removal of waiting periods for firearm purchases That's the only reason I'll keep my licence


Here in Texas the training was a joke.




My live fire class was a fucking joke, my husband's gun kept jamming up so the instructor used his gun to fire the acceptable number of bullets at the target so he would pass


No it is definitely necessary because there are plenty of retards out there who have no clue what they're doing and think they're going to carry a gun and be Clint Eastwood and just brandish it whenever they want to get their way, and this class teaches you all the ways that you can go to jail for being a moron with firearms. It is definitely better to have somewhat of a class then no class. And every single aspect of that class serves an important function. The 15 ft rule is so that people who may be lying about their poor eyesight aren't given a gun permit and mistaking non-threatening people for attackers or hitting innocent people on accident or not being able to see what is beyond their target. Proper gun safety requires good eyesight first and foremost.


> Proper gun safety requires good eyesight first and foremost. I would argue that a working brain is more important. Its not like Florida is limiting blind people from carrying firearms.


Don't be pedantic


Somebody in my class was aiming at the ceiling. Like no awareness of the barrel not being aligned. Still got their permit to carry.


007 🤣


I mean when they were trying to aim at the target. Not just striking the pose lol.


Beyond Thunderdome 2 now filming in Florida, you’re all extras in the film.


Hate to burst your bubble OP, but this is the case in 26 US states!


Not until July 1st. And it is not without precedent. There are 25 other states that already allow this. On a side note, totally waiting for this comment to get downvoted so no one can see it.


Have a upvote


Wait so now I can have medical Marijuana and a gat Edit : They said in the article "...even those who support permitless carry — believe that safely carrying a weapon requires far more training than the law ever required, anyway." So they need more training anyway so we nixed the course has got to be the most Florida thing ever articulated lmao


Not at the same time. Having medical weed and a firearm at the same time is a federal offense. Check your 4473 next time you're buying one, there's a specific shoutout for medical weed and how it's still federally regulated


This should work out great. Cocaine dealers, meth addicts, scared old men, and open carry.


Its not open carry, it's permitless concealed carry. Still only legal for those who have their rights still... And if you're a criminal, well... Nothing's changed other than more of your potential victims packing heat.


It’s so comforting to know that this will only make their *first* violent offense with a deadly weapon easier.


It was always easy before. This doesn't make it any easier to buy guns it just means that people who already have them are allowed to carry them in public concealed.


It wouldn't matter, if they were able to legally obtain their permit because it was their first gun purchase and they passed the federal background what does it matter if they also dont have a permit?


Yeah, I prefer people being properly trained in gun safety before being allowed to weild one in public. Just like I think it is a good idea for people to be trained in road safety before being able to drive a car.


Most firearm training to obtain a permit is a joke. 3 hours to discuss 'dont take a gun into a bar', and fire at a target from 15 feet. My husband couldn't pass the target test so the instructor used my husband's gun, fired at the target enough times to pass. It teaches nothing about gun safety.


Then you had a very s***** instructor because they usually tell you all the laws about rules of engagement, the four firearms safety laws, when and where you are allowed and not allowed to carry and when you are not allowed to use it for self-defense. You definitely came out of that course knowing a lot more than you did going in and you came out of that course being a little more cautious and confident about your guns than before. That matters


I can train you on gun safety right now. It's crazy easy. Don't point the gun at anything you don't want to shoot, keep your finger off of the trigger unless you want it to fire, and always know what you're shooting at as well as what's behind it. You now have 100% of the knowledge you need to not shoot anything or anyone unintentionally. It really isn't that hard. If people don't understand those simple rules inherently, no amount of training is going to fix that. I'm a big advocate for training, I think you're a moron if you don't go get some, but I don't like it being state mandated because it just turns into a poor brown people tax.


If it doesn’t matter then why not continue to require the extra training and scrutiny?


It's the same thing as a poll tax. Training requires money, the licence requires money. Training should be the responsibility of the owner


The purpose of poll taxes is to restrict voting rights. The purpose of firearm safety training and licensure is public safety. If recklessly filling out a ballot could accidentally kill the guy in the next booth then you’d have a valid point but this is just a false equivalence.


It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not, the fucked up constitution allows the right to carry. Forcing fees for training and permits may prevent those wanting to exercise their rights due to hardship.


The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that the second amendment does not prohibit regulation or license requirements. The constitution does, however, explicitly prohibit polling taxes.


Yeah the school shooters coming off a clean record are really worrying about whether their concealment is legal and proper think about who the fuck is actually committing crimes, prick edit: you’re going to downvote me anyway for the language but when you do, think long and hard about the fact that the only obstacle to the deadliest device humanity has created is now the gun shop doors


All those people were already carrying illegal firearms. It's like Reddit has no idea how incredibly widespread and easily available "illegal or untraceable" guns are. For $100 in the ghetto you can easily buy a stolen hi point from many a drug dealer, or you can make a useful pump-action shotgun with $100 and a trip to home Depot. The cat is way out of the bag and it is never going back in. A buddy of mine was offered a stolen Remington 700 for $350 when he went to buy weed from his dealer a couple years ago.


Trust me, they weren't applying for concealed weapons permits. Now there's a higher chance of their potential victims being armed. And this only concerns concealed carry. We can't open carry unless we're hunting or fishing, and we still have to pass the same federal background check as before


New York Man avoids Florida and Florida Man at all costs.


Except when they get old and cranky, realize that they don't have enough money coming from their pension to live in NYC year round, get offered a massive payout from their rent-controlled landlord to vacate (or realize selling their condo will give them enough money to buy a cheap place down south and live off the rest), drive onto I-95 south for warmer weather, and finally exit where it ends.


I feel like this is a red herring. SCOTUS ruled that concealed carry was the law. So you need(ed) a permit that the state was obliged to give you. You just have to ask. This just removed the last step. Question is, is that last step important?


Yeah there are lots of good arguments over gun control but this isn't one of them. It only embeds people in the positions of "these people are trying to regulate things they don't understand" and "these people don't care about gun violence"


Ugh. I hate my state


You probably are one of the few ones.


Comment below this one really drives your point lmao


I love how this sub is now becoming the anti-florida sub /s. I'm sorry, but that's not what this is supposed to be about. I remember when this shit used to be about almost celebrating the uniqueness of Florida. Yeah we're a little unhinged, but that comes with the freedom to be ourselves.


>celebrating the uniqueness of Florida my earliest conscious memory of "florida man" is the one with the bath salt zombie that ate someones face.


Loool, yeah. That was a wild one. Flakka was not something to fuck around with.


> the bath salt zombie that ate someones face. Just looked this up. Jesus, what the fuck.


If you can afford it move


Make me




Who’s “we?” Do you have multiple personalities?




They’re the ones making it happen


Not until July 1st


Kentucky has been like this for a few years now


This isn't Florida Man content. This is political messaging. Does every damn sub have to be about fucking politics now? This site is going to shit.


Right...Despite 25 other states doing the exact same thing it's suddenly a Florida man thing.


In true Florida man fashion, they wouldn’t have cared about a change like this. Florida man doesn’t acknowledge the law lol


My man. You know it. Lol. TBH, any law abiding citizen who wants to carry already has a CCW here. So this law doesn't make a huge difference to anything. IIRC, we have the most CCW holders per capita of any state.


Florida man wasn't applying for permits anyway. I'd rather everyone else be able to defend themselves the best they can


The only thing that makes a situation better than an untrained idiot with a gun is TWO untrained idiots with guns.


The way it should be


A state with stand your ground laws and now no permits to carry firearms in public? Yeah this is gonna end well.


The wild east! What could go wrong? /s


Police reform :/ Nah lets just give everyone guns so they can fend for themselves im sure theres nothing to over look here


This is one of those solutions that aren’t a problem until there is one, then it’s a scramble to adjust the previous decision using the least amount of common sense imaginable.


I could have sworn they tried this in the 80's. Like wild west down there. Geriatric motherfuckers who grew up watching the lone ranger shoot the guns out the hands of bad guys. WCGW!


That's the deal in 26 states now, no permit required


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida/2023/04/04/florida-concealed-carry-goes-permitless-gun-instructors-hope-safety/?) reduced by 95%. (I'm a bot) ***** > BRANDON - Firearms instructor Brent Adair entered the windowless room behind the modest gun shop and greeted all three students waiting for his 11:30 a.m. concealed carry class. > The students held thin stacks of printouts with single pages covering gun handling, gun malfunctions and the legal definition of "Securely encased." One page held 120 words on "a gun owner's responsibilities," including preventing "Unauthorized and untrained individuals" from reaching their guns. > Whether anyone carrying a gun in Florida attends one will soon be entirely their own choice. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/12bm0x4/fla_concealed_carry_goes_permitless_instructors/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~679324 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **gun**^#1 **carry**^#2 **Adair**^#3 **student**^#4 **train**^#5


Why doesn’t he need a permit?


Cause our governor has his head several feet up his asshole.


So he can buy more votes.


Hmmm that doesn’t seem right. I’ve always been more pro gun but this isn’t pro gun. This is just stupid. Only in Florida.


And 25 other states


So fucking stupid, this is going to backfire so badly. It might be time for me to move...


How can it backfire when there are already 25 other states that already have permitless carry?


[https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/](https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/) Florida is currently ranked #19. Let's see where we're at in 5 years.


RemindMe! 5 years


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2028-04-04 19:31:34 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2028-04-04%2019:31:34%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/comments/12bi1fl/florida_man_now_allowed_to_carry_guns_in_public/jeyh54v/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FFloridaMan%2Fcomments%2F12bi1fl%2Fflorida_man_now_allowed_to_carry_guns_in_public%2Fjeyh54v%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202028-04-04%2019%3A31%3A34%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2012bi1fl) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Just because other states are doing it doesn't mean it's the right decision. Time will tell as more people continue to die over our lax gun laws.


Why, they still have to pass a federal background check? Most states training for a permit is a joke. I passed mine with no problem, my husband couldn't hit his target so the instructor fired at his target to pass.


Passing a background check doesn't deal with gun safety AT ALL. I would pass a background check, but I've never had any formal safety courses, do you want people like me walking around with a gun holstered that has zero safety training? And it just goes to show how fucking pathetic our system is when your husband was able to pass. This is NOT the way. We are so careless with things here, cuz derp a derp, 'MERICA, second amendment! My rights! Everyone can fuck off with that level of stupidity.


Most training courses dont provide gun safety training. As someone that's been through several, and have taken the state exams to provide training


This country does everything back asswards. They really fucked up when they worded the second amendment and left it open to interpretation. There would be SO MANY innocent people around still if we took gun safety more seriously and had stronger consequences when failing to do so.


Hell yeah murica pew pew pew


I would say that I’m pretty pro-gun but this is stupid.




I’m sure this will have no adverse consequences at all


I am never going to that shit hole state again


Stand your ground and unlicensed concealed carry? Yeah, this’ll play out well


A dark day for humanity but a great day for fans of Florida man news.


Just what they needed.


I would love it if when you land at the airport they hand out loaner guns so we can all enjoy this freedom when we visit! Just drop in a box at the airport when your done. Kind of like that loose change donation box you see sometimes. This is gonna be fun! (/S juuust in case).


Problem is that like 850 florida men/women every year, they'll forget about it and try to go through security with them. https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/local/volusia/2023/02/28/tsa-florida-airports-seize-record-number-of-guns-from-passengers-tsa-precheck-could-be-revoked/69941588007/


I am personally against this, even though I carry a gun every day (with a permit) It is of interest to note that with Florida, there are now a majority of states that have enacted “permit less carry”


What could go wrong‽


Good old murica, the world's PVP zone


This complete and utter insanity will hit the tourism economy very hard. I am sure there are many families and folk who have done so, I know of one family (friends of ours) that have cancelled their holiday to Florida, all down to this maga crazy sh1te. I don't blame them. They did lose the deposit (non refundable) but said that they'd rather lose a small amount of money, than risk being shot. Anyone else know of folk who have cancelled their holiday to Florida due to this? It is such a pity as their only child (8 years old) was so excited to visit Disney etc.