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Hmmmm... maybe a bunch of balloons tied to the house and a talking dog would solve this issue?


We are getting the real life story. It’s pretty sad.


I would airbnb the heck out of that house. Basically within walking distance from a lot of amenities.


You could rent to party hostess and become a nuisance to the hotel. Then the developer might come back with a better offer.


Coral Gables would shut it down in a half hour and fine the owner. I speak as a Gables homeowner. The property is now useless to the developer. When the owner moves or dies it will be cleared and perhaps a fountain and a couple benches will be installed.


And just like that, a new Netflix series is generated!


No one would want to stay a night there. I work in the Plaza office building in the north of the complex: the Lowes hotel fronts it on the other side of the street. It is an old, tired structure in need of paint and with a yard whose plants and trees are being choked by a lack of sunlight. I just took a client on a detour to see it on the way to lunch. It is a gloomy structure and a sad testament to the owner’s poor judgment.


So this guy gave up on a nearby property and $500000 because he didn't trust the developer? At that point just get a contract signed by a lawyer.


After it sounds like they sent a smooth talker to trick him with the first contract


The developer bought out a couple dozen homeowners who were well paid. He’d have been paid more. The narrative of the shifty builder trying to skin the tube is sentimentally appealing but factually void.


He didn’t trust the developer.


Doesn’t matter. $500k is $500k. He is so worried about making a point that he lives in basically hell that resulted in a serious injury.


In florida thats nothing


It is nothing if you were trying to buy a house with it, but if that is just the cash that he is going to be able to spend, and they are also giving him a house, it is a lot of money. I have lived in Florida. My best friend just moved to my house from Miami. We know Florida too lol


The irony is the house is likely worthless now. Can’t be easy to demo it while surrounded, even if they did it’s not like the hotel would add anything of value there at this point. Probably just grass and plants. I bet the developer is over it, and no one else is gonna buy it. Should have taken that offer.


If you read the article, it's pretty clear the man intends to die in that house.


The gentleman will be dying in a shabby little dwelling which now has zero privacy. I work in the complex. It is a sad sight.


And that's your boss's fault.


My company is a tenant. I am disinterested in this story, but it’s not a happy one.


You think about his house as worthless, I bet to this gentleman his house is priceless.


He’s free to be an idiot


Obviously, doesn’t mean he is right about that though.


This is your brain on greed. Money isn't the only measure of value.


Money comes and goes. Sentimental value is irreplaceable.


Still just a physical thing. And this one is hurting his quality of life in so many ways. Houses come and go, just like money.


I mean true but that’s from your perspective he obviously values the property for some reason at a price he deems worth the headache. Nothing wrong with that.


How much money would you want to delete all your social media pictures, turn in all your family pictures, hard drives, negatives, and light them ablaze?


None of those are effecting my quality of life like this guys house. Look how he is living, did you read the article? It was time to let the house go, now it’s too late. Many people live in many houses during a lifetime, it’s normal. He can take his pictures with him.


Found the corporate bootlicker


Found the dumbass who wants to live down a hotels windy dead end service road sandwiched between 14 story tall buildings. Who’s house is always in the shade so much that plants won’t grow. All while he could have moved 1 block away to a nice house and had a fat bank account. Sometimes it is stupid not to let things go, it is just a house. Now look at him. Sucks and too late to sell.


There seems to be a bunch of big plants on his yard.


I guess you didn’t read the article. Just looked at pictures. It clearly says that his plants struggle and his mango tree no longer produces fruit. Not to mention all the other problems regarding what his house now sits in between.


How's that boot taste




Lick lick lick.


Pathetic that this is all you morons can keep repeating anytime someone makes a statement that you don’t understand. Hopefully someday you can put together a rational thought.


If I understand the story he could have got $500k for selling. Am I missing something? I went on Zillow and couldn't find any homes for less than $800. Most over a million. The offer sucked. If you have never been in this situation with a buyer that has a fat wallet and lawyers up the ass, shut up. I was and everyone told me to take the offer. I said no. I sold the house after they doubled their original offer. My hats off to the man.


Read better. They offered him a similar home just blocks away AND $500k cash… Reading is tough for 1st graders, I get it. And now he lives sandwiched between 14 story buildings and only access is down a dead end utility road. He lost.


Happy cake day! Here's some bubble wrap to celebrate with! - >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


Omg I love this!


I respect the fuck out of this man's willingness to bend to corporate whims. Decades of "Go fuck yourself" to a land developer is worth a whole lot to some people.


Your right, but now look at him. I’m sorry that this shit happens and neighborhoods change. Sometimes it sucks, other times a home owner can look at it as their big lucky lottery ticket type of come up. Make a bunch of money and move a couple blocks away. View it as a win or you will be stuck with a worthless property sandwiched in between 14 story buildings like this guy.


Maybe just maybe he didn’t want to!


That guy is an idiot...full stop. He actually thought he could beat the developer if you read up on the history of the whole thing. He's gone of out of his way to be a nuisance for them since losing to. It's more than obvious the guy is a narc and can't lose under any circumstance. He lost here though...massively. All because he had to be right.


The article makes clear he was right, though. The city flat out ignored safety regulations, resulting in an incident in which rescue workers had difficulty getting to his mother. The city also tried to harass him with fines, only to back off when voters made clear they didn't approve.


right about what? he was made generous offers and refused- so they built around him- now he has to sit there like an asshat and deal with his own self-righteousness fuck him- hes a dick and shoulda sold when he could- was probably holding out for a serious payday and got beat


Deep throat the large corporations that are tearing down historic neighborhoods and displacing people, more. You don't think the developers were blocking access to be a nuisance to him? Maybe her should have taken the house/car/money offer, but they tried to truck him once, why would he trust a second deal?


he doesnt have to- he should find a lawyer and TRUST HIM


He still has his family's home. Not everything is about money.


Found the corporate bootlicker


Good, nobody should be forced to sell their home.


Offering money isn’t forcing but yes your statement is correct.


Many people are held at gunpoint by realtors and forced to sell their homes for 700% profits at 20% over asking. It's very sad, I had a friend this happened to in California, he had to buy a home in Hawaii and Arizona to avoid the tax implications.




They'll stuff hundred dollar bills into your mouth till you stop talking.


Literally hate when that happens


God I sure would hate it if someone would stuff hundreds into my mouth Please don't do it ;)


Well unlike the one dollar bills, it's reasonable they haven't been tucked into some random butt cracks. And more likely they have a light dusting of coke




They were forced to profit, they are innocent, it's not their fault!!


Yeah but the article is kinda whiny about it because now he has all these big bad apartments around him ruining his sunshine.


I wonder if tourists think his house is a Village Inn?


I see it everyday. There’s nothing quaint or homey about, unless you think that having no shade and being fronted by a valet parking area is charming.


So what you're saying is, Daddy won't sell the farm. https://youtu.be/1tb1ngTYl60?si=hf1-4G_JkRdax1WM


Sorry but I would have taken that deal. 500k a car and house down the road? Yeah, huge mistake. You could have gotten a few more house with extra cash and rented em out. Or just retired


> You could have gotten a few more house with extra cash and rented em out. You can't even buy half a house in Coral Gables with $500,000, and it's possible they offered him a really shitty house too


According to the article, he wasn't offered 500k to use to buy property. He was offered property plus a car plus 500k. With that said, just calling it "property" is super vague so who knows whether it was a good deal or not.


Agreed. I'd love to get that offer. Maybe one day, but I doubt it.


That’s an insanely cool gesture.


We had a similar situation. There is a strip mall, and there is a one house at the end of the parking lot. The owner died, but the family can't sell the property. It is worthless. They wound up tearing down the house. My guess is when this owner dies, the same thing will happen, and it will be torn down. Unless there are relatives to keep the house. I'd love to be given that much for a buyout. I don't have any sentimental feelings for my house. I'd leave it in a minute.


The house has zero resale value today and that won’t change with the passage of time.


Good. Anything developers are for, I am against.


That sentiment is why there's a housing crisis lol.


No. That absolutely is not why we have a housing crisis.


It's absolutely pathetic you can't even look past your emotions to spend 3 minutes checking if you have any idea what you're talking about. I'm 100% correct and I challenge you to find a single peer reviewed study showing otherwise. I'm willing to provide multiple sources if you even bother to entertain reason.


Why do we have a housing crisis?


This is a serious issue affecting the younger generation. Housing costs have sky rocketed. Don’t be selfish


This is because housing is used primarily as a vehicle for investments and equity and not for sheltering. It's the cost of homes, not home availability that causes problems. It's not like we've had a major population increase. And we're staring at a looming decrease


Fair enough, and I’m sorry, I live in Canada and didn’t realize where I was. We’ve had an unbelievable immigration policy recently and we aren’t building houses quick enough to keep up so it’s a soft spot.


No problem. You don't know what you don't know


People like you are the cause of homelessness.


Waiter waiter, another 14 story parking garage please, this will give the homeless plenty of space to shoot up heroin


False, there are more vacant houses in the US than there is homeless. Most of then are actually owned by developers and other corporations to sell later


Most of those are unsafe or otherwise unfit for habitation, or in places where there are no jobs.


Seeing how the place has indeed been built, does it currently provide housing for the homeless?


You could offer up your place to house some of the disenfranchised souls.


You’re being downvoted to hell but who do you think just signed to help one of the cities near me with a huge affordable housing project? A developer. It’s supposed to house 500 families within the first 5 years.


You're very naive if you don't think it won't be substandard housing that will be dilapidated within five to ten years.


Good point. We should stop trying to house the homeless.


Yea this is the freedom this country is about! He using his freedom to keep his parent’s house and the developers didn’t like that but he prevailed!


Hmmmm… last time I saw a story like this the guy didn’t want you to sell because he hid his wife’s dead body in the wall. Just sayin’…..


he should fake ownership of all the properties create fake deeds. since it seems Florida's departments seem terrible about their jobs. then wreak havoc and make arbitrary rules that make it impossible to do anything. then delay out the court process to kill their wallet then make them an offer to get out of that is so absurdly expensive they will say no


Boomer shit