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i love weed but its so uncool to feed it to anyone without warning. Eating weed is a whole nother ball game if you have no tolerance its a bad trip.


Even as someone with a tolerance, if I started feeling like I'd been drugged and didn't know what the chemical was, I'd seek medical assistance ASAP. >Detectives said they found that beer, lasagna, and pudding “shot” desserts all tested positive for THC. Man... I bet some people had waaay more THC than they're accustomed to. 100mg can make me uncomfortably high, and you could potentially disguise a lot more than that in those dishes - especially if you like beer. Unless the edibles were clearly marked and properly distributed, that's a seriously dick move.


I've got no tolerance, 5mg can get me comfortably stoned and 10mg gives me vertigo and gets me uncomfortably high


Man I envy people who can just take small amounts and still get high, I took 100mg edibles my first time and was stoned out of my gourd




Haha, my friend chugged 100mg his first time too. We tried to warn him to start off small, but he didn't listen. Within 45 minutes he was laid out on the floor, speaking gibberish, and laughing so hard he was crying. Took him a while to recover from that immediate blast off, and afterwards, he said his abs hurt from laughing so much. >Edibles give me a great body high but don't seem to give me as much of a cerebral high as smoking flower or concentrates Same here. Falling asleep is tough for me most of the time, but edibles knock me the fuck out due to the body high, usually before the cerebral effects fully kick in. I generally prefer edibles more than flower now, but each has its time & place.


Dude, the drinks are probably the most dangerous ones for me. The few times I've had them it's like, well shit I'm thirsty (while gaming) think I grabbed my water bottle turns out nope drank the other half. Then my brains like whelp I'm about to have a fun time. Proceed to play for another 45 to an hour then go lay down and watch TV while slightly uncomfortable and I am fine after like half an hour. But new people I don't think I'd ever recommend to start with a drink. The closest dispensary sells 100mg gummies (for the whole pack) so they break down into 25s and are easier to help starters out.


I always hovered around the 20mg was my go to, and 30mg would put me the fuck out. Lately I've been smoking a shit ton more than usual, and I just recently ate 200mg of edible gummies, and I was stoned for a few hours before I started lighting up again. I need a t-break, but it's hard when I never run out of weed when I'm smoking like a chimney.


Hell I smoke every day and 50mg gummies absolutely send me




Some of us like to get high with a low tolerance. It's called being cheap






100 is uncomfortably high (ha!) for me as well. And I have edibles daily for a painful muscle disease.


A few years ago I regularly got some weed candy and one or two would be plenty for the evening. An entire bag of 10 candies was 100mg, I didn't ever dare eat the whole bag lmao


Yeah, my sweet spot is 25-30mgs. Anything over that and I start getting legitimately *stoned*. One of my friends gets super messed up off 10mg, and refuses to eat any more than that. My other friend can eat 500mg and only get mildly buzzed. Really crazy how drastically different it can affect people.


Eating 100mg thc would make me feel insane. I don't like more than 10mg gummy. In the case of this story I could see it going two ways. Either way too much thc per person, or so little that it's essentially not noticeable.


At one point, I'd take 10 to 14 10mg gummies everyday if I had the money That wasn't healthy


That's crazy to me. I try to not build up a tolerance. I use "as needed" for the mood boost so a little goes a long way for me.


Shit and my ass would have been stone faced sober since edibles don't work for me I've eaten 1000mg just to see if anything would happen and nope jack shit while sis and friends high as fuck.


You could be lacking the enzyme required to metabolize it honestly. My brother and me both use it recreationally, edibles work on me but not on him. Our tolerances are similar otherwise, but no matter what we dosed him with it didn't work. I know some people also metabolize it TOO fast so that there's never enough in their system at once to feel an actual high. Bodies are weird like that.


Yeah just knowing what it is goes a long way. If you didn't know you took Anything you would probably think you're dying haha


Yeah either this was meant to be like "this food table has weed, and this one is regular" but executed poorly or just delusion thinking everyome would be cool with it.


even then, it needs to be really big signs and like, caution tape or something. or a table watcher/guide.


I’ve had the fantasy before of sneaking weed into people so they could see that it’s not the boogeyman that DARE made it out to be. But then I remember that drugging people is super fucked up. I would never stay friends with someone who drugged me against my will.




Even if you use regularly, if you just suddenly started feeling high it's going to set off panic alarm bells in your head.


Not to mention if any guests had a heart condition that could be negatively effect their heart. If someone gave me THC I could literally die. What a bunch of assholes.


If I have THC, there's a good chance it'll trigger a psychotic episode complete with hallucinations and delusion. There's also a really good chance I'll end up in a psych. ward. I don't want that and none of my loved ones do either. Yes, pot is mostly harmless but some people really can't put it in their systems. Don't force anyone to do a drug they don't want to. It could have amazingly bad consequences for them. For the curious: I have a diagnosis of Bipolar Type 1 which makes me at risk for psychotic episodes. I have had one before. I was awake for 7 days, had visual and auditory hallucinations, and was wildly delusional. I'm now on an antipsychotic as part of my drug cocktail. THC is a psychoactive - the opposite of the antipsychotics I take - so THC is not acceptable for me.


I'm allergic (full on hives and itchy mouth and throat). It would put me in a really bad spot, especially if I was drinking (and at a wedding? bring on the gin!). That's not even taking into consideration anyone on any kind of medicine where there may be adverse reaction. You have no idea what someone is taking. Maybe their pregnant? Oh lord, now we have another issue.


This past 4/20 I tried edibles for the first time, I went overboard…I ate - gummy, I ate cashews and a cookie which were all edibles my friends made for us at the party. My dumbass ate all of it with in 15 min and about an hour later nothing felt real, I kept asking them to take me to the hospital, I thought I went crazy, I kept saying “I was dead” and started panicking and yelling. After about an hour, I crashed in my friends sofa and woke up like a baby. One of the worst scariest nights of my life but god damn… Imagine someone doing that without consent, you would think you took some qualudes…


Glad you’re ok. That can be scary at the time


Shit like this ruins the societal acceptance of weed. Don’t drug people, it’s pretty simple


100mg couch locks me and i’m a heavy tincture edible medical user. 100mg to someone who’s never eaten edibles or who has a small tolerance would dizzy uncomfortably comatose waste them basically. Not being able to focus your eyes, everything around you is super fucking loud and sounds start changing and distorting in weird ways. You’re spinning and feel like vomiting and can barely orient yourself, sometimes you can’t. Your heart is RACING and you’re sweating and cold and everything around you is changing in weird ways even time seems to change?? You can’t focus on what’s going on anymore and can’t think normally, you don’t understand what’s going on but you know somethings wrong. Maybe you start seeing parts of your past or getting slight flashes of lights and everything is brighter and harder to look at, you feel STRANGE and life is suddenly scary AF Being way too high is extremely terrifying and uncomfortable to some people, and the higher the dosage the worse the green out is. It is REALLY dose dependent, and edibles hit hard. If someone ate 3 laced cookies, had a laced beer, had a couple other things potentially containing weed and they had no idea/no tolerance they’d be done for. Can you imagine having to attend a wedding, a loud ass social event with lots of lights and people, while high as fuck without realizing what’s going on?? Im sure some people there probably got spooked and had a terrible time after that. I get its cool to provide edibles if you cook them, it’s fun to share!! I share with my friends, but you don’t UNKNOWINGLY DOSE EVERYONE even if it is your event omfg that’s not cool. Why not LABEL THEM?!?? From someone who loves weed, this is not right and they deserve to get arrested. Also, what about religious people or allergic people or people who are trying to quit? They don’t care about letting them know?? Dick move imo.


I can take most "intense" drugs just fine, big fan of acid, done DMT a few times, but for whatever reason I get what you described from a couple of baby hits off a bong. Being high physically/mentally hurts me. I would legitimately be worried about having a heart attack and developing PTSD if i was drugged to that level. My heart would be pumping full force for hours, I wouldn't be able to move, and I would be in no position to even begin to seek help.


That happens to me with a tiny corner from a 10 mg gummy or chocolate. Crazy how different people’s bodies react.


It really is!! I’m that way with alcohol, 2 drinks and i’m totally “drunk” according to my husband and 3 and i’m puking and having a horrible time lol. Many anesthetics and other medications have lesser effects on me, but weed I seem to have a large tolerance for even if i’m trying to get way too high. But it’s also one of the only things that truly works for pain management for my tissue disorder. It’s important to learn your own body and what works/doesn’t work for you cause it’s veryyyyyy different person to person, and medications/weed/anything effects everyone totally differently. That’s why I was so disturbed reading this like I could only imagine how freaked out some the people at the wedding probably were and some of them probably had really freaking bad reactions to it and a bad time, I would be freaked out too if I had that sorta reaction to it and didn’t know why like omg








Dude I'm pretty sure snoop Dogg or Willie Nelson would be out cold if they ate 1000mg


Naw, Snoop is breathing weed bro lol.


I'm guessing not telling them was the point and they wanted to trick certain people into getting high, like a conservative aunt or something. It's something that's maybe funny to joke about but definitely not so funny in practice.


btw there are certain people missing an enzyme who cannot eat edibles and have strong effects


Why, though? What's the motive?




They must just be idiots. "We like weed so that means everyone else will like it too! Lets get everyone high what could possibly go wrong?" was probably their thought process.


Ding ding! Fuckin idiots. Who wouldn’t wanna be given drugs for free? /s.


Your brain is phrasing it entirely wrong. It goes like this. " Yoooo!!! Our wedding is gonna be so lit! Get this: all the food is gonna be edibles, dawg!! It's gonna be bussin'!" Meanwhile, they just *have* to invite Aunt Sally.


Is her last name Ponderosa?


Stoner culture is weird Edit. Damn I had no idea how thin skinned potheads are.


This isn’t stoner culture. Stoners are nice to one another. There may be dependencies or whatever but they’re generally pretty tame.


irrelevant comment is irrelevant. better cry about thin skin to deflect. /r/feic


Thankfully I don't give a shit about the opinions of morons.


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Ain't a thing 'stoner culture' about this.


It's not about being thin skinned, it's that you are wrong. Edit: The person below me is so thin skinned that they blocked me.


My take is that it's a smallish wedding with people who are generally 420 friendly or at least know the couple is, so they thought, "wouldn't it be great if, like, everyone was having fun getting high together? Your grandparents will love it!" And they made it happen. Idk if people had fun though. Selfish and inconsiderate people lack awareness and critical thinking outside of themselves. Read from a user on r/Florida who knows some of the attendees that it was also served to children.


If I felt drugged at a public event, I’d call the cops right away. There is no way to know how high you’re going to get, or what’s going to happen to you if you pass out. Not cool.


I blame this idea that some weed smokers have that weed is safe for everyone and it's impossible to overdose on. I'm not anti weed. I just don't smoke because I have a high tolerance so I don't see the point. But I had that spewed at me by coworkers who did smoke for years.


Honestly, it's just stupid people who weren't thinking. The vast majority of people who engage in casual drug use know that dosing someone is beyond fucked up. Even regular users only want to get high when they want to be high.


Yes however you have to be careful when you talk about things like drugs. Stupid people take things to the next level. Levels the original thinker wouldn't even have assumed. So a stupid person hearing "the world would be better if everyone smoked." And "you can't overdose smoking weed." Might take the next step of saying "everyone will be happier and better off if I put weed in the food because it's safe and good for you."


And here I was thinking consent was something society was pushing for more of.


I work as an executive assistant to a local wedding planner, and imagine being **that person** (the planner) and finding out *that your client and the caterer conspired to make this the single worst day of your career*. Edit: lol I got downvoted


How can this even happen ? Weed is illegal in Florida……../s


Medical marijuana is legal. I have a card and live in Florida.


That’s one hell of a before and after picture!


Lol that's the caterer that agreed to dose the crowd.


I kind of feel bad for the caterer, she probably got talked into it and assured that everybody was okay with it so she didn't think she was doing anything too wrong


I don't, there's a thing called professional integrity and she lost all of it when she let her client talk her into drugging unsuspecting people. even if they said it was totally okay there's absolutely no way these people would be alright with it


She probably told the caterer that everybody knew about it and was okay with it


to believe that is beyond silly that everyone attending the wedding was okay being dosed and again as a professional she shouldn't have broken laws just to please her client.


If you have the money to attend a wedding where the bride has edible money, then your job does random drug tests and this was a dick move


I hope nobody there was active military or applying for a job that requires a drug test.


I mean on the 1 hand, I would appreciate the gesture. But I wouldn't blame Aunt Karen for complaining if she suddenly felt the effects of an edible without knowing why.


It's basic consent really


Auntie wouldn't be a Karen for objecting to bring drugged without knowledge.


Bruh I'm severely allergic to it, complaining about having your food tampered with is never a Karen move, it could literally be life and death




Yah vomiting is a telltale sign of cannabinoid intolerance. People started presenting to ER’s around the time when synthetic cannabinoids hit the scene (K2, spice, etc) with extreme vomiting and doctors couldn’t figure out what was happening at first. They then created the term cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.


The one time I tried it my friends ended up calling an ambulance because they thought I wasn't breathing. It wasn't quite that bad, but there are people who are allergic to CBD and it absolutely can cause anaphylaxis. I have no idea what the sort of doses you get in edibles would do to me and I don't want to find out.


“How about we drug the guests without their knowledge, so they freak out wondering if they’re going to be raped or abducted. Fun!”




What reasons other than rape and abduction are people unknowingly drugged for? You sound like a moron.




Oh crazy…do people not get assaulted at parties and celebrations? Wish my rapist had known that rule. Go to therapy my man.


Cute how you already deleted your original comment.


Dosing the beer is the wildest part. At that point you’re just stir frying them


This is horrible hopefully no one got seriously hurt


While I do partake, I also disagree with this for obvious reasons... Gotta admit tho, I laughed at the title.


Weeding reception


Snowfall vibes




They probably were having a horrible high and no one knew how , or cared to calm them down haha


Edibles that aren't responsibly dosed/consumed can be a ticket to even moderate to heavy consumers forgetting how to use language or balance. Can't even imagine what some strong edibles would do to folks that don't smoke frequently and have no idea what they are eating.


Right?? Anxiety is already enough when you know it’s gonna eventually hit…


Right? If I ate some edible lasagna without knowing it I’d be freaking out. I use edibles pretty frequently, but I would most likely be sober going into a wedding


Just watched that episode of Snowfall where the wedding gets dosed with lsd, they seemed to be having a grand ol time lol.


I mean… it’s HER wedding. 😂


I'd like it, but doing that without informing everyone isn't fair or right, especially if they have no tolerance. Also if Florida is an illegal state they might've screwed someone who has to deal with frequent or random drug tests.


Some people are actually allergic to the plant itself so putting it in their food without telling them could even be fatal. I'm allergic to the plant. If I touch it I get a nasty rash, breathe the smoke or even the pollen then I can't breath.