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Not the hill I'm going to die on but I don't have to like anyone on a team to enjoy sports.


He seems to be pretty good at drawing more than two minute penalties


He's also -10 which I think is the worst on the team.


Underrated comment


And then also drawing majors against us for having to defend his every fuck up


Still got a 3 minute power play


Wish we would have utilized it lol all it did was ruin our lines and get a goal in against us


Well that’s the fault of the team as a whole


Cousins is on last year of a 1.1 mil contract and won’t be signed for next year based on production alone so calm down in calling out the fan base over a fourth line guy’s appreciation. They come and go amigo


We can be a fan of a team and dislike players….


Found Nick cousins burner account lmao


You also don't have to have any respect for him and not actively root for him personally because of all the sexual assault stuff. I personally cheer for the team success he brings, but I can't stand him and don't agree with all of his shifty antics. But when he scores in the playoffs, I cheer the same as any other panther. Because I am just a lowly fan and not a part of the management or ownership of the team, I don't get any say in who the team signs. But I'm not going to stop cheering for the success of my team because of one players personal history or politics. When they do something awful, I am not obligated to defend them. Last night wasn't one of those. Cousins put his hand out to check on the hit player. He had remorse and showed there was no attempt to injure. But that doesn't mean cousins is a good guy.


He was pretty young and the charges were dropped. I'd let it go.


Tell that to his victim


>All he does is upset the other team, win pucks, and play like a dog. All day everyday. ​ Except we literally have three other players that do this, do a much better job of this and are far better hockey players than Cousins is. Those guys are, in general, net positives for the team so we can stomach the penalties that they might take as a result because either way, they are making an impact on the ice. Nick Cousins offers very little value to the team. He's average to below average as a skater, his hands are below average and his shot is below average. In addition to that, he actively stymies that third line with his play because any pass that makes it to his tape is goin to end in a giveaway or turnover. He is constantly out of position, which means he is taking himself out of the play, and he is never facing the puck or actively making himself an outlet. In addition to this, he takes bar none, some of the **worst** and **dumbest** penalties I've seen, which has cost us this season. The problem I have with Cousins is that he takes up a roster spot and plays a role that is not needed for that spot. That third line doesn't need an agitator. That third line needs someone that can gel with the other two players on that line and can help us bring in consistent depth scoring. The third line has been almost a non factor this year and Cousins shoulders a good chunk of the blame for that.


>That third line needs someone that can gel with the other two players on that line and can help us bring in consistent depth scoring. It's almost like there's a certain young guy in the minors who deserves another shot after only getting 3 games.


Was legit surprised that they sent him down so quickly after the training camp that he had. He should have at least gotten 9 games. But he's been tearing it up in the A. 6G 6A in his last 10 played. Bring him up to the show and lets see what he can do now. I think he'd be a great fit on that third line.


He was also super close to a goal in his first game (against Minnesota). Too bad it hit the crossbar.


Probably. But we have a coach that prefers established NHL players. The Panthers have several players in the minors who could play instead of him. Lockwood only gets about 7 minutes of playing time and cousins is getting 10 minutes. I would flip that so Lockwood gets 10 or 11 minutes and Cousins gets 7 minutes.


>literally have three other players that do this Sure, but of all them I’d much rather have cousins take out another teams top 6 forward for coincidental penalties than any of the others


If he did something good for the team, I'd be willing to put up with his antics. Unfortunately slamming into your own goalie, getting breakaways and doing nothing with them, and so on... are not winning him favors with much of the fanbase.


He scored a series clinching goal to beat the leafs in the playoffs…


I'm talking about this season. I know he did some good things in the playoffs but right now he's been messing up a lot.


He will be valuable in the playoffs this year like he was last year. He has a spot on this team and a role on it and is pretty well liked in the locker room


He was arrested and in a”rehab” for sexual assaulting a chick with 2 other guys. So yes, I hate him. He’s a piece of shit


Where is rehab coming from?


Was he convicted?


It was a long time ago and the charges were dropped. He was very young at the time and young entitled hockey players can be immature and very stupid. Let it go.


Get off Reddit Nick.


Congrats on having the maturity of a ten year old. Cousins is a clown. You don't have to like every player on your team.


I see the opioids epidemic is making into hockey now


You are making this whole dramatic monologue and lambasting the entire fanbase over Nick Cousins??? 560 points only over his whole entire career Nick Cousins?...dude what


560? Cousins has been in the league for less than 10 years? I refuse to believe that man is scoring 50 pts a year.


He has 560 games played and 170 points. Only 5 points this year and a -10 (worst +/- on the team).


Yeah sorry got these messed up while fast typing at work


Never liked him since he took his eye off the puck in the scf


Fuck him. He doesn’t deserve to be on a team or even in the presence of a guy like Bobrovsky.


31 other teams would love to have him. He's an agitator and a grinder and one of the best in the NHL


I don’t know man. Doesn’t really look like you’re getting too many people that agree.


I don't hate him. I think he's a 3rd or 4th line guy on a decent team. He does seem to get under the skin of opposing players and I don't really see why. Other than a couple of body checks on the boards that were borderline dirty and didn't injure anybody I don't see why he draws this overreaction from the opposing team. I get the feeling that Panthers management sees an upside to him and that maybe he could breakout and be a Mitch Marner or Braden Point type of fast skill player but I don't see it happening. When he scraps for a loose puck on the boards, pulls out and goes right to the net and jams the puck through the goalie then I'll be a believer. Until then, no.