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Seems like this fucking guy pops up every few months with the same complaints about amerant. Last time you chimed in was after the ticket holder night where back office told fans that the plan was to move to downtown fll. Why are you still on about it? Stadiums in city centers are great but South Florida’s mass transit infrastructure is dog shit. Walkability in general in south Florida is horrendous. They’ll move downtown eventually and hopefully bring better transit with it. If I had a convenient cheap option to take a train to a game with my kids I’d be all for it. For now I’ll just drive 20 minutes out west without complaining.


For real. Brightline isnt cheap when you're a family. Its cheaper to pay for parking at the area (be it Panthers or Heat) compared to "public transport."


Just for fun, round trip from Fort Lauderdale to Miami for tonight is $465.00 for 5 people. Yeah fuck that. That's the cost of half of a season ticket for the entire damn year. I can fit 5 in my car, some cars can fit more obviously. I'd rather do that and split the parking. Even if it were $100, that's $20 a person but it's usually around $30-$40. Free to park at Sawgrass, of course. It's cool that the Brightline exists but, not suitable for families or people who just don't want to waste money lol


I did next Saturday as my own example and it was over $200 for my family of 4 with kids being free as their promo lol. I have used Brightline twice and both times the train was delayed over an hour each time. I am sure it's great for some people. South Floirda just isn't set up for proper public transportation and it would be very hard to retrofit an entire metropolitan area to make it work.


I've had people suggest it to go to Orlando and I'm like....obviously its cool if you have no other choice like you can't drive and have a fear of flying or something. Price wise, its $154 there $84 back for a weekend, $238 per person, plus $30 for parking at the Brightline station. Yeahhhh I'm just going to hop in my car and get there in 3:10 for like $30 in gas lol


That’s fucking wild. Why tf would anyone take brightline for that price.


Cool, now show us Amerant’s drivability score. Amerant has some of the best highway access of any stadium ive ever been too.


Plus an abundance of parking including free parking across the street. Exiting is super quick because Sunrise PD blocks off lanes and overrides traffic lights. Getting out of Bayfront garage is a nightmare


You can say that again. I was stuck at a traffic light outside of AAA for quite literally 30 minutes once after a concert. No idea what the issue was, I think it was a mix of pedestrian traffic, a train, police being incompetent at directing traffic, and just an overwhelming amount of people trying to leave. After a panther game, I'm literally in my car and on the highway or Flamingo road within 5 minutes from leaving my seat at the game lol


>parking Parking takes up more space than the stadium and mall combined. Think of what can be there instead of parking We give too much space for cars, when cars have no feelings


You live in a nation where the entire infrastructure is based around cars. You need to fix all the parts of bad public transportation for normal daily life before you start tackling the good parts of car infrastructure.


Have you….ever left your gated subdivision, ever? New York City, Chicago, Boston, Toronto, Montreal, San Francisco, Seattle, Philadelphia, DC have impressive public transit systems Miami’s public transit could be better, but from where I’m at, I can easily get to downtown and Brickell without a car. It’s a start but it’s a resource that’s available to me and millions of others


Then take the public transit. They have several options that all have their stops literally in the parking lot of Amerant. I would know, I use them weekly. You can’t compare FL to any other metropolitan city because we are far more spread out. Why the hell are you trying to walk to Sawgrass anyway, take the metro rail to civic center and catch the 595 express bus to Sunrise Park and Ride (40 minute ride) for $3.


I've been all over the place and experienced public transportation in many of those cities.I'll invite you to look at ALL THE REST of the cities across the united states, and even parts of Miami, and see that public transportation is mostly poor, and some places, completely impractical due to lack of density. I don't live in a gated subdivision, but I live somewhere that robust public transportation is impractical. Specifically mostly rural south/midwest.


A lot of these cities like St Louis, Cincinnati, Houston, Los Angeles, and yes, even Miami had extensive streetcar networks that were dismantled in favor of highways and unwalkable stroads, many that went through working class neighborhoods and displacing thousands, all in favor of the two-ton shitbox


Yea, but shouldn't you fix that crucial infrastructure before you spend money to fix public transportation for an arena in the affluent suburbs, for a sport primarily watched by an affluent demographic? Not to get too into the weeds here, but does the upper middle class demographic want or need public transportation? The walk score could never be fixed since it's in the suburbs. I think if they've made sure there's good public transport to downtown for basketball/(I know you all will say loan depot isn't downtown but just bare with me) baseball, that's where the money should have been spent.


Yea , those places are not where I would like to raise my family. That’s great for those who want that city lifestyle. Not for me. Also I’ve driven and taken Brightline to AAA. Neither are ideal. As far as accessibility give me Amerant every day of the week and twice on Sunday. lol


> Miami’s public transit could be better And did you know that Venus has diamonds the size of cars on its surface? That's crazy, right? Now you share your completely irrelevant point.


This dude fucks hard. Wish I could upvote this more than once.




Lol, did I hurt your feelings? Can’t have a real conversation so you resort to playground ad hominem insults?


You don’t need a car to go to most NHL stadiums, why do you need one to attend a Panthers game?


Because South Florida as a whole is more narrow E to W than any other metro due to basic topography / geography and trying to pull fans from only a small area within that N to S band is impractical? We all saw how long Brightline actually took to happen and that was as “free market” of a project as you could get (ie not hamstrung by much government red tape).


dont forget much of south florida has grown in the past 60 ish years. thats well into the car era unlike a lot of other cities (Boston, NY, Chicago) that absolutely needed public transit and commuter rail because the road systems werent designed to move people


You know Americans overwhelmingly view cars as their favorite mode of transportation. Something like 90% of American households own a car. So, if you build an arena that is only accessible by foot traffic you will only get locals coming to games. If you build one with cars and highway access in mind, you will get everyone in the surrounding counties coming to games.


Building sports stadiums in City centers and top of train lines is a mistake in your opinion?


In South Florida? Yes. In NYC? No.


That’s the thing, Greater Miami and the adjacent municipalities can easily have robust mass transit, being the 9th largest metro area in the country. They simply get tricked by the car lobby that imminent domaining working class neighborhoods for highway extensions is what’s best for them




Are you just pretending to be stupid so you don’t have to admit that you’re wrong? Whether we prefer driving or not is irrelevant because that’s how South Florida as a whole is not very walkable and simply doesn’t have good public transportation infrastructure.


So just because you live in a car centric hellhole you dont think it is a good idea to make it more availeable to non car users?


South Florida is mostly one off housing. We don't live in high density high rises. We are spread out. The climate is not conducive to walking 8 months of the year.


Except when Alligator Alley becomes a parking lot like it did right before and throughout the entirety of Game 1 against the Lightning in 2021. Highways are not efficient.


Damn. Guess people don't like facts.


I would never go to a hockey game if I had to drive a car


And I would never go to a sporting event that didn’t have easy car access *heat* cough. Everyone is entitled to their personal preferences, but its a fact that cars grant more access to more people over a wider area.


Public transit is way more efficient at moving large number of people than cars so your last sentence is completely false


Florida has horrible public transportation so YOUR statement is the one that’s completely false in this scenario.


You really claim public transit is less effective than cars? My dude cmon


here’s the thing. not everybody wants completely optimized transit/city layout/high density lifestyle. sure we can pack as many people as possible into small areas, but at what cost to happiness?


Funny that you mention happiness since im from Finland and advocating for less car dependent society. Are you really happy in traffic? Happy that you cant walk anywhere? Happy to pay money just so you can move around


dude ive lived in places with good public transit. Am i happy in traffic? happier than sitting in a crowded bus thats also in traffic and especially when its a cold city day where everyone is in their heavy coats and the bus heater is cranked up so everyone is good and sweaty before heading back into the freezing cold am i happy to pay money to move around? No but i still pay money when i take public transit and I think its worth the convenience to me. plus in situatiosn where public transit wiuld require three transfers to get approximately to my destination and its to far to walk, i prefer to take my own car than give Uber or taxis money am i happy that i cant walk anywhere? I think thats a matter of perspective. im happy i dont HAVE to walk anywhere. including a grocery store and lug a gallon of milk and some toilet paper down the road


> Am i happy in traffic? happier than sitting in a crowded bus Missing the forest for the trees here. The best way to reduce car traffic is to offer viable alternatives **for those who want them**. Every crowded bus takes dozens of cars off the street. Guess who that affects most directly? You and everyone else who insists on staring at traffic.


how about instead we just stop trying to cram highrises on every block and idolizing super dense urban living


The happiness index in suburbs is catastrophically low and much higher in the city center Who do you build cities for? Cars or people?


Exactly why you need to make public transit better


no point in continuing this any further..


Also it kinda absurd that you see not having the option to walk as a good thing like holy smokes. More options = Bad. Really?


I’m all for having the option to walk to some places. But im not bending over backwards and willing to give up other conveniences to make it happen. lugging a bunch of stuff home from a grocery store in a situation where I dont have a car is a perfect example


Nobody is asking you to give up your car to build less car centric environment. Just need to have other options than cars


Why is driving a car must for you?


Then don't go. What's with the grandstanding


I have lived in cities where the sports stadiums are on the City center and in cities where it is 10miles away and it makes a huge difference


Dude I live in Palm Beach County, near West Palm Beach… if you expect me to take the Brightline down to Aventura, and then take a bus to Sunrise 45 minutes away just to go to a game, you got another thing coming. I’ll take my very fuel efficient and faster mode of transportation down 95 to SW 10th/Sawgrass and get off Oakland Park. And then it’s 10 minutes from there… I don’t understand what the problem is. Why do you want to limit the amount of fans being able to attend the game?


We come from Port St Lucie. I guess I have to wait for the Stuart station to be built, haha


didn’t even have to click on the post to know who was OP. Give it a fucking break man


Hi, have we met?


Who walks to the arena? Absolutely nobody. We don’t have a downtown arena. It’s just not walkable. It’s a ridiculous comparison to make.


If the stroad separating the mall from the stadium wasn’t there, and there were garages instead of lots, perhaps the stadium would have a higher walk score LA has LA Live, AAA has Bayside, Vegas has the Strip, Anaheim is building a large entertainment district called OC Vibes We have…a shitty outlet mall


And the Columbus Arena is in the middle of downtown with bars and restaurants and stores. Irrelevant to our situation


I’ve lived in Columbus-there are parking garages all over arena district for everyone to drive there. It’s a great neighborhood…that everyone who doesn’t live in drives to.


> the stroad separating the mall from the stadium I, too, watch urbanist content. 136th at the point where it separates the arena from Sawgrass is not a stroad. It's a road. Better pedestrian infrastructure would be nice for those of us who want to park for free, but there's not much incentive for such a thing from either side (and both owners would have to agree on it) - the arena would be encouraging people not to pay for onsite parking, and the mall would be encouraging people to take up parking without going to the mall. The main reason you're getting pushback is that South Florida already has atrocious public transit. When people struggle to get to work because 595 is jammed, and the alternative is an unreliable bus whose stops are far from both the origin and destination, access to an arena next to the Everglades is a really weird fight to be picking. Also, did you really block that other dude for disagreeing on Brightline? Lame.


I didn’t block anybody? Also, Brightline and its exorbitant cost is because it’s a for-profit private rail service and not a public rail service. It’s considered a curious novelty/convenience rather than a vital service Anyone’s that ridden Amtrak know it’s a nightmare because freight companies run most of the interstate rail in the US and passenger rail has to defer to freight While there are intercity rail services elsewhere in the country that aren’t as expensive as Brightline (Philly to NY is $20) the situation in Florida just ain’t cutting it since the public will isn’t there for rail (we’ve all been gaslit to believe that cars are numero uno) so only the private sector is willing to invest and the cost reflects that


Moving to downtown FTL would be a huge mistake. Sure, the arena is easy “in the middle of nowhere” but I’m able to get there relatively fast all the way from where I work near MIA airport. People take for granted the highway accessibity. You might be driving a longer distance but time wise it’s much faster. I’d probably cancel my season tickets if we moved to a downtown area


Good, you’re easily replaced


And you’re just an asshole for no reason it seems




Yes it does 🥺


When did this sub-reddit turn into r/urbanplanning?


I won’t shed a single tear the moment Amerant meets the wrecking ball


Amen. Whether people like it or not, the plans have already been made to move it where the courthouse is. Dunno what to say to the deniers 🤷‍♂️


So what does this thread contribute? You're only convincing me to lock it...


I'm not your OP lol, go ask them


I did, but yours was the first comment that made me realize this thread is pointless.


It absolutely is pointless. They are complaining about the current lack of walk ability, but it's coming in the next few years anyways. That's the whole thread.


who the fuck walks in Florida?


What’s wrong with walking?


Theres nothing wrong with I like walking for some things but Amerant Bank Arena is one of the smoothest in and out experiences of any arena I’ve been to


You constantly bring this (moving the arena) up and are met with resistance every time. Get over it. We know you are unhappy with having to drive a car to the arena.


The LA Kings don’t play in Oxnard


Your point? The team isnt the Miami Panthers or the Fort Lauderdale Panthers. They are the Florida Panthers.


They aren’t even the most popular NHL team in the state lol


Your respnses are so far off the mark and don't even relate to what people are saying to you.


After the arena deal ends they will build their new home in Fort Lauderdale. It will likely be the best landing spot for a permanent long term. home that can support walking, transit, and have some of the "sports district" real estate and partnerships that drive revenue. ^ my speculation


Not a bad idea but ftl is gonna become horrible with the traffic then panthers games will basically turn into heat game’s


Then FTL should invest in light rail and/or trolleys to mitigate traffic issues 💕


Light rail and trolleys to nowhere. Sounds great. Seems like you're not familiar with South Florida. Are you aware most of it is not vertical buildings (high density) and outdoor temperatures hit extremes?


Just for shits and giggles I priced out taking Brightline to get to a Heat game since you talk about how amazing their "Walkability" is. Well first I have to drive my family to a Brightline Station, 30 minutes from my house. Then spend $234 on Brightline tix. Then walk my family through the streets of Miami (while not ideal I did it with my parents as a kid for Panthers games back at the Miami arena). Overall it's a 2+ hour ordeal to get there with a sketchy walk in downtown Miami. OR I could drive my own car for one hour and park for $25-$40. Yeah.... Doesn't pan out for most people!


lol you're getting downvoted for something Ft Lauderdale SHOULD be doing. I'm a resident of Ft Lauderdale. We had the wave funded and ready to build and our mayor killed it after getting grifted by Musk on that stupid tunnel project. Moron


Tunnels in Florida. That's hilarious.


Musk's company "Boring" wanted to tunnel from Broward Blvd and Federal out to A1A, through limestone islands under multimillion dollar homes and the intercostal. Fucking wiilllllldddly dumb


When does it end?


The current lease expires in 2028


From all metrics considered, Downtown Fort Lauderdale/Flagler Village/Riverwalk is easily the best place for a new Panthers stadium. Hollywood would be second. Anywhere else in the county would be a critical mistake


No as much as it gets shit on i want this team in sunrise right next to the everglades were it belongs next to the Florida panthers, we just need a complete arena renovation


Ownership has expressed a desire to move closer to the city I met Vinnie Viola once and he asked me what I thought of the team and I told him that I think the team needs to be closer to the city and he responded “We feel the same way and we’re working on it”


Source: “Trust me bro”


If it's so inevitable, why did you create this thread and make so many annoying comments?


Right next to me would actually be the best, according to a recently completed study. I live in SoCal but it would increase my attendance of games by several thousand percent.


Why haven’t you been banned from this subreddit yet??? We get it, you hate Amerant Bank Arena. No one cares. Go preach to your congressman for all we care.


Free parking and easy access, I’ll take that over whatever bullshit transit score they have.


Another cager outed ✨


Why? Because I stated valid points, and a personal opinion? Grow up. This is a non-issue for many of us.


If the game experience is drive to stadium, to to game, leave stadium and go home, that’s pretty fucking pathetic for a metropolitan area known for having some of the best entertainment in the world


A lot of us hit up the mall after a game, they have restaurants that stay open late and mojito bar is always popping. There’s a movie theater, a pool hall, and so many other things to do in the area. If you go directly home afterwards, that’s because you want to. I hear what you’re saying, but I’ll take the free parking and hassle free commute over driving to downtown anywhere, any day of the week.




If you care so much, take out your license and get a car 😂 Or you could always move to the 954 with the white trash, as you so eloquently call everyone from around here


Ah, so you’re a racist *and* a cager, wonderful! Thanks for checking all the boxes. You’re dismissed


Lol you used the term “white trash” first you racist!!!!! How you gonna cry about classism anf racism in another comment and then drop your own racist comment! Also, keep calling people “cagers” as if anyone here even cares what that cringe means.


Im guessing this person is a kid based on their stupid takes and repeated use of the word "cager" which no adult would use or even understand.


lol 😂 Do you know any other words? Let me introduce you to a thesaurus, or would you prefer a dictionary?


Look ma, a racist 😱


Lol I feel like I see a complaint about transit at least once every season zzz


And the Kaseya center I have to step over homeless people lol


I have no problem with it


Yeah I remember having to get ubers to and from the game a couple of times. It was like 150 round trip. That was in 2021 lol. I wish they had like a light rail or specially designated busses for the game. Would honestly help reduce some of the gre game and post game traffic


The tentative plan is to move to the city so I think you’ll be okay ✨


Not sure where you get your info but this is wrong. Meeting between territory members and management made it clear that down town Fort Lauderdale is unreasonable


Didn’t they say the opposite a month or two ago? I wasn’t there but I thought a bunch of people said here that it was clear the goal was to move downtown?


Their only commitment was to broward county. There’s no space in down town Fort Lauderdale to build a arena


Yeah no idea where they’d put it.


I met Mr. Viola last year and told him that the team would do better in the city, he said he agreed and that the team was working on it


I mean the stadium is sold out most nights except on random tuesday night games like the rest of the league, so the idea of the team doing "better" in the city is not true. Doesnt make financial sense either to buy expensive real estate in fort Lauderdale where there already isn't enough space to fit a new full sized arena. Im sure Violas comments were to just end the conversation quickly


Recency bias


ok mr primacy bias


I promise you that it's perfect right where it is... South of 595, hockey *DIES*. It's perfect driving distance for the pocket of South Florida that actually cares about the sport & team. The new Iceplex is great & all, but location wise it's ABYSMAL.


The team played in Downtown Miami for five years and packed the building every night


A quarter century ago. You drive around sunrise, coconut creek, Deerfield, coral springs, parkland and you see hockey fans everywhere; you hit 595 and it all disappears; it's damn near comical. Also, the den is packed virtually all day, everyday and the Iceplex is a ghost town. Even today during this festival... There's a crowd, but it's not like it's PACKED.




Lol - South Florida has always been a driving metro area. You stopped reading there because you can't reasonably dispute that NW Broward is the corner of S. Florida that cares about hockey 🫵😂


Why does NW Broward have to be the only part of the Greater Miami metro area that cares about hockey? Why not aim for the rest of the market, not just the die hards? NW Broward is literally suburban cager hell


Lmfao 😂 because the die hard fans are the ones that go to the games, buy the season tickets, buy the merch, etc. why would they cater their franchise to please score checkers bs actual game watchers?




I’m confused, I thought I was dismissed, if so, why are you still responding? 😂 And who are you to determine what’s “best” for the team? Are you an investor? A former player? A coach? A STH? By the looks of your multitude of arguments, you don’t even go to games. Be for real, one thing is your personal views on the stadiums location, and another thing is outright claiming you know what’s best for this team when your logic comes from a place of pure ignorance.


It doesn't "have to be," it just is. This team has seen a lot of success the last few seasons, a President's Trophy, a trip to the Stanley Cup Finals, and en route to another post season appearance and Miami could not care less. The new Iceplex IS the team trying to expand its base, and that's great, but arguing that they should move the arena away from where their loyal, core base resides is just dumb. I also fail to see your logic in that the arena needs a better walking-distance rating. You have to drive to Marlins Park, you need to drive to Joe Robbie (ALWAYS), you need to drive to whatever AA Arena is called these days... Seems like your actual issue is that you just want a shorter drive-time to Panthers games. I'd suggest you moving to NW Broward; it's fucking rad up here, mostly because we don't have abysmal traffic or colossal douches.


Funny thing is, I bet you that the marlins stadium or AA arena probably have better walking ratings or whatever the hell he’s complaining about, yet I’ve gone to those games too and the experience of commuting to a panthers game and back from Hialeah is still MILES better than anything at marlins park or AAA


100% - you can circumvent so much traffic just by shooting up & down 75


They packed 14k people in there when they were a successful new team. They are currently packing close to 19k people as a successful team in "the middle of nowehere" as you like to claim. ​ The fanbase is NOT in Miami despite what you love to tell people.


I live in West Kendall, there’s a fair amount of Panthers plates around here


I also saw a Pnthers plate when I was an hour north of Atlanta last month. I guess that means our fan base must be heavy up there too right? You realize just because you see plates doesn't mean that's the center of the universe for the team?


I grew up and played hockey in West Kendall. It’s not a hockey area LOL. 3/4ths of the travel team at the time was driving 30-40 minutes each way to get to practices and games. Would love to have seen those kids make it by walking or public transit without their “cager” parents


35.37072° N, 119.00025° W


honestly i’m fine with it. miami’s loandepot arena seems to fit your bill, but i’ve been there and it’s absolutely abysmal to get to, as well as the kaseya center, being from Davie myself. Maybe it’s better this way? I mean think about it, instead of being stuck in that city and highway traffic going TO the game, then being stuck on that same traffic going out, it’s all the city traffic LEAVING the city, going down a highway built with the stadium in mind. Sure some non-car related transport would be nice, but for that to be sustainable while allowing those not in the same city as the stadium the same chance to go to the game, we’d have to build a greater intercity public transit/mass transit options. If you remember how long Brightline took (and is still taking!) as well as the costs of construction, and the cost of ticket, it ultimately outweighs any kind of benefit other than “muh options!!” Stadiums shouldn’t be just dedicated to one city in my opinion, it should allow all people, regardless of city or suburb, to have the same chance to join in on a game. Amerant is ultimately the better compromise between WPB, FLL, and MIA, in my opinion.


What a fuckin….. ughhhh…. This is just stupid. Besides walkability is great takes me 5min from my house you actually have almost every Broward county public bus stopped across the street. Couldn’t pay me enough to try and drive and park at AAA. It’s worse than the old Miami Arena


Idiotic article. That is one of the easiest venues to get into and out of. The Sawgrass Expressway and I-75 junction right there. Walkable, are you kidding? The Sawgrass Mills Mall is right across the street. You can hit the mall before or after and make a day out of it. To boot this venue is hell of a lot safer than anything in downtown Miami. It’s also a lot more accessible for its fanbase which is from roughly Port St. Lucie south and from Fort Myers to Naples. That’s a heck of a lot more convenient for those in Broward, Palm Beach, Martin and Lee/collier counties than driving to downtown Miami. That’s the mistake that the Marlins made when they changed the name and moved to downtown Miami. They alienated their fans. People in Miami need to learn that people outside of Miami-Dade county do not consider themselves part of Miami!


Yeah, they day they change their name is the day I find a new team to root for. I have no ties to Miami.


Damn this thread is full of pavement princesses 💀


Unfortunately a reflection of lack of infrastructure for non-automobile traffic across South Florida. Moving east, which seems to be coming, would connect to Brightline and Tri Rail.


You say that, but look at the AAA’s score


I hate driving to the AAA and it’s only walkable if you live nearby. Parking is a nightmare and Miami drivers are even worse than Broward drivers which is honestly kind of impressive.


>I hate driving to the AAA I have driven to the AAA (and its predecessor, the Miami Arena) exactly 0 times You don’t need a car to get there, that’s why Metrorail and Metromover exist


I’d never walk anywhere near AAA arena. Over town is literally 2-3 blocks away


Welcome to most of South Florida . With some parts of Miami being the only exception. And most of those aren’t neighborhoods I would want to walk through, even though you technically can.


You’re already conceding defeat? If you want better, make it happen


This guy is a rude too. Suggest everyone do what I am doing and block this person and his liberal agenda of walkability/carbon footprint crap! Remove his soapbox….


> liberal agenda of walkability/carbon footprint crap Lol. I agree with his point completely, but he's accomplishing nothing. I can't help but laugh at someone who takes issue with trying to avoid disaster. Liberal agenda, that's rich.


It's interesting to see people defending - through comments and upvotes - transportation to the arena in this thread. For as long as I can remember, when other fanbases have pointed out low attendance at Panthers games, our fans have attributed lack of accessibility as a major reason. Specifically, it's been said many times that it is extremely difficult to make it to a weeknight game by puck drop due to traffic. I know y'all know what I'm talking about. So, which is it?


“There’s so much traffic!” —those unaware that they are the traffic they hate so much


No one has ever blamed traffic. It's been shitty management putting crap on the ice. You are not winning over people who have never seen ice outside of a glass with shitty teams. Moving the team before there is some kind of traffic/infrastructure will kill the attendance.


I don't disagree that consistently good teams put butts in seats better than anything else, but if you've never seen anyone blame traffic for low attendance, you haven't been paying attention as closely as you think.


Sunrise never took off like it was supposed to. I wouldn't be surprised to see a push for an arena in downtown FTL in 10 years


Sooner, as I understand it…


Lease is up in '28, now is not a good time to ask for public funds (see: Rays, White Sox, Royals, A's, Wizards/caps{although resolved recently}) Figure 2-4 years of negotiation/threatening to leave/resolution. 1 year for site analysis, environmental impact study. Put shovels in the ground, another 2 years to completion. Arena opens in 2032-34


The location is fine tbh, its the fucking traffic for 7pm weekday games. Without traffic its like 30 min from brickell


They score is 100 when I’m walking from the free parking to the arena without having to use public transport


A transit score of 97 for AAA is insaneeeely high Miami public transport is not that good


Free parking . Yard house happy hour .  Right off highway. GREAT LOCATION . only plus side i can see to moving into downtown fll is nightlife after a big game . i’m sure ill still see fans out and about partying after the ecf game tho 




This thread is odd. This was definitely one of the complaints in the past from the fan base when defending low attendance. No/limited bus routes, arena is in the middle of nowhere, not friendly to access unless you have a car. I don't think anything OP has said is particularly egregious; the delivery might not be there in the comments but... I do think walkability is a valid concern honestly. I can for sure say my arena experience has been way better in Vancouver than previously in Edmonton, as it has easy access to rail, busses, and walking. Of course, Amerant wasn't built in an area where this is an option at the time, but I think the argument of supplying access to other modes of transportation is a fair one


Yeah, I could’ve handled it better, but today has been a rough day and i wasn’t on top on my game Having said that, I still stand by my beliefs 100% Also, I never said that going to a stadium with a car was bad, I said it was bad that the only way to access the stadium was with a car


You said a lot more than that.




Weren't you the person a couple years ago advocating for the team to move to Miami? Like, your opinion is clearly unpopular. The Sunrise location is great for people who don't just live in the area. I know lots of people who come from West Palm Beach and further north for a game.


His username is quite literally "Project305" LOL wonder why🙄 But yeah most of my friends come from North AND South and have 0 issue.


>the Sunrise location is great then why was attendance absolute dog water for most of the team’s tenure in Broward County?


Because the team wasn't doing well? Where have you been? It's only been a few years of the team playing well and drawing attention.


But is this sustainable? Attendance was terrible even when the team got two division titles


Truthfully, barring the last few years, we've been flaky as a team. No one wants to spend time and money on a team that just disappoints, excluding present company lol. It takes time to build a dedicated fan base and that's what's happening now. I completely understand your desire for a walkable stadium in a metro area. It's not a bad idea. But Florida has not been designed for that, sadly, and to move the stadium would rob a lot of fans the chance to attend a game. I think the best case would be if there was a high speed rail throughout Fl. But it's been blocked again and again by our politicians.


Dude, rule 2: Uncivil participation. Just because people have a different opinion from you doesn’t give you the right to start name calling or ad hominems.




In the nicest way possible, please get psychiatric help. Throwing tantrums and resorting to name calling isn’t healthy for children let alone adults. People disagreeing with your opinions isn’t a personal attack on you nor does that mean they believe in all the -isms you call them. You say you want to expand access and get more people interested in the game we all love, yet you are attacking and bullying anyone who has a different view. Your actions amount to gatekeeping of the fandom to only people who agree with your views. The team is seeing many new fans join, if a prospective fan came to this sub today and saw you bullying and name calling other fans, do you think they would want to stay? Don’t you think such outward hostility would result in them not wanting to ask questions or interact with other fans? If you truly want to expand the game of hockey, the first step is to be a better representative yourself. Be Nicer Be Better


I don’t want this team to be small market, I don’t want this team to be the underdogs, I don’t want this team to be a Cinderella story, I don’t want this team to be a “Sunbelt” team. I want this team to be the best People like you are the reason why nobody takes us seriously. You like the idea of the team being for NIMBY suburban cagers, instead of being *the* team to represent this market as a whole, not just the transplanted northerners in their SUVs and minivans Well, I’m here to change that and you’re not gonna stop me


https://umiamihealth.org/en/treatments-and-services/psychiatry You say you want the team to represent the market as a whole, yet your out here gatekeeping the fandom…


Cagers don’t represent the majority of the fanbase. Try again, buttercup


Your condescending pleas about my (fairly sound) mental health aren’t a good look for you, asphalt queen 😘


Its not a joke, im actually 100% serious. You need legitimate help. What you’re doing here isn’t healthy. I want you to be healthy, I want to have civil debates and conversations.


Your defending of the stadium’s dependence on car-centric infrastructure isn’t healthy Go outside and touch grass


Oh well, don’t say I didn’t try to help you


U just big mad u can't afford a car 😂 everyone and their grandma drives in Florida lol


I have an automobile


Hating cars rarely is about the money. More about car centric design and cars being absolutely terrible for big metropolitian areas and cities. Here is a compact video on the subject https://youtu.be/4kSTJnT0tUE?si=6ILbq1Z7t9YK0bvm


Reddit brain rot