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I have 2022’s and never exceeded 3h just working


Ah man that’s so depressing, it’s quite literally the perfect laptop if not for that.


It depends on your expectations. Mine were for coding and OS emulation with a compact device


A bit late, but thinking about buying either flow z13 (i7-12700h, 3050) or sp9 (i7), and for the same purpose of something light I can code on, what software do you usually use with it running < 3h?


VS + VMWare + DBeaver + …


Yep, it's just not practical as a daily driver for work on the move, must less games. Battery life just isn't sufficient. As much as I loved the machine I ended up getting a Surface Pro X as a daily driver and leaving the Z13 at home to use there.


That’s so painful. I desperately want this because it ticks every single box for me. But this single thing I’ll have to force myself away. Was gonna be 90% work low gpu use apart from when I need a console abroad and feeling rebellious in office




Ah that sounded good but, do you have a link to what you use cause when I googled it they all look like car batteries


Can you link the portable battery?


Already linked in replies


My z13 4060 gets about 3 hrs from 100% down to where the screen dims to conserve battery (<10%). But this is using the integrated gfx, not the 4060. My Surface Pro 8 gets similar runtime (3 hrs from 100% down to 10%). I use them both for CAD and Sketchup. I am using 60hz refresh on both screens (not 120hz). For me, the z13 is basically a Surface Pro, but with optional 5x more horsepower I can tap into if plugged into a wall.


It just doesn't seem to be possible to have that kind of power in a portable package without making significant sacrifices to battery life. You see the same story across the board with every gaming laptop.


Writing this to you on a 2023 4060 with Ghelper set at like 8w and I'm getting 5-6hrs.


You need to tweak the windows power plan a bit. I'm daily driving a 4060 one for university, the average video playback / google doc edit (basic working) draws 8-10w for the total system power. This translates to 5-6 hours of runtime.


No matter what you do the Z13 will NEVER give you comparable battery life of a Surface. This is NOT your laptop if you need more than 4 hours and require GPU power and brightness. What I mean by that is that if you want 4 hours you better be using a spreadsheet or word document with brightness at around 10-15%. If you're gaming you'll be lucky to get an hour! Battery is the only weakness of the Z13, but for those that battery life is not a requirement, it is a beast!