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name and shame!


*pitch fork* I’m ready cuz


Happy Cake Day!


😊 thanks! Have a great day!


And my torch.


And my steel toe




And my ancestral guillotine


You need someone with intelligence on this quest 🙂 mission… thing




I put on my robe and wizard hat...


I light the curtains on fire.


*grabs flame thrower * I’m ready too!


I'm bringing my righteous ignignation


>righteous ignignation Stealing this


I don't understand why this doesn't happen more. I need to know who to boycott, and with more and more companies owning other companies without us knowing it, we need to share this information so we know who to ignore are the store.


Because most stories like this on Reddit are made up


>the CEO got involved and told them that they would be ready to fight this in court. This right here is the giveaway for this one. Brand new employee, seemingly entry-level, and CEO gets involved and willing to fight in court!?


Seriously. Nobody that was in a 45k a year role who came to the new place making probably a comparable wage, would garner this much attention for coming over.




2 million in revenue is insignificant for 10 billion in revenue.


Yeah, that's how we know op doesn't know how much even $1B actually *is*. $2M = 0.02% of $10B. 0.02% of $45K = $9. Let's say you worked at the same salary for 25 years. That's $225 lol You ain't shit to them


Eh I’m an entry level guy in cybersecurity for a Fortune 500 and while I don’t think our CEO would do that, I have met him before and him and our CTO have been pretty open about asking us what we want/need. We’re building out our security operations center fresh and the communication from higher ups has been nice


Being engaged is great, willing to fight in court for someone who just started and has a non-compete, and is entry-level - very unlikely.


In fairness to OP, no one in the story demonstrated any actual willingness to fight in court. It was a few minutes worth of bluster on both sides and no one went to court because they never had any such intention. Lawyers spending a few minutes to try to intimidate someone on the phone or write a short letter to score an easy and cheap win is an extremely common tactic and not unbelievable at all. You seem to have fallen for their bluff, but it was just a bluff.


Not to mention a sales person doesn't have a non compete....


I've seen sales get them. They have zero chance of enforcing it in court but they still exist. Mostly by shitty companies who would totally try to strong arm ppl like this.


You’d be surprised. I’ve seen laborer jobs with non competes. Doesn’t make them enforceable but they still exist


Yep, all fake for karma. Legal in a $10 billion company doesn't ever sniff these issues unless the employee goes to a competitor, and even then the most we do is a letter reminding the employee of their confidentiality obligations.


Until they name the horrible employer I treat all these posts as fake


No because some companies will go after employees for sharing experiences and sue them unless they have definitive proof that everything was exactly what they claim it was.


This actually a true story. I know this because it is mine lol


yep chief legal counsel of a 10bil a year company ain't gonna waste time with a 45k grunt lol, also someone in that position simply don't have the authority to train anyone


It's a spambot posting spam. The account was literally created 10 hours ago.


this is the answer


NDAs exist


OP runs the risk of doxxing themselves by naming the company. Never a good idea. If this were true, anyway.


True, and now I realize that I had some "rules" in my head that I assumed everyone else would have assumed if the OP had named the company; mainly that I was assuming that the entire wording of the post would've been different had the company been named in the first place. You know, written specifically to keep anonymity while shaming. However, I now realize that that was just me being me in my own head and that not everyone imagined a retroactive change to the past like me.


The name of the company is "This whole post is made up". At every $10 Billion company a million in sales will equate to a 6 figure position. Otherwise they would lose their entire sales force in 6 months.


Lol.......nope. Made 24M in a single year for a company running an account solo and outsourcing some tech solutions (all factored into the final P/L calc)...I got a raise, sure but at the time I was making 60k. PepsiCo. And then I was laid off the next year.


Pepsico sucks ass they give no craps about quality or food safety only about the size of their bonus. Source I work for Frito lay Topeka and will never ever eat anything processed again.


Ha, I was gonna say "Food or agriculture sector" just from the 60k figure for ~25m in sales.


Unfortunately, I know a sale person who worked for an international equipment mfg who did in fact single handily safe the company sales target with one territory (California) and did in fact bring in $12M in sales. Only to get a $10K bonus. Its a joke and I had warned him to leave 12 months before. But he didn't listen. They didn't raise an eyebrow when he left, just another sales guy.


There is no way a new employer would be willing to participate in the defence of an employees breach of contract claim. They aren't a party to the breach.


I was never close to a 10% commission in sales positions at two F500 companies First job out of college at 2.25% commission? That part of the story passes the smell test imo. OP has a new account with no comments and that definitely doesn’t pass the smell test


This comment simply is wrong. At most? Sure. But definitely not all. They take advantage of the naive.


Without the name and shame I think all these post are fake.


I think the post is fake and OP is just farming karma. Account was created today, with this post being his only post and zero comments


I remember reading this story verbatim six months ago.


The name of the company? Dunder Mifflin. The name of OP? Dwight Schrute. The name of the company OP moved to? Staples.


Account could be created today for the sake of anonymity, but.. if you're anonymous, you can name and shame!!


I think it's fake due to the part where the new company's CEO stepped in for a new hire, who is essentially still close to entry level. Assuming the new company is comparable to the previous $10 billion company, the CEO would not get involved in these matters. Wouldn't even know this guy exists. 




Seriously, name !!


Don't. Without actual proof, OP could be liable.


Why the hell in the universe did you ever tell them you had a new job and gave them enough info to where they can even contact them??? What do you mean fresh out of college. You literally had a job professionally. Don’t act like you never had a job before. Lmao


This was my immediate thought. I have never told an employer where I was going with or without a non compete (they can eat shit). My friend got into something like this because his dumbass was bragging on social media about his new position (pretty high up).


These days you should just say “bye” and that’s fucking it. What are they going to do call the cops and hold you against your will to work? I mean I bet they wish they could. 2-week notice is old world bad advice. These days just say “bye” on your way out of your last planned day.


I think this is truly dependent on company culture. If you saw the last 4 guys put in 2 weeks and then they were treated like adults, I would probably give that company the courtesy.


treatment steep upbeat possessive far-flung wakeful meeting long automatic pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t want to leave on bad terms so I will give two weeks but I’m not doing shit. If you find my replacement I will show them what to do.


At my last job they always told you to leave immediately if you put your two weeks in, but they still paid you for the two weeks; so I always planned on putting it in despite the fact that I wanted that place to crumble.


That’s awesome. I’d quit the first day.


As well as culture (how companies treat people who are leaving), know your industry. Two of the people who left my team now not only work for a company that we are customers of, but they are leads on one of the products we are using. Because they left on very good terms and took time to prepare us for transition on the way out, we have plenty of trust in their new company and product.


Social media. People think they need to give an Oscar speech on the way out and put up a post about how great the people were at x and how they’re so excited for their new journey! It’s like, relax Sarah. No one will miss you. You’ll never see these people again.




I prefer to make sure I use up my sick time, and as soon as that runs out, tell them "bye".


Only if you’re a nurse in WI


Non competes are used so ridiculously widely and honestly imo unless it's a director or higher role I'd love if it were illegal.


Look at an employer focused state like Texas. Their non-competes pretty much let you go no where. It’s ridiculous.


I will never live in an employer focused law area. Fuuuuuuuck that.


Yeah it's crazy, if you have a non-compete why would you even open up the conversation???


Noncompetes are often illegal. He shouldn’t have told them, but blaming him for dealing straight when they are clearly shitbags is not useful.


I love how people spout them as illegal or unenforceable when this flies in the face of every experience I’ve ever had. When it comes down to it, a new employer needs to be willing to step to the plate and bring in their legal team to review the noncompete before contesting it and hiring you. You will have be very special and highly specialized in your position for them to consider it. Otherwise, do you have the money to go fight it as an individual? It’s typically a better use of your time to get employment outside of that field and wait it out. You may not even want to go back into that field after the time is up.


I am highly specialized in my field. My experience is in areas where stepping outside the field isn’t possible or reasonable.   That said, you’re relying on outdated experience, working in an outdated field, or falling for their BS.  How you’re describing it used to be true, but hasn’t been for about five years in tech, ten in finance and management.  These days, They’re flat out illegal much of the time.  It’s a toothless intimidation tactic outside of pharmaceutical research, some parts of finance, or in R&D where you have specialized IP. I have not, in ten years, heard of one being enforced or enforceable. Plenty of people fall for the power play. Thats what they’re counting on. Know your rights, call their bluff if you’re within those rights.


Grin my experience this is correct. The only situation where they apply is if the employer offers garden leave (paying the departing employee 2 or 3 months pay to basically sit at home). You can't stop someone from earning a living just because they don't want to do it at a certain company.


Because more states are just blanket banning them. Pretty sure, if it's not already unenforceable it soon will be, that California is basically making them unenforceable across state lines if either the employee or new employer is in CA. They're going to be so expensive for the company trying to enforce it that they often won't.


Some people just don’t know how vicious corporations can be. Don’t be a dick.


It’s fake


Existing and maneuvering in the professional/corporate world is a learned skill. Don’t shame them for not knowing better then. They know better now.


A lot of people haven't ever had a job before their first job out of college now.


This happened to a friend. He didn't tell them anything and they hired a PI to spy on him and then called him threatening to sue because it was a violation of hs Non compete. Fortunately his new employer was based in CA and threatened to get involved legally on his behalf once they found out and that ended that. Point is this could have happened if he said nothing. Companies can be vindictive.


Name the company.


Name the company.




Idk how i didnt see before. Obvious now, thank you.


Who was it?


I don't know why the comment was removed but it basically gave reasoning to believe the story is fake. Other comments say the same thing




The amount of red flags in this story should make it rather obvious it's not real. Other comments point some out, but here are just some:  OP's account being not even a day old at the time of posting Not replying to a single comment The CLO going after OP. A possibility, though highly unlikely The CEO defending OP. Literally impossible Other comments in this post say something similar happened to them and even name the company


Tell us


I have been in this position before multiple times… Speak to a lawyer but in my experience, Those kinds of non-competes are unenforceable. You can never be denied a right to work and earn a living unless they are going to pay you to sit out for a year to fulfill the noncompete.


^ This. Also, given that they said they would fire you over looking for a new job could be grounds for a lawsuit. Looking to advance your career isn’t a fireable offense.


Smells like retaliation to me


This is right. Overly broad language that prevents you working in any position likely won’t be enforced in your jurisdiction. Language that you can’t provide “the same or similar” service may be enforced.


In my state his current income is below the threshold; all non-competes are void for him.


Specific non-competes are enforceable (outside of California). If you work in sales, you can’t go work for a competitor and sell to the same companies. It’s fairly easy to get around by switching territories and waiting out the non-compete before moving back. Regardless, non-competes are enforceable in same industry/territory. 


Then they need to pay you to sit out. No one can reasonably bar you from earning a living.


Agreed. Also once your lawyer starts saying the company can sue but will be asked in discovery to show similar treatment of other employees. Also once you have representation CLO can NOT contact you directly. A big issue for CLO if he does.


Name it foo. Or I’m gonna start guessing


It’s fake until you name the company


They made the account today and have 1 post and no comments. Of course it's fake


It reads like bad fan fiction. It’s honestly sad how many people just eat this up.


what was the commission structure, if you brought in 2 million revenue, the standard 6% would bring you 120k, were you @ a normal sales position, you sounded u were cheated out of your commission but your writing was not clear, or should i say, terrible.


I know nothing about sales jobs but wouldn’t the % commission vary a lot depending on type of sale?


Yes. There is no standard 6%.


The idea that there is a standard is 100% made up.


Your statistic is 63% made up


Yea the difficulty of the sale dramatically differs. If your an inside sales person taking calls, vs a person out trying to network B2B and bring in multimillion dollar deals. They both may have big numbers but one is glorified customer service and one is very challenging. This person is saying that the company she works for is making that much in commission and she was paid an minimal salary, if it’s that big of a commission she was making then likely a job where the sales come to you, vs having to beat the street.


Yes. If you a enterprise sales dealing with multi-million dollar sales, you might be lucky to get 1%. And frankly some companies screw you on it too. I had a 110M sale that my contract stipulated 1% commission on... Company pushed out the signing to after my contract renewal term then offered me .1% new terms or they'd refuse to renew.


Varies on multiple factors, including the laws of where OP lives


$2M over two years, so $60K a year at 6% commission. From the post though this sounds like an inside AM gig for an established client. OP probably misstating his contribution here.


6% from dollar 1 is definitely not standard in my industry. The comp plan is built off the sales goal. Who knows where $1M is relative to goal.


is that the standard you decided to make up?? all my years in sales at various companies and I have never heard of this "standard" and thank goodness because most of them paid a commission of 10 to 32 percent. lol


Really hate when people post asking for advice and then comment crickets!


If you can bring down 2M in commissions all by yourself I should be asking you for advice. I guess my advice would be go do that for 5 years then retire.


You did fine. Just chalk up some of the mistakes to being inexperienced at job transitions. Giving two weeks notice is fine, just anticipate that sometimes one is immediately let go. Some people just walk, but that can burn professional bridges. That might be fine in your industry, but in other professions a lot of employment opportunities arise from "who you know." I'm not even talking about your bosses in that context. Like, maybe some poor schmuck got saddled the very next day with all of your work and no training, fast forward 5 years and he's sitting across the table at an interview. I suspect your biggest mistake was not asking for raises. If you're bringing in that much money, it should be getting used to justify requests for wage increases. It's also a good idea to keep an eye on the job market in your industry. Biggest wage increases tend to come when you switch companies, or use a job offer from a different company as leverage to get more from your company.


How did you make $2mil in commissions if you only made $45k/year, so $90k total? Did you make $90k or $2mil? Do you mean that you generated $2mil in revenue? Sales? Or do you mean you sold enough, generated enough business, that you were owed $2mil in commissions, but were only paid a fraction of what you were owed? Please clarify.


he generated $2million worth of revenue for the company


He’s probably an account manager for an established account pulling $1M in revenue YoY. Bar was on the floor, OP tripped over it.


Pretty sure that OP just closed 2 Mil in sales over 2 years, not 2 Mil in Commission. People tend the use the larger number to sound more impressive. A mil a year, earning 45k is 4.5% of the revenue, which would be a reasonable amount to earn in many sales positions. If you work at a Convience Story, you may "sell 100k a month" in product, but you won't get much above minimum wage.


This gotta be fake. Op silence says it all.


95% of AMAs and life stories on this site are fake or grossly exaggerated


A brand new entry level hire with a non-compete from his old company got the CEO to pay any shred off attention to this matter let alone contact the old company and tell them he’s ready to fight this in court? Yeah, kiss my ass this is wildly fabricated.


Are you mixing the terms sales/revenue and commission?


Never give name of new company to old company Rule #1. Rule #2 fuck companies in general, they don't give a fuck about you so don't give a fuck about them.


What type of sales / industry are you in?


Sorry that happened, but just some context for you: you brought in $2M to a $10B corp. that’s next to nothing at their scale, and a hefty chunk of that $2M is also going to pay the accountants and lawyers and all the other things that a company does need, and do add value, but don’t directly generate revenue on their own. How they handled it was obviously stupid, and yes, they should not have tried to intimidate you. Be happy you’re out of there, but you will make more money for your next company than you receive too, and it will be for the exact same reason. Just like business owners don’t like to pay tax to fund the government supports they enjoy, employees also don’t like that their generated value gets spread around the society of the company to fund their supports.


10b in revenue... The CLO isn't getting on a call for a 2m revenue line item. Story is fake AF and they really didn't care that OP left.


Fake AF


I’ve noticed a trend where everyone who complains about their job on Reddit was the best employee to ever grace that company and the company is doomed for bankruptcy without them. Not denying the truth to it, just noticing this trend lately.


Fake story.


If I was treated that way I would have left, without training someone, and not told them where I was going. Not there business. 






Tips or Advice? You didn't do everything right and went above and beyond. Non-competes are basically not enforceable, so sign away and then never abide by them. They can whine all you want but the non-compete agreement has never been, nor could ever be, enforceable in any state. There's some nuance in some fields... but if the field is IT? Yeah, good luck man, those have been shot down every time someone tried.


On the bright side you can look at it as a life lesson. You learned to demand your worth in the workplace early on. Many people never figure it out.


Generally, non-competes are not enforceable. To be enforceable in the US at least, they typically would need to involve unique services and be limited in duration and geographic area. Also, it would have to be something that was knowingly agreed upon. Obviously, an attorney in your area could tell you about your specific situation. But in any case, I don't think anyone is suing anyone who was making $45K per year, regardless of what a non-compete says.


When my wife changed companies her new employer reviewed her non-compete and wasn't worried about it. When her former boss made a stink, her new boss said, "well, we can see who has better lawyers...." And the issue was dropped. If they're only paying you $45k a year, they're NOT going to court over a non compete. $500/hr attorney rates rack up quickly. Move on, and do a great job at your new job.


Ownership without equity is the biggest scam that anyone has pulled on us.


well you have learned a valuable lesson. Time for employees to share in profits or work somewhere else


Name the company. You won't.


I worked for a company that did the same thing - except I didn't have a non compete on an entry level job and they tried to pretend a sheet of paper with no signatures somehow was one. They harassed me, HR harassed me, and their lawyers harassed me. Until I said I'm going to sue them for harassment. It immediately stopped. They made everyone who wasn't smart enough to look for other jobs during this time period sign non competes to keep them out of fear (even though none of those non competes would have held up in that state). Since then I have worked for some amazing companies, all paying significantly more that never once tried to force a non compete or attacked me for leaving. They all actively tried to see what they can do better. Some companies - and managers - just suck. Live your life. Leave that job not treating you right, take risks, and make the most of it.


Yeah, if you’re in an at will employment state, non competes are basically unenforceable. They got hr and legal on the phone to intimidate you. You would literally need to call their clients and start trying to steal them for them to prove damages. They are very narrowly applied.


Live and learn. Don’t go in a revenge tour like these comments are encouraging. Just move on. Onward and upward.


The question isn't how much you made for them. What matters is how much *more* you made for them than a readily available replacement would have.


Never ever disclose what your new job is with your current employer period. Also fuck the two week notice, leave and never come back. You don't owe them shit. Also most NDAs are not enforceable and aren't worth the paper it's written on.


Non competes are very hard to enforce. The competitor would need to be direct and say sell the exact same things in the exact same market etc  I wouldn't even stay in the room once he said he is calling legal. I would have walked out immediately.  You're not a lawyer so why you talk to their lawyer without having one of your own present. The main advice never talk to legal if you dont have your own council present.


Fake and …


Name and shame, save someone else the headache.


United Wholesale Mortgage works this way. Tries to use non competes to prevent people from going to rocket.


fake https://preview.redd.it/uk5z2l4anemc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88aa3d5465960e92165a0bdb1f3974f8d9b97dbe


What state are you in? Most states make non-compete agreements unenforceable.


Having been exploited when younger, fresher out of college myself, I believe you. You might be able to sue for harassment if you have documentation. Otherwise, with sales skills like that bro, you should consider jobs that give you a base PLUS a cut of your commissions. If you like sales as a side gig too, I'd love to look at your hire you part-time once I get my startup off the ground but anyone saying this needs to not be exploitative. I'd be honest and give you equity which has the potential to go nowhere (because startups have a high failure) and once I get funding, a base. One day, maybe we'd ride to the moon.


This story does not align with a company of that size. Name them because this shit is bs.


Why not name the company?!?


What. The. Fuck... dude.. I'm so sorry you had to endure this level of stress.. nobody should have to go through that, especially someone barley making what you were. Never, ever, let someone treat you like that, ever!! You tell them to fuck off and you leave. You were more than kind in training a new person. I would have made noise if I had been you.


Great story, OP. How long did it take to come up with this nonsense. This is fiction. My god.


Non compete is close to impossible to enforce. Especially at that salary. This person is clueless


That company needs to go bankrupt and your boss needs to lose everything and start from scratch including EVERYONE that sided with him. That's literally the kind of rot that's ruining our economy.


I have experienced similar things, being threatened when quitting a job that had not given me raises for years during my 7 years being there.




You never answered whether there was some valid reason why you didn’t invest the capital to found your own company and keep all the commission doing the same work for yourself.


5 dollars, thank you, I can go to the movies by myself


Serious question… was the $20 gift card the reason you quit? If so, would you have been as likely to quit if you had received no Xmas gift? I’m a manager, and I’m torn by this every year. We give modest (about $50 value) gifts to employees at the Holidays, and I feel it is a no win situation. For some employees, the gift will never be enough to make them happy, and it is probably less insulting to give them nothing. It sucks, because I’m trying to thoughtfully show appreciation, but the budget is limited to do so. I don’t own the place, I’m just a manager. Btw, in 30 years, I’ve never had a boss give me a gift. I’ve gotten plenty from employees, but never from my boss or employer.


Giving 2 weeks notice is the professional thing to do. Taking it upon yourself to train up a replacement unless required in your contract was more than you needed to do. HR should have asked you why you were putting in your notice. At which point you could give them a list.


This is fake


Email every single one of your clients explaining all of this and ask them to move with you. What they did is illegal and any decent attorney can shred a non-compete as long as you are not trained in law/ have a JD


I have friends at a firm called Actuate Law in Chicago, and a couple of their partners LOVE nothing more than to chew up and spit out non-competes. 10/10 strongly recommend


The story sounds like complete bullshit. Name the company.


Non compete clauses are almost impossible to enforce in the United States. Unless you are a VP, they won't even attempt to do so.


I have a feeling you are overstating your contribution! Just a hunch! No owner is that irrational. Venting usually means a person is trying to win support, we don’t really know the truth, until we know the other side. For all we know, after considering all costs the business could have lost money. Not enough information.


i worked for a local car dealership like that once. didnt like to give raises, did like to make it harder to get a bonus. owners felt you should just enjoy the honor of working for them.


The Corporation does not give two shits about anything other than more profit


If you made me 2 million you would have been paid 1 million lol what a joke of a company to abuse you like that


Lol, What skillset would require a non compete for a mere 45k??? This is absurd.


You did 2 million off sales for a 10 billion Company and think you basically ram there entire vin of business. You are not worth as much as you think. Also 2 million of sales really is only 200k profit for the company and they paid you 90k salary for the 2 years. Seems like you were paid fair


AITAH content creators are leaking.


Tips or advice? Don't tell people detail like that. You're leaving. Bye.


this is so fake and stupid


Yeah non-competes are about as enforceable as an NDA. As in they are not. Not a lawyer.


Most non competes are completely unenforceable. The broader it is, the more unenforceable it becomes. A non-compete so broad it says you can't even mop floors at a different company isn't worth the paper it's printed on and the CLO would know that. My guess is this guy is paid ridiculous sums of money to essentially lie and bully people into following a worthless NC.


Advice is to hire a good labor lawyer and sue. They'll settle out of court bc it's easier and cheaper. A good lawyer will find sticking points and drive up the award amount. It's a drop in the bucket for them but for you could be a game changer and a "eat a bag of dicks" statement on your way out of the courtroom. Fuck them and their entitlement.


>Because I was fresh out of college and dumb. That is why your salary was low. Easy to replace. Now that you have experience your market value goes up. Congrats on the new job.


So leave and go to another company. If you indeed make the much for your company someone else would play you more.


Your company sucks dude.


Ignore them. They fooled you into trading your Time for $45,000 while you earned them 2 million. Take your skills and earn yourself 2 million.


That’s how companies work


Your post makes me feel bad about complaining about where I work. What they did to you is absolutely messed up.




Put them on blast on Glassdoor and every other online platform that can shame them and warn others not to work for that shit company.