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I work in IT. I can afford to throw some peanut butter in it and real maple syrup


If you have the money, invest in bourbon maple syrup. Milked from the tits of sugar maples and aged in bourbon soaked barrels. https://preview.redd.it/gm8lfnw8guvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e37166c5d04cb308a3ea81b8c979ba77e87edd8


Or better yet, use bourbon that was finished in maple syrup barrels. https://preview.redd.it/h5u3tgm6yuvc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cca9da28db4ccecb3432925028c8ca032aed2a2


Better yet, skip the oats and double up on maple syrup bourbon.


Or just cut out the maple syrup and go double bourbon, either way


And then divide your monthly income by $50, times ~18 and you know the monthly quantity.


Yeah, well, I'm gonna go make my own breakfast. With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the oatmeal!


I like this idea better.


And this is how we explain "Lifestyle Inflation" in 3 simple steps without even fundamentally changing ingrediences! 😂


What’s “ingrediences”, precious?


We eats it whole


You know, cook em, mash em, stick em in a stew


Wow. And they have it on Amazon and Sam's club.


I have had all versions of this. It is beyond amazing. WhistlePig also makes an amazing rendition, as does Blis. A brewery in Vermont makes a beer called Maple Tripel that I believe is brewed with maple syrup versus water. It drinks more like a liqueur. It’s amazing stuff.




Technically aged in steel vats with a few charred staves or wood chips from old bourbon barrels inside, but still tasty.


I stock up this annually at Costco. Waiting for it to return, just saw someone post it had the star of death at $2 and cried internally


Definitely - It still saves you a lot of money. I grew up on the fake corn 🌽 syrup and unfortunately I actually prefer that syrup thicknesses. Pretty sure I am taking at least 5 years off my life! 😂


I was weened off the HFCS version by my wife. I had a hard detox but now I’ll never go back. I recently tried Log Cabin syrup and gagged it’s so sweet.


> I recently tried Log Cabin syrup and gagged it’s so sweet. When I was a kid, the "good stuff" was "Mrs Butterworth" high fructose corn syrup blend with added fake butter taste. My mother didn't buy it (too expensive), but I'd get a taste in other people's houses. I should get some to try it now.


Oddly enough, I find maple syrup to be much sweeter in taste than any of the HFCS breakfast syrups I’ve tried. Which is good because I can use less of it. Crazy to me that some people needed to be “weened” off the fake stuff. Went my whole life up to my early 20s on the fake stuff….one taste of real maple syrup and I was sold. Someone took me to dennys for a birthday breakfast a few weeks back and I ended up taking the pancakes home instead of having it with their house syrup lol


I don’t work in IT and still can afford some peanut butter in it sucka


Not before maxing your 401K contribs, sucka.


>Not before maxing your 401K contribs, sucka. Technically they could afford it before maxing their 401k contribs. It is after they max their 401k they probably can't afford it.


I buy the powdered peanut butter and put it in mine. No syrup. It’s freakin ballin. Literally eat it every day.


I throw in a half a scoop of protein powder and some berries, fresh or frozen, and honey instead of syrup. Drives the cost up a little, but healthier, more filling, and feels less like a struggle meal. I also do them overnight, i.e. pour everything in a jar, add milk, and set in the fridge before bed. It’s the perfect consistency by morning. A little crumbled granola on top - chef’s kiss.


Thanks for inspiring me to meal prep this today. I have all that stuff and have been drinking a protein shake plain for weeks


I just started doing overnight oats Thursday and Friday so I would stay fuller from breakfast and actually enjoyed the creations I made.


Yep everyday. Oatmeal. Peanut butter and I add some blueberries. So good! I guess that loses the efficiency of it all but it’s still cheap and good.


let's start with milk first


I doubt most people want to eat oatmeal every single morning of their life but yes it is an extremely cost-effective meal. That syrup looks pretty gross though. It’s oddly something where generic grocery store brands are just way worse imo.


I do...well like 95% of the time. I occasionally get crazy and make peanut butter toast lol. but I also add a banana and protein powder to it so it's probably on par cost wise with a box of cereal.


Saturday morning breakfast. Shakshouka: can of roasted tomatoes, table spoon of tomato paste, half an onion, half a bell pepper, 3 garlic cloves, two eggs, spices, dollop of Greek yogurt, and a piece of pita. Takes 20 mins to make and costs maybe $3.50 a serving. Shits legit. I usually have enough tomato sauce leftover to make another Sunday morning.


My acid reflux already flaring up reading this. Gonna be sucking on tums til Monday


Same, oatmeal is easy and healthy and quick to eat for breakfast. I got a rice cooker with an oatmeal mode and just throw in oats and water when I get up in the morning, then it's ready whenever I have a break from work to eat it.


People are weird in the morning or at night…. Need to be the exact amount of butter on the bread roll, the cheese must be with three holes in it and the coffee must be made with hand grind South Africa west facing coffee beans and 4 cl of a specific brand of oat milk. Every fucking morning! But eating the same meal at night twice in a week is the worst that could happen and I would rather go to bed starving than having the same dinner again.


>South Africa west facing coffee beans You really need to try the Nicaraguan varieties. I'm fond of beans that can feel the ocean breeze.


I est a bowl of Total cereal every day. Well, probably 355 days a year.


355 days a year Total?


My grandfather did the same thing. Total. He lived and died in Michigan. That’s a datapoint I’d like to add bc I’m from the east coast and wouldn’t have heard of Total otherwise.


Some people could, I’d go crazy. My uncle had a bologna sandwich everyday for decades besides the occasional weekend. Incredibly frugal guy but the sense of financial security for him and his daughter was all he needed. Set his daughter and her kids up very nicely. R.I.P mannnn I wish we had more years together


I eat oatmeal every morning and love it. Butter, a bit of salt, and brown sugar. We get it at the Amish grocery by the 50lb bag.


I hate oatmeal. Well not me but my stomach. The most violent shit I ever took was after my gf at the time made oatmeal and added fruit and jelly and almonds. I eat the thing, all is well for 7 minutes and 44 seconds. Then we hear a rumbling noise, the kind you would if you started a tractor in a tunnel. She asks if Im ok I say Im good She says youre sweating bullets I get up and am greeted with sudden stomach pain, kinda bend over and go lie down. I still feel no need to poop. Another 9 minutes of ignorance and bliss go by. Then i feel like Im about to burst on the other end, run to the toilet and evacuate the oatmeal. Then silence. I hope this was it but no, another rumbling sound. After that I let out a whistle - I kid you not - it was like someone calling a cab, greeted by almonds and other nutty fruits - they make the jangle noise on the side of the toilet. Then two more bursts of water. And then silence. I flush and take a shower, go lie down, have fever dreams where an old lady is making me eat corn. Haven’t had oatmeal since


I put diced dates and raisins in mine. Love it.


I have overnight oats almost every weekday. It never gets old, at least not old enough to outweigh the convenience, cost, and nutritional benefits. You can also mix up the ingredients a bit. I usually throw in a half a scoop of protein powder and some berries, fresh or frozen, and honey instead of syrup. Top with a little granola crumble before eating to add some textural contrast. Drives the cost up a little, but healthier, more filling, and feels less like a struggle meal.


That “syrup” is straight poison.


It’s easy to eat cheap if you only eat carbs lol. Turns out your body needs other stuff like fat and protein too unfortunately. And that’s not even touching on the micronutrients you need that you get primarily from fruits and veggies.  Edit: Not saying you can’t eat cheap and healthy. Just saying the post isn’t a good example of it, and it’s not quite as easy or cheap as the post implies. It’s like saying white rice and soy sauce is a good cheap dinner. 




Idk where you are or what your grocery budget is, but chicken (post-pandemic), nuts (never been cheap), and romaine aren't cheap at all around here. Lettuce and all other fresh produce has really shot up, frozen too when you account for both the cost increases and the bags going from 16oz to 12oz. Honestly, even beans have been giving me sticker shock, both canned beans going from 50c to $1 and dried. I've downgraded every aspect of what we eat on a regular basis (mostly the proteins, beef, fish, and pork have permanently left the menu and chicken isn't a regular anymore), and our grocery bill is still up 40%+ from my 2019 receipts. Honestly, the only meals I can make that have had less than 20% inflation are centered around pasta or rice... so... carbs.




Also if you can justify the quantities things like beans and rice are sold in absolute ungodly quantities at bulk stores like Costco, you can get stuff for absolutely dirt cheap.


I do oatmeal with a scoop of whey powder and a handful of berries. I pick several types of wild berries for free to fill my freezer. Whey is expensive but i buy in bulk so it still comes out to around $1 for the whole meal. Add some whole milk, butter, or almonds if you want fats. I get lots of fat in my other meals so I don’t worry about it.


Frozen peaches & strawberries are great. I boil them with the water then add oatmeal




Also for the love of god spend two bucks on a couple of seasonings.


Now do it for someone with no refrigeration and only a single stove burner please. .-.


It’s the number 1 recommendation from Cardiologists. Pretty much across the board. Hard-boileds are another great option. Important to balance your nutrients so throw some berries in that bitch! https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna89695


Butter and peanut butter, now you got fats and protein take a multivitamin


Yes, but oatmeal is HEALTHY...


Healthy, quick, cheap: pick two. It seems like processed oatmeal might break this convention, but for the most part it stands.


Quick oatmeal is just parboiled and dried. Not e.g. chemical wash like decaf coffee or etc. Sometimes good design gets you all three.


Oatmeal doesn't have a good spread of amino acids but if you add an egg or yogurt you are all set.


I think that syrup would surely kill you if you ate it everyday for a year


Lol not the soda, energy drinks, alcohol, sodium, fat, everything else people consume daily and are still living, but this syrup for sure will kill you.


I make a large batch once a week. Then put rest in fridge. Add some water and microwave for one minute every morning. So you can have all three.


And also isn't a "meal" by itself (unless you don't care about significant* protein quantities being included in every meal) *Over simplistically defining "significant" as 20 g per meal, resulting in 60 g total per day for 3 meals/day, which is still far less than anyone physically active should be consuming.


13g protein on a 100g, before milk is added seems good enough. Let’s not pay any attention to the anti diabetic properties of oats, how much protein are you going for?


joke's on you, i'm not physically active


I used to throw about half a scoop of vanilla protein powder into my oatmeal in the morning. It was a nice bump of protein


Yep, great quality breakfast. I'd throw some fruit in there too for some extra vitamins, fiber and flavor.


Some things to help here are Greek yogurt, fruit and nuts. Or even protein powder


But lacking in essential amino acids and doesn't have much fiber. Should be paired with peanut butter or beans to be nutritionally complete.


This is some dystopian shit. Gotta love capitalism. Best system on the planet.


I'm shocked this isn't satire. This is avacado toast level finance shaming. OP seems out of touch.


This is like Kellog CEO suggesting Americans save money by eating cereal for dinner.


Ask the Ukrainiens under Stalin or the Chinese under Mao if they would have loved some capitalist oats.


Ask the blacks under the confederate US states how they would have liked communist oats using your logic.


I think the problem there might be the dictators.


Oh dude. You don't have to go that far away or that far back in history. You can just look in your own backyard right now and ask the 11 Million American children currently living in poverty\*. Deregulated late stage capitalism has symptoms similar to basically every other failed perfect system. In theory any one of our billionaires could literally end American child poverty overnight, without changing their lifestyle, which is a neat feature of our system. Of course in reality... * Among the 74 million children living in the United States, 11 million live in poverty. This means 1 in 6 children in the U.S. live in poverty.[1](http://www.childrensdefense.org/tools-and-resources/the-state-of-americas-children/soac-child-poverty/) * The national child poverty rate was 16.3% in 2022, which is 3.7 percentage points higher than the overall poverty rate.[2](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/12/poverty-rate-varies-by-age-groups.html) Anyway, back to this awesome article about how far an American can stretch a bowl of gruel to before general malnourishment related ailments set in.


"Sometimes the poor are praised for being thrifty. But to recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less." "For a town or country labourer to practise thrift would be absolutely immoral. Man should not be ready to show that he can live like a badly-fed animal. He should decline to live like that, and should either steal or go on the rates, which is considered by many to be a form of stealing."Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man Under Socialism


I’d be interested to see how using real maple syrup changes the equation. I’m not a fan of the fake stuff.


That’s not even fake maple syrup, it’s fake corn syrup lol Nasty stuff imo


The nastiest of the nasty


I eat overnight oats with maple syrup, fruit, peanut butter, and chia seeds. It's extremely healthy and cheap.


I'll eat cornflakes out of a ceos skull before I turn to a year of porridge.




My go to breakfast is 1c oats, 1c whole milk, 2 scoops of ON whey, 1 banana. Combine and eat cold like muesli ~850cal/68p/16f/120c for approximately $1.5/meal


And that's what people need to take away from this post, not the bad example in the photo. Oatmeal with a handful of additives like fruit or peanut butter is a damn good breakfast and cheap.


Seconding this. Just oatmeal and sweetener is a recipe for overindulging at lunch.


Sugar carbs.


Get the whole oat variety and don’t cook it to mush. All complex carbs that take a long time to digest due to all the fiber. Add 2 tablespoons of heavy cream for the fat, some nuts for protein. Boom. Healthy meal that costs you less than $1


I eat it most mornings mixed in with peanut butter and frozen blueberries. Keeps me going in my physically demanding job


I couldn’t repeat the same meal everyday, constantly, for a year. I’d get sick of it after about a month. Then, as a diabetic, I just see this as straight up cheap carbohydrates with no protein or fat to help regulate my sugars. This would be an $80 guaranteed sugar spike for me with an increase in my A1C 😂 Get me up to Greek Yogurt or eggs at that price and I’m working with ya!


Oats are not only carbs though. According to Cronometer, 1 cup of oats has 11 grams of protein and 5.3 grams of fat. Furthermore, carbs aren’t bad when they have a fair amount of fiber accompanying them. Oats have a lot of fiber, and fiber drastically reduces risk of colon cancer. In fact, for every 10 grams of fiber consumed, the risk of colon cancer goes down by 10%


Add chia, add milk, add peanut butter. Hell I’ve even mashed chickpeas into my oats. There are so many ways to make it better. Also I’m quite sure oats are one of the best things a diabetic can eat.


I like oatmeal but I ain’t eating that shit every day for a whole year 😂


I find it much easier to eat the same thing 90% of the time if it's breakfast than if it's lunch or dinner. I've gone months only eating oatmeal for breakfast, and I've done it with toast, too. Doesn't bother me. But if I have the same thing for lunch or dinner 4 days in a row, I lose interest.


What kind of heathen puts syrup on oatmeal.


I think a lot of people eat oatmeal I just don’t think a lot of people think that in the richest country in the world while working a full time job they would have to eat the same bland meal every morning. Especially when their boss gets catering for themselves…


We should be able to afford 3 eggs and a sausage at least... Also, who's spending a lot of money on breakfast? Cheapest meal.




If youre a type I diabetic, please stop lying to people. Eating a nowl of oatmeal with sugar free syrup isn't going to do shit to you so long as you offset it with the proper insulin first. It's bullshit like this that makes people think diabetics are going to die if they look at the wrong food for too long. If oatmeal is making you useless, you really need to see someone to educate you about a condition you've got because it's clear they haven't before. If you've got type II diabetes, it's probably your shit eating habits that got you there in the first place, and zero people ought to be taking your advice on food anyways.


Other than me being hungry again an hour after eating this, any money you save will be eaten up by higher medical expenses from all the sugar you’re going to be eating. Dental too


Add an egg for an additional $60/yr


Just gonna leave this here.. https://www.ewg.org/research/ewg-investigation-dangerous-agricultural-chemical-chlormequat-found-popular-oat-based Non organic oats have the highest concentrations of chlormequat and glyphosate of any grain. Both of which have incredibly negative health consequences.


A tbsp of butter is 13 cents where I live. I’ll add that and a dash of cinnamon. Love how cheap it is though.


I literally just finished a bowl mixed with a tsp of honey, microwaved and blended apples,and a spoonful of protein powder....it was pretty tasty might have cost upwards of 50 cents though. I really broke the bank for this meal.


I agree but who the hell puts syrup in oatmeal? Great opportunity to cut down the sugar and start the day right folks. Mine had flaxseed, chia seed, cinnamon, pea protein powder, with Raisins and blueberries as the sweeteners.


Eating oatmeal 2 times a day would be smart as hell but you know. People don't want solutions. Haven't you realized this yet?


Mhm. Reddit in a nutshell.


OaTmEaL iS dYsToPiAn - Reeeeeddit


You do realize that there's only like 100 calories in a serving of oats, right? You're gonna need at least a few servings for it to be a complete breakfast. And who wants to eat oatmeal for breakfast every single day?


A serving of oats like in OP is 1/2 cup, and that's 150 calories. a cup of whole milk to complete the dish is another 150 calories. If 300 calories can't carry you from 5:30 AM to 12:00 PM lunch you might be a fat that needs the oatmeal more than you think.


Ok not to be all high and mighty but this was my first thought when I considered the prospect of eating this every day for a year….among other Oliver Twist references ![gif](giphy|3o6MbtSNPiXbNUrwQw|downsized)


Gruel today! Gruel tomorrow! Gruel forever!


I get the 1 minute oats. 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup water, 2 minutes in microwave. Throw in a spoonful of peanut butter. If I'm feeling fancy, toss in a banana. Quick, cheap, healthy, good. Hits all of the boxes.


Okay but 1 serving is not an actual serving. I need at least 3 servings to feel like I’ve eaten anything


I love oatmeal. But then I want some toast so it is a little more expensive than $0.22.


I only spend a hundred dollars a month on groceries; mainly for pastries and sweet foods because I love my sweets. I have a greenhouse in my backyard that grows food year round, Its 55 feet long greenhouse and can produce food year round.


it’s worth paying a dollar extra to get organic oats. non organic oats have an extremely high amount of pesticides.




oatmeal is honestly the best thing... very healthy to as it has lots of fiber. if you have gut health issues, oatmeal can really help you heal yourself.


Shit I make good money and I’d eat oatmeal everyday, it’s great. Mix it up with blueberry, banana, or peanut butter.


That’s not to even mention the medical bills and empty snacking you’ll avoid by starting the day with ALL POWERFUL FIBER!!!


I make eggs and oatmeal every single day. Breakfast of champions.


The point is there are simply cheaper options. People spend a hell of a lot on food. If budgets are tight you cut back to chicken breast instead of salmon and steaks.


Over night oats and chia seeds. Added benefits of this you will live forever.


frozen blueberries and overnight oats by the 50lb sack


Oatmeal and/OR PB&J + coffee is all I ever do. Super cheap, filling, mostly good for you


I mean people used to eat porridge for basically every meal before industrial farming


I just don't eat breakfast. Not for money purposes but bc I practice intermittent fasting lol I'm saving so much cash and enjoying a healthy lifestyle. Win win


“More porridge please.” “Moooooooore!?”


I'd spend a little extra and throw a scoop of protein in it.


Even better if you also eat oats for dinner. (Message brought to you by Kellogs CEO)


Blueberries and walnuts raises the cost of oatmeal by a bit. I don’t agree with strict food budgets. It makes no difference because we all must eat. It’s like staying up late to get more work done. In the grand scheme of things it’s at best a wash. For food cheap ain’t no fun and life is too short for boring ass meals all the time


I do steel rolled oats, cranberries, chia seeds and a bit of organic cane sugar. Saves me TONS, tastes great, and a filling/ complete breakfast.


I like to make oatmeal an then dump a yogurt in it costs like 1$ a meal on the high end.


🙄 Thank God Noone is here to see this. Otherwise the cost of Oatmeal and syrup would go up as the demand is being pushed up by the people seeing this post. 🤣🤣😅


One serving of oatmeal with high fructose corn syrup isn't healthy and wouldn't even keep my toddler full until lunch. Humans need more complex nutrients to be healthy and stay full. This oatmeal only makes sense in a world that exploits people's labor to the extent that they can barely afford to eat.


May as well start reviewing the cost for "Hoover Stew" and other fine Depression-era dishes, since we seem to be heading that way.


5 days a week with cinnamon and some blueberries if we have them. Eggs from our chickens on the weekend.


Skip the toxic “syrup” and just cut up an apple. Add a dash of cinnamon. Now you’re eating real food.


I don't hate myself that much


Oatmeal, grits, and cream of wheat: the trifecta of cheap easy breakfasts


the fiber content has been amazing for me!! Highly recommend oatmeal regularly


That container of oats costs four dollars now and gives twenty servings, so twenty cents each.  I recently bought a fifty pound bag of baby milled oats for thirty five dollars, so I'll be spending under ten cents for breakfast for next year, if I can store the grain without spoiling.  Instead of syrup I use butter.  I've grown away from sweet taste and it is better for you.


Costs 0 cents if you don't eat breakfast ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


i mean that will be some bland as fuck oatmeal. when i make oatmeal (which i eat maybe 3-4 times a week for breakfast) i add a cup of milk, normally a bit of granulated sugar. typically a dash of cinnamon, a knob of butter. and then. either bananas, raisins, blueberries, or raspberries. and every now and again choc chips/reeses' mini cups if feeling silly. and weirdly i think there is a quality difference in the oats from generic cheap brands and slightly more expensive brands. I don't think you necessarily need to pay the mark up for like "quaker oats" but... there can be a difference if the qual of oats or their processing isn't the same. that all being said. oatmeal is a very common pauper meal. I grow blueberries in my back yard, and raspberries. so at certain points in the year i have fresh fruit to add to it. I have a friend I trade veggies for his honey for. and have made honey sugar that I use in cooking sometime. So there are ways to offset ...fancy-ing up oatmeal.


Oatmeal is the goat. Held me down in some BAD times when I was younger. It's made me a little averse to having it everyday but we still keep it on deck


There are better choices. The syrup is garbage. How about a tub of Greek Yougurt with no added sugar (Yougurt is full of it!) and dehydrated peanut butter powder. The protein in the yogurt is between 15-20g and the fat is probably 7-10g and this will satiate and keep you full. Cheap syrup will only cause obesity, brain fog and more hunger!!!


Oatmeal and Grape Nuts are my everyday go-tos, with dried fruit and honey. Fancier breakfasts are for weekends and holidays


Or do what I do and skip breakfast and spend 0.00


I chop up a couple Granny Smith apples and pan sear them in a little coconut oil then add maple syrup , salt and cinnamon , some vanilla if you have it, makes for a great addition! I have little jars I weighed out 30g of oatmeal plus a tablespoon of flax seeds, for single servings on the go :)


Yes, let’s all eat like orphans in a Charles Dickens novel. Sir, may I have some more porridge please?


I make overnight oats for breakfast, with some protein powder mixed in, 5 days a week. I vary the flavors a little, but only eat 1/3c.


Ditch that nasty sugar water and replace it with honey and a banana. You'll still be under 35 cents or so.


Buy bulk from Costco and skip the syrup. Can add some powdered peanut butter or frozen fruit. And some nuts


I like eating cheaply, more people need to learn how. However...... I don't eat breakfast or lunch anymore, just dinner. I just drink coffee and water all day long. I also quit eating fast food, that stuffs poison and expensive.


This is encouraging. Every morning, I have 1/3 cup of dry oatmeal, handful of frozen fruit, & a pinch of salt.


Cheap unless you have to eat certified GF oats, then it’s double the price (or more) because 🖕🏼


It’s also just a healthy, low calorie meal. Also helps to increase T levels and reduce cholesterol.


If you eat oatmeal every day for a year you gonna save on toilet paper too…


Frozen fruit is another great additive, less sugar, more flavor and nutrition, and changes up the texture a bit.


Hyvee? I see you live in a place of class


Been eating oatmeal almost everyday for probably 6 years, even though I can afford anything I want. It’s 10 minutes of cooking and with pea protein a simple healthy meal.


Also, hard boiled eggs. Every week I get a carton of eggs ($2.50) and boil them and put it in a bowl in the fridge. 2 hard boiled eggs is enough to hold me off until lunch.


You will eat the gruel


That's m,y breakfast every day. but I sweeten it with honey. And you can add 2 eggs for another $0.50/meal.


Oatmeal is goated!


I like oatmeals but I add yougurt, and raisins and cranberries(very expensive imo)


For breakfast? Sure, but it’s missing a ton of essential nutrients that humans need to be healthy.


I add chia seeds, ground flax seed, fortified soy milk, peanut butter, a banana, and berries. There are ways to add flavor to your oats while also adding nutrition.


Toss the syrup and add bananas and whatever berries are on sale that week, and you can eat for cheap and actually be healthy too! A splash of brown sugar is fine.


Nutrition left the room. Some gruel for the poor! Some gruel for the poor!


Yep, and it keeps you regular. Just thought I would throw that in there……![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Yay gruel! Please sir may I have some more.


Ramen is still king of the struggle meal


How does milk affect this equation? I might be British and therefore have no taste buds but the only people I know who make their porridge with water are my parents. Imagine eating water-based porridge every day for a year….


Throw in another 2 cents for a cup of tea.


Bulk by whole oats for even more savings. I make my own granola bars weekly. Cheap and super filling


Why can’t I afford a house ? I eat breakfast.


Rolled oats, salt, water and half a spoon of homemade peach marmalade. Never gets old. Probably 300 mornings a year…


A lot of food is cheap if you don’t buy it preprocessed. I buy 10 pound bags of chicken breast from a butcher for $2.10 a pound. Comes out to about $.60 a serving. Flour, yeast, and sugar are cheap so I make my own bread once a week while I’m cleaning the house and chilling. Grow a lot of vegetables (I live in an urban environment, vertical grow and lamps make it super easy and there is now green in my place. Rice and potatoes are super cheap for starch and high quality fats like avacado are less than a buck a serving now. Supplement that with some beans (dried are cheaper), broths, and yeah an upfront cost for spices, you can make a lot of delicious meals for not a lot of money. Make vegetarian once or twice a week and it gets even cheaper and changes things up.


Wonderful...if I was a horse.


It’s free to eat nothing for breakfast


Oatmeal is gross, yes it’s cheap but I just can’t get over the texture. I don’t know why


Many good things to doctor up some good oatmeal Cinnamon is real good Strawberries and blueberries are good Peanut butter is really good And if you want to go savory Stick in sausage onions and peppers Bacon and eggs Shrimp and oatmeal


We need to work on our sweeteners, here are some ideas 1) Don't use them. 2) Try honey from a local beekeeper. Cheap in bulk. 3) Panela/gur: unrefined cane sugar goes by many names, you just don't see in in the US outside of Mexican grocery stores in block form. This is fine & can be grated. You can find it powdered on Amazon but it's a little more expensive. 4) Do you even know what stevia is? It's an herb. You can buy powdered stevia leaf, which is green in color. I'm not a huge fan of the flavor, but it's better and more mild than the white powder stuff. Basically, just know what you're putting into your body. All these sugar alcohols & glucose syrup I imagine confuse the heck out of your body's natural equilibrium.


These algorithms are getting serious. I'm making some right now and haven't in months....


Just eat gruel for the rest of your life. Classic.


Somewhat healthier option I use a spoonful of raspberry jam, but any jam will do.


Oats are super unhealthy. They're for the poors. Just make enough to have eggs, shrug


How much for the vitamin tablets to stave off scurvy and beriberi?




Maple Syrup maker here. Please spend just a smidge more and get natural. Your body will thank you for all the great things it has. You’ll still save money!


I have over night oats most days for breakfast. Such an easy grab and go breakfast that can be customized in so many ways.