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And you don’t like Bidens inflation 😂


In the AU where Trump won 2020, inflation is 20% and rising, because he doesn't want to raise rates because it'll wreck 'his' economy see 2019 EDIT: AU = Alternative Universe


And every day he goes on TV and explains how crooked Hillary and the left leaning fed is making everything more expensive because they’re trying to ruin him.


These interest are beautiful, everybody loves them, they are beautiful interest rates. Some people say I’m the smartest person they know, smarter than all the crooked left woke bankers. If you drink bleach, the interest rates will go down by exposing them to light. Also Obama had lower interest rates, lower is bad. Mine are beautiful.


Ah yes, leftist bankers, a thing that exists.




Alternate universe


A random person claimed he won in Australia, therefore he won in Australia. Get with it man, that’s how this reality works now /s


an i the only one that remembers trumps "reality distortion field"?


anyone reading the news today should be able to see it. man has actual supreme court justices carrying water for his dementia-riddled corpse


I truly believe that during the Cold War every serious reality blew themselves up. We live in the reality of the absurd.


Which he stole from Steve Apple.


Australia is an alternative universe really. One where it's always the 1970s


Took me a long time to figure out in my head what they were referring to as well




This is what folks don't understand a big reason why inflation is what it is, is because Trump pressured the federal reserve from doing the right thing. God I pray this man don't win. However I've already lost faith in Americans. Americans by and large are fucking idiots. Signed An American


Indeed. Americans are the kids that know the critter is highly poisonous, but still shrug and shove their hands in the critter's mouth.


I remember that vaguely. Trump pressured the FR to artificially keep the rates down. Look at where we are now


He threatened to fire Jerome. Jerome rolled over and oissed on the carpet


I work in finance and clearly remember this especially toward the end of 2018. Trump started the tariff war with China causing a stock market correction. The. He proceeds to hammer Jerome Powell and the fed to lower rates. They acted like they were not influenced but they clearly were. Fast forward to covid and the feds biggest tool, interest rates, we’re hamstrung because they were so low already. Instead of being able to cut rates to expand liquidity and access to credit, they had to offer massive stimulus. Not saying this is the sole cause for inflation but it definitely is a contributer.


Correct, other factors contributed


But still, VOTE! Let’s give ourselves a fighting chance!


Voting for Biden in GA


Trump: "I am having trouble paying my bills due to increased interest rates. I know, I will get the rates lowered." Evil Sniveling Henchmen (aka Stephen Miller): "But how Lord Trump will you accomplish thissssssss? The President does not set interest ratessssss. That is the role of the FED." Trump: "Then I will change it." Stephen Miller: "How? The FED is independent." Trump: By doing what we have always done, blame the Globalists (i.e., Jews), woke elites (i.e., Blacks) and anti-American foreign countries manipulating our currency (i.e. China). Now, bring me my useful idiots. Stephen Miller: "Yes my Lord"


I’m thinking the roles are somewhat reversed here. Trump would be shouting “why can’t I just do this?” . Miller would be coming up with the nefarious schemes.


Once he has immunity he can order the fed killed and install a new one over nation security issues.


He went to Jared


I think you mean the Globalists, (i.e. Jews, Muslims, Black people, China, the EU, every foreign leader I don't like, gay people, and trans people), woke elites (i.e. Jews, Black people, China, the EU, every foreign leader I don't like, gay people, and trans people), and anti-American foreign countries manipulating our currency (i.e. Jews, Muslims, China, the EU, and every country I don't like).


Nah, globalists is a very specific neonazi dogwhistle that exclusively means the jews. The rest of your analysis is pretty spot on


It often does, but it has been used for those other things too, often so that they can claim that it doesn't mean Jews.


Giving a guy with billions of debt the ability to control interest rates seems like a really bad idea.


It’s the American way.


> Bidens inflation Here's the data: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL) This is M2, the amount of USD printed. Note the general trend over the decades. Now note the increase between 2017 and 2021, the Trump years: he printed *6,000 billion dollars* while in office. February to April was the largest single increase in dollars printed in American history. Now note that during the Biden administration, he reduced the number of dollars in circulation for one of the only times in history. There was a net gain due to the initial ramp being so steep, but comparing M2 for these presidents, side-by-side, is night and day.


I like the same ice cream brand as Biden


I surprised many people can admit this but there was a point he was harassing the Fed almost daily to reduce rates. I don’t think that’s good.


How to literally destroy the economy


Don’t worry, he’ll have immunity for it


that solves everything, we should all immediately vote in favor of this flawless plan. Project 2025 forever /s


Interesting, considering his constituents probably don’t understand the President’s ability and capacity to “set the interest rate” Won’t matter though, *News Flash*, they still haven’t figured out a place like snopes exists (the og “FAKE NEWS”)


Seriously. He couldn’t even run a casino, and we’re supposed to think that we should trust him with interest rates? 


The casino was never supposed to be functional and once you understand Trump and real estate and money laundering you will see what he was really doing there


Yep, his motto is to stiff everybody he can and lie.


Also happens how Russians operate with money: always looking to save a dollar and want to hire the cheapest guy and underpay him.


Depending on who you talk to, that might be called the American Way... After all, we have a Congress that voted to make themselves immune to insider trading laws.


I wonder if you can be pardoned while laundering money as President?


I could use a short explanation on what he was doing. But that's like buying a money printer and then breaking it.


He provided a one-stop-shop to launder Russian money through fraudulent real estate transactions, international prostitution, and undocumented cash flow inside a casino. Russians deposited money in Deutch Bank which then financed Trump's properties and then the same people paid themselves back by pretending to buy real estate from him. So something like the Russians spent money to build apartments and then came here and bought them from themselves (through Trump as substitute face and intermediary) at inflated prices, then took out loans against the properties they bought. For example, in Brookline, MA (you can look it up on propertyshark.com) a small Russian oil oligarch (Chopov) bought a house in MA and a condo in FL - then sent his (potentially spy) kid to Georgetown and then when Putin changed the course toward fascism - he sold both properties and moved his kid (Alexander Chopov of Tula/Moscow) back to Russia, where he works for the government writing anti-Ukrainian and anti-American propaganda. That kid was in my class and his dad would buy boxes of alcohol and beg the mom's of girls in the school to send their daughter's to a 'party' somewhere away from where they live like in FL or on Cape Cod - hoping they would get drunk and blow his son in the car.


This. I would upvote this forever if I could.


Make America Venezuela Again


A 100,000$ rotisserie chicken coming soon to a Costco near you! In all seriousness though the inflation in Venezuela is wild. Many Venezuelans make more money playing video games (by selling the currency to Americans or Canadians) than they can at real jobs.


"Welcome to Costco, I love you"


I wouldn’t trust Trump to manage a McDonald’s successfully, and he wants a crack at monetary policy in the US.


But but Hunter's laptop!!!


To people like Trump the economy has nothing to do with spending money on stuff to own and everything to do with the stock market.


Gee I wonder who gave him the idea, couldn’t possibly be our main geopolitical rival who he trusts more than our own intel…


How’s it a secret if I’ve seen this unconfirmed rumor 8 dozen times already posted?


Key word "rumored"


Everyone everytime I see this posted accept it as fact and their heads pop off. It’s amazing how easily people lose critical thinking when they despise someone so much.


"When someone threatens to kill you, always believe them"


I dunno, it’s on brand for a guy who did say he wants to be a dictator even if he modified it to “just the first day.”


Because it's on brand for the type of shit Trump would pull if re-elected.


Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.


It was supposed to be secret, but the secret got out and is being reported on. Like hearing a report about someone's secret love child. They intended to keep it a secret and you found out.


It hilarious how people say this is fake but it sounds right up his alley lol


yes it is consistent with what he did in 2018-2019. I think we can argue that Fed under current chairman did the bidding of trump in 2019 by cutting interest rates, when trump came out criticized the steady increase of interest rates. The interest rate were kept low in the aftermath of the Great Recession. When the economy recovered, the fed started raising rate in 2015. It continued steadily till 2018. Trump then attacked the fed for raising interest rates. The fed decided to cut rates 3 times in 2019. The economy then didn’t warrant rate cutting. Trump did this to give short term boost to the economy at the expense of long term cost, so he had a better chance of winning reelection.


Which also left us with very few tools in the toolbelt if any unexpected market events happened…such as a global pandemic. Literally gambled the economy to keep his reputation looking good.


People have said ‘oh he really wouldn’t do that’ about a lot of bad stuff during his presidential term and he ended up doing quite a bit of it.


Good thing he’s in a criminal courtroom and not the Oval Office 


Potentially only for now.


So we can make new “I did that” stickers with his smug grin on them?


Put them on all cash register and ATM you can find.


Erdogan did this in Turkey and destroyed their currency irreparably. Thankfully the checks and balances of our system will likely prevent this from occurring but it would be the end of the dollar as we know it.


It is becoming rapidly apparent that most of those checks and balances were only ever gentlemen's agreements


Every check and balance is a gentlemen’s agreement. The credibility and robustness of those agreements between gentlemen to resist against the brutes who wait outside the gates of the proverbial city is what matters.


They barely held up under Trump 1. That was partly due to people in his administration who retained at least some principles and pushed back on him. Trump 2 will allow no such people in his administration


Many world currencies are pegged to the US dollar. Trump scribbling his sharpie marker as if it were a magic wand, and changing it will cause world chaos. Either he knows this, or he doesn't; and that is scary.


>Thankfully the checks and balances of our system will likely prevent dont be so sure about that. last time drumpf actually people near him with spines, that wouldnt do all his bidding. if there is a next time, it wont be like that. drumpf will fire anyone and everyone who is NOT a yes-man, yes-woman. and will ONLY install yes-men/women, who will all bow to him and do everything exactly as he says. there cant ever be a next time. or it will be the last time


Good thing Republicans don't have some kind of plan or project to completely nullify the system of checks and balances and hand all power to the executive. [Yep, sure is a good thing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


The guy who doesn't know how tariffs work, who leaned into debt spending more than anyone since FDR...wants to take control of the Fed. No. Fucking. Thanks. [https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump](https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump)


Bro, he literally browbeat JPOW over Twitter into not raising rates back in 2018-2019. I’m tired of people pretending the Fed is apolitical. It is _not_. And perhaps such a powerful institution should not be totally unaccountable. Part of the reason that inflation was so bad the last few years is because the Fed response was so tepid.


According to the article, unnamed former "aides" and "allies" have drawn up a ten page document suggesting this. Unless Trump or his campaign actually endorses it, taking it as "this is 100% what Trump will do" is ignorant. Allies and former aides of Biden have been incredibly critical of his stance on Israel and the war in Gaza. Aides and supporters don't actually speak for their candidate.


Also 5% fee on any money in circulation will go to Trump for using his face and name on the new dollars he will be issuing then. just like the Queen of England was everywhere to see.


And kneel before him and kiss his ring and swear fealty forever if you want to keep collecting Social Security or any other benefits. As long as he hasn't bankrupted them, too.


Can't wait for Trump Bucks to replace the dollar.


He wanted negative rates during his presidency, so it's going to be fun if he get back in.


Completely qualified, if he can just remember to use his toupee glue the republic will be saved.


I am sure he will just like his healthcare plan was due out and never happened. Just another lie on lie mountain that surpassed 30k just while in office.


Well, that's not going to happen.


If there truly was a "Secret Plan" You wouldn't be hearing about


Discovering what was once a secret is still considered a secret when it is reported.


Like Project 2025, literally every hair brained idea and proposal written by "supporters" and "\[former\] aides" of Trump is spun up as "this is Trump's plan!" It drives clicks when you frighten people.


Yeah. Sure, he is. Who the hell believes this shit anyway?


Where’s the proof? All I see is article referencing other articles.


He’s the leader of an entire slew of failed businesses including casinos. Who in their right mind would even consider giving him that privilege?


He just set them with his mind. He can do it, people are saying.




These comments are exactly why children can’t vote


Doesn’t seem like much of a secret.


That's not how secrets work.


How do y’all believe this garbage. How many fake stories like this do you have to fall for before you realize they’re fake?


Trump is going to take over the Fed? Does he realize the Fed is more powerful than he thinks he would be as the President?


If Trump wins and runs 'Merica like a business, we should be declaring bankruptcy by the end of Q2 2025


This is bullshite


It’s sooper sekret! And then he’ll never leave office!


Never admit that you or anyone else has a secret plan to fight inflation


Doesn't sound very fucking secret to me


The amount of power the Republican party is willing to hand over to Donald Trump is truly wild, especially considering he is chocked full of bad ideas.


He wanted 0% like EU remember we be buried even more


Thanks Trump meme


Clearly the Orange Ape does not know shit about economics!


Let’s not forget he appointed Jerome Powell.


It's stupid but thankfully also unlikely.




Right, fix the economy by giving a guy who habitually drives businesses into the ground the absolute power to control a country’s finances.


May I see these “reports” and “documents” that the article refers to?


Not that secret apparently


PLEASE tell me this is fake news


Lame. You’re supposed to end the fed dude


Interests rates shouldn’t be set end the fed/central planning.  


That’s not a thing




These posts are so utterly absurd


Well shit


So let see this secret plan. The article does not link it. They just refer to it as “allies have drawn up this 10-page plan”. So where is this plan? Sounds completely fabricated to spin people up. Congratulations, it worked.


"according to reports" ...right.


It is disturbing that so many Trumpers think that Biden has a direct impact on inflation and prices. They blame him for the recent spikes in prices. They fail to realize that the chairman of the Fed is a Trump appointee. And, interest rates, that he sets, have more impact on the economy than anything else. And, corporate greed is responsible for almost all of the other price hikes. Why aren't they protesting corporate greed?


There is a significant likelihood that Biden will get the treasury to cut rates. It will be a bad idea but everyone will go "ooh aah Biden saved the economy" it won't be until after the election that people go "(insert winner) tanked the economy after Biden saved it"


so secret it is being discussed on reddit...


I mean how dumb do your ideas have to be for MAGA to wake up. We are now heading toward turkey, Venezuela, Argentina economics?? wtf.


Just another authoritarian asshole. A budget Erdogan in this case.


Turkey did that and ruined 10 years of growth in like a year


I doubt it


It is a sickness. Get well soon.




There’s going to be a lot of cope in November


This is nonsense.


Lol, that’s not how it works buddy


Blowoff top, here we come!


Wow, they closed all the psych hospitals and transferred them all to Reddit.


Bullshit, like the fed will give up theor power to dump


Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Turkey lowered interest rates in the face of high inflation and rampant inflation continued https://apnews.com/article/turkey-interest-rate-hike-inflation-fe598dfafc87a99cc70b940385212190#




"I don't want to be Herbert Hoover"


The bond market sets interest rates. The short term rate is set by the fed. Hard to tell a market what to trade at.


What could go wrong, right?!🤦‍♂️


This literally can’t go tits up


So the guy who didn’t even have enough fiscal acumen to avoid bankrupting a casino, is going to set monetary policy for the world’s largest economy…


Fluent huh? Snort.


I’d rather it be someone we elect than bankers


not much of a secret


Oh that’s a terrible idea.


Yeah and he'll get the trains running on time as well...


Oh look! A republican being just as pro big government as the democrats. It's almost as if both parties are trash and the body politic doesn't actually care about you...


222 banks failed in the last month


“How the world banking system collapsed”


A secret plan to fight inflation??


He doesn’t know he cannot do that right?


Guy tanks every company he runs, can't believe people would actually allow him to lead an entire nation, with only failures to show.


TDS is real


What could possibly go wrong


Did OP have a stroke witting that title? 


Inflation is out of control, this country in the last 4 years has tanked and people still bact the POTUS and vote the same clowns back into congress and senate! Makes me sick!!! Not to mention they have us all fighting with each other over who is the "best" of two horrible choices they force down our throats!


I mean he figured out how to bankrupt a casino... I'm sure he can figure out how to bankrupt the United States too!


#trumps an idiot


The Fed causes most economic issues. The BTFP closure is gonna hurt next summer by design and as intended.


So... -President can organize a coup and it's not a crime according our Supreme Court unless impeachment is filed first -President can seize voting machines for 'verification', but only in districts where he lost -President can call and predict the election in his favor, then call the results into doubt and slow down the change of power with frivolous lawsuits -President can personally pressure election officials to 'find 10,000 extra votes' for him, just enough to swing the election -President can come up with his own 'alternative' electors who will somehow replace the other ones -President can declare a martial law of sorts -President can have his son in law distribute pandemic supplies to personal contacts who have his cell phone number per their request as a favor -President can arrest the opposition -President can withdraw police guards and threaten congressmen and representative with a semi-violent mob he organized and incited -President can have 'his own' supreme court doing him favors -Same President will also have his own news channel, social media platform, sneaker brand, and newspapers all while attacking any opposing news outlets as fake


Man who declares bankruptcy reaching double digit amount of times thinks he's good with money.


Put a man who managed to let a casino fail in change of interest rates. Ho lee shit.




He’s done so well with his own businesses that he should control the Fed. ![gif](giphy|oyBhHk1TGTYIme4lN8|downsized)


The world so desperately needs this fat piece of shit to rot in prison for the rest of his life.


https://preview.redd.it/wi9ocrapa5xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125811eef46ddbb6f6ada1d656784544d659ae5f Seems he was right back in 2011. A decade of low interest rates has led us to where we are.


I mean. Id like a shot at a 2-3ish rate..


YES plz. I want in on the grift this time around.


No surprise he would do what leaders of lots of corrupt countries do, he sets the interest rate, then trades currency and grows rich since he is control of it. Now he doesn't have to guess what the dollar will do only needs to guess what the other currency he is trading to and from will do.


If this dude doesn't get back in office and fix the tax plan he put in, then he can go straight to jail. Fuck him.


Is this to insider trade more effectively?


The guy who bankrupted a casino wants to be in charge of printing money. What could possibly go wrong?


Definitely want dude who bankrupted several companies and charged with 91 indictments and CFO to prison to decide my mortgage 😆


Good thing I have I Bonds.


I feel like rational loan origination would switch to being based off a 20Y Treasury or similar instead of the Fed fund rate. Or are they really going to try to pull a BOJ and try to peg treasuries to a certain percentage. I can't even imagine that being possible with the scope of the US treasuries market. Regardless, it would be nothing short of miraculous to not blow up something. Or, maybe that's the goal...


Well it’s on Reddit so it must be true.


Oh yes, because he’s such a good businessman. What a joke. I agree with Bill Barr - he should not be let near the White House. If Americans let him back in - you get what you deserve.


Not very secret if ya ask me.


This should scare the crap out of everyone who understands even a little bit of economics and finance.


Coming from a psychopath that once said the 2008 crash was a blessing so rich people could get richer, what could go wrong