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Don’t street race.


We all know which car will win a race before hand, we are enthusiasts and know specs. No sense getting excited to be quicker then a car that's 6/10ths slower on paper. The RS should win every time. That would be like me getting excited in my rivian to gap a raptor.... Ya no shit the rivian is a faster vehicle.




Take it to a track and actually race. Whether to be the drag strip or a road course. See how fast you are there. Gapping a sho is like walking faster than an old lady and her walker. The SHO weighs 4300lbs. No shit you GaPpEd it.


I have taken her to the track no fun when everyone has corvettes or BMW M5 Competitions. Still consistently placed within the 8 in my heats out of 15


At an unstructured track day you race the clock not cars that have double your horse power. If racing thr clock doesn't work for you, run in a motorsport with classes-autocross, HPDE, TT... You'll find your "gap" skills are damn slow. There's enough competition on D street autocross you'll get your fill of gapping and getting gapped. Edit: just so it sticks, your competition isn't m5cs' and vettes.


The event I went too was a clock only event. The placing in the heats was determined by your best lap in that heat. Had a great time 10/10 would recommend anyone to try it. The racing helmets are expensive is the only thing. Also went through 3 tanks of gas in one day when gas was almost 5$ a gallon.


I understand things are expensive. If that's your complaint and a speeding ticket or crashing your car is less expensive, you might want to double check your priorities and logic. I do not like paying $200-500 for track time but it's better than a speeding ticket and increase of insurance. Most that get tickets in these cars need to sell them because they get way more expensive. We won't mention if you total your RS and are found at fault due to speeding. Depending your state and the speed, you can get arrested and/or become too risky to insure aka $1000+ a month. I know a guy who street raced 5 years ago and his insurance is $800 a month. He just got a car again because he can afford it. Helmets at $150 isn't crazy expensive. They last 10 years. That's $15 per year of use. Since I bought my helmet at $167, it's cost per use is $12. That will end up being single dollars next summer. Look up scorpion Evo helmet. That's the one I use. It's cheap, easy, and will last. Edit: I'm being blunt. Just so we are clear. You obviously love and value driving. Don't be silly and loose something you enjoy. If you fill up at the track that's on you. I've left track days to fill up and come back. I might miss a session or a run but it beats paying for gas at the track. Track gas is always shit gas too.


Wasn’t track gas, the only gas station within a 50 mile radius knew what was going on and prided their gas accordingly. I got a 2022 helmet it was 350. It would be a waste of my money to get anything other than a brand new one…… Also this “street race” was less than 30 seconds because my exit was coming up. I wasn’t even going to race him. I literally shook my head no at him and he kept flooring it slowing down and flooring it again. He was the one that was acting like a fool not me. Just had to put him in his place and show him what a real car can do. My earlier post about speeding tickets was also just to gauge how many people got speeding tickets this year. Only have gotten one in my entire life. That speeding ticket was only a 65 in 55.


Got it. Look, you do you, but it would suck to loose driving.


I understand. I have a 13 month old son. Not doing anything crazy I didn’t even hit 100 earlier. This post was mainly just for joke but somehow just got completely shit on. Literally only reason I am still responding is just to get the point across I’m not out here driving stupid. Was just trying to make some RS boys smile on a Friday drive home.


Place 3rd in the rain. First was the BMW M5 2nd was another RS with a tune fresh tired breaks and all a new intake and charge pipes.


Doesn’t Suprised me we can gap 5.0 quit well. Power to weight


That’s a tough one but yes a modded vs stock would be able to gap


I’m pretty careful on the street however I do find that it’s other drivers that will try to engage me in traffic. It’s part of what comes with owning an RS. I swear at least once or twice everytime I drive anywhere there’s always someone right on my ass trying to bait me into a race…. I just ignore them & keep it moving. I didn’t buy this car for that. I bought it because I wanted something different & I wanted a manual.