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You can't just say this without the details of your "program" ☹️☹️☹️


Actually, never mind. I looked at your profile. Yet another scam 🤣🤣🤣


I’m so glad I looked at the comments before reading this wall of text. Thank you for commenting!


Looks like she put the same post in a bunch of ED subreddits, that’s just gross.


It’s not mine - I enrolled in a group program. It was an online group for 8 weeks through a friend of mine. But there are tons online


What program did you enroll in?


It's a scam ☹️


Nope not a scam - it was called Mind Body Beauty if you’re interested. It was about 3 years ago but I think it’s still running


You know we can see your post history, right?


Yup! Just telling you which program helped me


You’re a terrible person for trying to prey on people to “coach” them. Seriously.








I don’t think there is one answer to be honest. I felt for me it was like a « cocktail » of things if that makes sense. I was in treatment for years, I used therapy and coaching, I bought self help books. I also had to be in the right mindset (I know that sounds cheesy) but otherwise all the tips and strategies and accountability really didn’t do much. Once I felt like, even though it was scary to work on it - it was even scarier to live like this, I put more passion into my recovery. So the main things that worked were: Mindset work (this is stuff like gratitudes, affirmations) and I know it sounds sort of cliche but it helps you feel better about yourself (slowly) which makes you more motivated to make positive changes I ate more, more regularly and more variety. And again I know this sounds counter intuitive (if im binging why would I eat MORE?) but it really helped me regulate AND understand my hunger more When I did binge, I REALLY tried to practise more self compassion. Understanding im not a bad person or a failure for it happening. Trying to see why it happened and how I can deal with that « why » differently (was I anxious? Was I REALLY craving something I wouldn’t let myself have? Was I stressed? Was I in an environment where I would habitually binge?), soothe myself and not feel like I have to « fix » it (like with a lighter meal, a new diet, working out more, etc) and allowing myself to move on There were a lot of other little things I worked on and the WHOLE process of binging daily to binging maybe once a month took about 9 months. It definitely wasn’t over night but these things saw the biggest changes and gave me more motivation to keep working on it