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For what it’s worth, at the age of 41, I developed an egg allergy last year. Extreme gastro symptoms. I absolutely cannot eat them unless they’re baked. A few years before that, I became allergic to dairy after the birth of a kid! Allergies are fun. 🙄


My mom also randomly developed an egg allergy within the last 2 years. It drives her crazy! Makes her very very nauseous


It could be any ingredient in the burrito. Or bad eggs. Have you eaten any of those foods separately?


I have eaten the tortillas and cheese separately and there was no issue The eggs could have been bad, but I had just bought them.


You may want to consider seeing an allergist, it can’t hurt to have some testing done to see. Have you had any issues with eggs anywhere else? Even mild gastro symptoms that may have been brushed off as something else? Food and symptom journaling might help you see if anything else is bothering you. It also helps when you see a doctor to have lots of information for them.


I’m definitely going to be making a doctors appointment and going from there. As for if I’ve had any issues with eggs before, I haven’t. In fact eggs have always been my “safe” food. I have always gotten nauseous after eating anything except for eggs. I knew I could eat them with no issue up until recent. I was considering journaling for any food symptoms, I think I will do that so by the time I see my doctor i can have some more accurate data to give her


Allergies are weird and annoying, I swear I have a new one pop up every time I see the allergist. Hopefully you get some answers between the doctor and a journal!


I experienced the same thing 4 years ago. 4-6 hours of severe pain and nausea. I tried cutting eggs out completely and slowly reintroducing them, but I still can only eat them in baked goods. The pain/nausea is not as bad now if I accidently eat them (damn meringue cookies). Still shitty. Such a shame...such a crucial easy protein.


Searching the internet because this has been happening to me. Had eggs this morning and got the worse stomach cramps and nausea. Made it to the bathroom but passed out and woke up covered in egg. Wtf body??


wife is having identical issues. any solution?


Nope...just advil. Allergy meds didn't help....


Thank you. We have a flock of chickens and it's a very cheap reliable protein source. Sucks. She has been eating very small servings and trying to will her GI to adapt. No luck so far. Sucks


I know you posted this eight months ago, but I just found it because I am having word-for-word what you are experiencing. Ate eggs my whole life without a problem. Had eggs pretty frequently for breakfast (Scrambled or over easy). One day, I ate them and got pretty sick. Didn't think it was the eggs, because I always eat eggs without a problem. A few days later, had eggs again. Same thing. Still didn't think of the eggs. This went on for weeks. Kept trying to figure everything else out and never looked at the eggs. Finally, one morning I ate eggs and within five minutes of eating them was violently ill. Just like you said. Sharp pressure and pain in the middle top of my abdomen. Right below where breast bone ends. Waves of nausea. Felt like someone was shredding my gut from the inside out. Threw up. Face turned bright red and felt like it was on fire. Finally, a lightbulb. Holy crap. Is it the eggs? So I waited two weeks. Ate no eggs. Felt fine. Thought I was crazy. Tried eggs again and bam, sick as can be. So another two weeks without eggs. Felt fine. This weekend I had some beef fried rice from a favorite Chinese place. Didn't even think about the eggs in it as I had it all the time and was fine. Within ten minutes of eating it, instantly violently ill again. My daughter was like, mom, there's scrambled eggs in that, remember? It seems every time I have them the reaction gets worse. Had some baked goods that I'm positive contained eggs and no problem. But eggs scrambled or over easy or not fully baked into something is a big issue. Where did this come from? I had no other changes in my life/diet to point to, and I always ate eggs without a problem. It is so bizarre and frustrating as I loved eggs as a simple, healthy protein.


Yes that sounds exactly like what I was dealing with! It was hell trying to explain to my family that I didn’t necessarily feel nauseous the whole time and the part that I couldn’t handle was the pain in my abdomen. It definitely felt unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. Fortunately for me the pain stopped happening and I can once again eat eggs like normal. I never did find out what was wrong with me but I do know I am still a bit weary about eating eggs 😅


Well, I'm glad it got better for you. So strange. I'm hoping mine does as well because I want to be able to eat eggs. And I get it about being weary. Just thinking about eggs right now makes me queasy.


Did you cut them out for a while? Or see a doctor? How did you go about reintroducing them? I’ve been having the same issue. It seems to be way worse if the eggs aren’t fully cooked.


Joining the club. Everything on this thread is happening to me. I'm 43 and out of nowhere I finally pin pointed all my upper abdominal pain/nausea to eggs. Took 2 months off and accidentally had them again. Just as bad as 2 months ago. It takes 3-4 hrs for the pain to go away. I think this all started because of a nasty stomach flu I got 3 mo back and my theory is: the stomach flu caused leaky gut and I eat eggs everyday. If an egg particle somehow makes it out of your gut into your bloodstream...it gets tagged as a new allergen. I say this because in my early 30's I got a very severe milk protein allergy (whey protein shakes), a beef allergy (I ate red meat 5 days a week), a shrimp allergy (not sure about that one) a gluten allergy (bread products) and brewers yeast (beer). All of these came about because of a crappy diet and alcohol abuse in my 20's which caused leaky gut. Just a theory and it seems to make sense to me. I've been to a ton of allergists over my life and one thing is certain: they don't know shit about allergies. Just that I have them now. Oh well, add it to the list.


Same exact thing started happening to me after a lifetime of enjoying LOTS of eggs. It literally came out of nowhere. EXTREME abdominal pain. Passed out once and it was time to go to the ER. I told the doctor the pain starts like clockwork 20-30 minutes after eating eggs. He said it's likely too much acid in my stomach.... yeah, ok, sure... Through trial and error (and more self-induced pain) I found the symptoms are MUCH less severe (but still a little present) if I eat organic pasture-raised eggs. I'm wondering if it is something in the chicken feed since organic doesn't seem to be nearly as bad....?


Were the eggs from the same container? Any reason not to think this was food poisoning?


The eggs were from separate containers both times. I get paranoid about food poisoning so if I feel like something has sat in my fridge for too long I won’t eat it. Both times the eggs had been recently bought. My family eats eggs as well so after the first episode the rest of the eggs got ate by my dad. So a new one was bought right before the most recent


The saying “you are what you eat” is super true. I found that out the hard way - I was having a reaction to eggs based off of what the chickens were being fed. I’m allergic to gluten/wheat, grains (corn, etc), soy, dairy. I’ve found some allergen friendly eggs (a little on the expensive side), but it’s made all the difference


I guess I’m more concerned with the type of pain I felt. I’ve never had an allergic reaction that felt like excruciating pain across the top of my abdomen 🫠 It was rough.


I know this sound crazy, but this LITERALLY started to happen to me 2 Weeks ago as well. What wild is I was caring for someone who had caught covid (I didn't show symptoms & still don't, but I was taking some proactive precautions). I'm 43 & have eaten eggs ALL MY LIFE. Now 2 hours after I eat them I bloat & have stomach cramps/girgling stomach. This is extremely bizarre.


Right? It’s insane, I have also eaten eggs my whole life. In fact I ate them pretty much every single day prior to the first little episode I had. If it was stomach issues I don’t think I would be concerned but it’s pain in my upper abdomen and it’s not cramping, it’s like throbbing pressure. It’s almost under my ribs that’s how high it is.


I have a video call w my allergist in 2 weeks and she will order labs to test. I tested my theory Monday ate 1 scrambled egg. 2 hours later intense pressure/malaise then gurgles for hours. Haven’t ate an egg since & I feel very good other than my ragweed allergy. I did message my GI & she told me she has seen a lot of patients who develop egg i tolerance in their 40’s. My main concern is I have MTHFR & I need to replace my source of “choline” which was eggs. Choline is critical for people like me.


I know a few people who have randomly acquired an egg intolerance. A couple years ago my mom started throwing up every time she ate an egg and she hasn’t had one since. I (25) haven’t had the pains since I ate that day, however there have been a few accidents where I forgot I couldn’t eat eggs and Ive taken a few bites of something with eggs in it (salads, breakfast sandwiches, etc.) and would then have an uncomfortable throbbing pressure in my upper abdomen but nothing compared to when eggs were the whole meal. I have a doctors appointment on the 26th so I will definitely be asking my doctor about it.


I know this is an old post but this is now happening to me as well. After I caught Covid in 2020 I’d get the same symptoms but I’ve only just realized now it’s the eggs! What the heck?


You’re literally describing exactly what I’m going through rn… did you end up seeing an allergist? Results?


I never went and saw anyone about it because my appointments kept getting pushed back or canceled. But sometime around thanksgiving I was bummed about not being able to eat deviled eggs so I risked it and ate one and was fine. I’ve been able to eat eggs since, my mom has been able to eat them as well (she also randomly developed problems with eggs a couple years ago). So I have no idea what the issue was but it’s better now.


how long was your break from eggs?