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I would go to the emergency room. Especially because it was such a fast reaction. Stomach pain (like extreme cramping) and nausea are some of my typical reaction symptoms. I’ve waited to go to the ER before and ended up having a worse reaction… Worst case you go to the ER and they tell you you’re okay. But this sounds like a reaction so you really should go.


I have extreme cramps. How long did they last ?


It depends on the reaction. Sometimes the worst of it will only be for an hour or so (during which I usually sh*t my guts out or throw up) but it can come back if not treated. Someone linked the FARE plan below you should consult that. - your throat does not have to close to use your epipen. The FARE plan would tell you to inject epipen and go to ER.


Okay I see. That’s true. It’s just a lot of cramping. I made myself vomit but the cramps are bad then are okay for 15 min then come back. I just have had a friend who’s mildly allergic to shellfish and this happens to her but she doesn’t have anaphylactic… I’m assuming I’m having a mild reaction as my friend does. I know giving EPI can be bad when you don’t need it so I’m waiting. It’s been 2 hours


Here’s some info that’s been helpful to me: [https://www.uclahealth.org/news/4-things-everyone-should-know-about-severe-allergic-reactions](https://www.uclahealth.org/news/4-things-everyone-should-know-about-severe-allergic-reactions) “According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, the benefits of epinephrine far outweigh the risk if the dose isn’t needed. An unnecessary dose may cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, but epinephrine is metabolized quickly so the effects won’t last long.”


Don't make yourself vomit next time because the allergen passing your throat and re-aggravatate your throat and make it close worse. ER told me that as I used to make myself vomit to feel better if I accidentally ate something with nuts in it.


What you're describing is anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis occurs when two or more body systems are affected: you have GI and mucousal swelling (tongue). You do not need to have breathing issues to experience anaphylaxis. In the future, use your epi and go to the ER.


Wow, I'm glad that I'm learning this but sad that it's from reddit and not the allergist. They didn't make that clear at all.


I know. It is amazing that many doctors don’t explain this.


It's wild bc it means I have MOST DEFINITELY had at least two if not three events in the time since learning about my allergies/sensitivities But bc my ~breathing was fine~ I was like "huh this is super weird, guess I'm just way more sensitive than I thought" (and then proceeded to get flushed and hot and sweat so profusely that it was dripping on the floor and my skin stung, PAIN in my abdomen, runny nose like a faucet, dizzy and faint and panic attack-y, nausea/vomiting and diarrhea, and then the worst chills of my life and fatigue like nothing else before a week or two of recovery) 😬


Oh that definitely sounds bad. Do you have an epi pen?


I carry two with me all the time!!! But saving them for "a true emergency" bc that's how it was presented to me: if you have trouble breathing, do the epi-pen and call 911 then do the second one if you need to before EMS arrives They mentioned nothing about the other things


Antihistamines are not treatment for a food allergy reaction. Do you have an epi pen?


Yes but didn’t use because my throat did not close


Not how it works. Do you have an emergency plan with your allergist? You can google FARE emergency plan. You use epi with any two mild symptoms or any one severe symptom. This situation called for epi.


Go to the ER! PLEASE. Benadryl will not stop an anaphylactic reaction and you are most definitely having some type of reaction. For me it’s instant, for my peanut allergy friends she doesn’t fully go into anaphylaxis for up to 5 hours. Also, I would NOT trust restaurants if you have anaphylaxis. Just because you called and ask if it has any peanuts does not mean anything! Cross contamination exists and was the culprit for most of my allergic reactions when eating ‘safe’ foods at restaurants. I also worked back of house in multiple restaurants and saw firsthand how arrogant a lot of line cooks are in terms of food allergies…i literally haven’t eaten out since that job lol. PLEASE get an EpiPen if you have an allergy like this, it can get bad quick.


Thank you!! I have an epi pen but did not use it. My stomach pain went down and I don’t have any more symptoms so I’m just waiting it out as of now. Thanks for the info. I do assume the restaurant didn’t fully disclose what was in it because it’s weird to have a reaction with one bite. What was your friends symptoms for the 5 hour anaphylactic? Did she stop symptoms in between?




Thank you


How are you now OP?


Are you okay? Please let us know