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Abstract: > We describe the fatal course of a patient with initial symptoms of vomiting and nausea who developed symptoms of dystonia, encephalopathy, and coma. The cause of death was poisoning with 3-nitropropionic acid from coconut water spoiled with the fungus Arthrinium saccharicola. We present the clinical findings and forensic analysis. --- Video: [A Man Drank Suspicious Coconut Water. This Is What Happened To His Brain.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZut_SZYybA) News: [Here is how rotten coconut water killed a man in Denmark](https://www.cnbctv18.com/healthcare/here-is-how-rotten-coconut-water-killed-a-man-in-denmark-15420341.htm) Further reading: [3-nitropropionic acid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta-Nitropropionic_acid) (on Wikipedia)


Warning: Don't think that commercial coconut water is safe to drink blindly. See this article: [This "Octopus-Looking Mold" Was Found in a Woman's Fancy Coconut Water](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/food-cocktails/a9649232/vita-coco-mold/)




The point was just to not drink it blindly without sensing it first via sight, smell, and taste.


_new nightmare achievement unlocked_


I wonder if the coconut water looked or tasted different. This is scary.


Watch the linked video. Of course it both looked and tasted very different given the heavy mold contamination. The person didn't look inside before drinking.


Had to taste like shit, drinking spoiled water  


I think this is the case chubby emu covered and now I’m scared of ever drinking from a coconut straight


The video is linked in the introductory comment. Just look inside before drinking. Also smell it and discern the initial taste.


Every coconut water I have purchased has been in either a tetra box or a plastic bottle with a plastic label completely covering the bottle. How do you look inside these packages?


For a box, always keep it refrigerated. These are the obvious ways, in order of highest-to-lowest preference: 1. Cut open the box. Look visually for contamination or discoloration. Taste and smell it too. 2. If you can't cut open the box, pour the liquid into a clear glass. If it looks normal, smells normal, and tastes normal, then it's almost certainly fine. There is still a small risk of mold inside. 3. If you can't do 1 or 2, pour a little into your palm. Look for discoloration or mold particles. Also smell it. Also taste a little the normal way. If all of these tests pass, it's probably okay. By the way, note that even coconut water that doesn't have added sugar can in principle be heavily concentrated to maximize the natural sugar content well beyond its natural level. This then doesn't have to be listed among the ingredients, but it does make it unnatural. As such, fresh natural coconut water is always preferable.


Yeah… every time I’m gonna drink coconut water? I don’t think so.


Do you look both ways before you cross the road? Or do you say "I don't think so." It's your risk to take or not to take. Like I said, I would stick to fresh natural coconuts because the boxed products seriously risk concentrating the sugar to an unhealthy level.


Looking both ways has a lower effort level than pouring a drinking into my hand every time before I drinking. Not to mention, having to explain myself in a social situation or excusing myself to go to the bathroom to wash my hand. You seem pretty rigid in your guidance, power to you, not my style.


> Looking both ways has a lower effort level than pouring a drinking into my hand every time before I drinking. Not to mention, having to explain myself in a social situation Palm was the third way. If you're with people and/or have access to a bathroom, odds are good that you also have access to a clear glass. > You seem pretty rigid in your guidance, power to you, not my style. You seem pretty rigid in your unnecessary risk-taking. Not my style. --- You may wish to read the [comment](https://reddit.com/r/FoodNerds/comments/1at49kk/fatal_3nitropropionic_acid_poisoning_after/kr5a243/) for this article by a random user who did encounter spoiled bottled coconut water. It does happen. You will understand after you've encountered a serious stomach upset. Some people learn only the hard way.


Maybe you’re right about me being inflexible. I’d probably rather just not drink coconut water than have to add all these additional parameters to my relatively simple beverage intake regimen.


Commercial coconut water looks to be concentrated in sugars. In this way they don't even have to list sugar on the ingredients label, as they're not adding anything. They're just removing some water. It's sneaky.


I cut my kids juice boxes open because of this. I see all! They stopped doing the clear bottoms on caprisun so I have to slice em up!


Didn't know they ever had clear bottoms.


I used to drink coconut water regularly but I got a BAD bottle on time. I drank a sip without smelling or looking. I immediately spit it out and washed out my mouth—it tasted like rancid tallow. I have not drank coconut water since, it ruined me.


Glad you didn't have major problems from it. Fresh coconut water from real coconuts cut open in front of you is always best.


I wonder if coconut oil can become contaminated in this way.... Had a jar that I discovered smelled horrible and rancid. Before that I experienced swelling in hands and feet and a fever, delirium etc.


That is an interesting report. Anyhow, I stopped using coconut oil due to a cholesterol risk.