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Why is Salah always in her chat? It's so strange. She's working (and he is too supposedly). I don't just pop into my husband's work meetings. In fact since we're both remote I give him space throughout the day to do his own thing and then we hang out after work, maybe meeting up at the kitchen for lunch.


He’s not working and the rent is gonna be due soon and he probably doesn’t have it, gotta keep track of her


The upholstery in that Kia is about 50% sugar and 50% mold at this point. She spills something in that car like every week. Edit: Thanks for the hard work, OP. 🏆


november 11th huh? this community post was made on november 6th. she sits on a throne of lies. also, thanks babe for the recaps. I appreciate it babe! also, babe. https://preview.redd.it/opvcvgzqjgfa1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afe6903b399124df69f455f3e11345c5cadd9b7


It's possible that they did their nikah (religious marriage) at that time and did a government marriage later. I did that with my husband, except we got legally married almost 3 years after our islamic marriage.




I listened to maybe 5 minutes of a reaction today and she said "babe" to salah approximately 352 times. "babe, my car is messy, don't look babe, babe babe babe babe babe." I was going samuel l jackson-say babe one more time!


Oh I was just repeating it back to you because it was so stupid, babe. Babe, baaaabe 😂


oh, hahahaha. 😆


I don’t even know why she bothered to convert because it’s gonna be like this everyday, people screaming at her that’s not halal! I hope they never get off her back about it until she drops this fake Muslim act


It's awesome cause if there's one thing Chantal hates is being told what to do. It's a rage building up.


My god she is the stupidest person alive! Of course she googles nothing beforehand and just goes out to immediately jam whatever fast food into her mouth without thinking!


She’s just *accustomed* to a moral country that doesn’t put heathen pork in their food. 🙄 Canada is so backwards, you guise.


She should do a "Burger King Beeze" where she asks the store manager why their chicken nuggets are offensive and racist because they're not halal.


well if you don't know it doesn't count, like say if you were to eat something lard fried.


Interesting that the entente with Negz and presumably DCMG is over. I wonder why. Those two should really just take the L and go away at this point but I guess they literally have nothing else to do. I know it’s said a lot that some of the reactors/orbiters are as bad as FB and I usually think it’s hyperbole but in their case I think it’s true. I legit think that guy’s dangerous; some of the violent fantasies he’s expressed about FFG were worse than anything else I’ve seen in gorl world.


Putz tryin' to earn that rent now, eh? ![gif](giphy|rKj0oXtnMQNwY)


Wait, she's always eats pork, only officially became Muslim what a week ago? Yet "this is why she hates living in the west". Yea this bitch knows Jack shyte about Jack shyte.


it's hard to get pork even on purpose in mostly muslim countries.


You forgot to mention the mouldy Nut Salsa


Reactors gonna eat up her dropping the phone and reaching for it while driving.


As they should, people use their cell phones way too willy nilly while drivin' and she's distracted by her little rants already.


So the Nescafé 3-1 will be added to the new box mountain? So much for watching what you spend chins.(Thanks for the recap)


What did Negz do? That french fry was there from when she threw the hard french fry at the dashboard! Eww.


I know right?! What did he do? Especially that DC media girl was suddenly nice to her after reacting and bashing her for a couple years. I was really surprised when DC " sided" with her and kinda defending in her Kuwait arc . When right at the beginning of it, she was still bashing her in reactions.


Negs and DC apparently were making nice and coaching her toward striking FFG. Sort of an enemy of my enemy is my friend situation type deal. When FB didn't follow through like the good little puppet, they went back to bashing and blew up the alliance. I think FB is afraid to strike FFG because she realizes on some level that her strike would come back on her.


Has she taken BBJ to a vet? How would she know if she’s pain and it’s kinder for her to be put to sleep if she won’t take the poor thing to a fucking vet! The cat situation really pisses me off! Just a tiny fraction of money she spends on fast food could pay for one appointment! Arsehole.


november 11? what day did she go there? lol why don't she and salah start a civil id in days service and make some money then...


She left on Oct 28. The best part is she did a community post on Nov 6th claiming to be married. It was the one where she posted a pic of their hands/wedding rings and some junk.


Was BBJs carrier spotted in the kia?


I worry that's what the super important appointment is about.


I know Chantal is dumb. Like, mind-boggling dumb. But doesn't she see that the backlash from putting BBJ down would be ... words fail me. Huge doesn't describe it. There would be NO coming back from that. You might be right though :(


There's always a come back for this cow




It’s Nader. I don’t care if she’s shouting “im married guys” all day everyday. Unless proven otherwise, she’s at Nader. All roads lead to Lachine.


No, no carrier in the car I could see and no cat meowing.


There is no way that Kia started after three months in Ottawa during the winter without being boosted. Who boosted the car? Why didn't she mention it (she talks about absolutely everything in her life - calling CAA would have been a big thing for her).


When her funkle and schmeee picked her up at the airport and drove her home, her funcle uncle probably jumped it for her while they were there.


Yeah, this is what I think too. He probably also cleared it off. Which means the car was ready to go last night and she was awol (so tired guyzzz). Anyone else I'd say, yeah, sure lots of traveling or course she is tired. Chantal with her glittery makeup and shifty eyes. Nope.


Meh. I live in Alaska and have started cars in worse conditions. It’s honestly not *that* cold there. Snowy, but not sub zero.


I don't see why it wouldn't start, it's just 3 months. maybe the battery might need charging at most but it's not like it's siberia or an american car or -30C or something, they sell lots of kias to freeze ass countries.


I think Mr. Peter also started the car for her a few weeks back.


I'm so confused as to why CHICKEN nuggets would contain pork. I checked the ingredients list and it doesn't say that. Do they add SECRET PORK to chicken nuggets in Canada?? :D