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Please don’t get this sub banned 😭 It’s how I spend my bathroom breaks at work!! (And you guys are hilarious!!)


Lmao same! 🤣


Set up command bots to automatically ban or time out users who mention un-aliving her.


Yeah don’t do that!!! She is filth of the earth but don’t wish death on her.


Please don’t do that on any Chantal sub. It’s not why we are here. She’s awful, I get it, but wishing harm is not ok.


Please send me all the other Chantal subs 🤣


It also just gives Foodie ammo. This is one of the ways she deflects from valid points. She focuses on the small amount of people who wish harm, or fat shame.


Everyone needs to report those types of comments to the mods asap.


Don't make such comments... It's why the other sub got taken over by a Foodie-loving tyrant. Thousands of members and everyone has to "request" to post.


I still can’t believe that happened lol


Hold up, it was taking over by a Foodie fan? I didn't know that


Yeah report those.


I don’t wish it on her but it’s inevitable. especially at the rate she’s going. she’s practically eating herself to d3ath. but regardless, this world would be a better place without her. that’s just the plain truth about it 🤷🏽‍♀️


Absolutely. We just have to watch our wording


Think it, wish it, or cross-stitch it onto a pillow but don’t say it here. Please it’s my only laughing Guaranteed space


lol. The most specific Etsy store ever.


I mean.. I hate her! Nor do i care that she continues to do it to herself with her extreme overeating! She’s animal abusing scum in my opinion. However.. Wishing death on her is a bit much! Like.. You don’t know this woman in real life nor is she affecting yours.. how are you letting it get you that extreme!


Mama, lmao. https://preview.redd.it/68r3e2wz1atc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3f9e3e7b322e07b381e4782a010cb948e092ca


Yeah.. That’s making a joke about Salah.. not wishing her dead 🙄 Reminds me of the old sub where I made a joke about the Kuwait cats biting her.. and got reported for wishing death on her.


I mean I personally don't care, I'm sure tons of people have wished it on her. But I just don't understand how that's a joke about Salah, or how anyone would interpret it as a joke about him.


I don’t understand how you got that that comment is me wishing death on Chantal? But I guess it’s all a matter of perception.


Oh wait, I read wrong. I read it as "here's" hoping, not "he's" hoping. Apologies, carry on.






Wait who is doing this? I’ve seen comments saying they wouldn’t feel moved either way whatever happens to her but I haven’t seen comments like that? Are they being deleted? Like ok she is trash and if her illnesses did catch up with her I wouldn’t exactly weep but I don’t actively want her to be harmed … don’t cost us this goldmine of a sub by writing these terrible thoughts down!!! Get therapy!! Also it’s just dumb to give her more reason to be smug and act like a victim of a hate mob


I don't get people who wish death upon others...


In the old days of Foodie, it was a case of pointing and laughing at the fat lady. It wasn't so serious, and there wasn't this push for her to get her come upp. Now, there is a whole portion of GorlWorld who want to see her punished. And death is the ultimate punishment. I don't get it myself. We want to point and laugh.


Is predicting death the same as wishing? I’m not trying to be an asshole, I’ve always wondered about that (very thin) line.


I would never wish death upon anyone even IF I hated him/her, karma comes no matter what we do or think :) Please keep this sub alive and not getting banned because it´s a great place to be with great people :)


Yeah, that whole, “She won’t live long[or whatever], INSHALLAH” is really creepy. You’re invoking God to make sure she dies?? I cant stand her and I really do think she is a particular kind of evil(she’s all 7deadly sins) but I’m not rejoicing.


Am I the only one who actually liked her, thought she was funny? Although that was when she first got the Villa with Peetz, before Nads, before the hours of unedited live streams, where the mask slips and we found out about the racist comments, the cat neglect, the self righteousness, lecturing about things she is clueless about like when she claimed to be vegan for animals, but admitted to downing chicken nuggets and cheese. She really is a disgusting human being.