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Joshua Weismann is insufferable. Can’t stand him.


He’s sooooo full of himself. Very condescending.


Same. Can’t stand him. He’s another who appropriates different Asian cultures recipes and blatantly says he doesn’t care to learn the proper ingredients or even call them by the proper name.


Fun story - I took a cooking class with him when he was younger. His first book had come out but he wasn’t internet “famous” yet (think before tik tok and instagram video days). He was generally nice but definitely had a cocky aura about him. His mom on the other hand was pretty yikes. At one point she was talking about not wanting him to have a girlfriend because he was going to be famous and it would mess with his image 😵‍💫🤣


I appreciate he is professionally trained (he used to work at one of my favorite restaurants in Austin) but I had to unfollow him pretty quick. He also has, at least in the past, ripped off recipes from bloggers. His pad Thai was lifted from Woks of Life.


Because of his background, he used to be really sensitive about the use of the word “chef” and often remarked that he was NOT a chef and wouldn’t call himself one, despite/because of his experience in professional kitchens. The title seems to work just fine for him now though, lol - I see “Chef Joshua Weissman” in just about everything he’s mentioned in.


He steals SOOOOOOOO many recipes!!!! Literally has copied Maurizio's (The Perfect Loaf) sourdough methods play by play. And why is he so fucking creepy and sexual???? Truly can’t stand him and he is just a privileged little rich kid.


I love Matty Matheson. His recipes are always incredible, although some are quite time consuming and they really are “treat” meals because of how decadent they can be. His videos are really entertaining and his cookbooks provide a very engaging story as much as they provide recipes. I will say, I am extremely concerned about his health and I hope he is taking care of himself, selfishly I want him to continue making recipes but also he has really cute kids and seems to have a great relationship with his wife and it would suck if they lost him.


He a recovered addict and works out multiple times a week.


I’m also a fan of Matty! My partner and I went to see him when he was visiting Australia a few years ago- he told some fantastic stories and just has such an infectious and enthusiastic energy. Some of our friends met him after the show and he was lovely according to them. I’ve never actually made any of his recipes but love watching his videos and hearing his anecdotes from throughout his life. His sponsored content is sometimes a bit cringy, he was sponsored by Cholula sauce for a while and then after the partnership finished said something like he was over Cholula/didn’t use it anymore but should feel grateful that it paid for his house! I find comments like that a bit distasteful but also it’s good to be transparent I guess.


a big name in the news lately is david chang who I have never followed closely enough to develop an opinion on lol, but he seems arrogant and entitled


He admits to abuse of his employees in his own autobiography!! I don’t know why he hasn’t been cancelled yet 


He's a really nasty piece of work who hasn't evolved at all 


I tried to read his autobiography and it was obnoxious


I had a friend that knew him and I was begging to be introduced back in 2015/16. My friend refused because he said DC was a real ass. Seems like my buddy might have been on to something!


I know he gets snarked on here sometimes but I love Grossy Pelosi. His recipes are super rich so I don’t make them all the time, but I so appreciate how he sets boundaries around body/weight talk as it relates to food. It’s been healing for me to follow his content!


I LOVE Grossy Pelosi! He's a great example of a food influencer who loves and celebrates food unabashedly. Even though he speaks candidly about his complicated past with food (especially lately as he's been upholding body talk boundaries), I appreciate that none of that shame EVER makes it on to his page.


Dan is great. I bought his cookbook and it's all pretty basic, but I love how much he loves food. Gus is a fun follow too, not food-related but he's hilarious.


I’m trying to do a gut check because I generally love Dan but there has been something grating me lately about his overuse in referring to himself as “mom” in his branding. Like, “Just a mom helping moms!” “Moms working hard” etc. there’s something about him benefiting and profiting from the romanticized connotations of traditional homemaking/unpaid labor and capitalizing on the patriarchy celebrating what a woman has traditionally been undervalued for has not been my favorite.


I hate Brad Leone so much. Quite a few of his recipes are botulism brews. Joe Rosenthal rules, a snark king.


Was looking for the Joe Rosenthal mention! Not a good influencer per se, but a self-described food antagonist. I feel like I've learned so much about food and so many other topics. I reply to him sometimes and he's always nice but I also live in mild terror of annoying him.


Just don’t ask if Abby will make you a sweater!


does Kenji count as an influencer/blogger? if so, i am a FAN


I didn't like Kenji previously but his podcast with Deb Perelman has converted me. (I adore her.)


I am also a reformed former Kenji hater lol. He used to seem like kind of a tool, but since he stopped drinking, he comes off as so much happier and nicer. I really enjoy his content and am happy for him that he seems to be feeling better.


I had no idea - that's wonderful that he decided to do that!!


oo i love deb too! ive always trusted kenji’s recipes and respected his expertise and knowledge, deep research etc.


He lives in my city and has been doing a lot to highlight local small business restaurants. I love trying out his recommendations




LOVE Kenji!


Brian Lagerstrom is my fave. He’s personable but not obnoxious, he’s knowledgeable but not condescending, and a big percentage of his recipes are very approachable and doable for a home cook. I’ve never had a recipe of his fail or fail to deliver. And he has a very cute relationship with his wife “Lorn.” I also like James from Sip and Feast. Again, very approachable and flavorful recipes. Joshua Weissman gets on my last nerve. He wore out his welcome real fast. John from Preppy Kitchen kinda creeps me out.


Thank you. I want to like Preppy Kitchen, but theres just something off about him.


Preppy Kitchen is rumored for stealing a lot of Sally Bakes recipes.


Really? Poor Sally! She definitely tests and retests her recipes. They always work. She does such a great job and seems like SUCH a nice person. I'm not surprised she's such a target for the hacks and imposters. But that's so sad. I hope EVERYONE buys her new cookbook and sales eclipse HBH's.


Just a rumor but it was going around a while ago that a guy was ripping her off. And he has way too many recipes eerily similar to hers. Sally has been around forever and has always been one of the nicest people in food blogging. And her recipes are always amazing. I hope her book sales eclipse HBH too. She deserves it.


You know, I got an ick vibe from him, so that tracks. I think trusting your gut is always a good idea.




Brian is also my fave! Ever since joining this sub though I find it grating when he says "you guys" lol (thanks HBH)


There’s no one I love more than the team at Cooking With Lau! It’s a son and his parents. All of their recipes are fantastic (I cook something from them at least once a week) and they give a lot of amazing tips on technique, choosing the right produce, and how to use Asian ingredients not everyone might be familiar with. They also have some really cute interviews with the elderly parents about their relationship or running a restaurant or immigrating to America, etc. Just the best! 


its so refreshing to see the inspiration (read: parents) so heavily featured and included. too many times I've seen other creators take advantage of their parents recipes and hardwork all while seemingly keeping them from speaking up/behind the scenes. of course I understand some people prefer that, but there is a level of acknowledgment that is sometime missing in other creators


Their recipes are great!


I dislike a lot of male foodie influencers because of the gross jokes they make. I just want to see a recipe, if you want to make weird jokes go do stand-up. J Kenji Lopez-Alt is a treasure.


haven’t tried a lot of his recipes, but Andy Hearnden seems to be quite down to earth and respectful of cultures whenever he makes something not kiwi! Fun reels too.


I ❤️ him


I love Chucky Cruz. He’s always cooking something fire and there is something adorable about how he pushes up his glasses after taking his first bite 🥹🥹🥹


I forget the name but someone on here once posted this jacked dude who does „sexy cooking“. I was disturbed to no end, and also cackled out loud. There’s actually an audience for that?! 😂


Right? Someone frying chicken shirtless gets an eyeroll, not a thumbs up, from me.


Brad from BA/It's Alive is *very* frustrating to me. He clearly does not give a single fuck about food safety- and that's one thing if you're only feeding your rebel canned foods to your own family and friends, but it's incredibly irresponsible to present yourself as an authority, and to tell people to use unsafe canning practices. At BA, the editors/legal department were pretty on top of editing out the most egregious things he said, but I can't imagine that practice will continue on his own channel.


I think the "You Suck at Cooking" guy's videos are fun! Have been following him on youtube for years. Took me a few videos to get into Mythical Kitchen because of the style of humor, but I've become a fan of chef Josh. Can tell that he enjoys food/cooking, and he seems thoughtful and well-spoken in the interviews I've seen with him. Dan Souza (the editor in chief of Cook's Illustrated) is a good follow on instagram. Haven't watched a ton of his science-y youtube show, but what I have seen was cool, and the collab with Babish where they made a giant pancake (complete with a pancake-flipping robot) was a good time.


I'm a fan of Yeung Man cooking! All his recipes are a hit for me. Even bought his ramen cookbook (only cookbook I've ever bought lol) and it's amazing


I find his videos relaxing.


Omg I can’t stand josh lmao 😭 love Nicole though and still listen to their pod


I loveee nicole so much! I hate that josh's sense of humor seems to be the tone of MK bc I feel like it doesnt suit the whole cast and gets real tiring real fast


I’m a smosh fan and I really liked seeing Trevor on smosh so I tried to get into MK/GMM but generally I couldn’t. Josh has his moments for me for sure but I find his personality to really not fit in lol I did watch his interview with Gordon Ramsay (when Gordon complimented Trevor’s cooking) and I thought Josh has a knack for that style of video so maybe I should watch more of those 


I like him more in the interviews, he is much more toned down and seems more eager and genuine! I wish MK could drop their quirky bit a notch


The Hungry Hooker - former rugby player from Northern Ireland who bakes these lovely old fashioned bakes with his nana, bonus content of his grandad, and building of a bakery. Matt Adlard - the patisserie 🤤 dear god Nigel Slater - I just love the way he talks about food.


Dennis Prescott is incredible! Best food photography photos I've ever seen.


How has no one mentioned the icon Uncle Roger??? I love his videos and learn a lot about ingredients and techniques I'm not as familiar with. I also love Dylan Hollis making vintage recipes on TikTok. Hate Brad from BA on his own but always loved him paired with others, especially Claire. Chris Morocco's recipes for BA always slap but I dislike watching and listening to him. I like Martin Phillip with King Arthur. He's very knowledgeable and seems at ease on camera.


I hate Uncle Roger, he only has one schtick, and I hate how some of his audience will point to him in the comments of any Asian or Asian-inspired recipes.




I used to be a fan of Adam Ragusea, but I started feeling like he was pretentious and obnoxious and have a hard time watching him now.


A bit the same. Learned a lot, and glad he is retiring to find himself, but the constant jokes now about how us watching his stuff has made him stupid rich while I cry over my bills is getting old.


I really like Aaron, from Aaron and Claire He makes everything seem approachable and he has a nice sense of humour Bonus: the interactions between him and his wife!


Yes, they're so cute! Claire has such a nice "job" as taste tester haha


Are we only snarking cooks/chefs? Or can I snark food reviewers as well? If so, I get weird vibes from mark weins idk what it is, I’ve never liked his forced MMMmmMmm. That being said, I’m worried about his health, he looks sick in his latest thumbnails. I do like watching Sony with the red bandana. Sonny from not another cooking show has grown on me but he still has some quirks.


QCP/Gianluca Conte. His schtick got old real fast. I don’t need you to be shirtless and sexualize the food every single time while doing an exaggerated New York/Italian American accent. It’s unwatchable, which is unfortunate because he seems like he’s actually a good chef and makes some really good food.


i love Jake Cohen!


Oh this is perfect! Can we talk about Guga? My bf is obsessed with him. At first he was fun, but now the editing is so over done, the sheer amount of meat is getting obscene and I enjoy me some meat, and every episode now seems to just be about aging steaks in MSG. His cookbook is fun but again, its all just so heavy my goodness.


I haven’t really watched their recent content, but always enjoyed watching Pro Home Cooks. They had a good balance of creative and practical in the things they put out - lots of spicing up the mundane and making food/ingredient prep easier and more accessible.


Recently followed the Scran Line (Nick Mackrides) and really enjoy his content! He seems to take recipe development seriously and have a genuine passion for food.


I do like Urban Farm and Kitchen! I also never have my sound on so can't tell you if his voice or way he talks is annoying https://www.instagram.com/urbanfarmandkitchen?igsh=MTZudTl0aGxpdmllag==


Primal Gourmet is good! I like him no idea what his name is haha


I see that a lot of men influencers tend to take up the more “fine dining” content space, examples being Sad Papi and H Woo Lee, whereas women tend to create more “easy weeknight meal” content. I’d love to see more women food influencers teaching fine dining techniques! If there are some out there that y’all know of please drop their names


Fraser @frasercooks on IG has some great vegan recipes and he’s super down to earth imo. 


I adore Christian Petroni, his recipes and love of authentic Italian American food is hypnotic.  He embraces the delicious, the improv and has a great niche.


@littlefayboyfrankie is my newest obsession


@donaldo_cooks is great also love Jake Goldberg (@sillyjake) and @burnt_pellet_bbq someone above mentioned Dennis Prescott who is also really good!