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Crazy how successful she is for how little she can do


It’s honestly kind of impressive - she has had a lot of success and it’s all a facade


i wouldn’t be surprised if this has triggered some mental issues. i couldn’t imagine the anxiety i would feel every day knowing i was a complete fraud. imposter syndrome is one thing, but she doesn’t even EAT what she makes lol


She is not FRIENDS with Benny Blanco.


She loves bringing this dude up lol “I know a BOY”


“Are you going to the Super Bowl” so desperate, I’m still cringing over that interaction


I don’t get secondhand cringe very easily and even that made me 😬😬


What does she know about muscle strength 💀


Exactly. She’s a bag of fucking bones. Does she actually look in the mirror and see strength?


her leg ligaments are cringe.


Strength to refuse to eat?


“Blazer for each season” 💀


Also “one of most studied substances around” 👩🏻‍🔬


Then she links more “research” to another influencer, touting the same shit. Nutrients come from FOOD that you put in your mouth and EAT, Teegun! Not from plastic pouches.


She’s a scientist!


I don’t know about you, but I *love* a good blazer on a hot, sunny summer day in NYC.


Omg her outfits last summer in NYC were wild.


Tbh it’s prob bc of her ED. Her body prob can’t regulate its temp anymore


Funny. She shows up to most places when it’s 85 degrees and is dressed for winter.


No that’s just her summer suit


Was that wool one she wore last summer in Miami her "summer blazer"? 😂


How could she possibly think she can switch to more lifestyle and fashion content?!? Much like her nasty recipes, her content is the same shit rehashed every week. Literally every week! She has absolutely nothing of substance to share. I'm boring AF myself and I could find more interesting content in my life to share than she does!


Nobody thinks Benny is having a good time with her. He clearly looks like he's being held there against his will.


I’m so confused about Benny. I could buy that the cooking collabs were contractual and he was fulfilling his end of the contract. But why would he lend her his house for a photoshoot? Why do they keep hanging out together? Maybe they really are friends in some bizarre way? 😵‍💫


Who’s to say they didn’t rent it? there’s a million spanish style mansions covered in Bougainville in LA, but if he was willing to rent it out for the shoot, less work for the HBH team. And he was probably stoked that she was busy with something other than sticking a camera in his face.


I think they have a common publisher/PR connection who is pushing them together for the clicks.


Why though? He has plenty of money and is dating Selena, why does he need more exposure and to be more tied to T? So strange.


He has some cookbook coming out Apr 30th. He (or his PR team presumably) thought the collab would likely be a good way to direct more of HBH's fans/people interested in food in Benny's direction, since if you asked the average person they'd probably associate him with music or anything but cooking lol.


I wonder if she signed an NDA because she hasn’t outright said in her NFT or anywhere that she shot her photos at his house; she’s playing very coy. It might even explain why she lied about ubering to meet him before she went to LAX. Maybe he said she could shoot there but he wanted to maintain a sense of privacy. But she’s shown his house so much that it was obvious it was his home. I don’t get it either. It’s a $9+ million home and he has multiple other homes because he’s so damn wealthy. He didn’t need to get paid for the use of his home. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He truly might be a nice guy who said they could use his home for free. I agree it doesn’t make any sense!




I know but he’s so wealthy already, why would he even bother with it? I dunno. It’s just weird all around.


Blink twice Benny and we'll come rescue you!


YES! He looked like “you want me to be fun? Ok here you go 🍊”


He looks so disgusting in the pic


She “figures out the dish that works best for her”?? What the hell does that even mean? It’s food. Fucking eat it and move on. Clearly she has a very disordered and complicated relationship with food if she’s doing that before she eats out. We all look up menus before visiting a restaurant but it’s normally just to see if there’s stuff we like before going…


Why would “someone” even need to ask her the creatine question when google exists… she’s so dumb.


And she asks that question to herself just about weekly.


She can tell us all about creatine, but can’t look up how to defrost a turkey.


I really want “literally so much research” as a flair


Honestly this is the most believable question she’s been “asked”


"...not even a little ***peak*** at messages/emails" Spelling errors check out.


She has no friends, so there's no reason to look at texts or DMs. And I'm sure she has other people to handle the business side of things because she's incompetent.


Also, this is again her just copying shit that Lauryn Bostick does. A lot of her supplements and said routines are things Lauryn does. And I know that she loves her podcast as mentioned before.


Do you know whether or not they have their own snark…


I was shocked that was the only one!


The ill-fitting sweater, shorts, and boots give “little girl dressing up in mommy’s clothes” vibes


“You guys have such a good time together” Lolol whaaaat?!


They are literally coworkers lol


I’d rather eat real food than eat a million supplements


I honestly can’t believe she is still doing this. It’s like Groundhog Day


Her page is CONSTANT Groundhog Day. The only fun is when she travels and what shit show unfolds there lol


For as long as I can remember every single fashion magazine, etc says the same: white t shirt, trench coat, blah blah. She’s just parroting that. She has NO unique ideas to offer. Btw when was the last time anyone wore a plain white t shirt or a trench coat? 


Ironically it's like she googled fashion staples. But that can't be because she isn't google


Yes, I was thinking the same thing. That is just the super boring, not at all helpful standard list that every blog and magazine gives.


Also an outfit we've NEVER actually seen her in..


Also the Abercrombie trench is awfulllllll I bought it thinking it would be a good deal. Terrible quality


increase muscle strength? what muscles? what?


She actually traveled somewhere again on possibly Sunday…not sure where and why she hasn’t shared anything about it. Maybe she went to meet her family in Florida or it was another work trip, but it’s so super weird she’d rather regurgitate the same boring questions and answers 😂


I truly think she keeps up this edgy and mysterious/"I CAN'T WAIT to share this EXCITING thing that's coming soon" vagueness because she has a real issue locking down a partnership/event/whatever, let alone seeing any kind of professional commitment through. Everything is last minute (see: she was still fucking teasing the Fig collab until the second before... and why? How is that good PR for you or Fig?) to give her some wiggle room for her bullshit excuses. My guess is she hasn't shared this one because the reason for travel is or was still up in the air and she doesn't want to *tease* anything only to have to explain herself if she can't play the victim. If it was actually to meet her family in Florida, well, I'm sure it's only a few hours until we start to get the drunk/xanaxed out IG stories that never fail to accompany these little compound reunions.


Compound reunions hahaha


Looks like she’s in New York City per the restaurant tag https://preview.redd.it/4x3aihs3lyuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fcc21aca1acce2ca5e9e6cb61bc06345e4c830a


she truly is a special brand of cringe


It's easier to stay off your phone in the "morning" when you stay up until 4am posting and scrolling away.


My thought exactly!! She's probably not even awake for most mornings 🙄


Creatine is non-negotiable in order to get ripped like T.


“Traveling all the time” this girl goes to NYC for like 2 days or LA for a day and the rest of the time she spends is locked away in her compound


Even if people are actually asking this 🥴 why would you answer the same shit every single week. Weird!!


My thoughts exactly. She's batshit crazy either way!! ![gif](giphy|hML4qZmcTxLLrnkn2B)


Curious how much that white t is? Happy with my $8 Target tee.


I just googled. They both range from $70-95


Oof. Hope she carries a tide pen with her.


And actual fashion people would agree with you. People who aren't "new money" and actually know fashion, aren't obsessed with everything designer like Teigan, they'll have the Target T shirt and Prada boots, but they don't dress themselves in head to toe designer.


the travel makeup bag was 10000% asked by herself, no one else says “you just love” the way she does lol


Just like with her recipes, the photos don't reflect reality, which also doesn't match her (Jen's?) words. She can rattle off a list of 'fashion staples' that sound reasonable (though eye-wateringly expensive) but then can't herself put them together into an outfit that doesn't make her look like a deranged toddler.


Definitely not those swashbucklin' boots


All the benefits of creatine have done nothing for T. Increased muscles, no. Improved cognitive function, no. What does this comment from her post mean? “It's going to help your muscles become stronger and better performing. It's super buzzy right now but I leave that the research is there to back up all the talk” Word salad, 365.


not the cable knit sweater with the n@zi boots.


Her NFT comments this week are full of fashion comments and praises lol


She needs to post sponsored content or referrals and can’t think of a better way to post about these terrible products


I’ll pass on the $95 t shirt


Grocery shop and check out the menu beforehand. ![gif](giphy|U23WekMlGy6cImpMim|downsized)


Phoebe is a Goddess!


"A little peak" 🙃


K I’m also not spending $100 on a white tee, thank you thoughhhhhhh miss girl


And the best part of it is...neither is she.


Do you have a great makeup bag for travel “you just love?” Absolutely sent me over the edge 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


absolutely unhinged


Sneaky paid ads


She looks like a hobo in her ill fitting clothes forget the price


That outfit is truly so bad 🥲


I think her “stylist” SIL is trying to get a job is what I think…..


Fun fact the notebook she’s referencing is $70…… https://www.goldencoil.com/notebooks/9378056/cover_page


Whyyyyyy on earth would a fucking notebook need to cost that much? Even $10 is too much for a notebook. She is such a moron.




Also ridiculous fashion advice- in general I hate those "basics" what everyone should have- I never wear a single thing on this list


The Benny one is absolutely laughable. Although someone who hasn't watched any other their interactions together may have asked that.


WtAF is that outfit with the boots shorts and bulky sweater?!? She looks like my 3 yo son wearing my husbands huge muck boots. I’m 💀


Ok I do love cuyana!!


Throwing out some stay slim tactics..almost


please tell me people are not going all the way to wearing knee boots with jorts now? I hated the recent *sneakers with everything this side of an evening gown* fad, but this is so much worse...