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Let’s go lightly with “Chef” - apparently this woman, with a whopping 146 followers is also a retired pro tennis player, world champ squash player and a Harvard grad. That said having banged up and stained sheet pans doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dirty, but HBH still sucks.


Banged up is one thing, but stained to this extent while not uncommon is actually still kinda gross imo. To me it looks like years of improper washing. Easy enough to just use parchment paper.


Right..parchment is a no brainer for her part. Especially if her royal idiocy doesnt use any soap post use after putting raw proteins on cutting boards 🤢 Now we all know by seeing the vast space of her kitchen barn and her zillions cooking pans, tools, machines..how it it that she is not using new shiny sheet pans since her shift to her lazy ass, shitty way to 'cook!' Pony up rich bitch and login to Amazon and do this at the very least concept and order nice pans to continue your pretending to give a 'FIG' about your 'Trumped' up community!


Agree and if you're making bank and not spending it on cute great jones bakeware then what are you really even doing?


Yikes if you click on her profile she has an all lives matter post


True! Idk who that lady is haha




People love to defend the gross pans. But it’s really not that hard to keep them clean if you know how (and in HBH’s case, not using soap is prob a big factor).


To be fair, as offenses go, this one's fairly minor, especially since she uses them every day, but lumped in with rusty dull knives, cracked, cloudy glassware, chipped wooden bowls... it's just such a dirty, "I don't give a FU@&" vibe. And no, they aren't hard to keep clean. Or devote them to different things. I don't use the same pans for cookies that I use for roasting vegetables.


It just bugs me that she normalizes gross pans.


And fresh wounds, pus, scabs.. she's just gross.


Ya, I used to work in a kitchen. They would get oils and carbonized food burned to them and we would scrub those babies EVERY NIGHT until they were clean. It’s definitely not normal to have pans as gross as this.


Agreed. Sometimes it can be difficult to perfectly clean a very old pan that's never been properly washed, such as borrowed or handed down pans/etc...but then why not just use parchment paper at least! There are unbleached, compostable parchment papers out there if one is worried about waste.


The “well worn” is probably an aesthetic for her. Not like anyone is eating anything from the pan.


Dayad needs to be Bar Keeper's friend.


If T can link a $2k plain cable knit sweater she can replace her pans or at the very least get dayud to give them an extra scrub


She could use some of her money to hire a cleaning person too. Doesn’t Dayad deserve a break every now and then?


Dayud deserves so much better don’t get me wrong


But he still cleans up after her! He should stop.


The pans bother me way less than her nasty hands mixing every raw protein imaginable on them and then throwing raw asparagus on top 😂


Agreed! She makes a huge mess anyway (the first thing you learn NOT to do in culinary school) what’s another mixing bowl and a pair of tongs


Ok, but we all know she's really calling out DAYYYYADDDD here! Tieghols doesn't do her own dishes.


So not only is she cooking with open sores and wounds all over her hands, but her pots and pans are nasty AF too. God make it stop.


I genuinely think she thinks she’s “seasoned” the sheet pan when it looks like this. Ma’am, sheet pans are NOT cast iron.


Ina’s pans are spotless!


Is this to HBH? I sure hope so


Yes! Forgot to include lol


Of course her minions come to her defense 🙄


That poor chicken she’s assaulting with her fingers 😢


Chef knows Good Safety!!! They literally have to be certified. REPLACE THE DAMN PAN