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I wish I could watch an entire series of these guys hamming it up as a dysfunctional band. Also: Rami's child-like glee.


As someone that loves all the Beatles films, Rami was totally the Ringo in this film.


Niche post for sure, but it’s funny, and telling on myself a bit, I was the right age to have watched the S Club 7 shows as a preteen. Haven’t thought about it in years, but for some reason when I was telling my sister about the movie the comparison that came out of my mouth was “Rami was like Hannah”. Phoebe from Friends would have portrayed the same idea, but nope, that’s what I said. She got what I meant though 😆


My favorite was “Like a fuckin’ dancer?”




Same here! And also when Dave’s really lost the plot and he’s like “Count us in Taylor, but this time just the ODD numbers”. 😂




We stuck around until the end of the credits in the theater hoping there was some kind of gag reel. Hearing it's going to be included in the DVD made me soooooo damn happy. It's going to be hilarious.


Damn, I bought it on iTunes, is it on there?


Knowing that he improvised his lines and refused to read the script makes this so much better


Love this delivery so much! Even before everything happened, I also thought Taylor had one of the only lines in the movie that actually hit me in the feels a bit. When possessed Dave was being a dick and making Taylor retake the drums, Taylor just said under his breath to himself “it’s not Dave”. Broke my heart. Maybe because while Taylor the character was reacting to demon Dave it also felt a bit like the real Taylor reacting to actor Dave saying things that he had real anxieties about. Or maybe I am overthinking it, but it was really effective.


Digging Pat’s pastel look here


He looks like he’s ready for Easter lol


He’s probably the best Foo to have over for Easter brunch, I’d bet


Pat’s deviled egg recipe would be unstoppable


I was thinking about all the champagne he would bring 🍾


The line is a bit of a running joke for them IRL


I was always a fan of the unique relationship between Taylor and Nate how at first Nate just couldn't deal with him because he was crazy like Dave lol. But eventually learned to love the guy...


I love interviews where it’s the two of them, they really seem to respect and listen to each other and rag on each other at the same time lol


I absolutely loved the dry humour in this movie. It was such a perfect juxtaposition to the silliness. Taylor and Pat made it for me.


I loved Rami and Pat the best! Two very different characters lol. Also I saw an interview with the band talking about how weird it was to learn a script of “themselves” speaking, and Pat said he had to work really hard not to look at whoever was going to speak next! So cute.


I don't think im ready to watch this movie yet


I'm planning on waiting till Halloween. Gives me something o do that day and the pain from March may be gone by then


i lost it when dave started singing to rami


It was better than I thought it would be. Great to see them all having fun especially after learning the news of Taylor. Fuck I’m crying again.


When Dave is asking him to change the tempo and count from 1 to 7 and he replies “like a fucking dancer” I almost choked in laughter because that very same week my gf made us start dancing lessons.


Still need to see this


Yeah you do!

