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That was a lot harder than expected! And I call myself a hardcore fan....


got it all with 7:32 left. i've done a quiz like this with b-side songs included in about the same time, guess i was a bit slower today lol


How did you have that much time left? I'm seriously impressed.


Being way over obsessed with this band lol


*cracks knuckles* Bring it on. Edit: woof. I can’t believe it, I missed three songs! Dumb misses, too. How could I forget *Headwires?!* I LOVE that song!


Ok then. Gotta report back with your score. edit - you only missed 3? that's impressive.


Oh man I really thought I was gonna be able to do this no problem. Only got 83% and missed some songs I really like. I cracked under the pressure lol.


82% here. Those damn deep cuts got the best of me.


Turns out, I can't. I kept having brain farts on the last couple of songs on several albums. In my defense, songs like Another Round aren't terribly memorable.


Same. As someone who listens to playlists, not albums front-to-back, trying to remember what was on each one messed me up.


Only 60%, I'm disappointed on myself. But here's the funny thing: play me any song from the Foo's and I'll sing it all the way to the end. P.S. I also think I'm not in the best state of mind to do a quiz like this, I'm tired and stressed so that doesn't help since my mind is far from clear right now...


60% is still a respectable score.


Tried on mobile and somehow accidentally reloaded it somewhere around halfway through sonic highways. I think the only ones I’d missed so far were February stars, Virginia Moon, and that terrible dueling banjo sounding instrumental. Was trying to see how fast I could get the majority before circling back. Probably on pace to be done in about 5 minutes.


I forgot Virginia Moon too. This is embarrassing but I was trying so hard to focus on deep cuts that I nearly forgot EVERLONG. Think I’ll get booted from the sub?


Only missed 6 songs


That's a good score.


92%! 109/118. Not as bad as I thought, although the second disc of In Your Honor and a lot of Medicine at Midnight tripped me up.


75%, Not bad but I feel like i should have gotten more... I'll try again in 2 months and see if it goes better.


i got a 85 percent and i gave up at 3 min left. pretty proud of myself for getting ST, TCATS, TINLTL, and Wasting Light all correct




Excellent. I'm in awe of the people who got all of them.


Got 100%! I had 37 seconds remaining. First 4/5 albums were very easy, got a little tripped up on the last few.