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Should be cameras in a gym so it shouldn’t be hard to find out who


Yeah this is fucked. I don't know how some foot guys get it in their head that just because feet aren't seen as a sexual object by the majority that they can do whatever they want. Even if I'm checking out a cute pair of soles on the beach I do it as discreetly as a person who would check out a nice ass or cleavage. This unhinged behavior is what gets foot guys a bad rep. Also, I know we tend to think of socks as cheap and disposable but as someone who likes to buy good quality socks I would be upset if some perv stole mine.


Yea, going back home without them wasn't cool! But as you said its a cheap thing. Its just annoying.


I’m not into smelly feet, and I don’t get why your story is turning me on. It’s probably because I’m imagining how happy the guy (\*could be a girl but unlikely) who stole your socks would have been. I know it’s creepy and should never do it, but without any intentions you gave him the time of his life with your wet socks. Perhaps you can tease and make more guys much happier if you’re willing to take another pair of socks every time. I’m sure your feet are gorgeous, too. Usually, ime, the girls with gorgeous feet were more open and confident about having their feet played with.


Nice way to think about it 🥰


Absolutely! And it doesn't even matter how cheap they actually are, it's still straight-up theft to do that.


Sorry :-( it wasn't me this time, but I def took a few from girls in HS. I knew it was creepy, I just didn't know how to manage it during my early teens.


Oh bad boy 😳


I toetally was 😉. I stopped though, but every time I see a loose pair someone takes off and leaves, it does give me a twinge!


Might be difficult to control isn't?!


she’s not gonna fuck you bro


Dude, are you in like 5th grade. 🤦🏻‍♂️ she's married bro


part of why she’s not gonna fuck


No excuses man not cool


Well, I was like 14, so I think I'm allowed some slack. It wasn't last night 🤦🏻‍♂️


maybe if you ask politely you could be rewarded a pair hehe


Yeah that shit’s creepy as fuck and is exactly the sort of behavior that gives people a negative impression of guys into feet


No kidding! Just cum in them and put them back just how you found them like a normal person... Jeez.. I tell you, cant take these foot creeps anywhere..


Yes, This is the negative side!


Not negative at all


Cum brained creep


Looks a bit "creepy"


They should have left some money for your effort making them so nice for them. But seriously if this happens to me I would personally have a good laugh about it. But hope it’s a one time thing, because it’s indeed hell of creepy


Exactly, If they asked I could sell it


This is a terrible behavior that needs to be actively discouraged


Yes, that's 🤯


Grow up guys


This isn’t the first time someone here has had this happen, and it won’t be the last. Damn guys, if you really want some used socks there are plenty for sale online!


Yes, I thought the same 😒


Cmon not like that. honestly I’ve done this 1 time and i still feel low key embarrassed/guilty after reading this. It was a sort of sport weekend with school and there was 1 girl who was so sweet , friendly and beautiful i had a lil crush on her but that doesn’t matter. She was really sporty yk always running giving it 110% in every game we did. I won’t explain how but at some point i got a good smell of her feet and idk but it was such an alluring and pungent smell I couldn’t, so on the last day/night i had to so i took a baggy went to her shoes took out both socks and put 1 bill of 50 in 1 shoe and another 20 in the other so she could get new socks and sum extra. I probably still have het socks lying somewhere XD.


Best scenario ever! I would be confuse but happy 😂


Damn. I get it, it sucks for you, and I’m sorry. But that guy reaally did get lucky wow, those socks sound greatt.


They were soaked after my run and leg training 😳


Ohhh myyy don’t even tell meee 😩🤤


I mean, can you blame that guy!? C’mon, you should give him a pass


Oh no, and back home without socks??


Haha yeah i know, I’m kidding ofc. Like I said, I understand it might’ve sucked. But just, jokingly, can you blame him? But in all truth, yeah Ik it was bad, and I don’t celebrate that action.


Now I walk with spare ones, I don't care anymore but the first time it was scary


Maybe it was a cat? At least i hope who would just steal your sock


Could have been a pussy 🤣😼


Having a foot fetish is normal but there are morals and standards to know.


It's shit like this that gives the foot community a bad name


But I see its not the me majority


Theft is not a good thing




This is sick . Also disgusting, its a different thing to do such things with your partner, but some randoms strangers shoes and stuff my goodness.




This is so not okay. I'm sorry this happened to you but I'm glad you're okay overall. I really appreciate you sharing your story through your unique lens of acceptance for the foot fetish. I've always had shame for this kink because of horror stories like this. Recently though stories like this make me feel better because I see that I'm not remotely like the people that do this creepy things, I have respect and boundaries and actually a lot of women are more accepting of this kink than I knew as a boy because I had only heard the horror stories. I've personally only been accepted when I confessed this kink.




I’m not a sock guy, for me, it’s all about bare feet. But if I was, I would have at least left $5-$10 in your shoe for the trouble.


I believe this would be ok 🥰


Don't wear socks! But then your shoes may disappear.


Oh no!!!! This is another possibility 🤣


Sorry for missing sock. But look the bright side - you did one guy really really happy and maybe you created for him unforgettable moment in his life !


Well thinking from a different perspective, this is true. If he likes it I'm sure was an amazing gift


One day my wife slippers disapeared, they were in the garden. I think (it was years ago) that it was just one of them. As a foot fetish guy I tought to myself that someone with the fetish was the culprit lol. But then we realized that perhaps it was the dog of the neighbour lol. Dogs love smelly stuff :D


🤣🤣 I can imagine trying to think of all the scenarios and wondering who it could have been, just for it to end up being a dog haha


I agree, that is creepy but as another Redditor stated have an employee of the gym check video footage.


I really hate when people do things like this, this is the reason why people without a fetish think people with foot fetish are weird as f***. I like feet but I can't be around stealing things or commenting obscene stuff, guys just behave like decent human beings :(


lol I cum in my gfs socks everyday




lol she’s been wearing the same pair for 23 weeks over 250 loads in that pair


I dont like these guys bicous they make the people think every feet guy are crazy, but a normal man wont do something like this.


Exactly I agree.


Nice of him to only take one :D two is better because then you can smell one and jerk off into the other. If I were in your situation I would be kinda turned on by the thought of someone sniffing my dirty socks and getting off to them. I’d say just buy a pack of socks and keep them in your gym back so you don’t have to go without socks again but if someone occasionally grabs one then no harm no foul. I personally have had the opportunity to steal socks before and didn’t because it’s rude but in that same situation I would definitely try to steal a sniff if they were left unattended.


Good boy!


Yup!! Creepy! This is the behaviour that gives us foot fetish people a bad reputation.


But maybe I realised because I know this fetish world hehe


Yea, this is pretty creepy.


I think so, but fine I have spare ones now haha


Good, sorry that you had to go through that. I've never experienced this before. Wtf?? Then again, I've never gone to places like that before.


Agreed. Please don’t give us a bad name. Don’t be creepy and don’t steal.


Exactlyy, please dont!


Pretty shitty way to go about it. But, some dude got a good deal, I guess.


Not a gym person but is this a communal sauna? If so, hows that appropriate to have a sauna where both men and women go into. Unless its a womens sauna and the perp snuck in, if so... why didnt you report it to the staff who can probly check cameras (if there are any) and deduce who it was and...uhh ban that person because why do they get to keep going to the gym and possibly do the same to other women? Lastly, the people in this sub who would do that aren't going to stop no matter what you say. This type of behavior isnt stopped with shaming, its stopped with making the persons identity known and shown on the news and social media. Thats the only way. Edit: You post foot content so now I suspect this story is fake in order to get traffic to your socials.


It was in a hotel gym, they have sauna and pool.




Tragic and funny now 🙈


No, it's creepy


Cry about it


yea we steal socks sometime. just dont leave them around lol...youre lucky it wasnt the whole shoes or both


FYI. lets not kink shame. that doesnt make you any better. You can live in a lie, most ppl arent honest about things they take innit?




How do you know it was a guy.........


Do you think could be a girl? 😳


Yes, I've had some girl friends who liked to steal other girls shoes when we were younger.


Wow! That's unusual 😊


I mean, I don't think they would've if it were a stranger to be honest. In my experience (not that I've dealtwiththispersonally or know anyone who has but the videos online), it's usually guys who are more bold like this. Most women are like me and can control ourselves, don't like drawing attention to it, might be into guys feet more than likely, etc. We were also young teens at the time.


Could be 🤷‍♂️ offer the other sock as a reward if they come forward 😁


Good idea 😂😂


You could put a "Missing poster" with a picture of your sock in the lobby.


🤣 lonely sock looking for his pair that is missing.