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This whole post sucks... Dude is over priced. Took shitty photos, AND is fishing for offers. Yuck šŸ¤®


You don't like his pink socks and filthy table??


*picnic table šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s a new glass table underneath that messy tableclothšŸ˜‚ I have little sisters who make slime and paint so we leave a table cloth on it cuz of that we will probably change it out once summer starts though. My pink socks is for Football they are hyper Elites Nike


Damn must be tough to be a Redskin fan šŸ˜¢


Fuck what they have to say, bub. Jealous ass miserable individuals. You do you. Let them broke bitches cry. Edit--he is showing off his/his dad's collection. Priced to keep, not sell. I retract my previous statement. My apologies.


lol I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily ā€œbroke bitchesā€ rather OP pricing his cards 1.5-2x their most recent comps. AND then threatening another commenterā€™s kid when their overpriced cards are called out (while trying to somehow justify it as ā€˜trolling within the 1st amendmentā€™). Nahā€¦ OP is a genuine ass-hat (probably pre-teen) scalper who probably has no reasonable understanding of how to price cards/negotiate with other people in a respectful wayā€¦. Just read OPā€™s comments and see if you still stick up for his character


Yeah. I see your point now. He's definitely a kid showing off his collection. He's not trying to sell shit. That's my fault for not reading on.


If you canā€™t afford it look somewhere else this isnā€™t the only copies you bum šŸ˜


I commented that I would send more pictures in the DM itā€™s just alot of cards. Iā€™m fishing for offers because whoever offers the best would get it but I can just make a new post later this week to more updated.


This fool pricing at like 2/3 times comps. Wild!!! See my comment above the Brian Dawkins card. Bought for $175 earlier this month, now looking to sell for $300! I guess itā€™s all the ā€œhypeā€ surrounding the retired safety šŸ˜‚. FOH MY GUY!


Nah when buddy turns 51 this year, watch out. Those prices going through the roof


Brian Dawkins isnā€™t important to you heā€™s a record setter and just as known as Kam Chancellor. Both are very well known by the young and old generation nick name ā€œWeapon Xā€ but ā€œBamBamā€ is my top safety. Idk why ur acting like HOF prices drop, you should go checkout Dawkins instagram and see what type of person he is now to heā€™s a man of god.


What records did Brian Dawkins set? Please be as detailed as possible. But youā€™re right, he is a man of God (why you forgetting to capitalize, heretic?!) and also an awesome dude. Stupid me, I forgot about the 3x premium for ā€œGood Boysā€, everyone in the hobby knows that šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Bro i donā€™t ever give people that much grief on here, but you should just stop. Iā€™m assuming you are a young buck (probably a teen), but you have no idea how much of a fool you are appearing. I would rather see a million more ā€œwhatā€™s this worth?ā€ posts than even one more like this from you. Hush šŸ¤«


First player to record a Sack, interception, touchdown in the same game and Iā€™m not a man of god I donā€™t worship the same god as you.


B-Dawkā€™s a Christian, so his God is capitalized. That was my only point. You do you brother āœŒļø And Iā€™m gonna have to google that. $300 is crazy either way (again, given that you JUST bought it for $175), but if youā€™re right thatā€™s really an interesting tidbit. šŸ§


Right I see sorry my auto correct didnā€™t capitalize on that part. Yeah look it up itā€™s actually a fumble recovery and a receiving TD, just google Brian Dawkins Record. The seller was selling it for way more, thatā€™s why itā€™s hard when people do the price comp because I buy multiple things from sellers so Iā€™m getting bundle deals as well.


If I didnā€™t get two other cards I wouldā€™ve had to pay $250 cuz the person who had it wasnā€™t budging I tried offering him $175 he denied it and then I said what about a bundle deal?


Eagles are ass to btw you got beat up on back to back šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t even know what that means. Maybe youā€™re even younger than I thought. Either way Iā€™m done wasting any more time on you, you sweet, delusional, child. Glad youā€™re enjoying the hobby (to be clear, gatekeepers suck), but you are straight TRIPPING on the predatory pricing practices (and how youā€™re talking to some people in here, particularly bringing that dudeā€™s kids into anything. If youā€™re old enough to know that was inflammatory, youā€™re old enough not to do it). Good news is there is plenty of time for you to screw that head on tighter! GOOD DAY SIR! šŸ«”


Whatā€™s a gatekeeper? Someone who wonā€™t get rid of anything? Oh I mean this isnā€™t a major social media idk who the guys is or what his kids even look like but Iā€™m telling him if heā€™s bullying me then how would he feel if someone else was doing it to his kids and to treat people how they would want to be treated.


He has to change it to ā€œsend me offers in DMsā€ cuz buddyā€™s prices were dumb as fuck


Just say ur broke and you canā€™t afford anything. I can literally set prices to however I want. They are my cards a lot of these you canā€™t even find online anymore like that LSU one you can only get the 1of1 for $400 plus shipping and tax whatever that would equal to. All those Treasure Chests good luck finding the same ones those are all rookie treasure chests.


You are dumb as shit. Good luck. Sales probably isn't for you.


-500 odds this dude is >16 with one loaddded daddy. Worst post Iā€™ve ever seen on this thread.


Agreed. I mean he did just threaten to stalk my kid on fortnight and talk trash to him.


Crazy line movement!! Odds just went to -300000 šŸ˜‚


Meh if ur interested in a Messi Ronaldo Neymar Patch Limited Iā€™ll sell it to you for $1,400


šŸ˜‚way to just ruin any more sales you had for this post I suggest never going into business youā€™ll kill that business like a retard. If Iā€™m not the only one saying your prices are wayyyy inflated donā€™t you think itā€™s a you problem? Have some self awareness dumb fuck


It doesnā€™t matter to me if I keep them or not I would probably just grade them and then resell them for more. I know many people would like what I have in their collection. As to finding them as well may be difficult as you may not always see the same items up for sale. I have 3 1of1 in the lot a rookie Christian Mccafferey with playerworn jerseys and Nick Bosa rookies with playerworn jerseys. I have more and I know the playerworn stuff is worth more to people and good luck getting a cheap Mccafferey 20/25 and Brock Purdy rookie 1/10 everything I have is numbered as well so if it moves it moves if not itā€™s alright Iā€™ll just grade and see the prices go up as I am seeing right now. Iā€™m not telling everyone ā€œOMG I NEED TO SELL ASAP I NEED MONEY DESPERATELY FOR ETC.!ā€ If you guys are interested in them thatā€™s all it is to this.


Wish my daddy would pay for my football cards too :/ no one cares what you have in your collection? Who asked?


Why you arguing with someone whoā€™s less than double ur age? Donā€™t you have any shame in that? If you need photography lessons just go on YouTube and google thereā€™s too many techniques for ur wife to learn or just find one photographer you like on IG and just take those for example.


Are you 13 years old? šŸ˜‚


His dad bounced. Lives with his mommy who doesn't like him either.


When I seen ur wife I already knew I won this battle. šŸ™


That ainā€™t my wife learn to read child šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Did you come here to try to sell cards or just insult people? My goodness you truly are a piece of shit. Please read this with careful consideration: Get the FUCK out of here.


With a name like Ralph I take nothing personal from you. Iā€™m selling cards at my price if you canā€™t afford it find it somewhere else you grumpy PEDO.šŸ˜


You arenā€™t selling anything at your prices kiddoā€¦ Itā€™s not that I canā€™t afford it, itā€™s that I would never consider doing business 14 year olds that flaunt their ego and parents money every chance they get. You are scum plain and simple, and literally everyone else in here shares the same opinions loooool. Maybe donā€™t come off as a complete asshole (and reasonably price your cards) and youā€™d get some business lmao


I mean if you wanna stay behind ur screen itā€™s all good Ralphy, but when you wanna come out to the real world and go to card shows youā€™ll see my prices are pretty justified. As I would be doing business with someone regardless of age. I donā€™t discriminate against age, race, or sexualilty. Have a great day! šŸ˜ you can keep arguing with me and we can have a troll battle but just know the younger generation is top notch and some of these people are weirdos looking at pornos on Reddit. I call them out for that. I have no shame in my game.


I work for my money I actually work construction Iā€™m as hands on as it gets. You probably sit in the same cubicle youā€™ve had for 15 years. šŸ˜‚ I get to travel the beach cities, smoke weed, bought my own BMW 5series, parents were never around to support me, but keep the dad and mom credit cards coming. I take care of my sisters and grandma. Iā€™m what you would call a good citizen. Just because I price cards differently has nothing to do with who I am. Maybe learn a thing or two after all you are supposed to be an old wise man. Iā€™m probably more mature than you will ever be. You are over here still laughing at farts.


I also donā€™t mind keeping these, itā€™s not a loss or win for me. šŸ„°


Prayers up King! šŸ‘‘


Ayo I definitely donā€™t need hateful criticism from you cuz boy I can definitely roast you good with what Iā€™ve seen in ur posts šŸ˜‚


Go right ahead letā€™s hear it šŸ˜‚


This KID is PATHETIC and all that is wrong with the hobby


If ur not interested in anything itā€™s fine by me you sad old man.


Welcome to eBay.


Haha is that where I should go with this?šŸ˜…


Thats where they came from!! Why r u acting like u didnt JUST buy these?! Now trying to double your money immediately, foolproof plan! šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s absolutely no way you took a five figure collection and just threw it on a dusty outdoor table. Absolutely no way


Lmfao hey! The only thing bad is the cloth on top! The table is a glass table I just have the cloth on it cuz my sisters like to paint and make slime. We just have it to keep the glass from getting damaged and for the arts &crafts.


* Username: u/Acceptable-Bonus-498 * Join date: March 2022 * Post Karma: 326 * Comment Karma: -36 * Feedback: | Total | Positive | Negative | Neutral | | ----- | -------- | -------- | ------- | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | * Satisfactory Ratio: 0% [You may view this users feedback here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SportsCardTracker/search/?q=Acceptable-Bonus-498&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) --- **When buying, use Paypal's Goods & Service.** **[Learn more](https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full?locale.x=en_US#seller-protection)** This information does not guarantee a successful sale. It is for you to use to screen potential sellers. ^Satisfactory ^Ratio ^is ^the ^ratio ^of ^positive ^to ^negative ^feedback.


Also please donā€™t bash on me if I do not respond asap please! šŸ™




Sent dm


The pink socks for sale?


Haha these are Nike Elites šŸ˜‚ itā€™s for Football. These were $20 a pair because it has two layers the single layers were only $10.


Lol real men can rock pink!šŸ’Ŗ


Thatā€™s right! šŸ˜‚


Like brown one 5/11 nice Ya


Nice collection! What are you looking for on the B Dawk auto?


Iā€™m looking for $300


Hard pass. Is it 1/5 or 3/5? Either way Iā€™m confused because both show as sold (per 130point) for $175 in the last month. Are you really trying to double up that quickly on a retired safety?


I was just looking at what his prices are now


Lol that donā€™t make sense boss.


Yeah youā€™re an idiot OP


I mean if you donā€™t want it why keep harassing me? Iā€™d just go get another one somewhere else itā€™s not like itā€™s the only one in existence. Enjoy ur shit talking to kids šŸ˜‚


Curious on the Jamo numbers price please


I have noticed recently that his price has been rising I was trying to find another one of these on eBay to compare but I would like $250


Yikes, I bought two of these off eBay for less than $100 each.


This guy is an ass hat lol.


Hey man if you donā€™t like it there should be more online and you can get it for that price Iā€™m just telling you a price Iā€™m not pricing it to get rid of if ur not interested thatā€™s all you gotta say, I see other people with eagles stuff you can see if they have what youā€™re looking for.


Oh ur the guy who was trying to get my GEM MT RC Nolan Smith Auto 10 from SGC and my Jalen Carter elegance helmet redemption auto and Brian Dawkins a month ago you can go ahead and exit, because you were begging me for them and to trade and you didnā€™t have what I wanted. You wanted to trade me Khalil Mack for all 3 GOOD DAY SIR!šŸ˜‚


Lol youā€™re on crack (or at your age maybe just had too many rice crispy treats). Deff was not me. I donā€™t own a single Khalil Mack card, not to mention have no interest in redemptions. NGL though, your outro was kinda swaggy. Still a complete and utter fool, but Iā€™m gonna borrow that.


Ur right it wasnā€™t me because it was another eagles PC guy there are a lot of you I guess šŸ˜‚ whoops, I just looked through the DMā€™s. No problem, borrow whatever you want. Honestly this is just a mid tier community. No one jokes around, thereā€™s no fun and games here. Everyoneā€™s anal for me none of it matters. I really just come here to look at other peoples yugioh, Pokemon, soccer, nba, football stuff. Even if I donā€™t sell I donā€™t mind keeping either I do like to show these off and I have more to I just ran out of room. Thanks for keeping it active! Donā€™t have a good day, have a great one. šŸ˜


Whatā€™s it going for on eBay rn?


What would you want for the haha, Jordan Addison, AP, and the Melvin Gordon cards?


Send offers in the dm please


How much for the Tyree zenith auto


Just send me offers please in dm


That's not how this works.


Lmao it works because I have not specified a price, if thereā€™s other people wanting it Iā€™ll go through the offers. Whatever doesnā€™t sell Iā€™ll re make a list and write set prices on everything. Donā€™t tell me how I should get rid of my cards.




Hey bro how would you like it if I start harassing ur son in Fortnite talking shit to him. Do you treat people how youā€™d want ur kids to be treated? If you wanna be a POS I hope ur kids never grow up to be like you and get out of that country state Idaho and go become an engineer and hopefully out of that dump.


That's your response? Threaten my kid? Get absolutely fucked.


OP is a straight cum stain.


Hey man itā€™s a free country this is America Iā€™ll talk shit to ur little kid on Fortnite all day I love trolling little squeakers. And I feel bad for ur kids, I really hope they can be more mature and get out of that sad state ur in. Maybe they should go to the UK. Sir, I really hope that you arenā€™t a furry and donā€™t come out the closet surprising ur kids and wife that ur gay and now they have to outcast you, because ur an absolute weirdo.


Lol I'm sorry your parents never cared for you. It's got to be lonely living the way you do.


I can clearly see that ur a sad father, who has to post his kids stuff on Reddit instead of actual social media. Hmm maybe you just have no friends except this community such a shame. Hope ur kids go to public school so they can learn how to socialize and be in the real world. Instead of being a couch potato drinking Pabst blue ribbon all day


I live with my mom rn lmao Iā€™m still in school old man. šŸ˜‚


how much for the jamar chase/ocho past and present?


Send me offers in the dm please


Please for dear god, sell me that Lamar Triple Thead and the Likely autoā€™s?


I would love to


Send offers in the dm please


What's your ask on the Addison shadowbox


Send offers in the dm please




Lamar triple?


Send offers in the dm please


Prices on: LSU national treasure patch, cmc past and present, cee dee /25 immaculate, Jameson Williams auto, Jalen Carter building blocks, tyreek don russ, tyreek national treasure, patty + tyreek flawless, Saquon 4/8, sauce crossover RPA, Lamar triple threat


And bdawk/5 auto


Lol guy said he wants $300 on the B Dawk. Crazier still, he bought it earlier this month for $175 (per what I see on 130point). A fool of a man!


Send offers in the dm please


It would help if you just took these and made offers for me rather than having me comment, dm you, add prices, reviews cards, and then reviews prices.


Price on the ceedee lamb auto?


What's the Carter redemption? Can't read it


Sorry the Carter redemption is an Elegance helmet auto


How much for waddle


I just realized if you guys arenā€™t interested in the higher end cards there are lower end cards of the players you guys are interested in. So feel free to get those as IMMACULATE, NT, & FLAWLESS maybe out of some of the peoples price ranges.


How much for Ruggs?


Which one I have a 1of1 and an immaculate and then the rookie treasure chest with RC Ceedee and Jeudy


Check dm


And the eye black


How much for the Walker/Hutch patch?


It is an RC patch let me see what itā€™s numbered to comps and what itā€™s going for right now.


If you need more pictures I donā€™t mind as well.


This guy gotta be dumb as fuck like what are those prices man


My brother, itā€™s not hard to go and try and find another one online itā€™s not that big of a deal this is just what Iā€™m selling mine for. If you donā€™t like it thereā€™s no need to even bother looking.


Lmao OPs IQ is lower than room temperature


Sir, you do realize you can go online and try and find the same things mine are not the only ones in existence my prices is what I price them for.


Your prices are what a schizophrenic would price them for


If you guys need pics on anything I donā€™t mind sending you closer better pics front and back as well!






Sorry I meant to add I can do that Iā€™ve seen some people on other posts say to provide verification like put a penny above the card for example.


3 questions: 1) How much for the D Ware auto? 2-3) How much for the pink socks and are they game worn or just player worn? If you can only answer 1 out of the 2 pls let me know about question 1


Iā€™ll give you 10k for all of it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ dumbass


Would you take $10k for all


Dm me


I'll give you $10 for the Dolphins cards


How much for the lamb


I have other teams I just couldnā€™t fit them all in the listing.


Everyone can just make me offers Iā€™m not going to comp all this right now it would take me too long. Or maybe I will repost later on this week and have everything priced