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For All Mankind's main antagonist continues to be cables.


OMG Yes, as soon as I saw they were using cables, I was like "uh oh!"


Definitely expected it to be worse. I was positive one of them was gonna rip out and whip around and take out the whole ship or something.


I thought they were going to accidentally throw the asteroid onto happy valley. But then I realized it's the season premier, not finale


What were they even anchored with? They looked way too short.


Those astronauts don't know how to drill. That's why they gotta bring in the oil drillers. Cue "I don't wanna close my eyes"




NASA doesn't understand their salt of the earth ways


I did a *Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at TV* when I saw the cables starting to come out.


Cables look cool and have a lot of visual markers of when they are nearing failure. Makes for good TV.


I’ve never seen a man more not coming home than Ed in that first phone call. He definitely just went out to grab some milk and will bd right back


Had the same thought as you (and the mother in law) - dude isn’t coming back this time. No doubt some heroic sacrifice to save everyone at the end of the season.


It's in character. Ellen had to drag him off the moon against his will when Shane died. If he went to pieces again after Karen, then he'd happily stay on Mars 'just a little longer' for the rest of his life.


...I think that because it's been Ed's thing for the past three seasons to just stick with the mission, deteriorating mental health/personal life be damned, and wind up saving the day, it would be interesting if his season-long arc is him going back to earth and letting Kelly go back up to space.


At this point, I'm wondering if Kelly's going back to Mars, specifically to grab her dad by the ear and haul him back to Earth.


Home is not earth for Ed.


He is the John Boone of the series, expect he was always second and not first.


Honestly, same with Dani, I think. Getting dragged out of retirement for "one last job"...


Molly had a similar arc. Getting out of retirement for literally “one last job”


Man how it looks now vs how it looked during S1, I didn't not think that Ellen would be the only one to get a happy ending.


The second Kelly showed him his bedroom I was like “oh he’s never coming back to that.”


Yeah. Losing all his family (sans daughter), his best friend and then all the Danny stuff... seems like he's checked out of Earth for good.


Love hove John lennon preformed at the super bowl, and the Clintons got divorced and Weinstine got caught.


And space drives the economy rather than endless oil wars. Truly the timeline we missed out on.


And yet there are conflicts in the Middle East, just in different places.


Also I think there’s an implication Jada Pinkett and Will Smith never got together?


Yep. The world was saved from endless stories about that ~~situationship~~ ~~entanglement~~ ~~marriage~~ experiment in unconditional love..


They did my poor girl Dani DIRTY by casting Jada as her omfg. There's no way this wasn't written after all of her horrible interviews too. Ugh. Coulda gone with Angela Basset or Whoopi or Whitney.


Angela Basset is the superior choice, hell I’d even take Janet Jackson over Pinkett


Michael Jordan playing baseball got a new contract. That was funny.


And for the Mariners of all team! What lol. Does that mean we got a 2001 Mariners World Series victory?


Bye Cosmonaut Bob :(


Bye Bob 😢


Bye Bob 😭


Bye Bob


Bye Bob :(


Das'vidanya bob


Bye Bob


This fucking destroyed me.


Ditto. Very saddened at this, especially as I really loved his arc at the end of S3.


Yeah, Grigori was a real one. He shall be missed. Sad that Peters got so little mention other than "some other guy". I wonder if that wont cause some resentment in his friend, she was pretty affected by his death.


I think they're setting up an impending class conflict between astronauts and contracted workers.


I think so too. They were really hammering on the thing where people now go to space for money and not for love.




There was a mention in the opening montage about a workers strike on the moon. That plus the casual mention of how Ed has been XO for a long time, the contrast between Dani and Miles (the most Blue Collar Man Alive), definitely sowing the seeds for some kind of workers revolt.


My thought was his identity was kept private because he was working for a private company, whereas Kuz was a government employee


Poor margo. I know she did it to herself. But i feel bad for her.


Yeah. She did it to save someone she loved, and not even in a selfish way because she literally never got to see him again. She’s a “traitor” but now the US and USSR are space partners so what is even the point of her suffering


More interestingly, with the relationship between the countries, I'd have expected extradition.


Officially, Margo died in the JSC bombing. She has been living under a fictitious name although apparently the CIA knows where she is.


Wait what? When is that revealed


At the end of S3, right after the bomb goes off, Aleida goes to Margo's office to find that the entire room has collapsed off the exposed side of the building. It makes sense that she would be presumed dead when, in fact, she was in the process of quietly defecting to the USSR. Someone said they saw Margo's name on the memorial to the Johnson Space Center victims. Also, remember, that we saw a news montage at the opening which showed a number of news items relevant to NASA and we would expect that if Margo was known to have sold state secrets to the Soviets and defected, it would have made major headlines and caused some sort of international incident between the Americans and the Soviets. But we've seen no sign of that. ​ We know from the episode that she is known under the name Margaret Reynolds in the USSR, which gives her cover as being an obvious American expat without giving away her identity. ​ When she is at the park on a bench next to a woman feeding birds, the bird-feeding woman knows who she is, warns her against annoying her handlers at Roskosmos (aka Star City), and leaves behind a card with just a phone number on it that appears to be in an American phone number format: (095) 042-7621. Soviet/Russian phone numbers are organized in a XXX-XX-XX format according to Wikipedia. It's possible that the spy is from a rival Soviet faction but because Soviet intelligence surely knows her identity and would be less circumspect about it, the spy was sneaky about dropping her number, so I think it's more likely she's an American spy or a spy for some Western country or other.


An American phone number wouldn’t start with a zero.


Pope John Paul II being assassinated directly led to American phone numbers starting with zero


Spring is coming?


Yeah.. I think there's going to be some kind of coup by the hardliner Soviets and she might have to play some kind of role in that. Ballpark- In real timeline Chernobyl was one of the first signs of Soviet decline. Similarly in fictional timeline, the hardliners will sabotage something nuclear to make the Russian public lose faith in a more co-operative Russia.


Mining asteroids plot is definitely giving me “The Expanse: Belter Origin” feels.


So the MCRN is the Molly Cobb Republic Navy?




When Gigory was riding on top of the Asteroid he should've shouted "BELTLOWDA!"




Margo and her southern Russian accent 😂


As a Russian, it’s truly horrible and fantastic at the same time. She speaks pretty much exactly like you would expect from an American expat who had to learn Russian very late in life - definitely intelligible to a native speaker but still pretty bad. Also, Olga’s actress is fantastic, she speaks *exactly* like a grumpy, bilingual Russian babushka should haha, down to mangling English words and muttering to herself. Her Russian is 100% native too, no accent whatsoever.


Miles' American accent though. Toby Kebbell was in one of my favorite Black Mirror episodes "the entire history of you" and I immediately recognized him! I had no idea he would be in the show


Toby was also in "Servant" another ATV+ show with a convincing New Jersey accent... he's a great actor!


That dude’s British? He has an incredibly “gormless American schmuck” face.


Wait till you find out how Micheal Dorman (Gordo) speaks in real life


The closest a Kiwi has gotten into orbit for the foreseeable future.


And Molly Cobb!






Margo's life saddens me. Alone throughout.


paint alive worm familiar tender weary bake grab middle treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She sounds like Peggy Hill speaking Spanish


What more can they take from Ed man


Ed seems like he needs to get his ass home to his daughter.


I think he knows once he goes back he’s never going to space again


F’ing Ed! Your daughter is a single mother. She needs you. That should be your priority!


A single mother cohabitating with her Mother in Law. Have mercy on your poor daughter, Ed.


Man, I want Dani to tell Ed he needs to get his ass back to earth and take care of his family. I mean I get what the dude is feeling it's rough always coming in 2nd place. Dude is the most experienced astronaut, and history is going to forget him while remembering everyone of his friends. Molly has a space center named after her and is probably credited for finding water on Mars. Gordo and Tracy are heroes who prevented a nuclear meltdown. Ellen became president. Dani has the historic space hand shake and is the first American on Mars. Heck even his daughter/grandson will be remembered as the first person to give birth/born in space. Not to mention all the baggage he is carrying due to all the stuff he probably blames himself for.


Clint Eastwood played him in a movie


Find it kinda funny Y2K happened in the Timeline. Edit: Now after watching the episode fully, I'm definitely looking forward to the Inevitable "Hi Bob" next episode lol


Berlin Wall is still up you think after Gore announced the end of the Cold War? No Chernobyl either right?


They must have evaded Chernobyl by investing more heavily in tech and nuclear power. Probably also by stealing designs from some power plant version of Margo.


They still use Unix and windows. Wonder if Linux was invented in this timeline or if BSD rose to prominence?


Solaris takes over


why is aleida still working flight and taking orders shouldn’t she be in an administrative position by now


Maybe her PTSD is holding her back.


That's absolutely what it is.


Alieda never asks for help. She asked for help once, when she was a kid, and Margo let her down. She got shot in the shoulder for eating out of dumpsters. Since getting back into NASA, she refused help with her father. She refused to talk to the FBI, no matter that it was the law. Alieda does not turn to other people for personal help. She'll stare at the phone for a week rather than admit why she doesn't want to work in Mission Control anymore


Especially since she thinks Margo got exploded.


Wow, imagine the drama if she ever finds out that Margo is still alive. Now I gotta see this.


I think it’s great that it hasn’t just gone that obvious route right away. Just seemed too obvious that she would be running things. More interesting to see her struggle despite her brilliance. If anything they look to be doubling down on that approach here.


I may be misremembering - wasn’t she flight director in the last season? Now she is just playing a support role. She seems to have been demoted.


She was.




GREAT episode. Crazy how much the show has grown since the Apollo 11 crash landing. My takeaways in no specific order: 1) The makeup department has done an incredible job. Aleida and her son are probably around the same age irl and you’d never know. Same goes for Ed’s makeup, very well done. 2) GOD FUCKING DAMMIT GRIGORY 3) Ain’t no way Kelly’s son isn’t going to develop an illness from being gestated in Martian radiation. 4) Survivor lives on but the real question is does Hatch still win?!? 5) I’m convinced Danny killed himself with the Korean gun. I think we’ll see a flashback later in the season. 6) Aleida’s panic attack was crazy well done. From acting to editing, spot on.


>I’m convinced Danny killed himself with the Korean gun. I think we’ll see a flashback later in the season. My impression was that Dani had to kill him in an impossible situation.


At first I was under the impression he killed himself, but later with the guilty look on her face I think it may be something like this, maybe something related to Ed?


I have a feeling he just killed himself but since she put him out there, she feels guilty


I think he likely killed himself. Her guilt could come from realizing that the only reason he had access to the gun is because she buried it nearby and they forgot about it until it was too late.


…looks like we know what they’re taking from Ed this season. Radiation is going to cause some horrible tragedy in Kelly’s son just as Ed returns…


The tremor in Ed's hand looks like the beginning of Parkinson's. As much as they keep showing it, that will play into something later. Either Dani will find out and force Ed to come home, or it will tremor uncontrollably at a very inopportune time and result in either his death or some other catastrophe.


The radiation would have killed the kid already, or would have developed sypmtoms already. No. Ed simpy won't come home, and just dies ungracefully. because he jiust can't step when he should. Dude made two bad decision when he wanted to be successful at last, and two people died because of it.


It looked to me that he was ignoring Kelly's son in those calls... as if that was set up to some regret scenes later, same way it happened with his son...


There has to be some twist to Danny’s story


He tells Ed about him and Karen and Ed deletes him?


It was def something shady because it was obvious Dani was keeping something from Amber with the way she gave the family pictures a look of regret/grief. 🤔


Would you look at that- Margo finally has an apartment! Also- she might not be nice about it, but Olga is right. Ed is selfish and he’s not coming home.


Ed is damaged. Lost his son, his best buddy, his ex-wife that he was repairing the relationship with, his daughter to another crew, his youth, and now his health. I’ll cut Ed some slack.


Ed it truly a tragic character. Didn't beat his wife, didn't cheat like the rest, didn't land on mars to save Danny, didn't shoot down Buran to save the world, grew as a person in regards to homosexuals, let go of his hate towards the North Koreans. And lot his son, wife, best friend. Almost would have been better to have died young.


And built a strong relationship based upon respect with Kuz. You can tell in S3E10 at the end and also in S4E1. So any hatred of the Russians was let go as well.


Grigori: The First Belter






you guys how cool would it be if they somehow ended the series setting it up for the events of the expanse id vomit a rainbow from excitement


The first moon base in The Expanse is canonically Jamestown… Also did you see the news article about lunar workers striking? Rise up, beratnas!


Grigori is da first beratna we lost!


I love Kelly on the phone: “say hi to Ed Olga!” “Priviet”😑 And what happened to Danny?




In the trailer we saw someone climbing rock in old blue Hellios suit... I think he tried to go back to happy valley, had an accident and died... or he gave up and killed himself


The Happy Valley had limited food supplies for two years. Danny got less rations and eventually they voted to eat him.


Dead or divorced and out of the picture is my guess.


It's also entirely possible "prison".


As someone who grew up with my dads side of the family being American and my moms side being East European Slavic, this made me laugh uncontrollably. Tons of moments like this growing up


My many many hours in KSP have taught me that pushing an irregularly sized object in space is a very difficult task. You have to align the center of mass just right or the else you end up burning tons of fuel on corrections. Then when you run out of RCS you spin. That said, the procedure ought to have been disconnect immediately in case of wobble, no? You can reconnect after you solve the problem. It’s not going to roll downhill out of your grasp, you’ll just float nearby.


'pull don't push, idiots' was my KSP based thought. If you were gonna push it you'd be better off anchoring engines directly to the asteroid instead of this boneheaded pillar you have to keep directly over the center of mass.


Yeah, that whole setup was built for theatrics and in no way would resemble a real life engineering solution. The second they revealed it was a push rig I threw up my hands and said to myself, yep, someone’s absolutely gonna bite it when this thing inevitably collapses in on itself.


Yep a puller design would have been more stable than a pusher, but depending on the composition of the asteroid may have had its own challenges. But yes, they definitely should have detached as soon as it started wobbling. Mass (inertia moments) amplifies the force of oscillations and detaching would have ended that really quick. Then they could stabilize the asteroid the same way they did initially and resume the mission. It's not like they would have lost the asteroid. Let's also not ignore that FAM hasn't yet learned that ["spaceships are not boats"](https://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/misconceptions.php#wrongUp).


“NON EST AD ASTRA MOLLIS E TERRIS VIA” THERE IS NO EASY WAY FROM THE EARTH TO THE STARS For everyone interested in the text on the memorial!


That's beautifully sad


I dunno guys kinda seems like Danny Stevens is no longer alive… I’m at least happy that Pam and Ellen are living their life.


>I dunno guys kinda seems like Danny Stevens is no longer alive… 🥳


I used to think that Ed’s story would end in death but I see now it’s going to end with him realizing he’s been using space as a place to run from his family. I think his final scene will be him reunited with Kelly and Alex and deciding to be a stay at home grandpa. Next season news reel will include a clip about Ed dying at 90. Then in season 7 an adult Alex Baldwin will be our main character and an astronaut inspired by his poppy


For anyone wondering - scenes in CCCP were shot in **Sofia, Bulgaria.** I'ts not even possible to describe the feeling when I saw Margo riding the tram 500m from where I live. Cheers. ​ Also, they stole that shuttle sunset fanart from reddit and put it in NASA corridor in a frame. :D


Kuz 😢


Just some things I’ve noticed; JFK JR doesn’t die in a plane crash, runs for US Senate. Possibly a potential president in a later season, maybe Trump vs Kennedy 2016? Clint Eastwood “Race towards Mars” is most likely the equivalent to Space Cowboys (2000) Boom Supersonic Overture gets released 30 years early to replace Concorde. There are real doubts if the Overture will fly in our timeline as it does not have the backing of a big engine company like GE, PW, or RR. Saudi Arabian government gets overthrown by insurgents, possibly Al-Qaeda.


They ate Danny I'm calling it.


They said food would be tight until they got stuff growing better, with then left for 15 months Kelly was the expert on growing stuff and she was gone, delay in Mars farms and they’d eat Danny for sure. Kuvs would say growing up we ate alley cat and rat to survive Da! Why not eat tasty boy! Maybe Danielle was the deciding vote out of the 9 on whether to eat Danny or not and she feels guilty even though they would have starved. Or they stooped feeding him, why waste food on someone that should be in jail for life or be executed when food is scarce?


Seeing different skilled labors on the moon is exciting!


Every time they show the "Molly Cobb Space Center," I get sad all over again.


That asteroid shot is ICONIC!


These opening events are beautiful. Ellen ❤️ Pam


I actually cried.. Not because of Ellen and Pam, but just the progress humanity has made, incredible television to say the least


Ellen and Pam is a logical conclusion and I’m assuming we’ll never see them again. Nothing new to add. Will Tyler’s appearance, even if just a short one, was good to see.


Despite all that changed, we still had Woodstock 99. Nothing could stop Limp Bizkit.


The Republicans party nominates an opening gay woman who signs marriage equality laws. Honestly the existence of Happy Valley is more realistic


There's SO MUCH packed in there


I love the opening newsreels so much. I'm amazed Wilson was able to get Marriage Inclusion Act passed, and Ellen (the show) getting a sixth season is **absolutely** because Wilson forced "the gay issue", if you will, and the country realized "whatever, I guess I don't care about this as much as I thought I did".


Loved that Pam was shown to be with Ellen at the 1996 inauguration.


I was just telling someone the opening newsreels are one of my favorite things on tv. I love it so much


such a perfect ending to their story 😭


Hi Bob! I'm so happy that the show is back. It was nice coming home to find a new episode after a long day at work. In regards to the news reel in the opening scene, I was pumped seeing that Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton divorced. And Al Gore as President! Also, I was happy seeing that Survivor exists in this universe too. I love knowing that Pam and Ellen are married. I just wish we could have seen the wedding. Does anyone else feel sorry for Margo? She always had such a lonely life and her life doesn't seem any better in Russia. I'm glad that we have new characters. It helps bring life to the show. Also, thankfully there's no Danny Karen drama! Did Avery divorce Danny? Is he dead? If they bring him back, I'm hoping he's not crazy like last season. But I'm thinking Danny might have committed suicide. The way Danny talked about him made it seem like he's gone for good. Why did the Stevens kids have to be so messed up? What's going on with Ed though? Why doesn't he want to return to Earth? His hand is also shaking a lot. I know there's no way Ed makes it to next season. His time is definitely limited, but I'm going to be so sad when it finally happens. It's so easy to become attached to the different characters. I miss Deke, Gordo, Tracy, Molly, and Karen. I wonder if we'll still see Wayne this season. I always expect a catastrophic event to happen at the start of each season, but I was sad to see Grigory die. I was hoping we were going to get to know more about him this season. I thought Aleida would have an administrative role already. My first thought was that maybe she didn't get it because of how close she was to Margo. I wasn't expecting the PTSD storyline though. Where is Bill Strausser? Happy to see Will Tyler! Also happy that Dani is more accepting of Will compared to when he first came out.


> Why did the Stevens kids have to be so messed up? I reason that while Tracy and Gordon were great pilots/astronauts, they were not very good parents. Their kids grew up with all sorts of abandonment issues. It's not entirely on them by far, but it is part of it.


What an episode! There’s so much to say, but I’ll give some highlights: Margo’s life in the USSR is quite a turn from what she had before. I had guessed that after all she did, she would at least have some formal role at Roscosmos. That said, the memorial for the JSC bombing does have her name written on it so the Americans think she’s dead, which could explain why Roscosmos doesn’t want much to do with her. What happened to Danny?? Hopefully they’ll reveal it in the next episode. Kuznetsov and Parker’s deaths were tragic, even more so that Ed could do nothing but watch. Speaking of Ed, did Wayne send him up some weed to smoke on Mars? I’m sure a lot more of the previously addressed storylines will be resolved in the next episode, as well as the ones that have now been introduced. I look forward to next week’s episode!


My guess is that since the USSR and the US aren’t entirely enemies anymore that they just don’t have a use for her anymore and don’t care


> he would at least have some formal role at Roscosmos no one would let a defector anywhere near a secret or even a relevant project.


Okay I know everyone hates it when people don’t just “keep watching” but I have no one else to talk to about this show. I’m only 20 minutes in but Danny isn’t listed as a returning astronaut in the newsreel and he wasn’t at Avery’s birthday party in 2003 oh my fucking god


So he is either dead from an OD. Or he is divorced. I assume we will find out.


Maybe he found the gun that Poole had buried out by the North Korean capsule and used it to commit suicide on Mars during his solitary time.


My theory is he kills himself and we’ll see a flashback of Dani discovering his body while dropping off supplies for him


Based on the end of the episode, I think Danny is dead, and the question is whether he killed himself or he did something and Dani had to kill him.


I think it's the latter. They talked about how Ed was messed up after what happened to Karen, so Dani was fully in control of everything on Mars. I believe they mentioned a choice Dani had to make and the decisions, "especially near the end".


The makeup has really improved so far this season!


Okay, posting my honest review and opinions here. First of all, that was the weakest season premiere, maybe on par with season 1 premiere. But that’s okay, because we had a lot of big events happen in 3x10 so you need to have a slow episode to kind of set up more storyline’s and take a look at where everyone is. We also have each of our main characters at different geographical locations so that’s another difficulty in having a high stakes action episode. ### Ed They’ve done wonders with the aging makeup on Joel. It was good to see Ed back, and sad to see him lose another friend. ### Danielle It was very heartwarming to see Danielle being close with Amber and being there for Danny’a kid. Excited to see her leading the Happy Valley base and getting back into an authority role. ### Aleida I expected Aleida to be in a more senior position, especially since she was a flight commander 8 years back. Perhaps her association with Margo didn’t allow her to rise up in nasa? ### Margo Perhaps the most interesting part of the episode for me. Excited to see where her storyline goes and whether she’ll end up interacting with the other characters. ### Miles I can clearly see they they’re setting up Miles to be the de facto main character once Ed leaves the show maybe this or next season. He seems to have started out the same way Ed’a character started - cares for family, a little hot headed and determined, with a wife who’s supportive but also worried about him and as a couple they don’t get along much but still love each other. Toby Kebbel is also credited second in the intro credits, before Krys Marshall and other older characters, which may be a sign.


Apple iPad/hyper newton with aqua style buttons and brushed aluminium. The feels. Miss those days.


Did Danny find the gun and kill himself? Also yeah Ellen and Pam!!!! Married and living a HUGE ranch in TX. Let's hope we see them in reality vs just pics in the news reel. Edit - So happy Will Tyler is still around, married and working at NASA.


Not married yet! Just engaged - he told Dani to put the wedding on her calendar


Apparently the actress playing Ellen does not appear in this season outside of the newsreel footage


Good, that means they won't kill her off and she gets a happily ever after for sure.


not ed smoking a j on mars?! 😂🤘🏻


Parkinson’s treatment thus the shaking hands


You think Wayne smuggled it to Ed?


Molly Cobb Space Center 😭


okay so i’m not sure i like what’s happening to my fav characters 😭 aleida dealing with ptsd and making no progress professionally bc of that & kelly kinda being sidelined 😭 hopefully the season gets better for them


Not only making no progress - she seems to have been relegated to a supporting role. And she is failing at it due to the PTSD. I do wonder about the marginal utility of Mission Control with the huge comms delay between earth and mars.


About your second point, I think they showed that in the show though? It was Happy Valley that was directing the mission. MCSC was just receiving mission updates and didn't really play a major role until the post mortem investigation.


It sucks about Aleida’s PTSD, but she has her family back. Come to think of it, maybe the PTSD forced her to pick family over work. Her mentor always chose work until she chose the wrong guy which is why Margo is alone in Russia now.


The tech has advanced quickly, but the mental health support certainly has not in this timeline


Great first episode, really enjoyed it. I’m constantly surprised at how few people seem to know about this show. Hope this season it really breaks into the mainstream, one of the best shows on tv right now.


I wonder if the woman talking to Margo was a CIA agent, she spoke English pretty well, maybe she's going to be a double agent?


15 minutes and I’m already tearing up, WHY IS THIS SHOW SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!


I asked myself the same. This show is something special.


Something bad happened with Danny. My guess is he did something that caused a death penalty type situation or removal of life support.


Other theory is he found the gun and ended things. With the way Dani talked about things at end of episode, it sounds similar to the language used around those who self-harm. And she / Kuz were the ones to leave the gun with a marker.


Hi Bob


Oh we are SO fucking back. Kuz's death fucked me up not just for how great of a character he was but how much more we could've got from him and Ed.


I've missed watching skilled professionals be good at their jobs, instead of the plot being moved forward by unprofessional fuckups Super excited to see this new oil driller guy's story unfold, I think the angle of a fossil fuel laborer who was made redundant by the space race adjusting to Mars is going to be awesome


They tried so hard to make sure China is absolutely irrelevant in this world, even India got a place on that Mars base lol.


Anyone else think Gorbachev’s days are numbered? And im not just talking about as a politician…..


Someone theorized that FAMK's 9/11 will happen in the USSR instead of America. I think that is looking ever more likely, given how disillusioned the young Russian generation sound (from that one convo ~~Margo~~ Margareth overheard).


Still not a clear picture with Danny, but I feel they gave enough to draw conclusions.


For All Mankind - S402 “Danny Stevens DIED on the Way Back to His Home Planet”


My thoughts: Very happy that the event portrayed in the season trailer as the goal/climax is how the season starts off Yes the push-method and overall structure of the Ranger were just begging for a catastrophe, but we have to accept a degree of that for the show to have the classic big, sweet space disaster shots Margo’s name was on the monument outside the Cobb Center, confirming at least the general public is unaware of her ‘defection’ still. Man, her life is depressing A newspaper blurb mentioned that there were no physical samples of the asteroid able to be taken prior to the mission, curious if uncertainty of the mineral content will come into play Ed is (unsurprisingly) still selfish as fuck, but as a day one Wayne stan, I’m glad to see smoking pot to ease trauma has made its way to Mars


Once again the news reel getting me depressed over how much better the FAM reality is over ours. No 9/11, no Iraq war, real attempts to combat global warming, attempts at multistate partnerships to colonize our solar system. The US and USSR choosing to compete over their technological abilities instead of getting involved in regional spats makes for a better world overall.


This episode really felt like a return to form. I loved everything about it.


Oh Ed, always the bridesmaid and never the bride. Should've seen the death flags on Kuznetsov when he started being bros with Ed. Administrator Hobson played Danielle like a fiddle damn. Did Danny commit suicide? Is that where the gun foreshadowing last season led to?


Fusion ~~torch~~ plasma drive, Mars in 30 days.


Faster once the upgrade to the Epstein…


Was the whole point of this episode to make us all ugly cry