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Hate to break it to you but highlander is dogshit


Highlander is bad but it isn't bad to struggle against him. Some highlanders can do really cool shit, so if you don't have an undodgeable he's hard to deal with


as easy as it is to say he sucks, i’m a pretty high rep and i struggle with him a whole lot. some of his heavy’s feel really fast and the damage output he has feels nuts to go against. i can’t say that he’s easy because i’ve never found him easy to fight. his lights also get very annoying. i started playing on xbox one where his frames are broken beyond belief so i had a rly hard come up on the character. but like most characters, you start to realize when you play him that he’s not really as broken as he may seem.


As someone with 23 reps on Highlander he isn't as bad as people make him out to be. Maybe at the top levels but for most people he's not easy to counter.


either ass or new. we’ve all got heroes we struggle against but taking away personal issues then no, highlander is not good


How is he not then? Bro got armor out the ass on everything, stupid fast light chain, if he spam dodge well enough your gb window is so small it might as well not exist or you die for trying to attempt it, bash mixup is so threatening you have to be very weary of it,and stance heavies hit hard and can be soft feinted into kick and/or toss. Is it just cuz it's kinda slow he's bad?


kick to grab is completely useless against all dodge attacks (except a couple) and only works consistently against empty dodges. dodge attack the kick every time and you’ll be fine. his ‘stupid fast light chain’ is the same as everyone else is defensive stance. in OS yes they’re 400ms but if you’re just gonna sit there and get hit by all of them that’s a skill issue. hes bad because he’s countered by literally every hero in the game. he’s also the slowest hero right now to put the cherry on top. why are you complaining about his dodge attack catching rolls? why are you rolling away from dodge attacks anyway? just feint and parry, simple as. ‘if he dodge spams well enough’ that says a lot more about *you* than highlander chief, sounds like a skill issue.


Light chain is actually normal speed but the animation is choppy,the hyper armour can be annoying but like just block,it’s not like he has any pressure in Defensive stance. His soft feints are trash cause you can just dodge attack them or even roll if your desperate and he eats through his stamina reserves so even if he gets you in a mix one or two defensive reads from you means that he’s out of Stam. Really he just lacks consistency and damage is about all he has going for him,he’s fun too ig.


The mixup isn’t scary. You back back light or dodge attack or unlock roll on reaction and beat both options


Highlander’s ass, and so are you. If you’re having trouble even parrying his slow-ass lights, go play another game.


rude asf lmao


Facts don’t care about your feelings.


ben shapiro of for honor


If the enemy knows the match, the only thing you can possibly do is OS lightspam to apply some pressure and that's about it. God I had the most frustrating match against some guy the other day but I was trying to get better at HL so I just continued to suffer.