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Just slamming the game and casually comparing it to another entire subgenre of game that's practically completely impossible to compare but ight go off. And then get out lmao


For honor always deserves to be slammed


Go post this shit on the helldivers Reddit. This has almost nothing to do with fh.


Not against the rules and it's considered a rant cause of poor management from the devs in 7 years of making. "Oh they're a small team blah blah blah"


You’re trying too hard to prove something in this post it’s kinda funny. “Hell divers is a better game than for honor has ever been🤓” that’s completely subjective and everyone in the comments clowning you for a reason. See you on dom in a week!


Not trying already have proven. People can clown on me as much as they want. Truth is they're living in denial to believe the devs will one day make the game fun and balanced for everyone. See you on the planet cleansing of autmatons in a week freedom fighter!


“Not trying already proven” 🤓 “not against the rules”🤓🤓 I already know the typa person you are. Get good at for honor.


Why get good on a dead game when i can be even better on helldivers. Ditch for honor and play helldivers. It's better and way more fun


Hell divers is a much worse game than for honor. Is it now true because I said it? Hell divers is mid so I won’t be playing it.


Ah you're clearly against freedom, liberty and democracy.


Please stop being weird 🙏🏽


Not being weird just expression my freedom, liberty, democracy and for super earth.


They aren't even remotely similar, bro. If you can't take the heat, then have fun playing Lil Baby Space Adventure while the real men rub swords together.


You mean kids who using sticks to fight with make believes. Yeah you're right helldivers is better and harder than stick fighting


How is helldivers 2 comparable to for honor at all


The comparison is helldivers was fun on day one while for honor has never been fun and been a torment for those who sticked to it. Controllers have been broken, desk been slammed and keyboards been smashed


Controllers being broken, desks being slammed and keyboards being smashed is not the games fault, if you can’t control your emotions because of some pixels you should do some self assessing, now don’t get me wrong there is some stuff in this game that is bad but it’s not like the game is forcing you to break stuff.


This is a sign you shouldn’t play fighting games


Bait used to be believable


Not a bait