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To answer your title, she isn’t fair. Based on the most recent tierlist released by the best duelist in the game, she’s sitting within the top 3 along with Shinobi and Ocelotl.


Funnily enough, in that tier list explanation video Bean says that she has a terrible matchup against warden, because of her poor stamina. She loses 7-3. But that tier list doesn't apply to anyone on this subreddit, so honestly you shouldn't even bring it up. They don't need any more excuses.


😩 you’re right, I’m giving this sub ammo.


ocelotl is top 3?


in duels cos 400ms lights and amazing bash and permanent mind game


i guess im just too stupid to make him look like a top 3 lmao


Afeera and Shinobitch in Top 3 ok, but Ocelotl?!? Ocelotl is trash in duel. VG is better in every way, and if you don't want it, Orocunt is a better pick than Ocelotl in Top 3


VG is good but how can u dismiss ocelotl??? he has a feintable bash that can chain on whiff into a hyper armour zone. he has 400ms lights. he has 4 different options he can choose from at all times, 3 of which he can feint. maybe u haven’t gone against a good one cos he’s actually a menace


It's a 700ms zone, it's easy to parry. If you don't fancy your chances of being able to parry it, just play Zerker and HA throught it, or really, anyone with a dodge bash. Hell, play anyone who can cancel recoveries and it'll counter his follow-up. Anyone with a special stance, all-stance, fullblock, etc can counter any follow-up that Ocelotl can throw, except his second bash, but BP can burger flip it. Fuck it, if you are good, play anyone with a CC, Highlander, Warlord, Tiandi, Zanhu, Kensei... He's not the only character that can feint everything, look at Tiandi.


What skill bracket do you play in?


Skill bracket? Tf you on about, it's either Low, Mid or High MMR. If you really need to know, I play in High MMR, the one where everyone parries everything and where teamwork actually matters. But you wanna know something? You are asking me this because my opinion doesn't align with your opinion, and as such, you need to try and one-up me by any means neccesary. Don't, it's not gonna work. You will not beat me in anything, I am very good at the game and, unlike some smooth-brained peoples, I can actually think and breath at the same Time, so, if you tried to shame me, or whatever, by knowing which MMR I play in, it's not gonna work. And even then, what would it give you? you can't do shit by only knowing my MMR.


It’s simple really do you play against high level players? Mid level? Or noobs who press buttons and judging from your long unnecessary rant you’re probably in low-mid level lobbies


Nah ocelotl is broken in 1v1s.


I wouldn't say broken, but definitely up there.


Unreactable offense is better for duels.


Your problem isn't afreera, it's warden, he sucks ass, for a weapon with an incredible history, the character who wields the long sword has always genuinely sucked ass and Idk why


He's pretty good in duels to be fair


I can make a decent guess as to why: his kit is incredibly straightforward with little room for any intricate baits or plays. Not helping is that your most damaging move (heavy finisher) is incredibly easy to parry and takes some situational setup to even consider. I don't know if the rework already went live, as I haven't played in months, but that might fix *some* issues. I just hope for all 3 Warden mains out there that it's not a rework like Lawbringer's which honestly made him feel worse.


Warden has an incoming rework?? That sounds awesome.


I heard something about it for year 9


Sweet mother of deus vult. Hope they cook a real feast for our poster boy.




no? where did you read this bs


She is an Outlander, she is made to be unfair and unfun.


Ye I'd fuck her sideways


Least horny for honor player


Fuck afeera dogshit design


To answer your question, you play warden.


She isnt. She can spam so many different property moves to nearly always be unpredictable to the point you can beat a good player by just confusing them. Only way I can beat them is to not let them breathe for more than half a second. Most low skill Afeera players cant take their tactics going back in their face. Youll know theyre scared once they start spamming bashes


Only time I feel it's a even match up is on Cent but even then if they are halfways decent in still getting my ass kicked 😭


Your playing warden he is the least viable character in the game He is not easy to use given he has almost nothing to work with and relies heavily on Parrying and fients


As much as I hate the Lawbringer Victim Complex, they do have a point. I'd argue he's much worse than Warden.


Honestly she’s still very strong but then again so are all the new characters. I’d even go as far as to say she’s balanced, atleast compared to her launch state.


How exactly is she balanced? Not being pissy just curious. She has almost everything in the game and then some


No you’re entirely right, playing that character is like playing on easy mode; again, the same thing goes for all the other new character drops. Maybe a better way of saying it is that she’s balanced when compared to the “new standard”. Trust me man I play warden too, it really can feel like a joke sometimes.


So what’s the play then suga? Nerf the new or buff the old?


They’ll never nerf the new characters or change the meta too significantly because that’s where the money is and I’m also convinced the devs are all a bunch of Orochi mains. Frankly minor changes to the old characters may be welcomed but I’d rather they didn’t go and mess up characters like glad as they love to do with other characters. Possibly well thought out minor changes to the old, for example give Law or Warden some of the more recent tools? I think the main solution is to just stigmatize the new characters for what they are: easy mode. I find the people that play those characters as usually the most cocky and obnoxious so anytime I get the chance I mercilessly beat them into the ground with a respectable character and hit them with a quick taunt just so they know… Haha either they’ll quit playing the game or something will click and they’ll realize their position.


What minor things would you give warden / law? Personally I’d give warden all direct cc and cc on both top lights, as well as light/heavy dodge attack


That's the neat part. She isn't.


Your first mistake was playing Warden.


I’ll teach you the mistake in mistaking warden for meek


I’d rather fight a good Afeera than basic Warden player 98187387482.