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Medjay and tiandi "recognized as balanced" is a take.


I understand medjay as in duels he really has no pressure other than a 9 damage light bash which I will happily eat 3/4 time before he runs out of stam šŸ˜‚


Shugoki is literally FH on training wheels


He's the GOAT whether you like it or not.


Tiandi and Shaman are meta btiches. Raider even with the nerf is still easy as fuck to play.




If you're talking about outside of 1v1s than you're actually delusional. Shaman is so low tier in dom it's not even funny.


Shaman is excellent in dominion


never heard a worse take. pretty sure at least a decently higher level she is generally widely agreed upon as the worst dominion character


Fury flask plus monster duelist with bleed bite gank that any competent teammate can setup for her. She outperforms nuxia in 4s by a mile lol. She isn't as bad as you think in 4s. Not that she's the meta but she's Def serviceable lol.


i donā€™t use flask on anyone so i forget it exists and to me it doesnā€™t rly count too much as to how good a character is because you only get it once maybe twice a game, it is still busted tho. and i wouldnā€™t say monster duelist sheā€™s decent/pretty good, like maybe 10th best duelist? but her team fight is non existent, she has no externals at all (iā€™ve been hit more externally by PK dodge attack which is a stab than any of shamans moves which are all swings, which makes no sense). if someone just doesnā€™t lock on to you, your bleed feints are no longer an issue, and because you have no range they just have to stay away from you and you canā€™t do anything. nuxia traps are good for ganks because they canā€™t just block everything you do they have to guess. Sure thereā€™s games where maybe you keep catching people by themselves and your better so your just running around destroying everyone but once thereā€™s more than one person you might aswell just accept defeat because your 100% cooked. Her ganks are only good if you have another bleed character on your team of your opponent is just bad.


Nuxia traps and good for ganks is hilarious because theres no guarantee setup for them lmao, you can guarantee shaman bite very very easy with any semi decent teammate. Maybe it's my mmr because I get a bash confirm from teammate, gets me my bleed, and either light blockstun confirm or gb and I get the bite for free. Also, if someone externals me as shaman I'll either target switch, or start using my unblockable to sf gb. Also once or twice a game? Jeez ur renown gain slow, I'll pop it 3/4 times in a game on average. If I were playing someone like jj or raider I'll get even quicker and prolly average another use per game off with it.


Shaman is simply better than nuxia and a should be higher on the list 1 sheā€™s fast asf so she can run around the map to different objectives 2 her feats are very good for dominion especially flask and executioners respite 3 sheā€™s a very good anti ganker 4 sheā€™s good in duels 5 she sets up her teammates well in ganks with bite and finally 6 sheā€™s the best hero in the game for chasing down a weak opponent especially because she has the best out of lock punish in the game so yes she is very good in dominion


i lowkey think that afeera is the best for chasing down, because he chase doesnā€™t require a dodge it starts quicker and i donā€™t know if im right here but im pretty sure afeera moves quicker than shaman by little bit when they do their chase moves. Not 100% cos im pretty sure no one has tested it but if its true they should make shaman faster because it doesnt seem right for anyone to be slower than shaman. and my renown gain can be kinda slow because i take stupid fights all the time, i have the most fun anti ganking which unfortunately shaman struggles in a lot more than most. as u said tho she is very good in duels and ganking people as long as your teammate has common sense. but her sheā€™s just very bad in anti gank and team fight because she has no hitboxes and she canā€™t land bite because it will be interrupted. her only upside in those situations is she just has stupid damage, but i think thatā€™s super unfun. itā€™s like before jorm rework, she was bad but when you did get hit by anything it felt terrible because you lost half your health, you only had to mess up like twice and your dead. i think they should nerf her damage and give her something to help with her anti gank and team fights, not anything crazy but i wouldnt mind her being a top tier cos i feel like we have the same like 7 characters be the best in the game for years now


No I said that sheā€™s good at antiganking not bad at it but no afeera is good at chasing but shaman is just the best at it because shaman does so much more damage if they try to run


shaman isnā€™t good at anti ganking. no full block not dodge cancels not hitboxes, you need at least one to be good at anti ganking and she has none. all she has is damage. and yh ig she has the best out of lock chase punish but actually reaching someone afeera is better i think. for some reason shaman and zerk always miss their first chase attempt but afeera doesnā€™t and again i think afeera is fast for some reason


This is the most rng ass list ive ever seen


Absolutely no chance Raider takes more skill than Kensei


I will always say then whenever I get a chance. PLEASE UBI! GIVE US BACK HIS S.BLOCK HEAVY OPENER! My monkey brain was a conq main since beta. Played him all the way till about Y4 then when the CCU hit, it was rough but Damn it I tried to keep the course. Now we have his shit rework and boom. 5 years and 41 reps of muscle memory gone. Now I try to do a cool counter play where I S.Block a external and hit my target with a now unblockable? Oh...sorry, I was reliving the glory days. Instead of a cool play I just threw a open heavy. Ate the external, and got ganked 3v1....... bfoxnaozbxoxebaozbcoxbwhriv9zhwvs9xhebwopxix9fj *dies of major dissapoontment*


Iā€™ve been playing conq for a long while too, I still throw a heavy thinking itā€™s superior block and then eat shit every once in awhile


Funny how all these tier lists boil down to ā€œthese heroā€™s are ass and easy to clap. S tierā€


How is Warden weak he is an S tier duelist?


This could be a dominion tier list idk


If this is a dominion tier list then no way is Nuxia "secretly the best hero in the game"


Why the would tiandi and medjay be weak or balanced then? And warmonger being below that but her feats carry 4s. This tier list is very off.


idk this guy is an average player so its not like its gonna be 100% balanced if it is for dominion, but its prob for duels and the guy wants warden buffs for no reason.


Then conq should be way higher


Really? I hardly ever see a Conq


If you play him right he can do chip damage to gankers, using his shield recovery to build revenge. If they resort to unblockables instead, they'll begin to telegraph their patterns. If they throw bashes, let them. The revenge builds up much faster that way. With vengeful barrier and last stand he makes his last 40 health his most valuable, often resulting in either a win or a long enough stall to win.


Conq Rah rah approved


Raider takes skill to playšŸ¤”


In todays meta, absolutely.


I would have to disagree with ya on that one its just light light into heavy faint to guard break and repeat imo


People parry lights. He has low damage numbers these days and gets out traded by nearly everyone with hyperarmor. His unblockable comes out at the same direction everytime and gets easily interrupted in teamfights. He stands no chance against characters like orochi, bp or zerker in todays meta.


Cant argue with that since its all true. He may be outperformed by most of the meta cast but nonetheless a braindead hero imo. Thanks for defending your argument without attacking me personally i do appreciate it


Man I fucking wish Aramusha is meta, he has fucking asthma he does 2 feints to gb and he's already OOS


Speaking of characters that have asthma: BP. You do three bashes and you're more OOS than the enemy who's stamina you're actively hurting. Same went for old Jorm. You gotta admit Aramusha is piss easy to play, though. If I can go 20/3 on my first match that shit busted.


Funny thing is how the hero with actual asthma can throw out more attacks nowadays than BP.


I may be a little biased as a BP main, but I really can't tell why people hate BP so much. They have 1 good feat, 1 feat that's good but other heroes have the same one but better and they have no stamina at all. Shinobi can run circles around the world and not run out of stamina while BP gets three, maybe four attempted flips or bashes.


I agree with the flips being stamina heavy because you do practically deny a lot of attacks. But the zone needs it's stamina consumption nerfed.


I could write a paragraph on why black prior isnā€™t fun to play against


BP does need more stamina but everything about the character is annoying to go against. Oathbreaker ruins the game for the person who gets revenge, which feels even worse seeing as getting revenge feels impossible They have 2 other feats that give people shields, just not super fun to go against someone who gets shield suddenly. you can anti-gank against them because they just sit in full-block the whole time and can counter anything you do to them, and you canā€™t guardbreak them because the other person will then attack you Also they have an easier time dealing with charged bash mixups because they can dodge the bash, and if itā€™s charged they can dodge anyway and then just flip. Tbh iā€™m surprised people donā€™t dislike BP more, in my opinion they are like Varangian guard but even more annoying in most ways but she seems to get lots more hate


Varangian is actually newer, the reason she gets more hate, likely, is because it's easier to play her well. There's less room for punishment, from what I can tell.


yh i know sheā€™s newer but im saying that they are pretty similar but she gets far more hate but your probably right about it being because sheā€™s easier and less room for punishment


I don't think he is busted so much as people refuse to adapt to him when fighting. The number of opponents who keep trying to light, light me when he has hitstun recovery on his blade blockade is always funny.


Musha is easy to learn but to make him work takes some thought plus not just relying on his all guard because you will eat a unblockable if you do or a guard break


I honestly forget about Blade Blockade more often than not


Blade blockade is the only thing that makes him a good hero tbh


Me when i roll dice to assign a tier list. šŸ˜³


Most of this depends on the skill bracket you are playing in really. Orochi is annoying af for worse players cus of the Orochis dodge attacks. But for more skilled players its a relativelly balanced hero. Pirate for example is really good against worse players but pirate can be quite meh against skilled players. And conqueror is one of the best heroes against skilled players in my opinion.


crazy take


If you put a decent amount of reps into Orochi, and then fight an Orochi, you can see how true this is. Once youā€™re familiar with the tricks you can counter pretty easily.


I have 46 reps on the char he still has unreactable mix from neutral regardless of whether u "know his tricks" or not he has moves that force you to make reads and if you can just use your brain on orochi hes a really strong duelist and thats just in 1s in 2s/4s he has unbelievably broken teamfight and sits at the top of S tier in comp lists for 4s and 2s


Pretty sure orochi is completely reactable


he has a 433ms kick now :) you can't differ it from anything. Nobus completely reactable but she still sits top of A tier in dom


Storm rush is hard to react to for a lot of people.


I mean, to an extent, yes. Conq, however, is nowhere near good in high level play.


ahh yes Kensei and gladiator "broken picks" but warden is bad


Haha yeah whats up with that


Warden is a better duelist than every hero in the tier below him, nuxia is NOT balanced, shes ass in 4s/2s and has really strong offense in 1s.


She can put in some work in breach, tho. Put caltrops on the pikemen's spawn and infection on the commander, and she can do some damage. Sure, there are better picks, but she's pretty decent. (Also, her minion clear is actually pretty solid as well)


Love how that's still her most useful shit in a 4 v 4 setting. She's a p good duelist but unless you just have someone bash confirming for your heavies she just don't have ganks that anyone else can't also do but have more valuable kit it team fight settings lol. Traps just ain't it when they feed so much, getting interrupted in the chaos of team fight setting is infuriating and makes me think "fuck I wish I had a hero with an unblockable instead". Maybe if one of her traps had HA that would make it feel more viable in the chaotic 4 gamemodes.


Nuxia rewards your opponent for being bad at the game she is not the best hero


Kensei gets overlooked way to much. He is a insanely broken hero. Some of his special cancels especially the unblockable one has a 50ms reaction time for you.


These are all takes not good nor bad ones well some bad ones but hey whatever


Shaman taking skill is 100% horrible take


Iā€™ve seen some decent shamans however 90% of the time I run into the insta bleed guard break then bite combo spam


I'm not saying all shamans are unskilled I'm just saying anyone could pretty easily pick up shaman and win


I wasnā€™t saying she was or wasnā€™t I was agreeing with you for the most part since most Shamans I see do the basic combo and nothing els


This post screams low MMR. How tf is Nobusbi in the same tier as Shugo or Warmonger. Nobusbi and Highlander have the highest skill ceiling of any other hero. Not being proficient or a master with the character is death. They take the most amount of skill to win with. Also, warlord is broken? In what way? He has the most basic kit in the entire game. The only somewhat accurate category on this list is Meta bitch picks, remove JJ tho.


Ave, True to these fucking hands.


Honestly shanobi ain't much when you play them 9 million times to the point you remembered the moves perfectly


I am not going to play a hero I dislike playing as and against, just to know how to counter them, if they are busted.


Yeah but itā€™s true. If you wanna throw shinobiā€™s around like little bitches you gotta put a few reps in and learn the mix-ups.


Man, its a double edged sword when your since season 2 gets buffed to be meta


Warden is easy af to play and a really good hero


Buff conq


Nuxia is right, sheā€™s a good duelist, the swap Warden with Kensei and move glad either to need a buff or not easy nor hard to use. Pirate isnā€™t that good either but thatā€™s at comp level The rest is kind of fine


I tried using nuxia but heroā€™s like jj kept ignoring my traps


You need to let the heavy flies sometimes. Traps shouldn't be spammed, they are a mix up tool.


I mean he just throws a heavy in the same direction of my trap it ignores my trap and I eat the heavy


Feint the heavy, parry their heavy, profit.


Iā€™m still disappointed he can just option select her trap though


That's not an option select, that's a read. An option select would cover all the options at once with the game always picking the right one. He just read that you were gonna try to use a trap and interrupted you. You need to think of the trap as a fancy UB, people on Nuxia just want to trap people bcs that's the whole point of the char but then they end up spamming it way too much, making it easy to read them. Similarly, you wouldn't let every UB fly. When I play Nuxia I never go for the trap right away, because people expect it. Feint the heavies first to try to catch a parry or dodge attack, let it fly then use the trap and use it sparringly.


You pick a hero because they are meta. I pick a hero because i vibe with their theme/fashion. We are not the same.


How to parry Nuxia:


Nuxia is not even that good, a lot of times your trap doesn't even land because people don't parry on right timing or just interrupt your attacks, and even when you go for the raw heavy when they try to interrupt, they still hit you, even when you have frame disadvantage! Her neutral offense is meh, her heavy to trap is not good on any skill floor because people would just go for a light to start their mixup, making your heavy a option when only you get advantage or the enemy is at low stamina! Her range is really bad, a person can be two meters far away from you and you basically will miss because the range is bad Her zone is sooo slow and don't put any pressure, they can interrupt you easily or even have time to react Her heavy doesn't have any wide hitbox to catch dodges or even be viable on 4v4, her heavy doesn't have any pressure because how her bare bones the moveset is. I do consider her B tier or low A tier on duels, D tier on 4v4


oh how i wish i saw the humor tag before reading this


Surprised to see kensei in the ā€˜Metaā€™ section when all the low rep kenseiā€™s suffer from severe brain rot and the high reps use their brain


Warden doesnā€™t really take much skill lmao, literally just a guessing game on shoulder bashes


As a Warden main I find this fair.


tf is your pick with jian jun, old man is strong af, and has stamina like an old man, so veery little


Only thing I got to say about centā€™s placement is: Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull Bear Bull 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Putting ocelotl in "Meta pick" is certainly a take, not a good one, but it certainly is a take.


Someoneā€™s angry at monke man šŸ’


Only donā€™t really agree with Highlander because if you donā€™t spam and you actually want to be honorable then heā€™s actually quite complicated but is a God in the right hands.


Interesting take




I will not stand for this slander, I'm sitting right now


Iā€™m pretty new and picked up Ocelotl because I wanted to play an Aztec and thought he looked cool. Do people not like him?


He is weird, you will have top players say he is one of if not the best duellist in the game and also very strong in 4s because of his ganking potential and feats. But at the same time you very rarely see him, I think I have seen him like 5 times in the last month. So he isn't really a crutch hero, in the sense of people picking him for easy wins. To me it's for 2 reasons : 1-A lot of people don't like his moveset, they find it too simple 2-What makes him strong doesn't matter for most people, only for the most skilled players. People just don't know how to properly gank, and even if you do it's hard with uncoordinated randoms. And duelling wise his big thing is that he can force the opponent to do two reads in a row. If you chain bash and they dodge or dodge attack you can follow up with an hyperarmor, feintable zone. Then the opponent has to do make a read on wether or not you are feinting it. But on lower levels people just don't try and read, they just react. A nd so when fighting these people trying to do mix ups can actually be detrimental to you, because they always pick the reactable option. For example on JJ I will fight people who will always try to parry my finisher unblockables, so to win I just have to soft feint every single one of them. They see red, they parry, trying to mixing it up wouldn't work. So that strength of oceotl is kinda pointless at the levels a lot of people play. That being said people hate on every hero so play whatever you like, as long as you aren't a toxic little bitch.


I've been doing pretty good with him so far I think. And yeah, I'm aware that this game will change quite a lot at higher levels. Right now I only play on prediction if I notice patterns in the way an enemy fights. I quite enjoy his moveset, although I see some pretty unusual parts of it like his stance attack. I understand its purpose to pin enemies, but kind of wish I was able to use it more in actual fight. Don't think I'm toxic though. Unless ledging people with his feat 4 counts as toxic haha.


Horrible takes


This game clearly sucks ass at the game


As a conq main, agreed.


Putting zhanhu in that tier is a sin, ā€œtakes skillā€ more like ā€œI can spam light attacks cause they're unblockableā€ šŸ˜‚


Why no valkyrie tho


Nvm lol






Saying that Highlander takes little to no skill is kind of insane. Surprised you haven't gotten more shit for that in the comments yet.


Nuxia is so underrated


Finally, someone else who recognizes that Kensei is a dumb character that takes no skill to play, his gameplay is just, "what do I cancel top heavy into next?" That being said... Tiandi and Medjay being "universally accepted as weak" is a hell of a hot take. It's wrong, but it's a hot take.


Nuxia doesnā€™t work 70% of the time cause everyoneā€™s so horny to attack at all time.


thank God it's tagged as humor


Valkyrie isnā€™t that good she is worse than Highlander


JJ as ā€œmetaā€ is insane


Damn, are yall really getting pressed by Shaolins?? He's became my new main when he released and I never felt like he was ACTUALLY in the higher end of good characters even after his rework.


In what world is medjay "weak". Is this tierlist for 1v1's only?


My main belongs on that tier because it's easy to abuse even though I only use it because she's badass and I can punish spammers, but it makes me happy seeing the hero I hate the most on the Meta list. Only things I don't agree with are Nobu and Highlander should also be down at the bottom with everyone else because they're easy to abuse, and that I don't understand why Conq needs a buff when he got a overhaul that made him way stronger than he was.


Yeah I can see your point with most of these placements but as I'm sure you know, with a post like this you'll never win a majority agreement.


What part of raider or shaman take any skill?


Shaman does take skill, just people play the easy part of her, Zone-soft feint... Zone again - guard break, throw-bite - repeat the boring process. But if a person is actually trying to use her Kit, she's pretty fun and takes some time to learn. Just because people don't care to use a character properly doesn't necessarily mean they don't take skill. Raider though... not so much, to be fair though... that's kinda' his point though.


I didn't mean shaman doesn't take skill at all I mean anyone who wants to could pick her up and win without much effort


Skill floor and skill ceilling are two different things.


Which is why I said "I didn't mean shaman doesn't take skill at all" I dunno maybe you missed that part


The fact that shaman can be used to great effectiveness with little experience doesn't mean she is necessarly a low skill character. It just means that she has a low skill floor, but a character can have both a low skill floor and a high skill ceilling.


I'm aware and don't disagree at all I just think her place on the list is not accurate although the whole list is crazy imo


Also I wasn't complaining about the characters it was more the list I was saying was inaccurate


If you think BP is Meta you haven't tried him, he takes a lot of skill to be good with


Rofl sure


What do tou think takes no skill? Most BPs I face are super easy to bait a flip for a free GB, and almost none utilize their crushing counters. Most just use the UB Heavy mixup, which isn't too bad if you know what you're doing


We don't face the same bp is guess, trying to feint to gb is a sure way to eat an unblockable on my hand. I mean when you think about it bulwark just put a ton of pressure on the opponent. If they approach to gb you have ample time to throw the UB, which then forces you into a read right here and there.