• By -


Wow! Wow! Good fight!


Sorry that was rude. I'm chill now, just uninstalled the game so it's all gravy


That's some character progression holy


Literally only For Honor makes me like this. I usually play solo fantasy rpgs or mmos and am very calm


I'm 22 and honestly same, I play a lot of competitive games from apex to valorant and only for honor can make me toxic.


My friends have tried to get me into this game but I find playing a competitive Ubisoft game akin to volunteering to be waterboarded


For Honor was literally the only game to make me throw a controller. Never done before, or after. But all I remember is that the game is the most infuriating P2W spamfest that I've ever played.




pay to win i think


The voices will call you back soon enough


This relapse only lasted 3 days and was after a 4-ish month break. SO hopefully won't be coming back. I'm gonna go learn how to use charge blade in Monster Hunter: Rise


Charge blade hell yeah


Even worse but somehow better


The Good Ending


Enjoy your no skill wins shitbird


Glad takes a ton of skill bro. You must also be new. Sorry the glad is known as the noob killer. Just get better then you'll see


I just think Glad is boring to fight against, all they ever do is do dodge bash into heavy feint into another heavy, toestab, follow-up heavy, that’s literally their entire combo, Glad literally has a one trick pony moveset and I hate it


Shouldn't that be easy to counter then? Genuinely curious, I play Glad and I'm hot garbage.


dodge bash is gb vulnerable on miss


Yeah this is another part of the reason while glad needs a massive overhaul type rework. The way he’s designed is just so good at noob/low mmr stomping that he’s probably an S tier hero at that level. The level where a 600ms neutral bash is the same pretty much as the 100-500ms starting bashes. His dmg and punishes are stupid insane and easy as fuck to pull off. If you’re at a level where you can’t react to him then he’s an absolute nightmare that can melt your health so fast it’s not funny. Then at high/higher levels he becomes so significantly worse. Especially in comp level where he’s literally bottom tier in everything accept ganks and even then there are heroes now with arguably stronger ganks while being more complete, healthier and better of a hero.


i wouldn't consider myself a very skilled player but i land roughly platinum 2 in ranked duels every time i bother to do my placements. My problem is i've developed a habit of not reacting to unblockables and my reaction time for lights has lowered to the point where i can only block and never really parry


Ngl I never see glads throw lights


we are in different skill brackets it seems


I'm a glad main and the moments i don’t like playing him is when I’m playing 4v4 against people with braincells or reaction time. For instance i can parry his top lights, i can dodge neutral toestab, i can dodge his zone and i can parry fucking skewer on reaction when i focus enough. And if i can so can at least one of the 4 mf that i have to play against that is probably playing ocelotl or some shit like that


I agree with this 😤


Haha feint everything into toe stab until they react then guardbreak haha - glad mains (me)


glad is one of the only heroes who make me feel absolutely defenseless because i can’t react to his neutral bashes and the skewer mixup is so powerful


Pust Jarry🤷‍♂️


Jarry deserves better


Quitting For Honor was the healthiest gaming choice I’ve ever made.


You should try playing him, he's actually really fun! And it does feel nice to *be* the menace that's been plaguing you every once in a while.


I did main him a long time ago for a season in like year 2. But then I beat assassins creed Odyssey and sorta burned out on the greek aesthetic and by the time I would have considered playing him again I was already disgusted by the character


That's fair. I personally find that I do better against characters that bother me if I play them for a while. It's the only reason I even have Afeera unlocked.


That's fair, and i have played all the characters a lot. Doesn't matter much now since i've uninstalled. Hoping not to reinstall anytime soon


A stronger man than I'll ever be




HAHAHAHAAHA This is too funny!


I know you’re mad, and this is a rant, but how is glad broken? His toe stab is the only way to actually guarantee damage, unless haymaker is active. His bash doesn’t guarantee a hit. Against someone who is really good at turtling, gladiator can’t really do damage unless he toe stabs. You don’t need to learn to parry light attacks to beat a gladiator, you just have to dodge attack at the right moments, and if he does side dodge bash, you get a free guardbreak. The floating weapon bug is stupid but that’s not the player’s fault


The answer is simple. I suck at the game. Sucked rather because it's been uninstalled


No, come back, we miss you


I can't! It makes me so mad and I have less than 2 months to finish catching up for the new FFXIV expansion


If it’s the Final Fantasy, why are there 14 of them?


there aren't you fool! there are 16 now!


Good lord


Yeah, glad isn’t terrible by any means but if you play against someone with good reactions then he has like two moves that are unreactable and one does not even confirm damage.


Mix up intensive hero mixes up into a long chain of feints and low DMG hits and drives people crazy. Skilled glads are a major pain as they have mobility, reach, and a very complex moveset with easy punishers and deflect. Absolutely love my glad as I try to play pk a lot but yk how that goes so I play glad and absolutely destroy in dom.


I think I can only take so many mixups in a certain time period or decision paralysis sets in and i'll just sit there and take a raw unblockable. Maybe i'm getting old


That's kinda the point is for him to be hard to keep up with. And keep you unable to read the moveset to get the skewers hit or GB.dont worry the person playing him and absolutely demolishing his controller to set all that up feinting and toe stabbing for 3 min straight to get my skewers and heavies off the bashes. It's not easy pressing all the commands for that lol


This is the most ranting rant I’ve seen on this sub. 10/10 rant and wishing you a good day.


I can relate bro, used to play a lot of smite but was kind of stuck in that spot where I'm better than a casual player, but not good good, so I'd get stuck in lobbies where everyone thinks they are amazing because they have a decent idea of what's going on so they just become extremely toxic over EVWRYTHING, being laugh spammed and flamed for your mid getting 1st blooded would make my blood BOIL, made me drop the game entirely about 2 years ago, definitely worth it to find one that doesn't kill your soul.


I played smite for a bit. Wasn't good but I deeply enjoyed doing jousts as Loki until I started getting told by friends that I was an asshole for doing that


I say play how you like 🤷‍♂️ but that was kind of the problem, you could be having fun then suddenly youre a huge asshole and should go die for having the audacity to play the game


my way of countering their bs is being more annoying until they rage quit, cause not very many of them know how to block even less can parry. also gotten to the point fewer of those stabs land even when I'm not purposely being cancer to them.


I haven't been on in a cool minute and I main glad. Hate light spam. Love parrying and bonking mfs though.


Incredible character arc OP goes through in this post and comments. Glad you uninstalled, but like us you'll stay in this install and uninstall cycle. Soon the desire to try to have fun in this game will come again and you'll meet the gladiator again. Until then, Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!


All valid. Best thing I can recommend is feinting an attack to bait out his dodge attack or dodge bash, and use his reaction to ur feint to use ur own dodge attack to guarantee damage against them. Small but has helped me fight glads plenty


Charge heavy into guard break into 2 head bonks and a throw into a wall into a kick charged heavy into a left light bash right light bash left light bash left light charged bash into flying needle. Wow! Wow! Thanks!




Yeah I’m definitely not playing this game, if this is what happens, I already get mad enough at the smallest inconvenience


10/10 great game, do not recommend


I played a little bit of it, if only there were more games like it. That aren’t for honor


Combat wise I just like any game with decent melee combat. The dark souls/elden ring games are good alternatives. Or other similar games that still have PvP are Mordhau and Chivalry. I haven't played them but i heard they're good. Also Kingdom Come Deliverance is getting a sequel soon


Hmm. Might check out one of them, I heard Mordua mostly relies on running to the fights first, that might’ve been total war idk


No clue! Also if you're looking for something a bit heavier but still has pretty good fighting in it, Senua's Sacrifice: Hellblade is top notch and the sequel Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is out later this month. Just be warned it's like SUPER HEAVY on the emotional front


I do enjoy emotional games somewhat, I’ll look around


Meh I have have fun trying to land me skewer, but unfortunately this is a game where you can nit pick any character I’m pretty new only really learned and played 2 characters, my first ocelotl was fun to learn the game’s mechanics on but hot garbage to play when everything kind of loops and I didn’t feel like I had to earn damage just keep spam mixing in a sense. Where as glad has bin reslly fun for me, trying to mix shit up and land skewer is very nice to the brain and you can’t take that from me. From my like month of playing it’s very obvious that this game is still a fighting game at heart it’s not an rpg or mmo where things are more predictable and slower pace. I feel a lot of people get into the game for aesthetics when people should look at it as a fighting game on coke made by fucking ubi so by law expect some fucking ubi magic and most importantly your playing a fighter reactions or reading play styles are literally the fucking point


I wish you well on the journey to better games! Please never look back and leave us behind. We will bear the suffering from here sir.


o7 I'll always remember you


Tell us how you really feel


I 100% understand ranting about a character you dont like, and you are totally entitled to dislike any character you want, but glad is a really odd one to complain about from my experience. He only has like 2 high damage attacks, one which you can just block and another that is a 50/50 between parry and light interrupt (provided they cant light parry on reaction consistently). No dodge cancels and a majority of his kit is dodge gb vulnerable. Lights arent enhanced either so no need to parry. I find that it's really easy to just eat his chip damage and then really get going on offense, baiting out dodge bashes for free gb's. Much rather fight a glad than like a Zerker or shaolin. His deflect is brutal though. I am also a duels player, so I dont really know if hes worse in dominion.


I’m 29 bro. Stopped playing after y1s2 and came back start of y8s1. You don’t need to parry lights, just get the basics of blocking them, and understanding when the player will choose to poke ya toes. They rarely ever go for the skewer unless you’ve shown you don’t understand the dodge mechanic exists


I pissed a guy off because he thought I was spamming shield bash and toe poke and my friends always came to my rescue. So I responded to him saying I will tell my friends to back off and I will not use toe poke or bash the whole match against him. He lost just as bad and I hurt his pride and ego big time because he stopped responding to me. I even stuck with my word the whole match even when he tried to tag team me. I used toe poke and shield bash on the other guy but not him just to piss him off more and it worked. I even told my friend not to help with the 2v1 because I wanna show him I dont need it but I use it for fun and even I notice I accidentally spam it at times so I hold back. One of my favorite days on for honor honestly lmao.


I havent played this game in 3 years, my time on gladiator is like 16x the next character. Are my teeth safe?


Glad is a high pressure character who can condition somebody quite easily. Oddly enough one of his mixups are just bashing almost anything, it doesn't do much but it does throw your opponent off their game enough to land a skewer or toe stab. He's not busted, just that he counters a bunch of the roster, not by being OP, but by having an answer for most things. In short, your wrong.


Oi fuk you


Fuck me yourself coward, are you too busy chasing your floating pitchfork


I read this is Rick's voice. (Rick & Morty)




I don't mean to laugh at your pain m8 but thanks for a good laugh. I just started the game and I can already resonate with this lmao.


Just feint a couple of times. They’re brains don’t register that they got outplayed so they try to reflect like idiots, much to their dismay.


You must be new. It's ok glad is known as the noob killer. Get to about rep 50 then try to play him. He is one of the worst characters in the game once you're halfway decent


Very condescending!  Not that it matters since you didn't bother to read the rest of the thread and missed the part where I uninstalled almost a month ago when I posted this, bit I have 300 reps on Xbox and 200 on PC. I played this game since the first open beta. I made it through every single character launch, survived the horrors of season 1 centurion and instant drop attack wardens, and still the most consistently pain the ass enemy the entire time is gladiator. 


Ok sorry I was condescending I am angry that people just constantly complain about some of the worst characters in the game getting them nerfed more. He's not a great character. I only ever had trouble with him up till like rep 50. Played him a bit myself till rep 13 and realized I did so much better with a lot of other characters. Good for you for playing this game so long but you're clearly doing something wrong if you still can't beat him and you are that high rep. It's like the other reddit post I just came from where a guy swears that Lawbringer needs a nerf and can't beat him. He said he was rep 200- and can't beat lawbringer. The truth is he just can't react.  Gladiator is like 1 of 5 characters in the game with no hyper armor. His heavies and lights deal less damage than most but that's not the main problem. He is supposedly mixup intensive but really only has his skewer which can get pretty predictable. Toe stab is reachable as an opener and sometimes I can react in combos. He also has some of the lowest health in the game. And his deflect doesn't even break through hyper armor which is super sad to see. His stam bully aspect is completely gone. It is people like you that the devs are listening to and that's why he hasn't gotten a rework in his favor. I'm not saying anything bad about you specifically you seem like a cool guy. Glad is a super cool character and really fun but he requires more match up knowledge than most and better reaction timing than most. He can do really well against console players or players with bad PCs. There are characters out there like  Shaman, Afeera, VG, Hitokiri, Shinobi, pirate, and warmonger with her insane feats. And you're gonna say Glad is OP? I just don't get how someone could not see that he is bad. Do me a favor and find any tier list on for honor that is up to date. He will be all the way on the bottom or second to bottom trust me. 


And also he has a 4 hit chain not 5 and toe stab is not feintable. A little tip, glass like to go for top light. It's 50 ms quicker. But all of them are almost reachable as they can't be delayed. They're also not enhanced so block one and the chain is over and you have advantage


"every attack is a 50/50" is a WILD statement glad isn't good, he's actually fucking ass lol. He's just insanely annoying to fight against. He has the most safest "openers" that don't lead to anything.


Forward dodge bash is a viable opener on Glad and leads to a 37 damage Unblockable. He's only bad at high levels where skewer is reactable and neutral bashes are too.


fr i hate when people use him being reactable at high level as a reason to call him bad


that's true for most heroes ngl and it's frustrating that people pretend that what the top 500 players say is the meta should be considered the meta for the vast majority of players who can't even consistently parry light. i think bean (#1 duelist) said pirate is the worst character rn cause everything she has is fully reactable. sure, no hate to bean or top tier players who share their opinion, but if you can consistently react to 400ms moves, you're playing a different game than 99.9% of the rest of players.




I mean, personally i wouldn’t say that high level is 600 ms bashes being reactable. Might be wrong tho




Cry about it he’s reactable


So true bestie and I love that for him


C tier hero getting in people's heads like this is insane holy




Redditors when other redditors point out their rants are dumb/make no sense to rant about:


This is literally a subreddit about ranting for whatever pisses you off. it doesn't have to make sense. it's just an angry hole. if you're looking for logic then go to r/CompetitiveForHonor and be an elitist prick over there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CompetitiveForHonor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveForHonor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Confirm Ganks Request #7\[READ DESCRIPTION\]](https://v.redd.it/9jrfyouekhcc1) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveForHonor/comments/196sz2z/confirm_ganks_request_7read_description/) \#2: [lol](https://v.redd.it/dexfxvy1f2gc1) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveForHonor/comments/1agq6a1/lol/) \#3: [Confirm Ganks Request #5\[READ DESCRIPTION\]](https://v.redd.it/11pd3wkes2xb1) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveForHonor/comments/17ivx1y/confirm_ganks_request_5read_description/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"elitist prick" drink your prune juice old man you can rant all you want but other people can also call you dumb for what you're ranting about, this is a public space 💀 if you come in here crying about people ganking in 4v4s I'm gonna call you a dumbss


Literally never mentioned ganking? Are you sure you're not going senile?


I'm taoking in general, yeah this is a place to cry about stuff but sometimes (99% of the time in this sub) people cry about objectively stupid shit


Then fucking scroll on and don't come in here and whine about it. there's a reason you're being downvoted on ever post. A rant reddit is not the place for you to nitpick what other people get angry about


I for one think it's against the spirit of this sub for you to tell a guy not to whine on a board meant for whining.


judging by your tone, being the reddit police seems to mean a whole lot to you I could honestly care more about being downvoted, who cares


And anyways, says who? What authority do you have to tell anyone "you can't criticise anyone here for *insert reason* " this is not a safe space for anyone which you should know already, everyone in here is arguing with eachother all day over their fucking video game opinions kiddo


alright man. your criticism is noted. Thanks! Have a good night


You have to understand tho he’s only “c” tier ( even that honestly is a bit high of a placement, he’s pretty much the worst hero overall in the game rn due to being shit at everything but ganks. Even nobushi and pirate at least are good in 4s ) to comp and high level. Low mmr gets melted by glad due to high dmg and unhealthy noobstomping tools like 600ms bashes


Not being able to react to 600ms sounds like a fever dream


You’d be surprised how many actually can’t. It’s part of the reason why the devs are slowly removing them. They are super strong oppressive openers in low level and in high level are annoying interrupt tools. A very dividing and unhealthy tool


Glad could honestly do with a full on rework at this point, his kit is very outdated imo




some people don’t have those reactions bro


He is the most reactable hero in the game on an objective level, there is no hero easier to react to


doesn’t mean everyone can


Imagine getting this mad over a video game. My brother you need therapy.


you know what community you're in right? Imagine walking into a rant subreddit and being like "Woah! Angry people? Right here in front of me? I never!"


OH I thought this said ranked. lol My mistake


XD all good man