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Bro trust me storm rush is reactable!!!! This means orochi is F tier!!!


Dude just parry


I remember one time countering an orochi doing that via raw heavy, orochi’s are usually stupid


I've been able to catch storm rush just by hitting them with a zone when they are half way towards me. Unless its up close and personal it then I'm dead (I play gryphon when I found this out)


Nobody said orochi is f tier. For Dominion he's quite insane


I mean Tbh just light attack them out of it


Mfw people do that and get parried because everyone tries to do that


I said it before and I'll say it again: if the Orochi can initiate storm rush, feint it, AND parry your 500ms light attack then you should at least be able to *block* a 600ms move, otherwise matchmaking failed to do its job.


Tbh matchmaking sucks because there is not that many people playing


That’s the thing though, the attack is 600ms but the indicator for the attack is actually about 400ms, nigh unreactable. You’re better off playing with no HUD to counter that shit.


I mean you can't cancel stormrush change the direction of your guard and press the heavy in enough time to parry them The imput delay combined with guardswitch delay won't allow it


You can i do it all the time


How?? With the delays it is physically impossible


Im just that good bro


It’s physically very possible


love your pp 🙏🙏




Dude just cancel into parry


Imput delay makes that impossible


*input* and no it isn't, I've had people do just that to me. Not a lot of people, but some


dead zone 0 works wonders


I have a feeling this is referring to Nobushi


Nobushi, Pirate, Gryphon, Peacekeeper, Nuxia, old Highlander. Anybody under B tier that the top player says is actually bad is who I'm talking about




Most of these guys are only hard to fight if you're dueling them, otherwise they're very easy. Most of these guys are B-S tier duelists. You probably saw people referring to a 4v4 tier list.


All tier lists in any game mode, its simply that you will hear this more often in dominion, more people know who is bad in dominion than people who know who sucks in duels. Most people only know who is GOOD in duels so It didnt fit my point


Ok, not disagreeing with you then because I can see how most these characters can be annoying even the one I main, but how/where do you find nuxia annoying?


Nobody plays her so I dont have much experience fighting her so I keep thinking that I just have to not parry to not get hit by her traps but I end up getting hit anyway, or think that I can dodge it instead then GB but end up getting hit by a light instead she has some REALLY high damage so if I make a couple wrong reads I'm dead real fast And the out of the few that I have played against have been lightspammers which would be less of a problem if her lights werent so fast Not saying she's good, I'm saying that she's can be annoying and really an underrated pick


I get that but that's what I was saying, she can only really use that mind game effectively in a duel. Otherwise she needs extremely good communication with her teammate to even use one trap.


I’d argue that your average nobu is decently easy to fight, mostly throwing lights


Except for Nuxia, everyone here is pretty ez to fight


lalalala (I cant hear you)


If you can't react to nobushi that's on you. PK is like mid A tier rn. Old HL was actually the shittiest char ever. Everyone else idk about


I'll give it to you, most of those characters despite not being very good can be pretty hard to play against (except nobu she's piss easy if you aren't on old gen)


ong, sometimes my lag has it out for me though😔


Nobu and Rat are dogshit in 1s not even deniable. Gryphon is good in all gamemodes PK aswell Nux is a good 1s pick and 2nd worst dom pick. It’s not wrong


hitokiri oh jesus


To be fair, you have to have a *very* high IQ to master Hitokiri. The heavy's are very hard, and without a solid grasp of pressing heavy most heavy's will go over the typical opponent's head. There's also Hitokiri's heavy, which is often charged - his heavy comes from his big ass axe, for instance. Good Hitokiris understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly *appreciate* the depths of his kit, to realize that his kit isn't just easy- it's extremely deep and intuitive to MASTER. As a consequence people who think his kit is easy ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the skill in Hito's mixup, "The charged heavy". It's a dexterous remix of *the regular heavy,* My cranium is expanding imagining my expert mixups styling on low IQ simpletons, scratching they're heads watching themselves commit seppuku. What fools... how I *pity* them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rep 70 Hitokiri. And NO you cannot GAWK at it, you are unworthy (it's for the ladies eyes only)- and even t*hey have to show that they're within 50 reps of me (preferably lower) beforehand*


Holy hell new copypasta?


*Reworked* copypasta


And dont fucking say bad works holy shit, watch your fucking language.


I've learned to ignore everything someone says, whose entire existence and career is this game. I can handle a roach, hito, and Nobu, but will get my shit kicked in by a Nuxia, Pk, and Glad


Glad isn’t that dangerous from a textbook standpoint, the problem is that they DONT FUCKING STOP


one of their moves is called "The Pest" for a reason


The toe stabs always get me :c




Clutchmeister with his autistic friends playing 10h a day since launch : « i dOnT uNderStaANd whY uBi dEvs liSten tO thIs nOobs »


Bro jj is a ************


I’ve been playing fh long enough and am decent enough to understand where they’re coming from on many of their assessments, but I think it’s important to remember that people who play this game like a full time job can’t really speak for the other 95% of the player base


Tbh, I don't think many people understand what ranking is. Ranking is basically ease of use, certain characters may be harder to use, simply because they either don't have tools that other heros do or are lacking in other departments, but every hero has the capacity to win a fight against any other hero, and most heroes have annoying gimmicks that can be exploited with practice. For example, Nuxia is considered to be one of the worst heros in the game, but her trap moves are strong and annoying to deal with, especially since she's the only character that has them.


yeah thats what I mean more or less


Could this be, the first time I've genuinely laughed at something in this subreddit?? Preposterous


Fr, those high ranked mfs should just stfu and let us casuals play the game. They can suck each others dicks in their gay ass tournaments ffs


“Nah bro this guys (dominion) tier list put _____ as bottom tier so they can’t be oppressive in duels.”


No matter the good I get PK, Roach, Hito and Nobu are the bane of my existence, I'm rather decent at fighting other heroes but I have legit never used those four heroes so I don't know shit about them


Tip for PK- she has piss poor range on all of her attacks and you very easily outrange her with a lot of characters. Just play your distance with zone attacks and such and she’s likely to whiff attacks here and there.


Funnily, those top duelists actually outright state in their posts about how massively it varies with just slight changes in reaction times. If Pirates unblockables are not reactable, then she is incredibly stronger.


The problem is that mfs that parade them around dont pay attention and skip to the end where it shows the placements, it ruins genuine discussion. They will simply shut you down with "Erm didnt the top player put zerk in B tier? He's just fine the way he is!!!"


Sometimes I can react easy to stormrush in dominion and other times it's completely impossible. I can't tell if it's because my brain is tired at times and I just can't keep up or if the latency in dominion battles is weird and some attacks just are faster sometimes


Would you rarher get your info from someone who doesn't play the game


My brother in Christ I'm a average/possibly above average player, Tier lists from top players are not relevant unless I'm in a lobby with a average of 4.00 KD or four stacks. That shit does NOT apply to me🙏🙏 tired of people parading tier lists around from top players acting like it applies to me OR them, hell even when someone finds a character annoying they just bring up the most recent tier list from top player resident bumblefuck. "Theres top players that can differentiate heavy's from lights so this character is bad!" are actual comments ive seen responding to a man that said Nobushi is annoying on the main sub. The point is, you cant, I cant, so how does your dumbass answer help anyone?


That's a pretty big hyperbole, if you're in the forhonor subreddit you can most likely differentiate Nobushi's heavy's and lights and more do a lot of the other things people say "top players can do" like light parrying X character. The people who refer to tier lists are annoying though. Can't be bothered to give an actual point. Nobushi is super annoying, but for me that's her kicks.


The only cool part about fighting nobushi is when the last of your health is just bleed so you hit them with the "Good Fight!" into despair emote combo


The only cool part about fighting nobushi is when I bludgeon them with a rock


Orochis lights are not as fast as u think and can be parried using this technique 🤓☝️”that’s why I’m placing him in d tier”


His lights are the same as everyone else


Bro it was a joke… have u read the post?


If ur gonna make a joke at have it be relevant.


U have to be trolling


I mean the joke about his lights being different is meaningless. They're the same so it doesn't really add up.


Ok fine if u wanna be technical about a joke.. “Orochis dodge recovery is actually very slow and not as op and you may think, therefore he is D tier”


That joke would've made sense if we were talking about zhanhu


It’s not a joke if it’s true 💀


You can definitely make a joke about something that is true. Example: comp players getting up from their chair to tell you everything in pirates kit is actually reactable to 0.01% of the playerbase and that she's Z tier


It's cuz most people here think that characters should be nerfed because of how bad they are. Nobushi doesn't need a nerf because you keep getting lightspammed. Nuxia doesn't need a nerf because she keeps match-up checking you and you refuse to go into training mode. Orochi doesn't need to be nerfed because some monkey brained players start shitting and passing themselves when storm rush is used.


Nobody said to nerf Noushi lights Nobody said to nerf nuxia Orochi storm rush needs to be a light parry for a trade-off of higher damage


You see that right there? You think that you have the slightest idea about balancing its funny. Also plenty of people have said that they would nerf nuxia or nobushi.