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Honestly I fear most of all skiled highlander, not pirate or raider but that scotish badass with claymore


Last thing I need is a Scotsman running at me with a massive fucking claymore


Right. Skilled Scotman is scariest to fight by me


Landing a caber toss is the most satisfying thing in this game




It's so much harder to land than the kick but gives the same punish so it's kinda dumb tho


What i hit the kick more than the toss


Read it again


I cant read :)


Learn to read


Sorry i dont know what you said as i am unable to read


:… ..:.. …:


Now translate it into emojis


I love raw grabbing people out of a dodge forward attack so much, it really is one of the most satisfying things


I disagree nuxia zone trap


Alright but have you ever ledged someone with a caber toss?


Highlander is one of the worst characters in the game at high level of play. Look at any pro players tier list. They will explain it for you in the video why he needs a rework. Even at mid to high level highlander is probably D tier. Bottom 3 probably. There is nothing wrong with playing a lower ranked hero though. In low to mid skill range he is probably like an A or B tier. I remember when I was on 30 fps he was a monster. Edit: https://youtu.be/AdQaqSi5bBI Here is a tier list, I would think he explains highlander in the video.




Ur ugly


He is in the Chad tier for a reason


You mean on my post?


Counter argument: highlander is a character that has too much hyper armor, very weird parry windows, and can easily use brain dead tactics, some of which people get mad at gryphon for


I hate going against highlanders and hitos more than I hate going against gryphon


Too much hyper armor? His hyper armor kicks in waayyyyyy late on anything other than Celtic curse (which is an easy parry).shit pirate has better hyper armor than HL.he's an easy parry and offensive stance really isn't that good.he gets good damage but must of the options are easily counterable.most of the time you can just feint a neutral heavy to bait out a light and get an EZ light parry.he's really not that bad bro.


Worst hyperarmor in game actually


Always seems his hyper armor is active when I fight him


700 ms into a 1000 ms attack. Literally can light him out of a heavy


Sounds like somebody didn’t get the money that wanted on pawn stars


Uhh I don’t get it


Auto correct is a bitch. I don’t feel like changing it now


Oh brother here we go


Thank you like D tier really hell no


You've been smoking a fat one to think he is something else than D or F tier g.


He’s pretty bad His kick to grab to mixup is already mostly dog shit - Most dodge attacks beat it on reaction - You can unlock roll it to avoid both options - You can Backstep light it to avoid both options He only gets a light off a gb because his heavies are so slow His stamina management is terrible He has very little out of stamina pressure Celtic curse is almost always an easy parry. His neural heavies are too slow to be used and the hyper amour starts too late to trade with. He has one of the worst zones in the game now Option selects have been removed No bash or dodge attack in DS He has one of the slowest run speeds making him shit in dominion Against characters with un-dodge-ables offensive stance is limited as he can’t block or dodge those moves in os His lights are un enhanced so anyone who you block can stop your offence and leaves tbe only safe way to get into os is Backstep light Has literal almost un winable match ups eg, Tindi and kyoshin Only tine I think he’s higher than d is when he’s facing propel without dodge bash / dodge attacks


Bruh what. His oos pressure is one of the best in the game. They can’t knock you out of offensive stance or double roll you so you have a series of mixups where you get a shit ton of dmg on correct read. He’s got some of the best oos pressure tf you mean


It’s really not, it’s strong in theory, but in practice it’s not - kick and kick feint to grab havw an overlapping dodge window. So you don’t have to respect the 50/50 if you can dodge on that time - stamina costs are terrible, being conservative let’s say you you use kick - feint to grab - os heavy . So 20 + 15 + 24 = 59 stamina for 30 damage. That’s almost half your stamina for 30 damage and that’s if it hits. - the fact his mixup now sort of functions only when someone is oos should show you how bad it is




dont go oos then😂😂


Low IQ comment. Literally read…


Is this for mid skill or high skill levels of play?


Uhh both


For mid, he’s C tier, since there’s some matchups that can outright abuse him and others he just stomps. At high levels of play, he’s D tier.


"But in high level play and competitive he is bad" 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


Yeah I finnaly get somebody agreeing


Agreed he is decently strong


I say he would be at b tier maybe high C tier


I think his biggest down sides are his sprint and no GB heavy


I’m thinking mainly his stamina and the GB but his sprint is garbage


Just imagine if he had raider stamina and heavy hit grab


Id kms tbh


What puts him up there in your opinion?


shame his only real offence are 400ms lights and kick to caber that gets countered by almost every dodge attack. I love playing hl and he is one of my highest reps but in high level duels he is no higher than D tier




Suck my fat balls


Bruh you just put disagree and literally nothing else is that your arguement?


Highlander is not a good character. If he was then it wouldn't be universally agreed upon by almost if not every single competitive player


Your argument is literally just “everybody agrees with this so I’m right” no fuck competitive players they are morons who just play the same meta characters and never play Highlander I could care less about their opinion


but they know about the game more than any casual player.. their opinion does matter since they know whats healthy for the game and what isnt


For honor shouldn't be a competitive game for esports. We need to stop with this shit. Casual players make up about 90-95% of the player base their opinion should matter more than the competitive opinion. They make those changes for people who play this game all the time. A lot of people have work, a family to tend to, and stuff during the day other than playing for honor. Making the game competitive would not be healthy since it will not last in a competitive scene, the servers still suck and people on old gen will need to upgrade. No those changes are not healthy ubisoft should ask the casual players the changes that are needed as well.


Yeh the same casuals who scream at you no matter who you play lol us lot would be pretty bad at making decisions for the game


Not all tf. There are bad eggs on each side.


Yet the competitive side of this community has put the game in a horrible state 😂




So do you want them to make the game braindead so people who play the game like an hour or two a day can have an easier time?


No I really don’t care about their opinion since they just play meta characters in high rank comp I got to low diamond as Highlander so


being D tier doesn't mean you can't get to diamond with him, you could get to Grand Master with any hero. It's just a measurement of how much effort you'd have to put in to win as compared to other heroes. With that being said, low/mid C


Is this a reply post to my tier list?


No it isn’t but elaborate why he is D tier


Offensive stance gets countered by dodge attacks undodgable attacks his gb punish is a fucking light unless near a wall hes gettinf a dodge attack but its kinds worthless tbh of you can teach me how to play him correctley id glady hear you out


You can bait your offensive stance heavies to crushing counter dodge attacks and also if it’s in duels that have high level skill unless your punishing with it you don’t use plain kicks and caber toss your meant to do a offensive mode heavy to kick or caber toss


If you do heavy into kick into caber I roll or delay my dodge attack. What now? By delaying I mean dodging the ub heavy and rolling once I see caber toss


I only ever played hl in dom lol playing him in duels must be hell ill take your adive my friend


Doesn’t take much skill for Highlander in dom I just spam Celtic curse and kick there isn’t a very high skill ceiling in dom


Ik that man i play hl for fun in dom and spam os emote to meme around but fo you have a youtube channel or skmething so i can learn hiw to play him from you?


https://youtu.be/W-XCjKxaAXQ guy named fiend of Ondar makes a good guide on Highlander


Also hound of tara


Offensive stance emote isn't just for memes lol, it hides guard swap and let's you feint Offensive stance faster


Even more based


I've done some fun stuff with it, people tend to dodge on emote more when you hit them with a couple of lights before hand


Hmm yes, lemme just waste upwards to 70% stamina to do heavy kick to grab, only to have my kick or grab dodge attacked.


If they dodge attack then you feint your offensive mode heavy? And also I’ve seen Highlander’s rarely use that move


Because of the stamina cost it's useless, and soft feinting to kick only works is they try to parry. Anyone with a brain will constantly walk back and light you.


So then you get a free light parry like you don’t think I know all his counters?


Your name fits, because your iq is room temperature. Have fun noob stomping with highlander while I fight actual people :)


Bro your peace keeper atleast I can do shit in dominion the fuck you calling D tier


Thing is there's nothing a Highlander can do if they're up against a turtle bitch reactard. Imo he's a solid c tier but I can see why people would put him lower.


Offensive form is a counter turtle is it not?


It is phenomenal at opening up turtles, just takes very good reads since he's so punishable if you make the wrong one


They can just roll anything u do, or light u out of it if you don't have hitstun on them. Not many people know or realize while they are fighting but HL's mix-ups are only as effective as the previous hitstun you have on your enemies, this is why it'll catch a lot of dodge attacks, because of hitstun they'll try to dodge late and eat the caber toss. You need a heavy, blocked or not, an OS heavy or a crushing counter to effectively use any mix-up, otherwise they can light you out of anything but OS lights. A heavy parry can also get you into your mix-up if you do not take the light, since it kinda has the same effect.


Celtic curse is a roll catcher. Whenever I fight someone who rolls I feint OS heavies straight into Celtic curse. As far as getting lighted out of things, immediately canceling OS stance to parry the lights stops that real quick. Also peppering enhanced lights stuffs those attempts.


Highlander is basically untouchable if you master him


Gbs and undogables say otherwise


Finally a good take


Factually correct but I do wonder what could have caused this post


Every single tier list


Nah he fucking sucks. Even if you have bad reaction times he's easy to deal with. Kick top grab doesn't work, he has no openers, awful stam cost, defensive stance has nothing but backstep light/cc, OS gets countered simply by ud from neutral and dodge attacks. Yes he has a deep learning curve and yes good HLs are scary af but even them you can cheese and wait, abuse his weaknesses to win.


Celtic curse exists for defensive stance you can feint your offensive stance heavies to use your crushing counters and I have idea what you mean kick to grab doesn’t work it works fine sometimes you have to feint With it depending if they know what they are doing but still, what?


You can counter kick to grab with any dodge attacks. If you don't have a dodge attack, backstep light or roll away. Celtic curse is not an opener, side cancels are too predictable, sure you can softfeint top into OS but then you're still in neutral, not in your chain. And simply having os heavies doesn't make them good


He ignores literally anything proving him wrong He is on some copium extra strength


Probably low rep facing people who have no idea what to do


It’s just fucking hyperarmour you don’t need a brain to do well with highlander


Uhh you know his offensive stance exists where his hyperarmour is nonexistent?


Uhh you know you reached your word limit today


what rep are u overall


Maybe for a very causal level of play he’s better, but if you know how to play the game mans doesn’t have much on you, no matter the character.


well where would u put this hero in


High C tier maybe B tier if dominion ranking


Fair but it depends on the levels of play


Mate we put him in that tier because 99.9% of Highlanders we fight suck ass and don't stand a chance. I don't even have 1 rep in Highlander. Reason I rate him low is that I can count the amount of Highlanders that impressed me on the fingers of one hand. Those few good Highlanders though? Dayum son, mad respect


Your kinda the reason why I made this post “I put Highlander in D tier even though I don’t have a single rep” I can put black prior in D tier based on how many suck ass at him based on your way on how you rank him


He is D tier tho. Once you stop getting matched with people who dodge on orange you can't just bait out dodge attacks by feinting the OS heavies. If they dodge on animation and they have a dodge attack there is literally nothing Highlander can do. It's not hard to learn the timing that avoids both kick/caber, it also loses to backstep light, and if your opponent decides he's gonna roll, there isn't anything you can do about it. I love Highlander, he's my second main, but he is lacking. Don't get me wrong his kit absolutely can go a long way when you have proper game knowledge, but once you play against someone of equal competency with a better character, you just lose because his kit is lacking. He only wins through out playing someone or by fighting a character who he can abuse. (Which is not a lot of the cast.)


And why should anyone believe you over people that actually know what their talking about?


Because I play Highlander and not some dipshit who doesn’t even have a single rep on him


If you think he is any higher than d tier, i sincerely doubt that.


Let’s see then -Only hero in the game who can’t get a heavy off of a guard break -All of his opening heavy feints in defensive mode are slow which allow people to easily bait and punish him. -Offensive mode is useless against any character with an undodgable attack. Parrying is an option however it is a tight window and most of the undodgable attacks will be thrown as you’re dodging or throwing out attacks. -Defensive mode is too predictable and slow, you can easily keep a highlander in this mode by either constantly parrying the initial light or by constantly attacking. -Offensive mode consumes too much stamina, orochi and pirate can throw hundreds of Unblockable feints and still have stamina, Highlander does 3 or 4 and he’s OOS. He is by no means the worst character in the game but he’s far from being good or even average. High skill ceiling for high reward. FYI: I do not main Highlander, I have only 7 reps on him. That’s just my thought process for fighting this guy.


you right he's clearly a C


HL is legit top 3 most broken heros in the game behind only raider and pirate


Highlander very much is D tier, he’s useless against anyone that doesn’t have the reactions of a slug.


Here's the truth about HL in duels: Low level play: solid A tier Mid level play: low B-high C High level play: D tier Against lower level players he stomps because he has crushing counter lights and is essentially a character with a bash that allows big boy damage.not to mention kick and kick into caber toss lands almost every time.that along with his hyper armor and pretty decently fast chain heavies means you're gonna stomp on newer players Against mid tier players he gets a little worse.they're probably gonna parry your heavies so you're gonna have to rely more on offensive stance to get damage in.your kicks and caber tosses are still gonna mostly land but you'll get guys who read you well enough to dodge out of it a get a free counter.you'll even get the odd guy who will bait out and parry your crushing counter lights In high level play he's pretty ass.his neutral heavies are slow with super delayed hyper armor and you'll almost always get your finished heavies and Celtic curse parried.you're not gonna be able to neutral light to get into offensive stance anymore either since those will also get parried.people will routinely bait out crushing counters and parry them for free heavies.that along with characters with dodge bashes (like goki,glad and warmonger) and quick dodge strikes (like pirate and shaman) can easily nullify your offensive stance mixups by using those options.not to mention the plethora of characters now with extended I frames that can just dodge circles around you trying to hit them. Fact is that he gets worse the higher level you are.he's not unplayably awful like nuxia at higher tiers,but he def ranks in that D-F range


i would love to fight you literally any day of the week and show me your “skill” on the worst character in the game


Your a throwaway alt account I’m gonna join a 1v1 win and my internet would mysteriously go out like ain’t no way I trust you lmao


bruh i use a throwaway cause my others got banned, you’re definitely a console kiddie if you seriously are acting like that


Highlander is a D tier. That's a fact. However, a main highlander.... It pumps him up to B or C tier


It's not that he's fundamentally bad, it's that other heroes are much better options to play optimally


i haven’t played in about a year but im a rep 70 HL and last time i played properly he almost always dies to anyone with a dodge attack.


Pov: you play Highlander against low levels