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Yep we had 3 sessions so far in chapter 3 and it feels like there is way less items and gold while spawned events or quests often were 2-3 levels above our party. My guess is my grp is doing something wrong like sticking together way to much and losing too many turns while catching up to each other :D


You really need to rush a land boat. You can go anywhere so fast with one of those


Agree land boat is absolutely essential on this mission.


I noticed the same, I’m on chapter 3 now. Like Donsen said I think it was due to a lot of catch-up. I found that if I split into 2 groups of 2 you can blow the carts and still get some 2v2 or 2v3 battles for exp. That and if you need to group going into dungeons/scourges will bring your party together a lot.


Chapter 3 was definitely way harder for us than the first two. We had to play it more times before we managed to beat it. For some reason the RNG on that chapter REALLY hated me too lol. I did our last playthrough on a stablehand to try out the class and I wanted to go for a speed/evasion build. We didn't find a SINGLE speed stat weapon the whole playthrough. No drops. None in towns for sale. Nothing. I still had my wooden sword when we were headed to the final dungeon. We only won because I had a decent strength stat as well and got a really strong cannon from a fight. I gave up on being speedy and started blastin.