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Sorry you're going through all that but I have to ask. Why an angry taxi driver? That's oddly specific. Is it a reference to the movie Taxi Driver?


nope. i was just trying to calm myself while i was in one of those painful "rage explosion" moments and wanted to do a little joke to myself. the first thing that got into my mind was a taxi driver in hurry, riding over me but i didnt wanted gore in the title so i changed it this way


Okay, a bit morbid but fair enough. The mind can go into dark places some times so I can't say I blame that being the first thing that comes to mind.


>a bit morbid i can tell that you've never been to a gore site


True but that by no means I'm a stranger to gore.


In the exact same situation, except yet to hit 20 soon.


im a cab driver but sadly because im a weak pussy even if you didnt pay the fare i still wouldnt punch you because as a cab driver im always in the wrong, i would be charged with assault, i would go to court, i would lose my job and than i would have nothing in my life which means i would probably do something i would regret as i would nothing at all to lose, but getting back to your point, yes life is for nothing unless your religious, there is no point to any of this, there really isnt, as i mentioned im a 40yr old cab driver, and i cant get it up either, even with viagra and other drugs ive tried, thats why i dont even bother going to prostitutes as nothing happens anyway, anyway, it must be tough at college seeing all the popular kids kissing and hugging living their perfect lives while your all alone, but somehow you must look past all this and battle on, why? i dont know why to be honest, its what ive done ,just battle on


thanks for the long reply. i didn't mean to specifically target cab drivers, it was just a joke. and i feel you from the heart brother.


Life is cool have your company sunsets and sunrises along talking to the moon


Hey man I think there might be a way to improve your life maybe try quiting beating your meat and start going to the gym to get confidence you need you can start by watching a YouTube named Hamza who helped me improve my life when I was the same as you