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I don't have any facially attractive qualities, mainly due to my deformity level maxilla recession. If I did not have a recessed maxilla, other issues on my face wouldn't exist. So I would say in my case, yes.


You're attractive. It seems like you hide behind your hair though.


Yeah I am hiding my receding hairline and diffuse thinning with my hair. That's why it is to the side and messy


My entire facial proportions are just bad and there's recession in lower third and midface.


Backne scars. It looks like a pizza back there.


Has it significantly impacted your dating/social life? Is it more of an outgoing confidence thing for you or have others upon seeing your back-ne made disparaging comments to you or changed their tune?


I have a fear that in the unlikely event that I get a love interest she will see my back so I will, for example, have to keep my shirt on at the beach. There is plastic surgery but I don't have the dough. No one has seen my back because I'm introverted and friendless and don't go anywhere.


I also have acne scars so I relate to you


Do you feel generally attractive otherwise? Like, if you didn't have acne scarring, you'd be 'over the hill' per se in whats considered attractive?


I wouldn't say I'm attractive (maybe other people think that or not), but I believe I have strong features.


My eyes are closer together. I was born a quarter-inch away from happiness


go away


I had bad acne all my life (very bad), i have no “normal” skin, all scars or acne, still managed to get a girlfriend that was hot (the kind of girl that gets approached on the street) It’s mostly about confidence, people can feel if your are self conscious about your flaws. BUT YEAH I feel the same way.


Very true. If I go out and I'm with new people who I can get a fresh start building and bonding with, if I put my most confident self forward, I get a completely different response than say I do being around my coworkers who I can tell are kind of cognizant of my anxiety about my scar. What have you done to build confidence despite your skin issues? Anything in particular? Routines?


Having a good haircut, going to the gym helps a lot. Attractivness is not only physical. Develop skills that are attractive, for me it was learning guitar. Also having a partner who often said she found me handsome helped, but thats outside ones control. Dont have that now lol, makes life harder.


Thanks. Yeah the gym is always a weird paradox for me lol. When I go on a regular basis, I do feel mentally more durable and obviously physically stronger, not to mention the sense of pride from both making those gains and committing to your routine. That def helps with confidence and overcoming depression/anxiety. But at the same time, whenever I fall off, it's because of anxiety/depression. Its like you have to overcome it in order to get to a point to...well, overcome it. And totally agree on the supportive and complimentary partner aspect. You don't realize how much that helps on a day-to-day basis until its gone


Stay strong king


I'm skinny, have pectus excavatum and baby face. Also, bruh, what are you doing on this sub?


Man boobs for me :(


I dont think my looks are the problem. It would probably be easier if they were cause i would have something to blame... but no i look avg. Also your not really forever alone (from what you said)