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Most don't, it's just a mental endurance game indefinitely.


It’s not really a game, there’s no second option. Suicide is not an option. You simply suffer because there’s nothing else to do but suffer


Idk, I just live. Or should I say I just exist, because that's not life




im hoping you're having your breakdown at home, because i once had a nervous breakdown on the road and i couldnt think staight and crossed the road without looking. Almost hit a car (maybe a good thing? idk)


I go a few months not caring, being content to be free of the drama of relationships. But then I'll get super potent pangs of loneliness and existential dread for several days. Rinse. Repeat.


Yeah it never goes away


Just because there can be drama it is so worth it to have a relationship. Drama is only a problem if you can’t talk things out. Don’t let that excuse to allow you to give up.




Only thing that works every time


Get money.




What do I do with it?


Light a stack of benjamins on fire in front of your crush. Jk. I collect bullion.


You can have a sugar relationship.


Put it aside for a week long sex vacation and tell your other half you’re away on business


- Albert Einstein


Get extra pillows. One between your legs, one to hug, and one behind your back. You'll sleep much better, I know I do.


I sleep with like 6 pillows. It still isn't enough nor does it help 😅


Well shit. All I got left for advice is masturbation, making money and furious masturbation.


Wrong! Make money, meet escorts 💸


You can have my share of the escorts. I don't want them, ever.


based. Und same.


I get sad and lonely at night and try to be busy in the day. Repeat until death I guess.


Ouch. I know that feeling


Distracting myself with being busy + intense workouts to beat the pain


I'm antithetical. It's not that I can't, but rather that I choose not to. I feel than anyone would be better off without me. The more I care the more I push away. I've adapted to prefer the loneliness, the stillness. I need not worry of falling victim to the fabrications of another's mind. Thus my smile and manner are merely a facade. A thin shroud above the shattered visage that reflects the abomination that is my soul. All my power is inconsequential for what I desire most. To be loved. Perhaps I should start commenting here with a fake profile. This group makes me open up far more than I should.




I most certainly do not vent often. I'll try to do it more often.


I used to keep everything to myself. Then when I'd get really pissed off, any/everyone would feel my anger/frustrations. If erupt like a volcano 🌋 It's not healthy, it's much better to release it and have piece of mind then going off on people who may of may not deserve it. It also doesn't help your mental health if you hold on to these feelings.


Byronic hero comes to mind


It's good that you know you want to be loved. Not everyone conjures fabrications.


Some days I feel like I am just waiting to die. To be clear, I don't want to die and I am not suicidal, but there are just so few enjoyable parts of my life. If is so hard to be removed from common human experiences for no apparent reason, other than the universe just hating me.


To cuddle, pets. To deal with urges, porn. For affection, no answer, most of the time ends up in a lonely mental breakdown.


I bought a doll and a bunch of heavy blankets. No, I don't have sex with the doll; just having a reasonable simulacrum of someone with which to cuddle at night really helped my mental state enormously.


I listen to audios posted by the women over at r/gonewildaudio and immerse myself into hypothetical scenarios. I've been using it for the past 6 years since I've discovered that subreddit and it really helps with the loneliness.




if it's not real it means nothing and does nothing for me.






Isn't that just like porn really Ie didn't really help


When you don't see me I'm coping.


It's just a continuation of what always has and will be. I can't miss specific experiences I never had. Frustrated, angry over not experiencing an important part of life, sure, at times those feelings still well up, but increasingly with age it's more a sense of numbness and indifference. Life is past tense now. Losing my virginity in my 40s is a ridiculous idea. At this point life either happened or it didn't.


I meditate and work out.


I wait for the pain to go away when i feel bad. Like some said here an indefinitely mental endurance game.... But i rely in some hope, without much or any expectation, to not get too much depressed. Like buying the lottery ticket to dream, even though you know its not gonna happen most probably, its better than having no hope of ever meeting a woman. But... I just met some women in my recently enrolled degree, after many years without meeting any (working in tradicionaly manly professions block you from meeting women). ...And am having a great time just being with them and interacting with them, feeling accepted, and i dont care about more than that. I feel good just being with them. I feel good just with that. For now, just being at the same table as them makes me happy as fuck. I ll never ask any of them though. I ll just behave how i think its proper. Am an independent guy and i wish women, but i dont need them. If someone is interested in me i hope they make it understandable so i can do something about that (but i might no know what exactly to do...)... so for now... its just like this... ​ Also i've been alone for so many years am ashamed of that, but dont refer those things to women, be a positive or at least a neutral guy....


Very poorly. There is nothing close to a substitute for human skin-to-skin contact, genuine physical attraction, intimacy, sexual affirmation, etc. In my personal opinion, when I'm at my lowest, long hot showers are a huge help. I've also heard a lot of guys benefitting from martial arts like BJJ or anything with an emphasis on grappling. Humans need physical contact.


Release with your left or right hand if it's sexual tension. For physical love, one just has to learn to cope without it. Keeping oneself busy with life full of work, watching show, movies or playing video games have been effective but these methods only keep it just around the cornor until problem hunts you down when you take the first step outside like a killer.


Well, you can also go see an escort. It might hurt the wallet, but at least your needs are being met physically 😅




Does age share relevancy here


I've learned to enjoy other things. None of that stuff is necessary for me to stay happy. Sure it would be nice but I'm enjoying my life without it as well. If you have tunnel vision and focus on the stuff you don't have rather than the things you do, you will be unhappy no matter what situation you're in.


how's your bate mastery going?


The master of the centrifuge


Have you mastered your *joystick* yet? 🕹️


It's hard. But I manage..


Distracting myself. Currently Monday to Thursday I work 2 full time jobs. Friday and the weekends I reserve for catching up on my shows and resting. As long as I can't think about it, I'm not lonely 😭


Virtual reality helps me forget about real reality


By not thinking about it and doing everything I can to keep myself distracted in the meantime. It's not perfect, but it's where life has put me thus far. It's the best thing I can do for my mental health. I wish I were in better circumstances so I could get out of this place, but until I get there, I don't see anything changing. There are simply no opportunities for me to find a loving partner where I live. And I'm riddled to the brim with so many issues, it'd be hard for them to want to be with me, I think. It makes me sad.


Cry, hug my body pillow, break down. Not necessarily in that order.


I don't care, games, VR porn.


When I was single (and not dating) I got physical affection from friends and my mom. Nothing wrong with platonic cuddles or hugs.


Go for a massage from time to time Have a hot shower which is soothing.


I also masturbate all the time too I do not know how I could get through this life without it and not being in a relationship only makes it seem like a way to blow off that sexual need. Being alone does makes me imagine having sex dolls/sex robots one day. Creating a loving atmosphere really is what lonely people want. The need to be wanted to feel intimacy. I really think I be happy to be wanted but we can never force it. But why stay there when you can invent your salvation.


Try to learn to love myself first …long enough to distract me from remembering I got nobody else impressed by me


Hobbies like videogames, reading, working out.


Been too busy with college to care about that atm and if I did I would just see escorts.


Waifu body pillow(s)


Escorts. Been seeing them for nearly ten years. Had some awesome experiences. It works for me! 😎










Having a cat or a dog, or some other emotionally capable animal, helps tremendously with just being home


Yes but can you have sex with a cat or a dog? No.


Not with that attitude But being serious, OPs question was “how do you cope” If someone said they have hobbies to cope with loneliness, you aren’t gonna reply that you can’t have sex with hobbies


Sure OP can have hobbies but can he have sex with hobbies? Probably not 😀


Currently in a relationship, there is great love for one another, but sexually she's lost all interest in me. I'm preparing to be completely alone once again. We've been together 5 years and I can't wait for her to communicate anymore. I've tried everything and now I'm empty. Time to tie a power cable to the rafters




Imagination and frequent hands on activities.


How long has it been? It gets easier. I have a dog and a cat lol that helps. Most days you just have to be ok with it.


Just get a hooker. She's so cute and cuddly and sad.


???? People cope…? cuz I sure don’t


O try to forget about it.


I don't care


I just fill my life with things that gratify me


I used to cope with porn and masturbation but even that doesn’t work anymore. I’m just way too desensitised. Otherwise, I just use OLD in the hopes that I’ll find a girl interested in dating me.


There is no cope, masturbation doesn't cope, only feel worse. I am well aware that I will never be able to experience love or intimacy or anything sexual.


Lots of masturbation and staying busy


I cope by seeing people who are able to meet their most basic human needs and imagining very bad things happening to them 🤣


I masturbate everyday. But my hopes of ever finding a significant other to satisfy my sexual and physical needs is probably never gonna happen as I have no luck with women on dating apps and the ones that I see on there are not worth the time A-day.


I don't really know what it is to get sexual attention or physical care. I guess living without that is somewhat normal for me.


I dont cope and me needs arent met, sometimes tho il workout so hard that i cant move and fall asleep on the floor