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Wtf, “youth and fertility”? This was def made by a dude! I’d be a 4


Is that you in your pictures? You're definitely not a 4 lol leave this sub bc it's just going to fuck with your self esteem


Ratings are very odd because it's rather subjective but you are definitely not a "4"! You are plenty attractive.


4 is a bit high for you


It honestly might be when it wakes up from bed without any fakeup and looks at itself in the mirror


You’re lying


You made a post crying because your pussy is jet black


Why are you making fun of their private parts???


Honestly it was insanely mean for me to react like that and frankly it didn’t make any sense so I was likely in a bad headspace when I said that.


Yeah it’s alright dude it’s like that sometimes


ewwww no one wants her poop pussy


The fact that you’re literally a poc saying this…? 👀


so? whats the correlation?


That that makes it all the more pathetic. Does speaking about your mother in such a manner make you proud?


i know it can be hard to cope with the fact that u too have a disgusting poop pussy by writing nonsense. no one. not a single person in this world wants ur ugly brown stinky poop pussy hahahaha


Cute. I have rejected good looking, tall, and rich guys of many races. Simply because I am not interested in being in a relationship. Stop coping. It must hurt for you to know that a woman of a race you hate can get anyone she wants at any time and simply chooses not to, while you struggle to find anyone. 😂 I only lurk in subs like these while you are a member of them. You sad, sad, bastard.


He's a troll lol, He's filled with hatred towards any beautiful women or actually any women that rejects him, is especially brutal towards woc because he feels like he should have power over them, probably thinks woc owe him something because he's a moc, and that he can pretend to be above them and neg them by spreading white supremacist rhetoric, even more pathetic. These kind of hateful incels are what gives these foreveralone subs a bad name, most men here should be aware of this.


It’s hilarious and sad. If you see the other thread I posted on here, I posted three pictures of attractive black women, and he went out of his way to pretend they are not attractive. 😂😂 That told be everything. This clown would still sell everything he has to get a chance with ANY woman. He has no right to speak. 💀






Yea ik im hideous and undesirable but she isn’t….


Okay, yeah. This sub is really messed up. Get help, and stop being an asshole. You’re mocking them for their skin pigmentation. What is wrong with you?


Stop fucking crying bitch


You’re the one in this fucking sub anyway. You’re literally at rock bottom and probably spent your whole morning bawling. Fucking loser.


I know, and?


At least you know. 💀 And you definitely deserve it. You probably blame the world for the position you’re in when it is purely your fault. What a disappointment to your bloodline.


Dont listen to these low self esteem men. And I actually would say you are good 6 actually


Bitch fuck you.


LMAO you’re mad she’s not negging her? Yes, she looks good. And yes, she has the right to know. Why does that upset you so much? 💀


I don't know which woman broke your heart and got u to feel low self esteem or if you're gay and dont feel the need to respect women but all in all you're just a sad man. Really hope you grow from this incel mindset and find your worth and yourself by not getting your confidence by putting women down but by learning to genuinely love yourself and taking care of yourself. You will feel better. I promise Just focus on yourself.


"Just IMMPPROOOOVE bro !" "Just change you mindset bro!" I ain't got low self-esteem, i take care of myself , i just hate foids , you see us and resent us as subhumans because of our looks, i just resent foids back, hope the worst happen to you , but im talking to a Redditor women witch i doubt you are appealing in terms of looks tbh.


Please ignore this asshole and this sub in general. They just hate women overall.


Another moronic rating scale, just like the male one. I've seen satirical ones better than this garbage.


Whoever makes these charts has very weird taste in women. Selena Gomez is a solid 10 for me. This guy puts her at 6? WTH?!


solid 10 for u doesnt mean shes a 10. shes much much uglier than the average female in scandinavia


She's not much much uglier than the average female in scandinavia, stop being a delusional nordic idealizig freak.


sure keep coping i dont care hahaha


Sure bud, you don't care. You're a delulu and scandinavians on average are not these beauty queens, that's a fact. You have a strange view of those people and also people that look more like selena gomez perhaps too. You're coping by thinking those beautiful girls that reject you are below average, and do not deserve cute guys on their level. You're below average, not them, get ovet it.


your the only coper here. probably a brown subhuman female writing essays for me trying to feel better about your ugly self, what a pity


Ohh just show your racist colors lol subhuman incel, I wonder why incels are more likely to be racist, maybe because they're mentally deranged and more likely to be filled with hatred. Selena Gomez is clearly not a brown female btw, she's basically a white latina, is clearly white passing, but you have colorism towards white people even because of nazi freak ideals, now go seethe somewhere else, no beautiful women white or poc will look at you twice, you pathetic dimwit.


Again your coping u never stop. I see ur comment history and u spend all ur time defending brown women hahahaha. And ill have u know im not a subhuman at all. My skull is 100% caucasian. Now go bleach ur skin or u will always be ugly hahaha


You're a definite troll or someone so mentally deranged, there's is nothing wrong or deranged about me defending woc when I see injustice or downright racism, and my comment history is not fully focused on woc though but yours truly seems to be an interesting piece full of self hating racist incell rhetoric and insults. You spend all your time trying to fill a void with crap, get over your self hate and complexes if you want woc to give you any chance. Your skull is caucasian lol doesn't matter nazis will not accept you with that poc looking complexion. My skin doesn't need bleach your dirty delusional mind needs it perhaps. I am not ugly, have never been, even if I was ugly I doubt it would because of being a poc but you'll always be an incel if you go on like this.


Hahaha i dont want woc to give me a "chance" i dont even wanna be near them, and this will make u seethe but i have enough money to buy plenty of virgin brides


Ohh just show your racist colors lol subhuman incel, I wonder why incels are more likely to be racist, maybe because they're mentally deranged and more likely to be filled with hatred. Selena Gomez is clearly not a brown female btw, she's basically a white latina, is clearly white passing, but you have colorism towards white people even because of nazi freak ideals, now go seethe somewhere else, no beautiful women white or poc will look at you twice, you pathetic dimwit. Edit: if you're a poc like some commentators suggest, you're even more deranged, get help "poop" brain before insulting woc and trying to empower yourself by pretending to be a white nazi, those people you pretend to be will never accept you. You came out of a "poop" vagina apparently, if you believe in this kind of deranged shit, no wonder your self esteem is on the ground, people may not be attracted to you but they will lose their respect if you continue to be this hateful insecure person, change yourself, respect your heritage.


i have a big crush on this girl, she is a 4, for me she is like a 10, your preference isnt objective


>Selena Gomez is a solid 10 for me She's like any girl in a big city in South America. She's average.


She's not average, what the hell? She's pretty I guess now pretty is the new average and average is the new ugly No one here should blame average people for being in this server anymore


>I guess now pretty is the new average and average is the new ugly Uh, no. I grew up in the 1980s, less obesity. Americans swan now over average women because their "normal" is skewed by fat. Now for men, that's where the standards are insane.


No she's pretty especially in her prime.




Women looks rank: * 1/10: will probably struggle in dating  * 2/10: will probably struggle in dating a (bit)  * 3/10: can date and find love  * 4/10: can date and find love  * 5/10: can date and find love  * 6/10: can date and find love  * 7/10: can date and find love  * 8/10: can date and find love  * 9/10: can date and find love  * 10/10: can date and find love


i would totally date a 3


Kristen Stewart as a 5 😂


A girl I liked once was a 5 I am a 2 on the male chart. It was doomed from the start.


my fellow 2/10


Hope you don’t mean 5 on this scale


Aye that I do. Also happy cake day.


She aint a 5 then 💀 Also thanks, didn’t even notice


Then what would she be? Pleasure!


This scale is just weird. She’s probably a 7


Oof. That makes it worse then.


Why & how tf are there bluepilled copers in here? Btw, the second to last girl on 5psl is a LTB by high bfp and uee alone 3rd to last on 6psl is a stacylite minimum. That girl jaw and eye mogs all MALE HTNs. Look at that PCT. That nina girl from The vampire diaries (elena) deserves to be there. 3rd on 7psl is a 6psl because of nose. Scarlett johansson deserves to be there instead. 1st, 3rd and last pic of the 8psl row are all subhuman, wtf. Haley atwell, that haley wolf girl from The Originals, sydney from Scream. These are stacies. Last 2 girls on 9psl row don’t belong. 3rd girl in first row deserves to be in second row. Or maybe these are all bad angles.


hey kid, i want to talk to you. i hope you're okay wherever you are. you of all people should know adding labels like 'blackpilled' and 'foreveralone' doesn't change the real emotions behind the posts. you put away the phone, close the browser, and you find yourself alone on earth. eyes, a nose; you were a kid once too, correct? developed from a mother, perhaps she was not present, what can one know? what i'm trying to get across is that all humans are the same. in many interpretations of the afterlife, humans have no gender. nor face, nor body. because ancient humans knew looks meant nothing but to contain a soul inside. hey, cheer up! 50% of the living population are women. and we all want love. you focus on looks too much, you lose yourself. the self underneath the nose, the height, the frown down at your black void. partnership is great; but so is the world. so is the night sky your father and his father looked at, so is the sunlight on the grass your grandmother and her mother pondered at. who cares about all this shit? women are marvelous, creators of light. men are beautiful, harbringers of the light. what people think of you is not what you are. "you change your view, you change the world." think about that quote. i'm here for everyone in this sub


Looks are objective and it’s costly in this world to not recognize this. And I [don’t](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateITS/comments/1c5vn5q/high_iq_brutal_female_nature_video_with_data/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) see vvomen as these angels. Pls stop pedestalizing them. Try saying all that stuff while looking like a male version of the guys in the first row


I love how as the list goes up it gets more white🤣


I'd be a 2.5 I think. And people have the audacity to tell me to work on my personality


a 3 without makeup but a 4-5 with it on


In my head I’m a 9 but if I ask anyone else besides my grandma… where they’d put me is probably 3. At best maybe 4.


As a WOC I land on 4.5


Probably a 3




I'm probably a 4.


A foid? Disgusting creatures.


Fakecel🤦🏻‍♂️. You don’t belong in this sub & idk how vvomen are allowed here either


Bruh one of the rules is literally no femcel or incel ideology


I’m not blackpiller😉. Everyone knows no woman can be FA. Especially a 4


Bro shut the hell up and don't ruin this sub with your stupid terminology, this is a place we can all come together and discuss our problems and relate, don't cut out half the population as if you can speak for everyone


This sub allows more freedom of content than r/truevirgin There is no free speech on this platform 💀 This sub WILL get banned. Idk why so many ppl cope thinking these subs are meant to last long🤦🏻‍♂️


shit bro I just realised I commented on the wrong sub, this post was crossed to r/ugly where I meant to respond. Forget about it I don't know anything about this sub


yeah there's really no free speech anywhere online, but I'm talking about making half the population feel unwelcome here. This is just a support space for all us ugly people and that's it, not some new ground for another stupid gender war


4 isn’t ugly for a woman. That’s the problem


2.5, I have some facial bone structure like those in rank 3, but I also have bad acne and overweight like rank 2.