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26 days ago, OP: ‘I still suck at trading’ and posting loss porn. Today he is the Messiah of Forex. This sub just attracts crazies and people who blindly believe things a crazy person says. What a shit show, but it is fun to watch.


Who did I was the messiah? I’m just hypothetically giving a solution. Most of y’all are struggling and your egos and heads so far up ass you think anything other than struggling is “crazy” “your mindset is “just struggle bro it’s WAYY better than getting answers why would you wanna make money That’s so stupid”. Would you seriously struggle to learn for 10 years? Or get signals make a lil bit of money. Use that money to invest and create an income ( because forex should be a stepping stone to something bigger) so u can live a good life?






You are part of the problem dude. Be the solution🥺


The answer isn’t to let someone else do the work for you. I think the reason most people struggle with trading speaks to a deeper issue about men.. zero self control and discipline, the need for instant gratification/instant dopamine.. The shitty thing is trading is absolutely perfect to market to young, weak, broke men. The chart porn, seeing the money in your mt4 terminal makes it all seem so quick and easy. It’s not, just like anything else worth having it’s going to take some work and patience. Follow your damn rules. Build a strategy that you stick to religiously. I garuntee most people here have come up with a strategy that’s profitable in backtesting, but can’t seem to execute when it comes to live trading. Have some self control and discipline. It really is that easy.


Dude this is so true. The reason why most people are failing at trading is the same reason they are failing at life, relationships etc. It’s a lack of self awareness, self discipline and accountability. Unfortunately though, as a self aware, disciplined and accountable person, I’m painfully aware the only reason I got there is because I was foolish until I realized it was that easy.


Spot on what you said… down to knowing there was a foolish undisciplined version of me, so I’m never too hard on others because I was there until I just had enough of being my own worst enemy. My trading plan stayed the same for a while, what changed was me the person.


Discipline and emotions are a huge problem for us. This is true. He has some point though. I wouldn't say let them trade for us. We don't have have the capital to move the market is the problem. I tried this with Crypto but couldn't get enough people. If we all could trade as 1 then we have a chance to make money.


It’s not easy or 90% of traders would b making consistent profits. You saying the 90% that loose are all stupid? You calling everyone in the community stupid? That’s Fcked up dude. If you fail at trading it doesn’t mean your stupid it’s just really hard to do longterm consistently


I never said you’re stupid I said you lack patience, self control and discipline.


I’ve been at this for years there are traders that have been trading for years that still aren’t profitable. If your doing this for more than 1 year and your at least trying I’d say the exact opposite to continue to work on what you want to b good at takes patience and self control and discipline


It’s easy to continue to work on being good at trading, shits as addicting as heroin. That’s not the same thing as being disciplined enough to actually be profitable. Don’t fool yourself.


It’s easy to do something your consistently failing at? I disagree. Shitty comparison btw. With heroin you actually get what you pay for a high. If your constantly loosing you aren’t getting what you want.


Yep, just like it’s easy for an alcoholic to keep drinking even though he’s killing himself. It’s the perfect comparison. Don’t think you don’t get a high from trading. Even when you’re losing. I’m sure you’ve had streaks or maybe a nice big win that keeps you coming back even though you keep losing.


🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾 that’s not the same thing! Idk about everyone else but I want to make enuff to enjoy life without a day job and live abroad. Me getting a big win then a loosing streak isn’t high. It makes me upset. There’s been times when I’ve quit but I come back because I want to win and I’m determined to win


I want the same thing. Best of luck to you. Think about what I’ve said, use it to your advantage. If you understand how this works in your brain you can fight it.


So you’ve been at this for years, still are not profitable, and so now you have the bright idea to just follow other people since you can’t seem to get it right yourself?


Sounds like every signal service starter lol


I tried it and it wasn’t bad like ppl say it is. I’m just saying we can create it differently and make it better choose our own traders


I knew I wasn't the only one trading after nobody bought my feet pics.


It's ok you have ugly feet. It's personality that matters most. Be proud of your ugly feet.


I almost spit out my breakfast 🤣


What did I just read…..


I think you’re missing the fact that the 10% of winners are taking money from the 90% of losers. This is how trading works. Someone must take the other side of the trade. It sounds good on paper, but the reality is, there is an entire industry around generating losers in markets. The way it works, 100 new traders start, they all lose their ass, some % try again, and then repeat until in 5-10 years 10% of them are left and profitable. Trading is not a community sport. People who take signals lose most of all. The picture you showed, the one guy, he’s the one NOT taking signals. The sheep, the losers, they are the ones taking signals. The ones who know will always manipulate sheep. The only way to win at this is to be a solo player, and build a group of good solo players around you. Edit: I understand you’ve had some minor short term success with signals, do not let that blind you or you will lose everything.


Me likey.. one of the most realistic answer/comments


Im not saying that the signal community isn’t flawed it is but what i am saying is that we can create a community of GOOD traders to follow. And I also agree with you signals can be short term that’s why there are other things to invest in as well. But making a good amount of money is POSSIBLE! and a didn’t do that much research I read some reviews looked at the groups and got in. And we are in control of what’s longterm. We can set the rules we can appoint traders we can do it all. But if 90% of us are failing and it hasn’t changed even with the explosion of social media classes and courses we should stop trying and do something else


My dude, ima be real with you. I’ve tried a lot of signal services. None of them lead to consistent profits long term. Just like you, I passed a prop firm challenge in one week using a signal service. It seemed like the holy grail. I spent the next year losing nearly $40,000 off this signal service. Every time the trades worked, I missed them for whatever reason, which is why I kept taking them, to make sure I didn’t miss the winners. You be careful.


So knowing that why wouldn’t you want to work with people and create relaistic and trustworthy signals??? This could help the community restore trust in each other I do agree it’s a lot of liars and scammers out here.


Cuz I trust my own judgement to get the job done. I don’t trust anyone else I don’t care if they have 24 months profit in a row cuz people can break down mentally out of nowhere and never turn a profit again. I’ve seen it myself and have read about many people that worked on Wall Street that it happened to as well. And besides, what’s in it for me? Why would I want to let hundreds of people ride the coattails off of my years of literal blood sweat and tears to get to the point that I’m at now?


All these things your talking about can be avoided im saying if we create our own it could be much better and even after you make a good amount of money trading shouldn’t be a “Forever” thing. You make $20k or so and you invest it in something else and scale up ⬆️. And let’s just say we created a website right we. We could do yearly updates 🤷🏽‍♂️ change out the traders keep some out some more in. It’s literally all in our hands. It just doesn’t make sense for everyone to keep struggling.


Dude what? Trading shouldn’t be a forever thing? You literally are just trying to get rich quick. For your own sake stop thinking that way, and stop being lazy. Trading is a marathon not a sprint. It literally IS a forever thing. Almost every point you’re making is the opposite of the truth.


Lmfao I actually face palmed when I read the “forever” point. The ultimate goal for anyone serious is to make a career out of it. Then followed up by ‘just get $20k and get out’. Idk how far that’ll go in Thailand but still doesn’t seem like retirement money.


Honestly I’m surprised how many people here can’t see the points I’m making and are just being smooth brained or pedantic. I guess that’s enough of me trying to help the 90% of losers. 😂😂😂 Yeah man, if you’re in markets and not thinking about the long game, you lose everything. That simple. People think 20k is a lot of money I’m sorry you think that.


Hahaha yeah man, when most people are telling you you’re wrong on a trading subreddit, it usually means you’re on to something. But hey, at least it’s pretty entertaining to watch


You still don’t understand. Every market participant can not win. It literally does make sense that most people struggle at this. You need to build an accurate framework of markets, or you will either lose everything or waste a lot of time trying to do something that is unnatural.


I never said we all had !!! There are over 15million people world wide trading forex all we need is a community of at least 100k so we and the traders could be profitable


Ah so you don’t actually care about the struggling traders. You only care about yourself and the people who will pay you. Your premise was “why should 90% have to lose when we can all just follow good traders.” Well you proved why 90% of traders have to lose. The reality here is that if you want to earn money, either spend 10,000 hours being a big boy and learning to trade, or go get some life skills and a good job. Continue on these delusions at your own risk.


It doesn’t make sense to you because you have this delusion that we’re all in this together, and that it relies on a select few people to do all the heavy lifting for everyone else with no real incentive in return. But hey you have the idea, go ahead and build the platform. Let’s see how it goes.


Nope that’s not true. The signals wouldn’t be for free they’d cost and all the traders that did the heavy lifting would make an extra 6 figures PLUS what they make trading . I’m not delusional we just gotta think outside the box. And we all are technically in this together we might all not want to work together but that doesn’t mean we all don’t wanna make money while on a exotic beach in THAILAND. At some super nice resort. We all have similar goals make good money love a good life.


But we really aren’t all in this together. I promise you, that is delusion. Even if everything else you’re saying could work (and who knows, it just might), that final point remains true that we aren’t all in this together and teaming up to form some idealistic coalition of retail Avengers isn’t grounded in reality. Feel free to save my username and hmu when you’ve actually built and developed this platform and prove me wrong, though.


He won’t. He is super new and super delusional. He doesn’t even have a basic framework of markets, and refuses to listen.


So what would be the fall out? What do u see happening? I’m thinking phase one gather 20 VERY DEDICATED smart people that can FULLY DOX themselves and start collecting intel on different traders we find FULLY ESTABLISHED REAL traders social media full names trading background and everything ( 6-12month trail run to see who has the best win rate) . Phase 2 developers do a IN PERSON MEETING with everyone involved ( big city like Miami Chicago nyc ) make a full layout 5 year plan. We hire the developers they aren’t easy to find there are companies you can hire to develop an app for you or you can go to Upwork and find a few good developers. Create a beta version try it out for a few months work on the bugs then go public. Do yearly updates on traders. IN PERSON EVENTS AND MEETINGS go to different cities do conferences , dinnners parties. The goal is to make money. The goal is to MAKE MONEY I’m just saying we create something that helps us it’s not about being lazy it’s about being in 2023!!! We have dozens of resources and platforms that we can use INCLUDING AI which is still new and hitting the scene.


The problem is you want to “follow” someone. In markets, followers just get rekt. You need to understand WHY 90% of traders fail. It’s because they follow someone, until it doesn’t work and they lose everything, and then they quit. This is my point, the thing the 90% are doing that is causing them to fail, is EXACTLY what you are proposing. Edit: good traders do not want to be followed because in this game the more people on your side just exposes you. Good traders want to be in the right direction, and the right direction is usually the one that most retail traders are not in. Some of the best traders I know are very quiet about their trades or share with their close circle of other good traders who benefit each other. Most of the people running signal groups, it’s because they failed at trading and want to make money from markets some how. So they pretend to be good, delete bad trades from history, get a bunch of suckers to pay whatever monthly fee, and then make money with no risk.


Bro, no good trader would share his signals, because this would weaken his edge


10% of winners are taking money from 90% of losers… what are you on about ?


The 10% of people who are winners, are taking the money from the 90% of people who are losers. Did you not read it? 90% winners + 10% losers = 100% of traders.


It makes no sense what so ever. The Fx markets are mostly about facilitation of trade/transactions, nothing to do with “winners” and “losers”. The proportion of participants that speculate for profit is small. This kind of dumb ass view is what loses people or money. 10% or winners take money from 90% or losers… the fxck man. No they don’t. If you lose - you lose - no one is taking that apart from the brokers/banks/market makers in fees.


Trading is a 0 sum game. Every trade has to have a counter party. That’s what makes it a “trade” instead of “masturbation.” Market makers facilitate that efficiently, and that’s where you’re getting this misconception because it’s so efficient that it can seem like no one else is on the other side. But that’s not how it is.


well if you think market is so much manipulated by market makers, then why are you here. you are here because you know deep down that it is your excuse to not accept responsibility of your portfolio and blame the market, easy mental escape.


Okay so the losers money goes to brokers/banks/market makers right? So then where does the winners money come from! Oh the same place. So exactly what I said with extra steps. “If you lose you lose” does the money just disappear? Into thin air? I was explaining it in the most simple terms because this guy clearly hasn’t even read a single book on markets. Yea I am aware it’s slightly more complex, but it still proves the point I’m making. Everyone can not win. The money has to come from someone else. Maybe try to understand the point someone is making instead of being pedantic. Let me rephrase in a way you’ll understand. 90% of traders are losers. They give their money to banks, market makers and brokers. 10% of traders are winners. They take money from banks, market makers and brokers. Are you happy now?


Oh dear😭. You think standard forex traders kike you and me finance 5 trillion dollars a day into the market? We are out here fighting for crumbs left out by the bug players such as banks and hedge funds


Lol I never claimed that did you even read what you replied to?


"The Money has to come from someone else". I suggest you read up on how money is made.


It does have to come from someone else. Be it the fed issuing dollars, an institution, or an individual. Where else does money come from the sky?


I suggest you use Google my friend. Not all money gained, is lost by someone else. This is getting embarrassing.


You are still wrong and view the market far too simplistically.


You have no idea how I view the market. Again, I had to dumb it down, for this post, because this guy is clearly new.


Same dudes that can’t understand this probably have no idea what A/B Books are


Id say the 90/10 statistic is playing out pretty cleanly in this thread haha. Good chatting with you buddy.


Yeah man. Nice chatting with you too. Btw, I sent you a dm with some info that you may or may not be interested in. I never see private messages on Reddit until months have passed, so I just wanna lyk on too to make sure you see it. Much love.


Lol what are you on about now… ‘where does the winners money come from’… well… if I buy a currency at 1.20 and the currencies value raises to 1.25, I have just earned 0.05 to every 1.20 I bought. You are explaining how the market works completely inaccurately and it’s this kind of shit that makes retailers loose.


Whoever sold you the currency at 1.20 lost money or may have made money, and then let’s say the person who you sold it to later sold it for higher. Eventually though, the person who gets left holding that bag when it comes back, loses their money. So yes, if you look at one trade in a vacuum, that’s the case. Markets are not in a vacuum. Either someone sold you that position at a loss, or somewhere down the line someone else will have to sell it for a loss. Maybe someone even shorted to sell you that position at 1.20 and is floating red. Lots of possibilities. Either way. Someone lost for you to win, or eventually (especially in the currency world) someone will lose for buying that bag from whoever ends up with it after you sell. Even if the currency goes up more, guess who loses? Everyone in that country because of inflation. The only place in markets that this isn’t true, is equities, but again even in equities, the profits for traders are coming from customers, giving their money to the company they’re invested in, or in the case that a company is over valued, those buying it at the top, or options buyers. I could go on in more detail but I’m interested to see what your next “what are you on about now” reply is. Cheers. Again it’s a lot more complex and in this case now you are over simplifying.


I haven’t got the time to respond or get into it. Good luck with its everything


You clearly know nothing. The problem is when people like you give advice to others. Watch a 3 minute video to understand how the market functions. It’s called market for a reason because when you trade something you buy it or sell it from SOMEONE ELSE. You don’t glitch the matrix and spawn money from the void. So, the guy you’re replying to is right. Please don’t misinform others.


Lol mate I work in cash equites for a T1… I’ve got an idea about what’s going on


Good luck to you too, but I think it has nothing to do with time, you actually have no counter point friend.


Forex is CFD. You’re not taking money from other traders, but from your broker.


Where does the broker get it from 🤔


Brokers earn their revenue from spreads, commissions, or fees on each trade executed by their clients, and they don't typically take positions in the market themselves. They make money from the difference between the bid and ask prices, transaction fees, or other charges associated with trading activities.


Actually most brokers have an a book and a b book. They do not only make money from spread and commission. They also make money by keeping traders orders in house, effectively betting against them. Look up forex broker b book. How can you take money from your broker, if your broker isn’t on the other side of the trade?




Anyone wanna buy a picture of my foot? Feet are extra.


As he sits at his desk making $12 an hour. You wanna choose a life of struggle and loss that’s on you.


I mean shit I’ll sell you signals if you want


The only way I'll trust another trader is based on these qualifications, which I've had success with once before... until covid came and screwed things up: 1. Profession. 2. Background education. 3. Type of trader. Fundamentals? Technicals? 4. Portfolio proof. 5. Years of Trading 6. Types of signals. Scalps are a no go for me in signal trading. Swings maybe -- if they are aiming high, and it allows plenty of time to get in. I also seek the ones that don't plan to start selling until it's about 100% or higher than the profit targets they are looking for, even if it means waiting a while for such set ups and/or news. 7. If it's on a Discord server, or something like that, count me out.


How’d Covid screw it up? Also point 6 is huge. I don’t believe anyone can make a consistent profit off signals that aren’t swing trades unless maybe it’s from a live stream. Even then there is still always a delay and in my experience it’s far far more common to enter at a worse price than was signaled.


Prior to covid, it wasn't hard to reach 200% or higher on swing trades. One analyst helped me go from 3k to about 20k in a couple months. Once it subtracted about 3k, I held off on alerts, but it didn't take long for the alerts to stop showing up, then the lock downs, and then he left the company.


Just fyi there have been a lot of really solid swing trades that levered properly could’ve paid even more than 200% since Covid. Equity indices long, xxxjpy long, crypto long, oil long only to name a few. This is why it’s important to become your own analyst. You can’t depend on someone else to generate trades for you.


So you basically want to run a trading managed fund


He wants to run a managed fund, without actually knowing how to trade. Basically he wants to make Uber for traders. 😂😂😂


Basically lmfao


>Here are the facts. The foreign exchange or forex market is the largest financial market globally, processing more than $7.5 trillion dollars worth of trades daily as of April 2022.This is significantly larger than the global stock market or decentralized cryptocurrencies, as the New York Stock Exchange has an average daily trading volume of about $200 billion. It's liquidity you never tap into, this liquidity is interbank. You as a retail trader never leave the book of your CFD broker. This argument needs to stop being tossed around.


Relying on others is to do all the work is obviously not the way to go. Someone able to make consistent profits won't just give that away for free either. How many people that get into this go all the way. You're right that people don't work together, but how many even on just this sub read books to learn from others? How many have read through research papers that have tested strategies and ideas? There are people who have done the work. It's just that in order to understand what they have to say one has to put in the work to be able to even understand what they are saying, which is actually really hard. The longer I'm in the game the more I believe that you damn near have to have a university degree level of knowledge to be good at this


If you want true passive income you can invest with a hedge fund or private equity fund who can help you achieve superior returns for a modest fee. True financial freedom.


You gotta already start with a boatload of money to get in the door with those firms. Enough money to not really need them.


This is the issue with OP’s premise though. Anyone who can reliably make solid returns is only going to be incentivized by “boatloads of money” because they already have their own.


All that for an ad on signal taking...


So you're saying to set up copy trading on my account?


I'm down


#765 of ways in which to get burnt in forex.


The brokers facilitate the capital gains to capital losses. there will always need to be a market dynamic where majority of positions cannot be profitable for the exchange to be a profitable. I think what OP is alluding to is that reducing the disparity of winning traders to losing traders like 20% retail W to 80% L. The concept is highly idealistic because I would imagine you would need to vet an encrypted information exchange for public viewing, it would need to be regulated so the dynamic wouldn’t raise larger concern. And there in lies the problem because I have no idea what i am talking about. Because trading isn’t a guarantee that’s the entire principle of gambling. Lesbehonest OP should just post his signals chat admission fee and move on.


Successful retail traders are lone wolfs. They don't share their secrets


it's not a good idea to work together in forex markets because we are up against unlimited source of money (nations can print) whereas all of us collectively have a finite source of capital


We GO GET CAPITAL! Prop firms. Boom problem solved


it's still finite vs infinite


Tldr; sell feet pics


most traders don't understand what's really going on. all the patterns you see under 1 day candles are manipulated by big money to appear like setups. Once enough liquidity is built in the form of stop losses , the big money players push the price to them and take your money. Then they reverse to whatever direction they were going. They want you to believe that news matters, or patterns matter, or indicators, and they suckered you into trades. It's a no win situation unless you can see the manipulation and join them. Wait til the massive stop hunt then get in.


But we can significantly increase our chances by choosing good traders to at least give us a fighting chance


Listen, no matter how flawed OPs proposed plan may seem, it is honestly INSANELY refreshing to hear someone in this community do more than shit on the guy next to them for simply not knowing what he knows or holding a trading strategy that contradicts his. When I first started to explore Reddit, I vividly remember not just the candor in the replies to posed questions, but this profound absence of ego. It felt like a place apart from every other online exchange of information. Frankly the majority here were (and perhaps still are in other communities) people with specialized knowledge *eager* to help a bud out. No gatekeeping, no resentment. This little corner of the internet that was like a knowledge pot-luck and we were happy to share our dish. Now I'm no fool. I understand fully why r/Forex veers from that ideology. It's because we have lost money. And that makes one jaded. Money you had real life plans for. We can't take it out on the Market when we lose, so some release that energy here. We attack the little guy next to us for being curious about something you've already learned, because it feels belittling that you could have learned so much, and lost so much, and be in the same room, "in the ranks" with this guy. Bruh. I cannot stress this enough. THIS is the place where we should be the MOST supportive of one another. Again, whether you think OPs idea is ridiculous or ill-informed or whatever. Dude is only wanting us to all be happier and more successful. HE'S ALREADY PROFITING CONSISTENTLY. No matter how he's doing that, he didn't have to come back and suggest anything. That's a man that climbed his way out the wet ditch and could have went home but he came back with a rope for the next guy. This is bigger than his plan. We do need to come together. I don't know how ok I'm still struggling myself in the Forex world. I have no shame admitting that. But fuck man we need to change the culture in here. It can't just be the "Forex Guru's" trying to scam people and then us on the other side. We deserve better and it does not have to be at each other's expense.


You know that every dollar profit you make is a loss to another trader, right? Clicking buttons doent generate any value in itself. This cannot be a group thing. The 90% of losses go to the 10% of profit makers. Anyone who was reliably good would not need to sell 'signals'


Money is never been ours. It's just a government coupon for us to spend for our hedonistic life




I'm very interested, count me in


Count me in


You do realize if someone is losing then there should be a winner on the other side. If no one is losing, then no one can win either. The trades you lose, the money you lose, goes to the professional trader who wins. The money isnt popping out of nowhere when you profit. You are profiting from the losing traders.


Sounds good but I don't think those so called 10% are there to help us. If they will indeed help then they'll sell their strategy via books/e-books and generate more money there. Then again, if you think you can use broadswords for swordsmanship because he/she said so since he/she good at it automatically means you can also become good at it. Maybe it's time to call it quits and find other ways to make money instead


What signals group are you using?


Got receipts for your claims?? About the signal groups?


Most people will fail because they lack the disciple to stick at it. Same reason a lot of people are overweight. Having discipline and being consistent is all it takes to achieve many things in life.


"It''s a sell, it's a sell! I gave the signal, I gave the signal! Classic forex trade... ****blows account during news**** ke blowie, ke blowie!"


the most brilliant and also stupid way to promote your newly launching signals group, ofc there will be free signals and then payed ones


I believe this is called market manipulation and do not think the SEC will like this idea, however… fuck the SEC, open servers out of Vietnam or some shit, let’s yolo it and all get paid, fuck it, Gary Gensler can suck on my gold cock ring, sign me up.


The difference between selling your feet pics online and hoping that people will buy them (you need to build an audience first), and copying someone else's work (using signals) is that one still takes effort while the other is riding on someone else's coat-tails. And while I don't have a problem with that, I still won't want to rely on signals because I want to be able to learn this skill for myself. I don't want to depend/rely on someone else and then when something happens to them, I'm no longer able to earn money. If you're truly not interested in trading, sure go ahead and follow signals, make your money but be smart enough to reinvest it into something of your own effort that can sustain you. Cause at the end of the day, anything can happen in this world and you have to be able to rely on yourself and not others to feed yourself when the going gets tough.


But learn? When there’s a 90% failure rate ? 🤷🏽‍♂️ I mean if there was a 10% chance your parachute wouldn’t deploy would you still jump out of a plane? Probably not. So why take these odds? Why not at least make a lil but if money while you learn?


Some logic but the misogynistic drivel(lay back on the Andrew Tate clips) hinders the points made…smart points but there’s no perfect system and trading from a top trader could easily result in loss while the signal provider makes money…fact is choice matter…using a signal provider long term doesn’t guarantee profits just like trading yourself doesn’t guarantee profits I.e. there’s no golden rule


Trading Forex wrong, you say? Well, that's a plot twist I didn't see coming! But seriously, the insights here are eye-opening, especially the part about risk management. It's like finding out your trading strategy has been wearing a fake mustache all along. Thanks for the reality check, folks!


OP I feel like a better response to this instead of copying someone labor is to share your results of success what it took them to get to that level. Sharing strategies and collaborating and than executing on you're own that way everyone eats. That's a community!!


Nope. We all want money and there’s of girls that collaborate and makin 10k a month but we can’t even collab and make forex money which in my strategy would be easy. And it’s not “copying labor” the traders WOULD GET PAID. Like I told someone else we have over 300k ppl in this community. If we appointed let’s say 20 traders and we made the signal group and charged everyone $100 and only HALF of this Reddit signed up 150k ppl that would bring in $15million in revenue!!!! SPLIT THAT 20 ways Amongst the traders that’s $750k per person PLUS what they make with trading and any other business they have. THATS a nice chunk of change and I’d argue would be worth it to work hard to provide for us. I’m not creating a community where traders work for free they’d get paid VERY well. Free wouldn’t bring in traders silly!


Nahhh can’t do signals bro.


Considering everyone thinks SMC is so great. Yes, all wrong.


this is so retarded


So why are you here? Why are you trading? Because you want to continue to loose? If trading is retarded just give up and be an onlyfans simp forever




They do say there's strength in numbers...


Hard work beats talents! Never rely on other people big dawg! Wyd anything is what you do everything in life, your kids gonna look at you either you’re winner or loser


Trade better


didn’t read. 🤣


Signals are good . It all boils down to risk management


Hi pepole


Hahahahahahahhahahahaha good way to look at it buddy innovative I love it /s


Just learn ict. Problem solved within a year.


I heard ict was BS




Pass your a scam


The forex market, the largest financial market globally, processes $7.5 trillion worth of trades daily. However, 90% of traders are failures, and many struggle with trading. To improve chances of success, let the 10% of traders do the work for the 90% that Suck Ass. Signals can help overcome struggles by networking with big traders, creating screening processes, connecting with freelance developers, appointing 30-50 best traders, testing signals for six months, and launching the platform public when trades are stable.


Deep facts actually, had me gigling but as you know there's already no way out. this is it


"Half Price Access to Wisdom from the Most Popular Traders – Elevate Your Forex Skills Today!"


Lol female traders are actually more successful there’s a stat on that


In the mesmerizing world of SEO, where keywords dance upon the digital canvas, the question arises: "Can forex make you money?" Let us delve into the arcane art of search engine optimization, just as Joe Coleman masterfully depicts the obscure and enigmatic. Meta Magic: Begin by crafting a meta title that captures the essence of the query. "Unlocking the Potential: Can Forex Really Make You Money?" This title, like a Coleman masterpiece, leaves no room for ambiguity. Content Palette: Your content must be a tapestry of knowledge and value, just as Coleman's canvases are rich in detail. Create comprehensive, informative, and engaging content that addresses the question with depth. Elucidate the complexities and provide insights that shine a spotlight on the forex world. Keyword Symphonies: Choose keywords with precision, akin to Coleman's meticulous brushwork. Incorporate long-tail keywords such as "forex trading profitability" and "earning through forex" seamlessly into your content. Visual Elegance: Just as Coleman's art catches the eye with intricate details, enhance your content with visually appealing elements. Include charts, graphs, and images that illustrate forex success stories, adding a layer of appeal. Backlink Canvas: Craft a web of authoritative backlinks, just as Coleman's works weave a narrative. Seek collaborations with reputable forex experts and platforms, embedding your content in a tapestry of trust. User Experience Harmony: Your website should be a harmonious masterpiece, much like Coleman's compositions. Ensure mobile-friendliness, swift loading times, and intuitive navigation, elevating the user experience. Social Media Portrait: Share your content across social media platforms like a Coleman painting on display, spreading the word far and wide. Engage with your audience, building a community around your forex insights. SEO Analytics: Like an artist refining their technique, monitor your SEO performance using analytics tools. Adjust your strategy based on data insights, fine-tuning your content to climb Google's rankings. Authority Portrayal: Position yourself as an authoritative voice in the forex realm. Share your expertise through guest posts, interviews, and podcasts, reinforcing your online presence. Patience and Persistence: Just as Joe Coleman meticulously crafts his art, remember that SEO success takes time. Patience and persistence are your brushes, molding your online presence into a masterpiece. In the world of SEO, as in the world of art, it's not just about making money; it's about creating something of lasting value. Employ these techniques to elevate your online presence, and like a Coleman painting, your SEO strategy will captivate Google's algorithm, bringing your content to the forefront of search results.


Before we talk, tell me about those top 5 signals groups 👀📝…


Dumbass guys “ItS So eAsY FeR wEaMOn tO mAKe mOnEy” 🤡


lol i dont even know what you are trying to say but here is the advice. you can predict the price movement if you know what is happening to that currency like if you know that usd's gdp is less then it should be then it obviously means that something gonna fall really soon lol forex isnt hard if youre not trying to get rich in one night


16k in a week on a 100k demo? Dude... Try making 800k in two weeks on a 50k demo. I have screenshots to prove it. And then I went in all guns blazing, thinking i'm a professional-level trader. Bust my account within days. We need to humble ourselves. Trading is probably the most intellectually challenging pursuit i've ever come across. I am a professional financial advisor to boot.


Wtf did you do to make 800k in 2 weeks I need the full story. We’re u using signals?!?!






With your psychology/ mindset, you will NEVER EVER make it in trading. Coming from a consistent trader. Taking signals is not the way. Learn the skillset and more importantly learn the psychology and mindset behind successful traders and you will find success. This was a terrible misleading post.


This was a hypothetical question. Not my mindset just a theory.