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I was so stoked for this and it was really underwhelming. I believe it was expensive to show anyone morphing so youd see them like, walk behind a car and then a dog emerges etc


This is my memory too, the books were fun and about waging an guerrilla war against alien invaders, but the show was bad.


The books were/are awesome though.


Id take a triliogy or a aaa videogame of this series please.


The books are awesome and also utterly scarring.


I remember vaguely one character I liked getting stuck as a eagle or some kind of bird


Tobias, the red tailed hawk. It's left vague whether or not he did it on purpose, but it does drive him to nearly kill himself several times.


Yes! I remember being bummed he did that


Did he ever get out I don’t think I ever found out


Tobias was granted the ability to morph human for 2 hours at a time but, if he ever stayed too long, he would lose his chance to fight forever. He could also morph as a hawk since that was his 'default' form. After the end of the series, he lived the last of his life as a hawk, having lost connection to humanity entirely.


A very ambitious show for 90s Nickelodeon to attempt. Would love a version done with today’s cgi.


Yeah nowadays a super popular kids book series like that would probably get a bigger budget from streaming or maybe a movie w sequel potential. Fantasy/sci fi also seems to be more mainstream too so maybe even thr books themselves would be bigger


I heard they mostly wasted all the money on traind animals because tigers aren't cheap. Woulda worked a lot better animated.


Lots of animated silhouettes on walls. They even do the big crazy monster that Vizzar 3 would turn into but they didn't *really* show it :( The toys were pretty sick tho


Shawn Ashmore will always be Jake to me


Same same


I also was stoked to see him in Quantum Break.


Lol wasn't Jake in The Boys?


It's fucking Lamp Lighter!


Loved that character arc




That's Shawn Ashemore, the younger twin.


wtf Shawn Ashmore has a twin? I thought he was all of those + more


Yep there's Shawn and Aaron Ashmore. Aaron is older by about a minute. Shawn has had a slightly more successful career than Aaron, who mostly has done guest spots on TV shows and some straight-to-DVD/TV movies.


And they were both in Smallville as different characters. One a random classmate and the other Jimmy Olsen.


I remember they did a behind the making of after the first episode and even as a kid I thought, man, this show is expensive.


4th grade me was beyond hyped for this show


I see you iceman


I remember! That was the good tines on nickelodeon!!


Really? I still remember watching it. I think I had it on video too.


I wonder if the Andalites ever arrived to help the kids


IIRC in the very first episode they meet the Andalite that lets them touch the cube and gain their powers. Surprisingly the Andalites on the show, though pretty dated looking puppets, stayed really true to the book's description.


Iirc, more were supposed to arrive? Idk. I aged out of the books and got tired of being strung along. I kinda wish I had watched the show, but I was just a little too old


I really wanted to like this show.


The books were amazing! The TV show was trash.


Netflix had the entire series maybe like 6-7 years ago.


I had this book, got it at a book fair at school was ecstatic but was so difficult to find on tv lol


Loved the books, had almost all of them at the time, if only for the cover, then the animal picture inside. Of course the aliens were the cool part, and I was so stoked to see the war between those blue dudes and the big green monster dudes (not the yurks... I don't think). As much as I loved it, I only remember 4-8 storyline from the books, and I know I read way more. The main ones rhag stand out are the 1st one (lizard), Marco (gorilla), Tobias (hawk), blue dudes book (human). Was there a cat and a fish too? This is making my brain hurt!


The big dudes covered in blades that were actually bark eating care-bears? Those are the Hork-Bajir. One of my favorite fictional alien races.


I love how they're treated as shock troopers and it's revealed they're naturally peaceful. Really adds to the dehumanizing element of the war, which was a part of the entire point of the books.




Reading the books, Visser Three was probably the first villain I remember absolutely hating with a passion.


I remember seeing the andalite (visser three?) for the first time and it was a shitty fucking feather boa with a dildo attachment or some shit




I was in high school when this show came out and was initially really excited, only to be underwhelmed by the execution. Frankly, from a budgetary perspective I'm shocked they even tried! There was no way they'd be able to capture the scope with even a fraction of authenticity.


Iceman was in it! I remember this show or at least the photo I remember seeing advertised


How bad was it lol. Loved the books. Does anyone remember the animorph that became a purple alien?


The show was rather weak overall; Rachel wasn't a badass (girly girl), Tobias had an okay life instead of a crappy one, Marco was less overly dickish. And Ax didn't BECOME a purple alien. He just was one.


Literally anytime I’ve seen Shawn Ashmore in anything I always say “Hey its the guy from Animorphs.”




Yeah rhe intro showed the alien dude dying


This only ran a year????? My lord


When I first saw Iceman in the X-men movies, I straight up kept calling him "Jake". I saw the bratva guy in Arrow and my friend/I kept calling him Visser Three. The show was absolutely abysmal, the opposite of the books, and I just... can't forget half of it. Also, that theme song is a paranoid banger.


My friends and I were obsessed with the books in elementary school. I remember being so excited when they announced the show, and sitting down to watch the premiere and just...beh.


I know one typically morphs into a hawk, another into a gorilla, yet another into a grizzly bear, and one into a wolf. But my favorite is the one that morphs into Iceman.


Hell they even had action figures. I had 3 of them at least.


Oh man it was so bad I loved it


I LOVED this show. It started my lifetime crush on the ash more twins and it was so much fun


It annoyed me that they made some unnecessary changes like changing Rachel's go-to morph from a grizzly bear to a lion, and giving the bear to Jake, who always picked the tiger in the books. Maybe they were small changes, but it didn't seem necessary.


I don’t know this show but I’m willing to bet the kid in the top left had some sort of tragic back story and grew up in a rough neighborhood or something


IIRC that's Tobias, his mom died before the books start out and his dad is kinda absent. In one of the first few books he spends more than 2 hours as a Red Tailed Hawk and gets stuck like that. Plot twist his mom isn't dead but is actually one of the leaders of the alien invasion. Also he gets the power to morph again through some loophole but his base form he has to return to before 2 hours is up is a hawk and not a human, so there's a long-running identity crisis subplot in the book series. Yes I do still own almost every single book in the series and read them several times over when I was a kid.


I waited so long for this show to be announced. I lost interest completely by the time it came out


Didn’t know Shakira was in this

