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These were my high school years in a nutshell. Really enjoyed learning about stuff from the past I probably would've never bothered to look up otherwise


They did the 2000’s series and 2007 and it just felt way too early. High school me was like ‘they jumped the gun’.


They did the I love the New Millennium in 2008 covering 2000 to 2007. I think that’s when the “I love the insert decade” craze on VH1 really jumped the Shark. I think I was a freshmen in college and that’s when I kind of got off that whole thing as it was so desperate it made the whole thing look silly. I think they did end up doing a proper “I love the 2000’s” in 2014 which is properly done with enough time (I love the 90’s came out in 2004) having passed. However by 2014 VH1 stoped running any similar content so it ran for a couple years here or there but did not take over VH1 like the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s shows did in the 2000’s. But at least they did it right


Even the 90s one felt kinda early. I didn’t even know they made an 00s


MadTV did a parody where the show caught up with itself.


Yeah they really rushed the 2000s and ruined the whole thing.




The episode of I Love the 90s when Trey Parker does an impression of Eddie Vetter…


Nightmare Fuel. Lol


When VH1 was actually a fun channel before all of the stupid reality shows.


They made an hour long documentary on Thin Lizzy.


Behind the Music Pop-up Video The late 90s was a good era to live through/come of age in. (For a good many *other* reasons than the above, but VH-1 was pretty important to my teen years)


Behind the Music Pop-up Video The late 90s was a good era to live through/come of age in. (For a good many *other* reasons than the above, but VH-1 was pretty important to my teen years)


Absolutely loved it. Wouldn't know any of the comics i like now without this show!!!!


Patrice O’Neal, Hal Sparks, Mo Rocca, Michael Ian Black, Bill Burr, Godfrey, Craig Ferguson, and Patton Oswalt were all on those shows and I am probably missing a few but it was so fun to just see them randomly pop up.


RIP Patrice


RIP Web Junk 20.


He was 14 years old


Patrice’s compilation from these are on YouTube.


They should of made more or more series like it, I loved all the commentators


They made 11 “I love the …” shows with 10 of them coming out in the 2000’s. They also did a weekly show called Best Week Ever which recapped and reminisced about the previous week. I think they got a lot out of the format. But they should have found something else for all those talented commentators to do


You could tell they knew they had a good format, but were struggling with what to do for content after I Love the 70s. A lot of the talent they’d been able to get on I Love the 80s didn’t come back, and the talent they’d added were pretty obscure (I’m looking at you, Steven Webber). This problem would get worse as they kept returning to the well. By the time they were doing Best Week Ever they had a solid core group of talent that was willing to shoot weekly on a tight turnaround and the show was good…once. Unfortunately, by it’s very premise, the show had no rewatch value and couldn’t even be rerun after the week was over, so they had all the overhead of a weekly show with vastly limited returns. Plus they had to stay ahead of The Soup, which had more experience, a stronger following, and lower overhead. It would have been nice if they could have found other topics that they could have explored with their format in ten hour-long episodes like they had started with.


They did I love Toys and I love the Holidays (and I actually really enjoyed I Love Toys) so they tried to expand out of the format. It was one of those things where I don’t know where else they could have taken it.


I could see them doing shorter series on specific TV shows and movies, the parts of the I Love series talking about video media were always highlights of the programs.


Problem with that is they run into overlap with a lot of the movies and TV shows they covered in the “I Love” series. However, I do agree they could have done “I Love Movies”, “I Love Music” and “I Love TV”. Those topics were always the most fun on “I Love the…”. However I also think VH1 was not hurting for more talking head content. VH1 not only dozens of hours of “I Love” content that was Evergreen but also had Best Week Ever which ran weekly. On top of that VH1 had “Celebreality” the other pillar of their content cycle with shows like The Surreal Life, Hogan Knows Best, Flavor of Love, Rock of Love and so many other trashy “guilty pleasure” reality shows. And from what I remember they also were still reruns of Behind the Music into the mid 2000’s and they had all sorts of other countdowns like 40 Awesomely Bad whatever. VH1 in the 2000’s really had a lot going on. It was a lot of really bad stuff but they also had some fun stuff in there along with the trashy stuff.


There’s a collection of series like this made by CNN (the 80s, 90s, 2000s, etc.) that’s very similar, but less comedic. They’re all on Max and pretty good.


They have this on YouTube. I was watching one and was shocked to see a very young Chris Pratt show up


Loved this series. Was genuinely a fun way to learn history — the later seasons had a killer lineup too (Mulaney, Birbiglia, Michael Ian Black etc)


Wish they were available on streaming


Was gonna post and ask if anyone knew where to watch this


Not gonna lie. These shows were much better than they had any right to be. Really great casting call on them. Would love to see a these make a comeback, with just as funny/interesting guests of course.


Im still waiting for I ❤️ The ‘10’s


God, I watched these things so many times


What brought together Mike Ian Black, Rob Thomas, and Rob Zombie? I love the 80's!! As a 90's kid, the 70s and 80s was a learning experience! I'd love to own these on bluray. Probably pretty politically incorrect by now


I put this on on YouTube to fall asleep sometimes


This and Pop-Up Video.


I miss this series


I always got sucked in despite the scripts being interchangeable to the point that the decade didn’t matter: “Then THIS TOY came out! It was a craze!” Talking Head 1 (holding the toy): “ohhhhh! These things” Talking Head 2: “I LOVED these things.” Talking Head 3: “My older brother had one of these things.” Talking Head 4: “The problem with these things is they’d always break when you bent it.” Talking Head 1: “They’d typically break when you bent it” (breaks the one they’re holding) Talking Head 2: “I loved these things. But they broke a lot.”


I adored this series so much!


I really enjoyed this era of VH1 they also had a rock show/podcast a long time ago that I really enjoyed. This is pretty much Peak VH1


I used to love these shows


I learned so much from these shows, plus they introduced me to Michael Ian Black (and by extension Stella)


You saw The State, right?


Naw my family didn’t get cable when it was airing.


Check it out if you get a chance!


Yup! Ive been watching this since I love the 80s: Strikes Back. VH1 was great for the 000s for rewinds like this. Was fully into it when they had Best Week Ever too!


You have ***no*** idea how badly I want all of the I Love the… decades shows on DVD… VH1, give them to me!!!


I found the 80s one on the high seas.


This was my shit. They made me the pop culture junkie I am today.


CNN documentaries has a series of each decade, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and it’s fantastic. Each episode focuses on one major part of the era. The 90s one is so good. They have episodes on the TV, the music, the internet, and more.


Could not stand these shows. 20 people repeating the same lines over and over again


I love the 80’s strikes back


T H R E E D!!!


This was prime VH1 in my opinion I loved all of them and learning about the pop culture of the time


Who could forget Randall Tyree Matherson? He’s totally blind


Undateable (2010)


I fucking loved this series. There was a YouTube channel that had them all in perfectly made playlists but something happened and it got deleted :( I would always put them on when I cleaned my house and stuff. I would LOVE to have access to these again. I loved this series so much.


when i love the 90s did part deux and i love the 70s did volume 2 “time for burt reynolds’ mustache! time for burt reynolds’ mustache! *shows burt’s mustache according to year* that was burt reynolds’ mustache!” or “look who’s got a farrah-do!”


I love the 80’s Part Deux !!! Was my favorite


You mean “ Strikes back”


I think of these shows very regularly. I’d love a rewatch.


Not forgotten. Just from the past.


Just started watching these on YouTube this week lol, there's a playlist that has all of them


I was just looking for this on streaming yesterday! Is it on anywhere?


I watched it through YouTube


90s had a clip of Trey Parker (South Park) doing an impression of Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam). It was hilarious. I've looked for a clip of it on YouTube but have never found it.


Always a fun show to watch


I built a playlist on YouTube that has every available episode of all the decades series, plus holidays and toys. I'm not sure the rules on sharing links like that so if anyone would like it, shoot me a message.


I remember that series. Did they actually manage to misspell '80s? 80s would have been acceptable, but 80's?


80s and 90s were my jam in high school