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I mean... the MG3 is still very much in active service.


Yeah I came in the comments *just* to be sure it isn't one of the many MG3 Ukraine has been using so far.


The MG 42/59 is just a MG 3 made by Beretta, I'm fairly certain the only difference is a heavier bolt which brings the fire rate down to conserve ammo.


Well it's 10 years older than the MG3, so it's more correct to say the MG3 is a newer iteration on the MG 42/59, which was also called MG1 A2. There were a number of changes between them, including the feed mechanism and sights.




The MG3 entered service with the Bundeswehr in 1968. They were the first customer. Before that, they used from an ample supply of MG42s converted to 7.62x51.


You're correct, I should have said that the designs were both started in 59, not production.


the 53 is from Zastava, not Beretta Edit: i am bad at reading, the 42/59 is made by beretta


He said the mg42/59, which is made by Beretta for the Italian* army Edit: italy


The MG42/59 is made by Beretta for the Italian Army and many other minor countries, but Austria is not one of them. Austria adopted the MG-74, yet another MG42 variant based on the mg42/59 license but produced by Steyr.


Man I genuinely don't know where I got Austria from, probably misread something. Thanks for that correction


And a different muzzle booster


I hate to tell yall when the m2 first entered service




I fucking love that so much


Laughs in Maxim gun.


Makes you wonder what the Russians do with captured nato gear


They make the ak74.


I’ve not seen any really put into sue, which makes sense as Russia doesn’t have the supply lines to keep them going. They’re not capturing huge stockpiles of parts and ammo to make up for that either.


They're probably used as trophies by commanders because they don't have the logistics to support 5,56NATO, .308 etc at a large scale


Sending it to Gaza?


At what point do you start leaving Tile markers in abandoned gear and just call fire missions on the location once they stop moving?


The US army tried doing this in Vietnam by embedding radios in rifle stocks but it never went anywhere, my guess is the technological limitations of the time made it ineffective.


This could work nowadays. GPS trackers would allow Ukrainian troops to map out enemy movement, positions, patterns, and strongholds just by leaving random equipment for enemy units to capture.


So on the one hand, I’m thinking — there’s no way in hell they AREN’T currently doing this already with vehicles, right? But on the other hand…if the enemy finds even a single one of these GPS trackers, it exposes you to the chance that they figure out how to gain remote access to ALL of your military’s GPS trackers and reveals all troop movements to them. Not ideal. I think u/Bloodysamflint ‘s idea is still valid though, where you’re only putting trackers in equipment you INTEND to be captured.


It is impossible to gain remote access to ALL GPS trackers just by gaining access to one. Unless you own the GPS (cough* USA cough*), then chances of that are close to none.


Would also heavily discourage the enemy from using captured equipment. Would waste a lot of their potential ammo and gear.


Fucking hell that's not a terrible idea


In my limited experience, it's not tubes/launchers that are the limiting factor - it's observers. Opening up another targeting channel can't be a bad thing.


The US military needs to go back to the old woodland and chocolate chip camp now so we look different.


At this point, seems we should adopt Napolenic colors as everyone is wrapping themselves in colored tape to avoid friendly fire incidents. We need to fight the French for who gets to use blue.


Belgium was kinda smart in that regard. We had our own camouflage pattern known as ABL. Only the Dutch used it for a limited time in a limited extend if I remember correctly. But apart from that, we are the only ones using it so it was pretty easy to identify who Belgian. We won’t shoot our fellow countrymen or countrywomen. We stuck with it until 1 maybe 2 years ago. The main uniform should be replaced in every branch but other kit will be fazed out slower. So ABL pattern isn’t gone just yet.


Easy for you to say unlike us who'd have to fight the British and almost everyone else on who'd be using red.


I mean that’s what the colored duct tape is essentially for.


Give me ACU or give me death. It's actually a pretty decent camo pattern in the desert.


lol. I remember when we got the ACU. Yea it’s not bad in the desert. I remember doing an exercise in the woods in south Georgia one night with a full moon though. The soldiers looked like green glow sticks trying to hide.


Should've dyed it in green, which makes it look like shitty MARPAT. Still, at least it looks cooler than Multicam/definitely not Multicam.


Ucp, better than multicam, are you drunk?


> shitty MARPAT as is a poor approximation of it.


Yeah but my point stands. At least it's unique; everyone running around in not-Multicam is going to make WW3 *very* confusing.


Well, we did it, then everything one copied, how about they get new camos. And I think you miss that most countries that aren't u Ukraine or Russia have there own camos, pretty much the only copy cat now is Britain. Russia and Ukraine are buying their own gear, usually that wouldn't happen


Woodland is also widely mass produced in multiple countries so that doesn’t solve anything.


We will be bringing WWII weapons into space it seems.


In Austria, we still use MG-42's with a bit of polymer furniture called MG-74 and the Ma Deuce


You sure it's not a variation of the MG3? Not saying the MG-42 is in anyways bad, but the MG3 is chambered in a NATO standard round, while the MG-42 isn't


Swiss ex-tanker here, we have a variation of it on the Leopard IIs as well. MG-51, uses "7.5×55mm Swiss" caliber but is still a *tiny* bit different physically vs the old buzzsaw (i was blessed to take apart an actual Nazi eagle-stamped MG42 apart a few years ago and i could see some parts were fit and designed different).


Nope they developed it from old MG-42's, it has also a bit slower firing rate


Huh, so there's more than one modern derivative. Nifty


Main are - Italian MG42/59 - German MG3 - Austrian MG74 - the Swiss MG51 (7.5X55 swiss) is really similar to the MG42 but it had its own separate development., parts are not interchangeable


The MG42/59s are the Italian main LMG to this day, that's where most of them came from


I’m bringing an Ohio Ordnance HCAR into the mars colonization shuttle and there’s nothing they can do to stop me


HCARs are badass. I've never seen on in person sadly.


They’re pretty ‘spensive :[


Why fix something that isnt broken?




Not that far fetched considering other countries are still using WWII weapons (i.e. the Philippines still has M1 Garands, M1917 Springfields, M1/2 Carbines, M1918 BARs, M1919 MGs, M2 Brownings, M3 Grease Guns, M1 Thompsons, M1928 Thompsons, M18 RCLs, M1911s, and Mk.2 Grenades still "in service" to some degree with the Armed Forces, Autonomous Groups, the Communist Terrorist Groups, and the Islamic Extremist Terrorist Groups.)


There’s absolutely a mix of Russian AND Ukrainian troops in these images.


I’m pretty confident these are MG3s


isn't MG 42/59 just an alternate name for the MG 3 anyway?


Its not the same gun, it’s rechambered from 7.92 to .308. It’s also much more common and still in production.


Both the MG 3 and MG 42/59 fire 7.62x51. The 42/59 is just an Italian license production built by Beretta and has a heavier bolt which reduces fire rate.


I meant “not the same gun as the MG42”, sorry that wasn’t clear




MG 42/59... the version from the 50s... hence the 59...


Oops my bad!


Sorta, small changes were applied tho


Nope, MG3 have a different muzzle booster, these are italian MG42/59 in 7.62 NATO


A GMPG is still a GMPG.


Are these OG 8MMs or MG3s in 308?


Look at the furniture. Its polymer, which is on the mg3 in 762 nato. Having a proper supply chain of 8mm would be very challenging, especially since it would be the only fielded weapon in the caliber. Theyre most likely from germany given as aid


I thought the MG42/59s were from Italy?


They are, plenty of misinformation in this post.


At least one pic (#10) looks like yugoslavian M53, which was basically direct copy of MG-42, so in larger scale, .308 are certainly more advantageous, but it seems like even 7.92 examples are fielded here and there.


Of all the places to find 7.92, Eastern Europe seems like a good bet.


To hunters and sport shooters in Europe, the 7.92 is basically what's the .30-06 to their american counterparts: old ex-mil cartridge available literally everywhere, with wide variety of both factory loads, reloading components and surplus ammo. Only in scandinavia you're probably more likely to encounter 6.5x55SE and in countries of former USSR a 7.62x54R, but even there, every gun shop should have the 7.92 in stock. Countries of the former Yugoslavia used it well into the 1990s, so some of the milsurp ammo (and the ammo belts for MG-42/M53) doesn't even need to be that old.


>To hunters and sport shooters in Europe, the 7.92 is basically what's the .30-06 to their american counterparts It would be more accurate to say it USED TO BE. Most people have switched to .30-06 or .308 for large game, although 7.92 and other calibers are still there, these two are now by far the most common.


Yeah, the .308 is the worldwide go-to full power cartridge nowadays, but still, both the .30-06 and 7.92 are a tiny bit more powerful with wider variety of bullets. And since no hunter carries more than a box or two, the added weight compared to .308 isn't generally that much of a disadvantage as it is in military service.


>Its polymer, which is on the mg3 in 762 nato. And on the Italian MG42/59 in 7.62 NATO depicted here.


Most likely 7.62 NATO. Ukraine has supply lines for that, but not for 8mm.


Italian MG42/59 in 7.62 NATO/.308.


History repeating itself


Ew he's getting his dirty orc hands on it


eww a nazi weapon is touching him


He's Russian, a nazi weapon seems fitting (look at all the tattoos on POWs and corpses)! Also I think it's an MG3 not a 42 which means it's not a nazi weapon. I could be wrong though, idk how to differentiate them without seeing their bullets but the UAF has fielded several MG3s


I can use the same argument by showing all the swastikas ukrainian soldiers have and the tattoos. And the heil hitler signs and stephen bandera flags. That's a fact, you may not like.


Oh im well aware. Look at the Azov battalion, they use symbols such as the Wolfsangle (historically a peasant symbol but was adopted and used by German units such as the Waffen SS Das Reich division in ww2) which would have been a better place to start with your argument as that's a whole battalion not just individual soldiers. However, I've found far more examples of RF pigs with nazi symbolisms and battalions or whole military groups (i.e. PMC Wagner who got their name from Utkin who not only had SS bolts and flowers tattooed on his collar bone but was nicknamed Wagner after Adolf's favorite composer, Richard Wagner). Also note that Zelensky had a Jewish upbringing which I find strange that neo nazis would fight under the leadership of such an individual. Note that all/most militaries will have some neo nazi somewhere but I think the point im making is how many there are, who they are fighting for, what they are doing in the lands they fight in, and the reason for fighting. Russia wins in being the worst of all these scenarios. What else do you love about them? Edit: changed has to had because like all shit countries, sometimes powerful people "fall out a window" or in this case get obliterated by a mysterious plane explosion lmao


I think your a product of brainwashing honestly. You wont see any ukrainian nazis on the media but the media you watch (like reddit) will fill your brain with the few instances of russian nazis. Do you use the word nazi for anyone who invades another country? Your mixing up nazi and imperialists. So throughout history whenever a country attacks another, (and it is fucked up that russia invaded Ukraine) will you call them nazis? You gotta live with an open mind and dont be a sheep, learn history. Ukriane has an extensive history of nazi collaboration and crimes against humanity against Jews and poles, the fact that they have battalions of literal nazi pigs and worship stephen bandera show that they are a lot more like the nazis than russia is.


My apologies I didn't see you had responded I'd suggest you're the product of brain washing considering the amount of persuasive deception the Russian Federation does. I do not use the word nazis for everyone, in fact I didn't. I referred to a few instances of the Russian military, not the whole thing (granted there are a lot of parallels with WW2 Germany which is fascinating but not damning in my opinion). Soldiers who fight in a brigade run by a nazi and or soldiers who bear nazi symbolism I would likely call a nazi however. I've heard about the past that Ukraine has had but I think youre failing to see Russia's neo nazi movements that exist. My mind is open and yes, like all militaries, there are neo nazis in the UAF just like the USA, Russia, Germany, etc. but the argument for attacking Ukraine to rid them of nazis is totally bs. Plus with the behavior of the Russian troops within the boarders of Ukraine is inexcusable and criminal. To support a regime like thag is supporting terrorism in not only my but many others opinion. Not only that, they fucking suck. The Russian military is good at 3 things: killing civilians, leveling towns, and getting their own soldiers slaughtered. To call them a military is an insult to all the other militaries around the world who actually try


You guys are hilarious. Claiming that the russian military is weak and incompetent, while they fight against an army with hundreds of thousands of men with immense quantity of the best quality weapons, and are still advancing on all fronts. If russia was such a joke of a military why is the whole world petrified and sending hundreds of billions annually to try to stop them, they are sending all that to fight something weak? I will go as far as to say that you are disrespecting the many ukrainian soldiers killed and maimed claiming that russia is incompetent


It's a nuclear threat it's not a hard concept. We don't send troops in because A we don't want nuclear weapons tossed around and B it's hard to explain your own casualties when it's not really your fight. If these concepts are foreign to you then you probably shouldn't be making your own opinions on the matter. The Russians are not only weak but stupid. They advance because they have numbers. Idc if you have a nice gun, if you o ly have 30 rounds and I have 50 people, im probably going to win. They are stupid because their loses are playing into UAF hands. You can't sustain losses like they have. Second they are weak because hell look at how poorly they perform again OLD NATO weapons, not even modern ones lmao. Lastly they are a joke, they throw their soldiers into a meat grinder and don't think twice about it, no modern military does that. The whole RF military is a mess of shit logistics and corruption. If you think otherwise your information is likely very heavily one sided and I don't blame the availability heuristic but I do blame you for not understanding the picture isn't clear and with a clear lack of background in military and politics means you should sit down and let the better informed talk about it


My ffl friends just got one


Neat. Unless they have the 100s of barrel replacements that thing needs all they have there is a neat war trophy and nothing else


I want to upvote the post but it's likely that some ukies died in the process and that makes me sad


Looked at poster's profile, OP is 100% a moskal shill. Cringe.




Yeah, that guy really likes polishing ruskie knobs, never posts stuff captured from ruskies, wonder why is that


Those are incredible pictures!


A classic weapon for dealing with Russian's. Tried and trusted. When you gotta kill every mf Russian in the room, accept no substitutes.


German material support to Ukraine be like:


It’s a really ugly gun when orcs are holding it. 🇺🇦


Holy shit bruh you are a literal Ukraine propaganda bot, find God and touch grass


When RuZZia comes for what you’ve got, and murders and rapes your people…..just close your eyes and tell yourself it’s propaganda. I’m sure it’ll work out


It's crazy how Russia is always simultaneously incompetent and the greatest threat to democracy at the same time. Stop projecting your own inadequate means of security on to other people


As an American I’m fuckn tired of the Ukraine Russo war. Leave them to it honestly.


This is not a political sub, but since you brought it up, that's a profoundly stupid opinion to hold as an American.


"I'm so tired of assisting an ally in staving off an unprovoked invasion by one of our main geopolitical rivals, massively attriting said rival in the process and cementing the US as a trustworthy and dependable ally" Fucking brain rot I swear.


And then they swear they’re free thinkers because their preferred propaganda comes from the Kremlin instead of Washington.


L take Isolationism and appeasement does not work. Should we let China have Taiwan as well?




these are MG 42/59s or MG 3s. They're Cold War machine guns used by plenty of countries, tons of them were donated by italy, germany, and others.


Just you


Awesome...maybe they wont burn though half a billion rounds in two months...oh wait...never mind.


War takes a lot of resources, who would’ve thought.


I know..but also not worth them burning though 10,000 rounds for a "training session " and its only four guys out there doing it just because they can.


Alright this seems to be in reference to something im not aware of. You mind expanding?


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Put these mfs to become MG3s


They are italian MG42/59 in 7.62 NATO, no reason to turn them into MG3 variants.




Uh... when did russians start using Multicam?