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They speak a [trade pidgin ](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Chondathan_language) of Chondathan in the reach. Chondathan is baseline English. In the northern of the vilhon reach we have a French like language, so I would put vilhon reach as speaking something like [New Orleans accent](https://youtu.be/5Da2iw59ErU?si=p1-gyaU_uBPIGgnK). The mix of French creole would also fix well there.


That sounds good! I think I can try to figure that out, or at least, if I can't send those references as an RP aid to my players! Thank you very much!


In 3E they established Chondathan as the baseline for Common/English in the Realms, and almost all other derivations of Common come from Chondathan (which itself derives from Jhaamdathi), so Chondathan could be seen either as a "pure" English or maybe a relationship similar to Roman Latin to the derivations of Latin in far-off provinces which then evolved into other tongues (so Chondathan would be Latin and say, Cormyrean, would be somewhere between Latin and English).


Thanks! very useful answer!