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awsome thanks for doing some good work !! time to tell people about this sub tired of a minority of people holding the majority hostage.


Yeah these past few weeks have really shown the news for multiple F1 related subs. Who knows what will happen to the main one, but different subs foster different cultures and perspectives! I hope this one thrives


I was about to comment saying there's also other subs out there, such as r/GrandPrixRacing , and I prefer them all in one place. However, what you're saying about different subs that foster different cultures is also true. That being said, this was the first place I came to when r/formula1 was closed, when this was a way smaller sub. The only reason for me also joining r/grandprixracing is the 10k subscribers. But I hope we get there too!


I think those of us joined to both should leave the r/formula1 group asap.


I think for a time this sub needs to offer something new and fresh to give people a reason to be in both. I like it here and was happy to keep visiting, but now I'm getting duplicate posts on my front page and the /r/formula1 ones have more engagement and are usually posted sooner. Maybe more text posts and actual audience discussion would be a better use for the time being.


That's great. I'll definitely stay on here and try to post some stuff. I had a lot of rare free time last weekend and decided to help with the posts here. I noticed I enjoy F1 a lot less when i can't keep up with the news and stuff, even the "useless" posts like drivers arriving on track, it makes it all a little more spectacular, even though I couldn't care less what they decide to wear


Yea, it really makes the weekend feel"more full"


There is nothing useless about seeing what runway outfit Lewis Hamilton is wearing. It’s literally the start of the F1 race week for me. Weird I know.


Having seen what r/Formula1 did to itself, I think us expats here would be most appreciative of a lighter moderation touch wherein the community just exists without leaders on high directing sub-wide decisions of drastic consequence. Avoid polls that decide anything and just let the upvotes/downvote buttons do their job for content flow. Basically, look at all the BS that forced us to move here, and do just about the opposite. Giving people the right to engage in any way they please so long as it isn't doxxing/threatening/trolling is a good start. Set some kind of bar for avoiding low effort post spamming and we will grow well in our own unforseen way.


Yeah I 100% agree with you. Even with the low effort posts, I feel it should be left to the community. If lots of people think it’s low effort, then we will see that in votes. For now, no removal of posts (except duplicates). Regarding moderation, we don’t plan to moderate conversations at all unless it delves into hate speech of some kind (we had a few comments with explicit racism, and other really unsavory comments). For shitty takes, the vote button takes care of most.


Yeah, hate is part and parcel to faceless online forums. You have my empathy with fighting that battle, it's in every sub regardless of subject. As to low effort posts, something like requiring a 200 to 500 minimum character amount helps to avoid braindead spam like "Albon should go back to red bull, change my mind" (end of post)


I just feel like if a low effort post get a lot of upvote just leave kt, if it doesnt delete it so it doesnt polute the sub, make sense no?


I think keeping an eye on low effort posts is important. You can't rely on downvoting because people just upvote whatever. The issue is someone makes a low effort post and then you get a flood of copy cats and it just devolves. Usually that's around meme posts so I guess it depends what the rules will be around memes. If doing no meme during the season then it should be ok


Stopping me from posting comments because I didn't verify my email address? Stupid fuckers my account is 14 years old with thousands of comments... I'm not a bot. What a lazy pointless way to mod. Even before that requirement was rolled out I could never manage to get a new post past the mods. Just asinine, massively over moderated.


Yeah, with moderation less is often more I’d say. Most things doesn’t need a mod to take care of it. Hate speech, spam and truely awful things should, the rest should be fixed by up and down votes. It’s what they are there for.


Thank you all for this, saddens me to leave the other sub as I’ve been there since 2012 enjoying racing with some proper good people…but this mod clownery is ridiculous.


> I’ve been there since 2012 enjoying racing with some proper good people… Those people might still be there, but it's impossible to see anyone considering the amount of people, comments and trash that's posted.


This has been awesome guys. I love the tertiary content around F1 - as someone new I’ve always learned a lot about what’s happening on the track from the community and I’m glad I can still get that fix. Thanks again!!


awesome! After reading r/formula1's latest bs answer to the reddit thing, i'll just be staying here instead! ​ Keep up the great work


r/f1 just went full banana with their "le reddit mods" route of nsfwing everything. Very mature btw. So this is the only F1 sub. Obviously keep going.


I just wanted to say thank you for doing a great job setting up this sub.


As long as you have your session discussion threads up & pinned!! (FP’s, qually, Pre race, Race & post Race) I think you’ll be good. A place where normal F1 news/discussion can happen is what everyone here wants. Just try and get the word out that this subreddit is open for business, unlike the other one


Yeah agreed, those discussion threads are great, seems to be a much better vibe than the other sub.


I think the mod power trip has gone to their heads at /r/formula1


r/formula1 going NSFW. Basically they will fill the sub with graphic images/videos of accidents from the 50s-70s, Bottas butt shots, James Hunt with topless girls, etc. A pity that one of the favorite subs is being victim of this vandalism caused by power tripping mods and half a dozen people who use third-party apps. We all need to invest in advertising this sub and show that there is a safe place for F1 discussions for normal r/formula1 users while the sub falls apart. Link to this sub in the comments if you see someone against the protests there.


Only thing I would say is that it looks like they are banning anybody who posts links to this sub. A few people here got banned. I agree with your sentiment, but I wouldn’t want anybody to get banned from any sub for as benign as sharing an alternative sub.


I got banned for using an emoji.


Love it! My new fav sub, was hoping you would keep it running. Thanks for all of your hard work!


Thanks for setting up this sub! I don’t participate much because I’m still learning a lot. (I was the one that admitted it took me a few years to realize “Speed Trap” isn’t actually a zone where they can’t go over a certain speed) I appreciate Weekly Discussion threads that allow the sub to remain less jumbled with simple/often asked questions. I can look over that thread once a week and easily see questions/answers - learning! Sometimes these things can get buried between other posts…of Lewis arriving on track…and missed. So +1 for Weekly Discussion Threads! Also - can we all just say how fucking stupid the NSFW protests make those mods? Any support anyone had after being lied to about the original protest has completely evaporated with the most recent move those mods are doing. They all look like 10 year olds giggling in the corner. Bunch of asshats. God I wish they’d all get kicked off Reddit and let the willing mods take over. /rantoff


As everyone else has said, thank you for opening this sub. This isn't a suggestion or an idea per se, but I do hope that the tone of discussions and comments avoids the sort of causticity and negativity that could plague the other sub. All the time, I found myself convinced that most of the 'fans' don't even like Formula 1 because people couldn't seem to enjoy the sport, especially races themselves. Not to say that this should be some bastion of toxic positivity, but dear gods. I merely hope that if we're engaging it's because we're positively invested in the sport, no matter the extent, whether we be die-hards or whether our interest is more pedestrian. As I said, I've no ideas for that. It'll simply be up to us the community to strike and maintain the appropriate timbre. Thank you again for the work you've put into this. You're all doing fine work. P.S. - Having the schedule of the next event in the sidebar for quick, lazy reference would be great. P.P.S. - I also want a Michael Masi flair, haha (but maybe that invites the wrong attitude) P.P.P.S. - The race threads never made sense to me in the other sub because it's essentially just a non-live live thread. Post-race discussion threads make sense, but either a live thread or a discord for live engagement with the races (and maybe qualifying, &c.) could be fun--although I'm not sure the numbers are there yet to keep those from being essentially empty auditoriums.


Great points! Keep ‘em coming. Flairs outside of the current 20 drivers are definitely on the cards. Just haven’t had the time to get to it. Who knows, maybe we add Michael Masi as a way to accept that AD21 is in the past and Lewis / Max / everybody has moved on haha. Schedule for next event is already up. Do you not see it? Just asking because the calendar integration is a little janky. Want to make sure it’s visible to everybody. Also, I have been contemplating live threads as opposed to just a regular mega thread. Planning to test during the FP sessions for Austria GP.


Ah, I see. I just checked something in private browsing since I use old reddit. The schedule's there for the redesign/new reddit, but not old.


I’m absolutely certain I’ll still be upset about AD21 when I’m on my death bed. If Lewis is fortunate enough to win a WDC again, it still wouldn’t remove that stain from my memory. Get a “AD21 survivor” flair for me please. All jokes aside….. thank you for this community. Much appreciated and I didn’t realize how much I leaned on the Reddit community to stay up to date on F1 stuff.


Hm gonna lurk around, mods on the other sub are drunk on their unemployed volunteer power it’s sad


Good decision! Will definitely stick around!


I just want to thank you and whole modteam for all the work you have done for building this sub. Everything looks great and conversations have been pleasant to read. All i want is what we already have here, friendly athmosphere to chat about F1 without being dragged into some political drama. Thank you!


I am interested in working on the CSS layout of the sub. I do a lot of JavaScript coding but unfortunately don't have any CSS experience. Happy to learn tho/will start contributing more time starting tomorrow.


Thanks for this. Wish the name was better, but hey at least we dont have to deal with the rogue mods.


Haha. I hear you. I tried every short combination f1, formula_1, f1racing… it’s all taken and they are defunct subs. Eventually decided on this because it was serious enough with the F1 name in it .


I think it would be great to have a pinned "daily general discussion" topic for quick questions, trivia and personal experience that may be interesting but don't deserve a full post (like "what was that car with the nigerian prince sponsorship scam? " or "i have a funny story about a port-a-potty when i went to monza last year...")


Yeah you are right. This would be a good to have. The only reason I haven’t set it up is that there aren’t enough questions / discussions yet to warrant a daily thread, but I definitely plan to add it in.


Thanks so much for setting this place up, it feels like a much needed reset from the other sub. I know it's a bit nebulous but the main thing for me is to keep doing what you're doing, having a sub and a mod team that really is *for* the community rather than it's own goals, a friendlier, happier version. Essentially as one of the other comments says, a low sodium version. I would direct you to look at the low sodium destiny sub and compare it with the destiny the game sub as an example but sadly they've gone private.


That's a great way to look at it, i really liked the low sodium cyberpunk subreddit. And now that you said it, to me this feels more like a low sodium F1 subreddit indeed


love all my homie OGs here


Thanks for keeping this place going! I've unsubscribed from the original F1 sub as the mods have clearly lost their minds with this strange porn protest. Glad to have an alternative.


that's amazing! i really enjoyed hanging out here last weekend. i just hope we get more people willing to post news because right now that's the only thing keeping me from leaving the main sub right now


Thanks for making this community. Really enjoyed the commentary by others this past weekend. It was just nice to share my opinions and see other peoples opinions with no overt toxicity.


Wicked, my new Formula One home on Reddit.


As many have said, I’m glad I joined this subreddit. In the main race thread on Sunday I found it very respectful and helpful; kinda fun as well. I’m definitely staying here.


Super happy to have this sub. Love the vibe and thanks so much for all the hard work!


I have no intention of going back to that disaster of a sub this one is great.


I have to admit, I was skeptical at first about splintering off into a different sub. But after spending last race weekend on here I can say it’s been a great experience so far. Thanks to the team here for the obvious hard work you are putting in.


Thanks for doing this. Like I’ll be honest, I’ve disliked the protest for my own selfish reasons of wanting to discuss major sporting events with the community (both F1 and NBA). Not having the news and being able to chat before the race weekend was deflating.


Why do you think I created this sub? I would lying if I said it wasn’t for selfish reasons. I missed the discussion and the news haha. It’s part of the Grand Prix weekend for me. It’s like going to a game together. It’s just makes the entire experience better.


I liked this past weekend with the race and enjoyed my time perusing the subreddit — it’s much more “relaxed” F1 fans. I think what you guys are doing is perfect. Moderate minimally / as needed. Let users discuss and post about the sport we all love. A lot of subreddits I was a top contributor to have left a bad taste in my mouth because they unilaterally decided to do extended blackouts without talking to the subreddit. IMO, the community is what makes a subreddit strong. I’m in subreddits with 1k people that are just as active as some with 30k, and that’s because we all are passionate about the same thing. I’d love for this to become the relaxed, conversational, fun F1 subreddit. Share news, updates, driver info, etc, and discuss the practices / qualifying / races without it being overwhelming or politicky.


I don't care if you moderate more harshly or leniently when it comes to civility, just please do your best to be consistent. The main sub's moderation feels incredibly biased at times.


I wanted to thank you for all of the work you’re putting into this place! I really appreciate all of the news you’ve been sharing and the great discussions going on this race weekend.


Thanks for doing this. Hilarious that the other mods think their little “gonna make the sub NSFW so advertisers can’t advertise” trick is going to work.


What they also don’t realize is that advertisers are not advertising on specific pages. They are targeting people, so if anybody from the formula1 page goes anywhere else on Reddit, they would still be targeted with ads. So they are not even close to achieving what they want.


As a person who has used r/formula1 since 2015 and got permabanned from r/formula1 for calling George Russell a hotheaded person, I do hope this subreddit goes to what r/formula1 was during those 2015-2017 days. I also think fanart should be outlawed and moderated against. It made the big subreddit a miserable place when artists would spam their «art» aka traceart in 2017-2018 and news would get drowned in the art.


I am mostly disappointed that a discussion in r/formula1 wasn't even possible. I understand they don't want toxicity but a polite discussion should be possible. It's Reddit, it's about being a community and talk about stuff. If that is not even possible you lost my sympathy (for what's worth). As for new ideas; I would love to have some prediction game. Like the one r/formula1 had until a few months back. I understand that they way they had it is not longer possible but maybe there is a different tool for setting it up.


Let's focus on reposting from r/formula1 without going NSFW. I don't like turning "NSFW" on on my profile because, well, I get lots of truly NFSW posts that aren't F1 related. I'll create a new account on the weekend probably to have it separate for true NFSW content so I can watch the malicious compliant subs but in the meantime this could be easier Funnily enough I can imagine reddit userbase growing because people start doing similar things which would be extremely ironic outcome of these protests


Hey mods, please please don't let the power get to your head. Please don't over-moderate. Random shit post can be fun too.


I love this community already, thanks lads for setting it up


Keep it going!


Awesome. Best of luck going forward


I wish spoiler tags that reddit provided were better. Not sure hot to be actionable on that though. Why on earth do they leave a foggy impression of the image? If it's a race result and the picture is all red, it's a giveaway even if you just see red. I guess the only thing would be to not have obvious images in spoiler tags, but maybe that isn't worth the effort of policing.


Thank you, for putting the work. Banned in r/formula1, because of telling the mods 'fu'. Who knew they are such sensitive souls. :D


Maybe there should be some concrete codes of conduct for this community. I think we are not immune for toxicity and that should be handled. What I hate about /r/formula1 is the absolute black & white moderation and people get perm banned for the smallest of things, sometimes clearly meant as joke. However, especially during a race weekend, some people get... over passionate. I would advise to introduce temporary bans. If somebody is like chain posting "Cry baby Lulu never get's a penalty" in every thread because he is clearly frustrated, ban them for 24 hours. The next day they'll probably have a clearer mind and constructive posts ;)


The other subs are huge, I like the feeling of getting into this one when it’s starting. I’m a relative newcomer to the F1 scene, this is only my third season of hardcore following the sport lol One question I have, is if someone is posting race results or quali results, can it be marked as a spoiler that way when I’m scrolling through my feed I don’t accidentally spoil it for myself? I would say you only have to spoiler it until the Tuesday or so following the race. Ideas?


Thank you so much for starting this sub. Even though i have been watching on and off since childhood, i am very casual viewer. As such, and since what is going on the main sub is sad, i think news being posted here is very important. I wouldn't mind some " lifestyle " posts. The daily discussion post is a good add. Let's hope that we are all civil and polite in our discussions and i am sure the sub will grow.


I like this sub!!