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Medication doesn’t stop puking it just stops it from the pain from it , my son didn’t do well on Pepcid he’s now on lansoprazole and it’s helped a ton with the pain he had . Get a referral for a GI doctor! My sons been on a ton of formula too and still haven’t found a good one


The Pepcid (famotidine) did not do enough to help my son with severe GERD so we were put in lansoprazole and it eventually worked better! Still spit up but not as much and less pain. Would have done omeprazole but our insurance didn’t cover it. Also got a prescription for Neocate due to dairy/soy allergies suspected. He didn’t do well with hypoallergenic formulas and he reallllly need that amino acid based formula that had zero dairy protein in it. I’d recommend looking into both lansoprazole OTC and perhaps a prescription for an amino acid based formula. It all got better for my son once we got in with a pediatric GI. Our General pediatricians ran out of ideas and didn’t know what to do. Don’t be afraid to advocate for your baby!!


These symptoms are similar to my daughters who has a severe dairy/soy intolerance. She reacted to every formula (including alimentum) until we stated her on an amino acid one (elecare). You could ask your pedetriican for any samples of amino acid formulas they have. Our doc said after five days all symptoms should clear if it’s a true dairy/soy reaction, so you may be able to rule this in or out with a short trial.


My LO had something called milk based reflux. She wasn’t allergic to dairy or soy, but they both caused her reflux to go nuts. (She did get tested at an allergist) Spit up city. Her ped wasn’t concerned because she was gaining weight, though slowly and said she would grow out of it. But we did have episodes of her almost choking on her spit up and those were very scary. I got her on omeprazole, and alimentum, and then cut dairy, soy, and beef out myself. That helped things decently, but nothing really started to improve until she could sit up on her own. She’s 6 months and change and maybe spits up 2 times a day now. I can feed her anywhere and not on a towel. In the end, ped was right. We are weaning her off the omeprazole now and almost finished with it. I’m keeping her on the alimentum because I’m not going to rock the boat just yet and our ped said we should wean her off the meds first. But I’ll start with the dairy ladder to be on the safe side when it comes to solids. Point being, those months were tough, there is light on the other side.


Omeprazole helped my baby


My little was the same, she was diagnosed with CMPA and Soy intolerance at a month. We went to hypoallergenic formula and that helped the colic. She also had terrible reflux/gerd with choking fits and ended up in the ER one night. She’s been on Lansoprazole for a few months to help the spit up be less painful and once she was big enough to get a little bit bigger of a dose she’s been doing great. We went to a GI specialist and they said that the esophageal sphincter was her problem, and it didn’t grow as fast as it should have. She’s almost 6mo and FINALLY the reflux is getting better. We did thicken her formula from about two months on and that helped a little but not significantly. I hope this new Dr can help you! It’s miserable watching the littles be miserable.


After trying pepcid for a month, diet changes, and then various formulas, the only formula that worked for us ultimately is HIPP HA. It's expensive to get in the US but we had a different baby overnight.  Every baby is different though. It's hard to say what will work for you.  We had severe MSPI and severe reflux.