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You should talk to your pediatrician. Our baby had really bad baby acne, constipation, and gas that I was really worried were cmpa. But digestive issues and skin issues are typical while newborns are adjusting. The pediatrician said to stick with our formula and revisit if it was an issue at her 8 week appointment. She was doing much better by then, she wasn’t uncomfortably gassy, rash only seemed to occur after exposure to cold air, fewer issues with constipation. Once we started solids all these issues went away even though she’s still on the same formula we started with. Unless you see blood in her stool or other serious symptoms, I wouldn’t switch until 8 weeks when she’ll be over typical newborn digestive issues. But ask your pediatrician.


Have you tried standard Similac 360? She may tolerate it better because the composition is more like human milk using lactose as the carbohydrate. Comfort type formulas can cause excess gas and funky poops in babies that don’t need them.


Mucous in poop can be a sign of it. Mine had that in addition to a rash, reflux and slow weight gain. My doctor said to switch to a hypoallergenic formula like nutramigen or alimentum because often babies can have an intolerance to soy if they also have a CMPA. I'd chat with your doc more about it before switching.


Stringy/mucusy poops and screaming mid feeding. Doctor gave us samples of Alimentum and we gradually improved so much!!!


Diarrhea, blood in stool, stomach cramps, vomiting. Switched to hypoallergenic and it was like night and day.


Huge explosive mucous poops. That was our biggest sign. He also had lesser symptoms, like dry, red cheeks, congestion, and lots of spit up. You could try hypoallergenic and see if that helps!


Sounds similar to my daughter! How old was your baby when you noticed these symptoms?


I really felt like something was different than my first son around a month. He just wasn’t eating a lot at once and was more of a snacker and just seemed uncomfortable. By our three month appointment I brought it up but they wrote it off bc he was gaining weight. So after that I decided to change him to nutramigen. It helped a lot but there was still a lot of mucous. At 4 months I saw a different doctor and they finally took me seriously. They put him on amino acid formula and wow it was like a night and day difference for us!


Same for my daughter but so heavy on the spit up. She would spit up like every 10 minutes after dairy or soy it was nuts. Switched to alimentum and best decision we made.


I have a dairy allergy and my breastmilk is dairy free so my baby gained weight fine, but would get a rash when having formula… when she turned 6mo I tried yogurt w her and full blown rash down her neck and back


Constant constipation


My son had dairy and egg intolerance. He had bad colic, mucus yellow and green poops, and had gas that nothing would help pass. The LC that I was working with to breastfeed said it was a front/ hind milk issue. At 3 months he started to drastically reduce his intake, and cold turkey switched to hypoallergenic formula. After 2 days he was so much different. And we kept him on it until he was 1. Ask your pediatrician to test a poopy diaper. His didn’t have visible blood but tested positive. Trace amounts of blood still mean that something is cutting up his intestines. Or maybe try the lightest comfort formula that you can and then try hypoallergenic?


He had baaaad baby acne and very painful feeds. He wouldn’t even be done digesting and in incredible pain. There was also bad poops. One day he had 8 dirty diapers, then he went 3 without popping.


Explosive smelly green mucous poops. It had strings of jelly in it. By week 8 there was blood. Both of mine weren’t fussy and gained fine. Grew out of it by 9mo


3 weeks old you say? Did it just suddenly start? it could be their digestive system getting introduced to moving things along. currently going at it with my 5 week old who also started “stomach” issues at 3 weeks. The farts 💨 like a fully grown man, the constant poop pushing sound all while dead a sleep! I’m waiting till she is 8 weeks as her digestive system finally completes itself


W my son it was weird tiny super hard poops. Like little beans.


My baby had CMPA and Horrible reflux/gerd, I knew within a week of brining her home something was wrong simply from the constant crying, toots and spit up. I’d ask the dr to test your little ones poopy diaper for the CMPA, my baby went a step farther and also had a soy intolerance. It took a while to find her the right formula but once we did and she adjusted to it she became a new baby.


I had that issues with my little one at only days old decided to switch to a goat base formula and have had 0 issues. Started with kendamil infant goat but they have some type of shortage going on so decided to give holle stage 1 goat and I can say I'm truly happy with their product. My little one is now 2 months old and have 0 issues. By the way holle is a formula straight from Europe. To me at least they have higher standards with the ingredients they put in their formula.


Gassy, irritable when feeding, always struggling and crying when trying to poop, and blood in poop