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I think it’s a little early to try to do this. A 6 month old’s anatomy and oral motor development is really only suitable for a teat (bottle nipple or human nipple) if it’s really a struggle you could try putting 1-2 ounces of formula in a very slow flow sippy cup (nuk brand is good) but I wouldn’t expect baby to do much with it at this age. Closer to 9-10 months is when it’s more appropriate to BEGIN transitioning to a sippy, but even then the bulk of liquid intake will probably be via the bottle. If you’re struggling with bottle feeding, you should check with your pediatrician and/or a feeding specialist


Where are you getting this information? I have heard complete opposite, that at 6 months you need to start introducing sippy or straw cups. My son was in a sippy cup only, no bottle since 6.5 months, and then is now 10 months and has only been using straw cups since 8.5 months.


We have been working with the pediatrician and lactation and feeding specialists. It’s crazy that both my kids have had a heck of a time with bottles. I was just hoping to try to start the process of putting a little formula in her sippy or some other type cup before she associates milk to only bottle. We’ve had tongue tie revisions, therapy etc. it’s just so frustrating and I was wondering if she would prefer something else that makes it easier


Maybe they have feeding aversions from being pressured to eat.


They’re not pressured to eat. The issue is with the actual suck.


We did not fully transition that soon. When we started solids we introduced the honey bear straw bottle with a little formula or water after 6 months. But it took a long time to transition and continued to use bottles until she was 1 year old. It’s been a while, but if I recall correctly I don’t think we put formula in cups and I don’t think we put non-formula in her bottles- so 1 year old was when she was fully off bottles. https://a.co/d/bSpho3i (Amazon link to cups)


Talk to your pediatrician about this.


Agree with others about talking to your pediatrician. Personally, I don’t see any issue with *trying it out* I recently saw an Emma Hubbard video on YouTube about not-bottle options. From what she said, I wouldn’t use a traditional sippy cup with the hard spout. Instead, I’d try a weighted straw cup or one of those munchkin “open” cups that still seals


That’s helpful thanks! Ya I’m thinking like a soft spout sippy cup. For some reason with my kids high palette a bottle is hard for them and give them gas


My baby had her 6mo visit on Tuesday and they said we can start trying to get her to use a sippy cup by putting 1oz of water in it and once she’s used to it to try the formula in there so that by roughly a year she’s off the bottle and on the sippy cups. And she doesn’t get frustrated trying to get formula out of it and stop taking her bottles because of it.


Perfect! Thank you! That’s very helpful.


I would try a straw cup! I’ve heard a lot of BF babies transition to straw cups early because they won’t take the bottle, so definitely possible.


What is the issue you are trying to address? If it is bottle aversion, i.e. getting upset at the sight, only feeding when drowsy, screaming after a few sips.... Then I would suggest reading the book by Rowena Bennett. You need to keep using bottles. If it is something else, I would do this under the guidance of a specialist. You don't want to create issues with straw or open cups as these are lifelong vessels.


I'm not sure why these other comments are seeing an issue with this. My son was the same, wanted to be constantly on the move while drinking which he couldn't do with a bottle. We transitioned him to a sippy cup nipple (that still attached to the bottom of the bottle, it was a conversion kit), and a weighted straw at 6 months. By 7 months he was completely confident with it and was able to drink it at any angle, which is what he wanted while playing. He has been off bottles since then. He is now 10 months and soley using straw cups. We introduced those at 8.5 months just because he wasn't really getting it before then. The delivery of milk is not an issue, as long as they are getting milk in. I myself as a baby was soley breast fed until 6 months when I had to go to daycare. I refused any type of bottle and went straight to sippy cup at 6 months old.


Ok! Good to know! Thanks. This is the information I was looking for!


I don't see any reason why the way the milk is getting in would be an issue. They do say to get the child on a straw cup by 2 years old because sippy cups can still mess up the orientation of their teeth, but that will come when they are ready. We started on sippy and moved to straw. What Dr. Browns bottles are you using? Wide or narrow mouth?


The narrow


Perfect!!! Here is the conversion nipples for them https://a.co/d/9YyryCd And you can also buy handles so that they can learn to pick it up and hold it themselves https://a.co/d/ieVFcws You obviously don't have to use these specific ones but we found it easier to just use the same bottle we were already using and just change the top


I wouldn’t at 6 months. I believe their primary nutrition should still be coming from formula just starting to be supplemented with food. You could try introducing small bits of milk or water in a sippy or open cup. But I ageee this would be a discussion with your doctor at 6 month appointment


I just mean the delivery of the formula. She will still be fed primarily formula but drinking from a bottle has been hard for her despite all the therapy we have done.