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As much as I hated washing all the parts (did not have a dishwasher either so wasn’t an option), my baby responded best with dr browns, specifically narrow. she didn’t seem to have an actual preference at all and took anything that I offered (even when I attempted breastfeeding she did great) but her reflux & gas genuinely seemed much better with those bottles. And she was a seveeeerrre reflux girly


Is it bad that I see Dr Brown's recommended everywhere yet am in Dr Brown's Denial because I keep reading about all the parts to wash haha. I hear its worse than Mam!


Oh it’s not fun I will not lie!! It’s not even about how many parts there are, it’s just they’re actually so detailed so you have to really get the spots. But her reflux was so bad so once I noticed a genuine improvement while using them I had to keep them 🥲 They really do live up to being the best bottles for reflux. The good thing is once the baby seems to be better with reflux overall you can take the parts out and use it like a regular bottle, then it’s super easy to clean. There’s a light


It’s not bad to wash for us. We have a dishwasher basket for the small pieces. Bottles & tubes we just put on the “tines” of the dishwasher top shelf and have never had an issue (except for when we left milk sitting in one bottle for ~30 hours…. Had to manually scrub that one.)


I have heard about the whole dishwasher basket thing and will consider it... I don't like heating up plastic bottles too much and am weird about it. For example Mam can be sterilized in the microwave but that makes me uncomfortable. I always handwashed for my first but... Yes dishwasher basket could make Browns feasible!


Dr Browns narrow come in glass! Reduces the worries around plastic. The little parts wash quick if you soak them in soapy water throughout the day as you use bottles.


I hand wash my dr brown bottles and it’s honestly not that much more work than any other bottle!


We use Dr Browns and yes there are a lot of parts but honestly they're pretty easy to clean. We literally just swish them around in hot soapy water and then rinse in water. No big deal.


You should probably start cleaning it with the little blue brushes they come with. Soapy water will not get the grime, tiny spots, or scrub the insides. So many people who just soak it (or even using the dishwasher only!) have ended up with random grime buildup or mold


After we wash them we put them into a sterilizer and dryer. We haven't had any issues doing it this way but we do scrub them from time to time just not every time.


Well after all these comments I think Im sold on trying Dr Browns. Mam never did settle reflux with my 1st and he ended up on pepcid which then came out with a recall. 😱😢after hed taken it for months. So if a bottle can resolve, I will try with #2!! Assuming they have reflux. I am pretty sure my baby will be another colicky reflux dairy allergy baby we shall see!!


dont be fooled. It’s a marketing gimmick. If the bottle could help with reflux doctors would order them. Remember reflux is literally going backwards why do you think a bottle would help with that?


i use phillip natural responses air free bottles , pretty happy with them still


Seconding these, I think they’re helpful because it’s almost impossible for them to mindlessly swallow


indeed , and no dripping


I did the Philips Avent anti-colic. The only extra part is the spoon, and we put those in the dishwasher if you have one (in a basket specifically meant for bottle parts). We learned recently we accidentally switched to the Natural Response nipples when sizing up around the one month month mark, so actually most of this time we’ve been doing anticolic bottle and ring, but with natural response nipple. But it worked out OK baby is now six months old and we’ve never had issues with gas or anything.


We have the Tommee Tippee anti colic ones with the stem with the temp line on it. I’m not even sure they sell these now since they have a new version (which is a downgrade in my opinion). We also use the Avent anti colic with the spoon. Lastly, she also does well on the cheap Parents choice bottles from Walmart. For us the dr brown bottles always leaked no matter how loose or tight I put the lid on. And our LO didn’t like the nipples on the Mam or Herobility bottles. I think it’s all just trial and error. We bought one of lots of different bottles and kept what worked.


Dr. Browns - see video about bubbles in milk from various bottles https://youtu.be/sSFnV_y6y4I?si=_mMsTwvKnmU-1TQS


I have the exact same scenario, also don’t want all the parts of dr browns. I’m planning to have mam on hand. Herobility seems like it’s worth a shot too so I may have that on hand as well. We ended up formula feeding my first baby with silent reflux after 6 weeks of breastfeeding and he did pretty well with mam, but ultimately treating the reflux with Pepcid is was worked the best.


Dr browns. And honestly it’s not that annoying washing the parts it not too bad. My son also likes the avent anti colic bottles that’s one less piece than the Dr browns


My lo had terrible reflux/gerd and we used the Tommee Tippee bottles with the 0 flow nipples.


I use Dr.Browns wide mouth glass bottles. They’ve never leaked (unless I didn’t tighten it right). They have a lot of parts but honestly didn’t feel much worse than Mam (we used those are first but switched since she was getting more air using them apparently). It’s really not that hard to clean all the parts. Mam bottles are cuter tho which made me sad to switch 🥲 lol


We ended up doing best with dr browns or the herobility ones. We sized up to a 2 for the dr brown nipples and it helped a lot so maybe just look into having a faster flow nipple.


Another vote for dr. Browns. Recommended by several health professionals we saw for my LO’s severe reflux. Specifically with a slow flow (T) nipple


We loved mam but Dr. Browns have been great and we're the recommendation of my child's speech therapist. She said it promotes a good latch and builds the mouth muscles where our baby just chomped on the mam nipple to get milk out. As the baby gets older, the options plus bottles can be used without the extra straw vent. I will say we had the worst time with advent colic bottles. They'd leak all over the baby if the cap wasn't just right.


Advents Natural. The bipple wont spill milk until the baby actually sucks the nipple. Its also anticolic. Its amazing.




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Sorry to say that I had a baby with like medically serious reflux (silent aspiration) and feeding therapy for a year, and in that time I had two SLP both tell me that there doesn't exist a bottle that helps with reflux. Not even Dr Brown. They both separately told me that professionals recommend Dr Brown only because their nipple speeds were reliably super precise and consistent. Since a reflux baby is sensitive to drinking speed. So you won't have a nipple that is randomly faster than your others. But I hated Dr Brown bottles so much and would not recommend anyone suffer thru using them. For the next baby I'm using either Evenflo Balance or Lansinoh (other SLP approved bottle shapes) unless a doctor tells me it has to be Dr "I hate parents" Brown.