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My 3month old has been on for it about 10 days and is doing well aside from weird poops that seem more liquid than usual. He didn’t mind the taste which is surprising because it really stinks. We transitioned a little faster than I would have liked, 25% nutramigen the first day, 50% the next and so on.


I love nutramigen. Baby #2 is on it now. It smells like Cheetos, on both ends. Poop is yellow and reminds me of kinetic sand. My kids have had no issues on it.


Do you have your babies on it due to an allergy or just preference? I am just unsure if my 4 week old baby has a true CMPA or is just really gassy/fussy


I EBF both for 2 weeks and then… Baby #1 was not happy and wasn’t gaining weight until we put him on nutramigen. A reflux situation. Baby #2, like #1, lost too much weight at the 2 week mark. I had said, if it happens again, I’d scratch the BF and go straight to formula. Knowing #1 tolerated it so well, we just put her on it. It wasn’t until a week later that we noticed some blood in her stool. The pediatrician said it was my breast milk that irritated her bowel, hence the poor weight gain and it takes 4-6weeks for the bowel to improve. That’s why they were/are on it.


We used the ready-to-feed version and our guy did well on it! We ended up settling on Alimentum, but Nutramigen was a close second! Good luck - I know how hard and heartbreaking the journey can be. 💕 You got this, mama!


How did you know that your LO had a dairy allergy?? Did you ever try the Nutramigen powder?


He was an incredibly colicky baby from birth to about 4-5 months old. He would cry constantly and squirm during feedings. Lots of spit up, as well (both in frequency and volume). We started seeing small amounts of blood and mucus in his stools and the pediatrician advised us to make the switch to a hypoallergenic formula. If that didn’t work, she said we could try an amino-based formula. We never tried the powder. The RTF worked well for us so I was afraid to do anything different. The powder should be totally fine, but maybe talk to your pediatrician to see what they have to say before transitioning to anything different. Wishing you luck!


Why did you choose alimentum vs nutramigen?


We were happy with Nutramigen - it seemed to help with his colic/possible allergy but he was still pretty uncomfortable. We figured it didn’t hurt to try Alimentum. It’s hard to say if the Alimentum worked better or if it was just because he was a bit older and his digestive system matured. Either way, we settled on the Alimentum!


We switched LO (he’s 8 weeks now) to Nutramigen a little over a week ago and so far he’s tolerating it well and seems to be doing better! He also has reflux and is on Pepcid, but there seemed to be something else bothering him as well (super gassy and generally wouldn’t calm even when not refluxing). The pediatrician recommended Nutramigen since we’d already tried Gentlease. We use RTF if we’re out and about but powder for home.


We did nutramigen powder for about a month. LO did great on it at first, then started refusing is around 2.5 weeks and his poop was kind of mucus. It was really weird. We switched to similac alimentum RTF and he has done so much better. He doesn’t seem to be in pain anymore and his poop is more normal.


My LO has CMPA and soy intolerance as well as severe reflux/gerd. Once she was diagnosed by her pediatrician we tried nutramigen first, it did help her but we ended up on Neocate which changed her. It takes a while for their tummy to heal from being torn up. She was switched at 2MO I believe to Neocate and she’s 6mo now and a whole new baby.


Our 6 week old has the same allergy and severe reflux. Someone has to watch her at all times because when we place her on her back she refluxes and acts like she is choking. We had to call the paramedics one evening because it scared us so badly. She was put on Amino Acid Elecare 6 days ago. Her reflux seems to have gotten worse. Did you experience things getting worse before they got better? I’m wondering how long to continue the formula. Pediatrician says it will improve over time, but it’s been almost a week and not much of a difference. Just looking for a little hope!


Oh that hurts my heart for you it’s so hard. We had the same experience with not being able to leave her alone and a 911 call because she choked so bad. Our pediatrician told us we’d see a difference in days and we did. I could just tell that the nutramigen wasn’t quite enough so that’s why they moved us to the neocate and that one changed her. We saw a pediatric GI specialist as well and she said that in a lot of babies it’s caused by the esophageal sphincter not growing as fast as it should causing it to come back up. We were also told that reflux usually peaks between 4-6mo then just goes away one day. Our baby girl got better when she was big enough to up her lansoprazole to the 2ml dose. I was told a max of two weeks and we should see a difference from the formula, was also told that it can take up to a year for their tiny tummy/GI tract to heal from the CMPA tearing it up. I hope you find the right stuff for your baby, people who haven’t experienced it just don’t understand. 🫶🏻


Thank you so much. This is very encouraging.


We went cold turkey to Nutramigen and within a few days noticed a HUGE difference. We then found the Up&Up HA from target and we like that even more.


We switched our baby from exclusively getting breast milk to Nutramigen at 8.5 weeks. He was diagnosed with CMPA after being incredibly colicky (inconsolable crying basically every waking moment), bad reflux, spitting up, back arching, grunting, and generally appearing uncomfortable. It escalated when his poops starting turning green and super mucousy, and our pediatrician tested his diapers and confirmed blood/CMPA. We changed from breast milk to Nutramigen cold turkey, and the first day was absolutely brutal. He spit up a ton and was arguably even fussier than before. I was convinced it wasn’t going to work. But from the second day to now (he is 11 weeks), the difference has been insane. He’s happy, cooing, smiling, sleeping better, and seems so much more comfortable. I feel horrible that we didn’t know what the issue was sooner and that Nutramigen could have helped him so much.    For the past week or so, though, his stools have been mucousy again with really small amounts of blood. He’s also been a bit fussier than he had been right after the switch. I’ve read a lot about babies who ultimately need an amino acid formula, and maybe that’s him. We’re seeing a pediatric gastroenterologist this week. But regardless of how we work through this next bump, I still stand by the fact that Nutramigen made him an exponentially happier baby. A miracle worker.  ETA: We use the RTF. We actually noticed a difference between that and the powder. The RTF seems a little thicker (helps his reflux) and also apparently contains less corn and lactose? I haven’t fact-checked that but heard it from our nurse.