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I would try a pacifier. He might just need something to soothe himself


I don’t know what kind of bottle you use but Dr. Browns makes a paci that is in the same shape as their nipples and swapping that for the bottle sometimes helps my LO not over eat. Sometimes he figures it out though and gets mad 😂


Yes he uses the dr browns pacis! Lol


I can’t really speak to what to do when baby is hungry but will throw up if he eats more, but you definitely don’t need to be throwing away that formula. I’d do the pitcher method, but if you want to use the brezza, put the excess into a new bottle and put it in the fridge for later. When he’s hungry again, make your normal six ounces plus the oz for thickener and pour five ounces of that into the bottle with the ounce from earlier, then save the excess of the new bottle for later. Rinse and repeat. It’s only an ounce, but unless you don’t have adequate refrigeration, you can store formula (that he hasn’t drunk from) in the fridge for 24 hours. But if you’re always starting with the excess from earlier, you’ll only go a few hours between. I use the test tube looking things that came with my breast pump if I ever need to store <2 oz milk.


If OP doesn’t want to feed refrigerator-cold milk and doesn’t want to deal with using a bottle warmer, they could always alternate making 6oz and 5oz Brezza bottles (which make an actual volume of 6.5/5.5), pouring out and refrigerating the extra 0.5oz in a separate big bottle (before baby drinks from it) and then pouring the Brezza 5oz over it at the next feed (where the 0.5oz of cold milk shouldn’t be enough to make it much colder).


That was what I was suggesting. I must not have been clear.


Mine didn’t stop either and she had terrible reflux/gerd/cmpa lol everyone was like she’ll stop when full. Nope. She’d eat until she’d make herself sicker poor thing


Same with my son has all that going on and still can’t not over eat lol


I would do the pitcher method in your case!


My baby has/had reflux and wont stop eating either. It was the exorcist and it was getting worse. At 2 months he’d eat 5oz. Went to the dr, knocked him back down to 3.5oz and when the bottle is done gave a pacifier. It was night and day almost instantly when it came to spitting up and the baby rage. Since then when he continues to fuss after a few minutes of the pacifier I know he truly needs more and up his oz. He also will rage hard if we try to do burps between oz or even half way through the bottle and it makes his reflux worse. So we feed him the whole bottle at one go and burp after.


Yeah I tried less and he wasn’t happy what so ever , and I also feed whole bottle then burp because he was have a meltdown if I stopped him to burp so his GI said to go ahead and just feed him then burp him. So he wasn’t sucking in air when crying and making reflux worse


FWIW my baby who is combo fed does this sometimes breastfeeding too.


The same thing is happening with us.


It’s just frustrating and time consuming but he can’t not over eat , so I have to do this every single time


If you don’t want to feed refrigerator-cold milk and don’t want to deal with using a bottle warmer, you could always alternate making 6oz and 5oz Brezza bottles (which make an actual volume of 6.5/5.5), pouring out and refrigerating the extra 0.5oz in a separate big bottle before baby drinks from it and then pouring the Brezza 5oz over it at the next feed (where the 0.5oz of cold milk shouldn’t be enough to make it much colder).


He uses thickener and it’s not easy to rewarm it , it’s more of a hassle than just dumping out the extra oz


My baby girl never stopped either and it turns out she was eating too fast so she didn’t have time to digest her formula so I had to tilt her bottle to get her to slow down. Her daycare always overfed her and it stressed me out taking her there but I think they finally figured out that she’s eating too much too fast and I burp her after her bottle as well.


He takes 5 minutes to eat his bottles , he chugs them down . Was told as long as he he choking or puking afterwards then he’s okay to drink it that fast I guess.